
Catholic Saints, Blesseds, and Venerables Index -J
B- Bishop
Bl.- Blessed
C- Confessor
D- Doctor of the Church
M- Martyr
R- Recluse
V -Virgin
Ven.- Venerable
[LFMS] -source Butler's Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Other Principal Saints
[LS] -source Butler's Lives of the Saints
[CE] -source the Catholic Encyclopedia
[CC] -source the Catholic Collection
- Bl. Jacopo de Voragine [CE]
- St. James, C. April 20. [LFMS]
- SS. James, Marian, &c., MM. April 30. [LFMS]
- St. James the Less, Apostle, May 1. [LFMS]
- St. James of Nisibis, B. C. July 11. [LFMS]
- St. James the Great, Apostle, July 25. [LFMS]
- St. James, M. November 27. [LFMS]
- St. James, C. November 28. [LFMS]
- Bl. James Thompson [CE]
- St. Jane Frances de Chantal, W. A. August 21. [LFMS]
- St. Jane (Joan, Joanna, Jeanne) of Valois, [LS]
- St. Januarius, B. and Companions, MM. September 19. [LFMS]
- The Japanese Martyrs, [LS]
- St. Jarlat, B. C. December 26. [LFMS]
- Ven. Anne-Marie Javouhey [CE]
- Bl. Jean-Gabriel Perboyre [CE]
- St. Jean, Q. February 4. [LFMS]
- Ven. Philipp Jeningen [CE]
- St. Jerom (Jerome) Æmiliani, C. July 20. [LFMS]
- St. Jerom, D. C. September 30. [LFMS]
- St. Joachim, C. April 16. [LFMS]
- Bl. (St.) Joan of Arc [CE]
- Bl. Joanna of Portugal [CE]
- St. Joannicius, A. November 4. [LFMS]
- St. Joavan, B. C. March 2. [LFMS]
- St. Jodoc, C. December 13. [LFMS]
- St. Isaac Jogues [CE]
- St. John the Almoner, Patriarch, January 23. [LFMS]
- St. John, Apostle and Evangelist, December 27. [LFMS]
- John of Avila, (Bl.) Venerable, March 8. [LFMS]
- St. John the Baptist [CE]
- St. John Baptist de Rossi [CE]
- St. John Baptist de la Salle [CE]
- St. John Berchmans [CE]
- St. John of Beverly, B. C. May 7. [LFMS]
- Saint John Bosco [CC]
- St. John of Bridlington, C. October 10. [LFMS]
- Bl. John de Britto [CE]
- Ven. John Buckley [CE]
- St. John Calybite, R. January 15. [LFMS]
- St. John Cantius [CE]
- St. John Capistran, C. October 23. [LFMS]
- St. John Chrysostom, B. C. January 27. [LFMS]
- St. John Climacus, A. March 30. [LFMS]
- St. John Columbini, C. July 31. [LFMS]
- Vens. John Cornelius and Companions [CE]
- St. John of the Cross, C. November 24. [LFMS]
- St. John Damascen, C. May 6. [LFMS]
- St. John the Dwarf, Anchoret, September 15. [LFMS]
- St. John of Egypt, H. March 27. [LFMS]
- Bl. John Felton [CE]
- Bl. John of Fermo [CE]
- Bl. (St.) John Fisher [CE]
- Bl. John Forest [CE]
- St. John Francis Regis, C. June 16. [LFMS]
- St. John of God, C. March 8. [LFMS]
- St. John Gualbert, A. July 12. [LFMS]
- Blessed John Henry Newman
- Bl. John Houghton [CE]
- St. John Joseph of the Cross, March 5. [LFMS]
- Bl. John Larke [CE]
- B. John Marinoni, C. December 13. [LFMS]
- St. John of Matha, C. February 8. [LFMS]
- Bl. John Nelson [CE]
- St. John Nepomucen, M. May 16. [LFMS]
- Bl. John of Parma [CE]
- SS. John and Paul, MM. June 26. [LFMS]
- Bl. John Payne [CE]
- St. John, P. M. May 27. [LFMS]
- St. John of Prado, M. May 24. [LFMS]
- St. John, Priest, C. June 27. [LFMS]
- St. John of Rheomay, A. January 28. [LFMS]
- Bl. John Rochester [CE]
- St. John of Sahagun, C. June 12. [LFMS]
- Bl. John Sarkander [CE]
- St. John the Silent, B. C. May 13. [LFMS]
- St. John of St. Fagondez, [LS]
- Bl. John Stone [CE]
- Bl. John Story [CE]
- St. Jean (John) Vianney Cure Of Ars [CC]
- St. Jonas and Companions, MM. March 29. [LFMS]
- Ven. Edward Jones [CE]
- St. Josaphat Kuncevyc [CE]
- St. Joseph, March 19. [LFMS]
- St. Joseph of Arimathea, March 17. [LFMS]
- St. Joseph Barsabas, C. July 20. [LFMS]
- St. Joseph of Palestine, July 22. [LFMS]
- Saint Joseph Cafasso [CC]
- St. Joseph Calasanctius, C. August 27. [LFMS]
- St. Joseph of Cupertino, C. September 18. [LFMS]
- St. Joseph of Leonissa, C. February 4. [LFMS
- St. Jovita, [LS]
- St. Jude, Apostle, October 28. [LFMS]
- St. Julia, V. M. May 23. [LFMS]
- SS. Julian and Basilissa, MM. January 9. [LFMS]
- St. Julian B. January 27. [LFMS]
- SS. Julian, Chronion, &c. MM. February 27. [LFMS]
- St. Julian, B. C. March 8. [LFMS]
- St. Julian, M. March 16. [LFMS]
- St. Julian, Anchoret, July 6. [LFMS]
- St. Julian, M. August 28. [LFMS]
- St. Julian Sabas, H. October 18. [LFMS]
- St. Juliana, V. M. February 16. [LFMS]
- St. Juliana Falconieri, V. June 19. [LFMS]
- St. Juliana of Liège [CE]
- St. Julie Billiart [CE]
- St. Julitta, M. July 30. [LFMS]
- St. Julius, P. C. April 12. [LFMS]
- St. Julius, M. May 27. [LFMS]
- SS. Julius and Aaron, MM. July 1. [LFMS]
- SS. Justa and Rufina, MM. July 20. [LFMS]
- St. Justin, M. June 1. [LFMS]
- St. Justin, M. October 18. [LFMS]
- Bl. Justin de Jacobis [CE]
- St. Justina, V. M. October 7. [LFMS]
- St. Justina, [LS]
- St. Justinian, H. M. August 23. [LFMS]
- SS. Justus and Pastor, MM. August 6. [LFMS]
- St. Justus, B. C. September 2. [LFMS]
- St. Justus, B. C. November 10. [LFMS]
- SS. Juventin and Maximin, MM. January 25. [LFMS]