The Little Flowers of Saint Francis of Assisi by Brother Ugolino
The said Brother Ruffino, through constant contemplation, was so
absorbed in God that he became almost insensible to things external,
and very seldom spoke; added to which he never had possessed the gift
of speech, neither was he eloquent nor self-possessed. Notwithstanding
this, St Francis ordered him one day to go to Assisi and preach to the
people that which God should dictate to him. On this Brother Ruffino
expostulated, saying: "Reverend Father, I pray thee excuse me, and send
some other brother in my stead; for thou knowest that I have not the
grace of preaching: I am simple and ignorant." At this St Francis
answered: "Inasmuch as thou hast not obeyed immediately, I command thee
to take off thy cloak and thy hood and go to Assisi, where thou shalt
enter a church and preach to the people; and this shalt thou do out of
holy obedience." Having received this order, Brother Ruffino, taking
off his mantle and his hood, proceeded to Assisi, and entering the
church, after having bowed before the altar, he mounted into the pulpit
and began to preach to the people, who, seeing him in so strange a
dress, laughed at him, saying: "These men do such penance that they are
quite out of their mind." In the meantime St Francis, reflecting how
promptly Brother Ruffino, who was one of the most noble men of Assisi,
had obeyed the harsh command he had given, reproached himself saying:
"How couldst thou, who art but the humble son of Peter Bernardoni, send
one of the most distinguished men of Assisi to preach to the people as
if he were a madman? May God forgive thee! But thou shalt do the same
thing which thou hast ordered him to do." And immediately taking off
his clock and his hood with great fervour of spirit, he went to Assisi,
taking with him Brother Leo, who carried his mantle and that of Brother
Ruffino. The inhabitants of Assisi, seeing him thus accoutred, reviled
him, believing that both he and Brother Ruffino were out of their minds
through much penance. St Francis entered the church as Brother Ruffino
was saying these words: "O beloved, flee from the world, and leave sin;
render to all men that which is their due, if thou wilt avoid hell;
keep the commandments of God and love the Lord and thy neighbour, if
thou wilt possess the kingdom of heaven." Then St Francis ascended the
pulpit, and began to preach in so wonderful a way on holy penance, on
the world, on voluntary poverty, on the hope of life eternal, on the
nakedness of Christ and on the shame of the Passion of our Blessed
Saviour, that all they who heard him, both men and women, began to weep
bitterly, being moved to devotion and compunction; and in all Assisi
the Passion of Christ was commemorated as it never had been before; so
that the people were greatly edified by this action of St Francis and
of Brother Ruffino. Then St Francis put on the clock of Brother Ruffino
and his own, and returned to the convent of the Portiuncula, praising
and glorifying God, who had given them grace to conquer and despise
themselves, to the edification of the flock of Christ, and enabled
them, by their example, to show how the world ought to be despised. And
from that day the people greatly revered them, so that those who could
touch but the hem of their garments esteemed themselves blessed.