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The Canons And Decrees Of The Council Of Trent

As well as of the Second Part, comprising Various Matters relating to the same Council.

Bull of Indiction of the Sacred Œcumenical and General Council of Trent, under the Sovereign Pontiff Paul III


Decree touching the Opening of the Council



Decree touching the Manner of Living, and other Matters to be observed, during the Council


Decree touching the Symbol of Faith



Decree concerning the Canonical Scriptures

Decree concerning the Edition and the Use of the Sacred Books



Decree concerning Original Sin

Decree concerning Reformation

CHAP. I.—On the Institution of a Lectureship of Sacred Scripture, and of the Liberal Arts

CHAP. II.—On Preachers of the Word of God, and on Quæstors of Alms



Decree on Justification. Preface

CHAP. I.—On the Inability of Nature and of the Law to justify Man

CHAP. II.—Touching the Dispensation and Mystery of the Advent of Christ

CHAP. III.—Who are justified through Christ

CHAP. IV.—A Description is interwoven of the Justification of the Impious, and of the Manner thereof under the State of Grace

CHAP. V.—On the Necessity of Preparation for Justification in the case of Adults; and whence it proceeds

CHAP. VI.—The Manner of Preparation

CHAP. VII.—What is the Justification of the Impious, and what are its Causes

CHAP. VIII.—In what Manner it must be understood that the Impious is justified by Faith, and freely

CHAP. IX.—Against the Vain Confidence of Heretics

CHAP. X.—On the Increase of Justification received

CHAP. XI.—On the Keeping of the Commandments, and on the Necessity and Possibility thereof

CHAP. XII.—That a Rash Presumption in regard to Predestination is to be avoided

CHAP. XIII.—Touching the Gift of Perseverance

CHAP. XIV.—On the Fallen, and their Restoration

CHAP. XV.—That, by every Mortal Sin, Grace is lost, but not Faith

CHAP. XVI.—On the Fruit of Justification; that is, on the Merit of Good Works, and on the Manner of that same Merit

CANONS XXXIII. On Justification

Decree touching Reformation

CHAP. I.—It is fitting that Prelates reside in their own Churches: if they shall do otherwise, the Penalties of the Ancient Law are renewed against them, and new ones decreed

CHAP. II.—It is not lawful for any one holding a Benefice requiring personal residence to be absent, save for a just cause to be approved of by the Bishop, who even then shall, for the cure of souls, substitute a vicar in his stead, withdrawing a portion of the Fruits

CHAP. III.—The Excesses of Secular Clerks and of Regulars who live out of their monasteries shall be corrected by the Ordinary of the place

CHAP. IV.—Bishops and other greater Prelates shall visit any Churches soever, as often as there shall be need; everything which might hinder this decree being removed

CHAP. V.—Bishops shall neither exercise Pontifical Functions nor ordain in another diocese



Decree concerning the Sacraments. Preface

Canons XIII.—Touching the Sacraments in General

Canons XIV.—Touching Baptism

Canons III.—Touching Confirmation

Decree concerning Reformation

CHAP. I.—Who is capable of the Government of Cathedral Churches

CHAP. II.—They who hold several Cathedral Churches are commanded to resign all but one, in a given manner and time

CHAP. III.—Benefices shall be conferred only upon competent persons

CHAP. IV.—The Retainer of several Benefices, contrary to the Canons, shall be deprived thereof

CHAP. V.—Those who hold several Benefices with Cure (of Souls) shall exhibit their Dispensations to the Ordinary, who shall provide the Churches with a Vicar, assigning a suitable Portion of the Fruits

CHAP. VI.—What Unions of Benefices should be accounted valid

CHAP. VII.—United Ecclesiastical Benefices shall be visited; the Cure of Souls shall be exercised even by Perpetual Vicars; of whom there shall be a Deputation thereunto with a Portion to be assigned, even upon a Specific Property

CHAP. VIII.—Churches shall be repaired. The Cure of Souls shall be sedulously discharged

CHAP. IX.—The Rite of Consecration not to be delayed

CHAP. X.—When a See is vacant, Chapters shall not grant “Reverends” to any one, unless straitened because of a Benefice obtained, or about to be obtained; various Penalties on Contraveners

CHAP. XI.—Faculties for Promotion shall not, without a just cause, avail any one

CHAP. XII.—Faculty for not being promoted shall not exceed a year

CHAP. XIII.—Persons, by whomsoever presented, shall not be instituted without the previous Examination and Approval of, by the Ordinary: with certain Exceptions

CHAP. XIV.—What Civil Causes of Exempted Persons may be taken cognizance of by Bishops

CHAP. XV.—Ordinaries shall take care that all manner of Hospitals, even those exempted, be faithfully governed by their Administrators


Bull of Faculty to transfer the Council


Decree concerning the Translation of the Council


DECREE FOR THE Prorogation of the Session


DECREE FOR THE Prorogation of the Session

Bull for the Resumption of the Council of Trent, under the Sovereign Pontiff Julius III


Decree touching Resuming the Council



Decree for Proroguing the Session


Decree touching the most holy Sacrament of the Eucharist

CHAP. I.—On the Real Presence of our Lord Jesus Christ in the most holy Sacrament of the Eucharist

CHAP. II.—On the Reason of the Institution of this most holy Sacrament

CHAP. III.—On the Excellency of the most holy Eucharist above the rest of the Sacraments

CHAP. IV.—On Transubstantiation

CHAP. V.—On the Worship and Veneration to be shown to this most holy Sacrament

CHAP. VI.—On Reserving the Sacrament of the sacred Eucharist, and bearing it to the Sick

CHAP. VII.—On the Preparation which is to be given that one may worthily receive the sacred Eucharist

CHAP. VIII.—On the Use of this admirable Sacrament

CANONS XI. On the most holy Sacrament of the Eucharist

Decree touching Reformation

CHAP. I.—Bishops shall prudently apply themselves to reform the Manners of their Subjects: from their Correction there shall be no Appeal

CHAP. II.—When an Appeal in Criminal Causes from the Bishop is to be committed to the Metropolitan; when to one of the nearest Bishops

CHAP. III.—The Acts of the First Instance shall, within Thirty Days, be given gratuitously to the Accused Appellant

CHAP. IV.—In what manner Clerks are, on account of Grievous Crimes, to be degraded from Holy Orders

CHAP. V.—The Bishop shall take Summary Cognizance of Graces referring to the Remission of a Sin, or a Punishment

CHAP. VI.—A Bishop shall not be cited in person, save in a case of Deposition or Deprivation

CHAP. VII.—The Qualifications of Witnesses against a Bishop are described

CHAP. VIII.—Important Episcopal Causes shall be taken cognizance of by the Supreme Pontiff


Safe-conduct granted to the Protestants


Doctrine touching the most holy Sacraments of Penance and Extreme Unction

CHAP. I.—On the Necessity and Institution of the Sacrament of Penance

CHAP. II.—On the Difference between the Sacrament of Penance and that of Baptism

CHAP. III.—On the Parts and Fruit of this Sacrament

CHAP. IV.—On Contrition

CHAP. V.—On Confession

CHAP. VI.—Touching the Ministry of this Sacrament, and Absolution

CHAP. VII.—On the Reservation of Cases

CHAP. VIII.—On the Necessity and Fruit of Satisfaction

CHAP. IX.—Concerning Works of Satisfaction

Doctrine on the Sacrament of Extreme Unction

CHAP. I.—Concerning the Institution of the Sacrament of Extreme Unction

CHAP. II.—On the Effect of this Sacrament

CHAP. III.—On the Minister of this Sacrament, and on the Time when it ought to be administered

CANONS XV.—On the most holy Sacrament of Penance

CANONS IV.—On the Sacrament of Extreme Unction

Decree touching Reformation

PREFACE.—It is the Office of Bishops to admonish their Subjects, especially those appointed unto the Cure of Souls, of their duty

CHAP. I.—If any, being Prohibited, or Interdicted, or Suspended, advance unto Orders, they shall be punished

CHAP. II.—If a Bishop shall confer any Orders soever on one not subject to him, be he even his own Domestic, without the express Consent [of that Person’s] proper Prelate, both shall be subjected to a stated Punishment

CHAP. III.—The Bishop may suspend his Clergymen, who have been improperly promoted by another, if he find them incompetent

CHAP. IV.—No Clerk shall be exempt from the Correction of the Bishop, even out of the Time of Visitation

CHAP. V.—The Jurisdiction of Conservators is confined within certain Limits

CHAP. VI.—A Penalty is decreed against Clerks who, being in Holy Orders or holding Benefices, do not wear the Dress becoming their Order

CHAP. VII.—Voluntary Homicides are never to be ordained. In what manner Accidental Homicides are to be ordained

CHAP. VIII.—It shall be lawful for no one, by Virtue of any Privilege, to punish the Clerks of another

CHAP. IX.—The Benefices of one Diocese shall under no Pretence be united to the Benefices of another

CHAP. X.—Regular Benefices shall be conferred on Regulars

CHAP. XI.—Those translated to another Order shall remain under Obedience in Enclosure, and shall be incapable of Secular Benefices

CHAP. XII.—No one shall obtain a Right of Patronage except through a Foundation, or an Endowment

CHAP. XIII.—The Presentation shall be made to the Ordinary, otherwise the Presentation and Institution shall be Null

CHAP. XIV.—The next subjects the Mass, Order, and Reformation


Decree for Proroguing the Session

Safe-conduct given to the Protestants


DECREE FOR THE Suppression of the Council

Bull for the Celebration of the Council of Trent under the Sovereign Pontiff Pius IV


Decree for Celebrating the Council



Decree touching the Choice of Books, and for inviting all Men on the Public Faith to the Council


Safe-conduct granted to the German Nation in the General Congregation, 4th of March, 1562

Extension of the Safe-conduct to other Nations


DECREE FOR THE Prorogation of the Session


DECREE FOR THE Prorogation of the Session


Doctrine of Communion under both Species

CHAP. I.—That Laymen and Clerks when not consecrating are not bound, of Divine Right, unto Communion under both Species

CHAP. II.—The Power of the Church touching the Dispensation of the Sacrament of the Eucharist

CHAP. III.—That Christ whole and entire, and a True Sacrament, are received under either Species

CHAP. IV.—That Little Children are not bound unto Sacramental Communion

CANONS IV.—On Communion under both Species; and on the Communion of Infants

Decree concerning Reformation. Preface

CHAP. I.—Bishops shall both confer Orders and give Letters Dimissory and Testimonials gratuitously, for which their Servants shall receive nothing, but the Notaries that which is defined in this Decree

CHAP. II.—Those who have not wherewith to live are excluded from Holy Orders

CHAP. III.—A method of increasing daily distributions is prescribed: the persons to whom they shall be due: the contumacy of those who do not serve is punished

CHAP. IV.—In what cases Coadjutors are to be employed for the cure of Souls. The method of erecting new Parishes is set forth

CHAP. V.—Bishops are permitted to form Unions in perpetuity in cases permitted by Law

CHAP. VI.—To unskilful Rectors, Vicars shall be deputed with a portion of the Fruits; those persevering in the scandal may be deprived of their benefices

CHAP. VII.—Bishops shall transfer Benefices from Churches, which cannot be restored; but they shall cause others to be repaired. What must be observed in this respect

CHAP. VIII.—Monasteries in commendam, in which Regular Observance is not in vigour, and all benefices soever, shall be annually visited by the Bishops

CHAP. IX.—The name and use of Questors of Alms is abolished. The Ordinaries shall publish Indulgences and Spiritual Graces. Two of the Chapters shall, gratuitously, receive the Alms



Doctrine touching the Sacrifice of the Mass

CHAP. I.—On the Institution of the most holy Sacrifice of the Mass

CHAP. II.—That the Sacrifice of the Mass is propitiatory as well for the living as the dead

CHAP. III.—On the Mass in Honour of the Saints

CHAP. IV.—On the Canon of the Mass

CHAP. V.—On the Ceremonies and Rites of the Mass

CHAP. VI.—On the Mass, wherein the Priest alone communicates

CHAP. VII.—On the Water to be mixed with the Wine to be offered in the Chalice

CHAP. VIII.—The Mass shall not be celebrated everywhere in the Vulgar Tongue. Its mysteries shall be explained to the people

CHAP. IX.—Preliminary Remark on the following Canons

CANONS IX.—Touching the Sacrifice of the Mass

Decree touching the things to be observed and to be avoided in the celebration of the Mass

Decree concerning Reformation

CHAP. I.—Canons touching the life and propriety of conduct of Clerks are renewed

CHAP. II.—Who are to be promoted to Cathedral Churches

CHAP. III.—Daily Distributions out of the Third Part of all Fruits soever, are to be ordained: on whom the Portion of Absentees shall devolve: certain cases excepted

CHAP. IV.—Those not initiated into Holy Orders shall not have a voice in the Chapter of any Cathedral or Collegiate Church. The Qualifications and Duties of those who hold Benefices therein

CHAP. V.—Dispensations out of the Court shall be committed to the Bishop, and be examined by him

CHAP. VI.—Last Intentions to be altered with caution

CHAP. VII.—The Chapter “Romana” in the sixth [of the Decretals] is renewed

CHAP. VIII.—Bishops shall execute the pious Dispositions of all Persons; shall visit all manner of pious places, provided they be not under the immediate protection of kings

CHAP. IX.—Administrators of any pious places soever shall render in their Accounts to the Ordinary, unless it be otherwise provided by the Foundation

CHAP. X.—Notaries shall be subject to the Examination and Judgment of the Bishops

CHAP. XI.—Usurpers of the property of any Church or pious place soever are punished

Decree touching the Petition for the Concession of the Chalice



The true and Catholic Doctrine touching the Sacrament of Orders, in condemnation of the errors of our time, decreed and published by the Holy Synod of Trent, in the Seventh Session

CHAP. I.—On the Institution of the Priesthood of the New Law

CHAP. II.—Touching the Seven Orders

CHAP. III.—That Orders is truly and properly a Sacrament

CHAP. IV.—Touching Ecclesiastical Hierarchy and Ordination

CANONS VIII.—Touching the Sacrament of Orders

Decree concerning Reformation

CHAP. I.—The negligence of Pastors of Churches in residing is variously punished; provision is made for the Cure of Souls

CHAP. II.—Those set over Churches shall receive the rite of Consecration within three months; in what place the Consecration is to be performed

CHAP. III.—Bishops, except in cases of illness, shall confer Orders in person

CHAP. IV.—Who are to be initiated by the First Tonsure

CHAP. V.—Touching the matters with which those who are to be Ordained ought to be furnished

CHAP. VI.—The age of fourteen years is required for an Ecclesiastical Benefice: who is to enjoy the privilege of a Court

CHAP. VII.—Those to be Ordained are to be examined by persons skilled in divine and human law

CHAP. VIII.—How, and by whom, each ought to be Ordained

CHAP. IX.—A Bishop Ordaining one of his household, shall forthwith and really confer on him a benefice

CHAP. X.—Prelates inferior to Bishops shall not confer the Tonsure, or Minor Orders, save upon regulars, their own subjects; neither shall they, nor any chapters soever, grant Letters Dimissory; a more grievous penalty being enacted against those who offend against this decree

CHAP. XI.—The interstices, and certain other precepts to be observed in the receiving of Minor Orders

CHAP. XII.—Age required for greater Orders; the worthy only to be admitted

CHAP. XIII.—On the Manner of Ordination of a Subdeacon and Deacon; on no one shall two Sacred Orders be conferred on the same day

CHAP. XIV.—Who are to be admitted to the Priesthood; the office of those to be admitted

CHAP. XV.—No one shall hear Confessions unless approved by the Ordinary

CHAP. XVI.—The useless and the vagrant are hindered from the Orders of the Church

CHAP. XVII.—In what manner the exercise of the Minor Orders is to be restored

CHAP. XVIII.—Method of erecting a Seminary for Clerks, especially of the poorer classes; in the said erection, many things to be observed touching the education of those to be promoted to Cathedral and [other] greater Churches



Doctrine touching the Sacrament of Matrimony

CANONS XII.—Touching the Sacrament of Matrimony

Decree touching the Reformation of Marriage

CHAP. I.—The form prescribed in the Council of Lateran for solemnly contracting Marriage is renewed. Bishops may dispense with the banns. If any one contracts Marriage otherwise than in the presence of the Parish Priest, and of two or three other witnesses, it comes to nothing

CHAP. II.—Between whom Spiritual Relationship is contracted

CHAP. III.—The impediment of Public Honesty is confined within certain limits

CHAP. IV.—Affinity arising from Fornication is restricted to the second degree

CHAP. V.—No one is to contract [Marriage] within the prohibited degrees; in what manner dispensation is to be granted therein

CHAP. VI.—How Ravishers are to be punished

CHAP. VII.—Vagrants are to be married with caution

CHAP. VIII.—Concubinage is punished with the most grievous penalties

CHAP. IX.—The Temporal Lords, or Magistrates, shall not attempt anything contrary to the liberty of marriage

CHAP. X.—The solemnities of Marriage are prohibited at certain times

Decree concerning Reformation

CHAP. I.—Rule for proceeding to the Creation of Bishops and Cardinals

CHAP. II.—Provincial Synods shall be celebrated every third year: Diocesan Synods every year; who are to convoke, and who to be present at them

CHAP. III.—In what manner Visitation is to be made by prelates

CHAP. IV.—By whom, and when, the office of preaching is to be discharged. The parish church to be frequented, in order to hear the word of God. No one shall preach in opposition to the will of the Bishop

CHAP. V.—Of Criminal Causes against Bishops, the greater ones shall be taken cognizance of by the Sovereign Pontiff only; the lesser by the Provincial Council

CHAP. VI.—Power is given to the Bishops touching dispensations in cases of irregularities and suspension, and absolution from crimes

CHAP. VII.—The Virtue of the Sacraments shall, before it be administered to the people, be explained by Bishops and Parish Priests. During solemnization of Mass, the sacred pages shall be explained

CHAP. VIII.—Public sinners shall do penance publicly, unless the Bishop shall determine otherwise. A Penitentiary to be instituted in Cathedral Churches

CHAP. IX.—By whom Secular Churches, not belonging to any diocese, ought to be visited

CHAP. X.—The form of visitation is not to be suspended by those subjects

CHAP. XI.—Honorary titles, or particular privileges, shall not detract in any way from the rights of Bishops. The chapter, Quum capella, concerning privileges, is renewed

CHAP. XII.—What manner of persons those ought to be, who are promoted to the dignities and canonries of Cathedral Churches; and what those promoted are bound to perform

CHAP. XIII.—In what manner care must be taken for the poorer Cathedral and Parish Churches. Parishes to be distinguished by certain boundaries

CHAP. XIV.—That no one be admitted to the possession of a Benefice, or of distributions, with a distribution of the fruits not to be applied to pious uses

CHAP. XV.—Methods of increasing the slight prebends of Cathedral and of eminent Collegiate Churches

CHAP. XVI.—What duty devolves upon the Chapter during the vacancy of a See

CHAP. XVII.—Limit is set to the conferring or retention of more than one Benefice

CHAP. XVIII.—Upon a Parish Church becoming vacant, a Vicar is to be deputed thereunto by the Bishop, until it be provided with a Parish Priest. In what form, and by whom, those nominated to Parochial Churches ought to be examined

CHAP. XIX.—Mandates “de providendo,” expectatives, and other things of the like kind, are abrogated

CHAP. XX.—The manner of conducting causes appertaining to the Ecclesiastical Court is prescribed

CHAP. XXI.—It is declared that by certain words previously used, the usual manner of treating business in General Councils is not changed



Decree touching Purgatory

Touching the Invocation, Veneration, and on Relics of Saints and Sacred Images

Concerning Regulars and Nuns

CHAP. I.—All Regulars shall order their lives suitably to what is prescribed by the rule which they have professed. Superiors shall sedulously take care that this be done

CHAP. II.—Property is wholly prohibited to Regulars

CHAP. III.—All Monasteries which are not herein excepted may possess real property. The number of persons therein is to be determined by the amount of income or of alms. No Monastery is to be erected without the Bishop’s permission

CHAP. IV.—A Regular shall not, without the permission of his superior, either place himself at the service of another place or person, or retire from his Monastery. When absent for the sake of study, he shall reside in a Monastery

CHAP. V.—Provision is made for the safe enclosure of Nuns, especially those who dwell without cities

CHAP. VI.—The manner of choosing Superiors

CHAP. VII.—What persons, and in what manner, persons are to be chosen Abbesses, or Governesses, by what name soever. No one shall be set over two Nunneries

CHAP. VIII.—In what manner the Regulation of Monasteries which have not ordinary regular Visitors is to be instituted

CHAP. IX.—Monasteries of Nuns, immediately subject to the Apostolic See, shall be governed by the Bishops; but others, by those deputed in the general Chapters, or by other Regulars

CHAP. X.—Nuns shall confess and communicate once a month. The Bishop shall provide them with an extraordinary confessor. The Eucharist shall not be reserved for them out of the public Church

CHAP. XI.—In Monasteries, upon which the Cure of Souls is charged of Laymen, besides those who are of their own household, the Bishop shall, with certain exceptions, examine those women who are to be set over the said cure

CHAP. XII.—Regulars, as well as Seculars, shall be equally bound to the observance of Episcopal Censures and Festivals

CHAP. XIII.—The Bishop shall settle disputes concerning precedence. Exempted persons, not living in the more strict enclosures, are obliged to attend at public processions

CHAP. XIV.—By whom punishment is to be inflicted on a Regular who offends publicly

CHAP. XV.—Profession shall not be made except after the lapse of a year’s probation, and at the age of sixteen years completed

CHAP. XVI.—A Renunciation or Obligation made previous to the two months nearest to the profession shall be null. The probation being ended, the novices shall either be professed or dismissed. In the pious institute of clerks of the Society of Jesus, nothing is innovated. A caveat is inserted, to the effect that no part of the property of a Novice shall be given to a Monastery before profession

CHAP. XVII.—A Girl more than twelve years of age who wishes to take the regular habit shall be examined by the Ordinary, and again before profession

CHAP. XVIII.—No one, except in the cases expressed by law, shall compel a woman to enter a Monastery; or prevent her, if desirous to enter. The constitutions of the Penitents or Convertites, shall be preserved

CHAP. XIX.—How to proceed in cases of those who [wish to] give way from a religious body

CHAP. XX.—Superiors of Orders not subject to Bishops shall visit and correct inferior Monasteries, even though held in commendam

CHAP. XXI.—Monasteries shall be conferred upon Regulars. The headships of religious bodies shall be commended to no one in posterum

CHAP. XXII.—The Decrees touching the Reformation of Regulars shall be carried into execution without delay

Decree concerning Reformation

CHAP. I.—Cardinals and all Prelates of the Churches shall have a modest household and table. They shall not enrich their relatives or domestics out of the property of the Church

CHAP. II.—By whom specifically the Decrees of the Council are to be solemnly received and taught

CHAP. III.—The Sword of Excommunication is not to be used rashly. When an execution can be made on property or person, censures are to be abstained from. It shall be a crime for the civil Magistrates to interfere therein

CHAP. IV.—Where the number of Masses to be celebrated is excessive, Bishops, Abbots, and Generals of religious orders shall ordain what shall seem to them expedient

CHAP. V.—No Alteration shall be made in the conditions and obligations imposed on Benefices rightly established

CHAP. VI.—How the Bishop ought to act in regard to the Visitation of exempted chapters

CHAP. VII.—The Access and Regress in regard to Benefices are abolished. In what manner, to whom, and for what cause, a coadjutor is to be granted

CHAP. VIII.—The duty of the Administrators of Hospitals. By whom, and in what manner, their negligence is to be punished

CHAP. IX.—In what manner right of Patronage is to be proved, and to whom granted. Forbidden accessories

CHAP. X.—Judges who may be delegated by the Apostolic See are to be nominated by the Synod: by whom and by the Ordinaries causes shall be terminated

CHAP. XI.—Certain leases of Ecclesiastical Property are prohibited; certain others, when made, are annulled

CHAP. XII.—Tithes to be paid entirely. Those withholding the payment thereof are to be excommunicated. The Rectors of poor Churches are to be piously assisted

CHAP. XIII.—Cathedral or Parish Churches shall receive the fourth of Funeral [Dues]

CHAP. XIV.—The manner of Proceeding against Clerks guilty of keeping Concubines is prescribed

CHAP. XV.—The illegitimate Sons of Clerics are to be excluded from certain Benefices

CHAP. XVI.—Benefices with cure shall not be converted into simple ones. A suitable portion shall be assigned to him who exercises the cure of souls. Vicarages shall cease when the cure is recalled to Titles

CHAP. XVII.—Bishops shall maintain their dignity by gravity of demeanour; nor conduct themselves with unworthy servility towards the Ministers of Kings, towards Nobles, or Barons

CHAP. XVIII.—The Canons shall be exactly observed. If, at any time, a dispensation is to be granted in regard thereof, it shall be done validly, with mature deliberation, and gratuitously

CHAP. XIX.—Duelling is punished with the most severe penalties

CHAP. XX.—Matters appertaining to Ecclesiastical Law are recommended to secular Princes

CHAP. XXI.—In all things the Authority of the Apostolic See shall remain untouched

Decree for continuing the Session on the following day


Decree concerning Indulgences

On Mortification of the Flesh; Fasts and Festival Days

On Books, either suspected, or pernicious

It is declared from the place assigned to Ambassadors that no prejudice is created to any one

On receiving and observing the Decrees of the Council

Reciting of the Decrees of the Council under Paul III. and Julius III

A close is put to the Council of Trent. Confirmation to be sued from the most blessed Roman Pontiff

Acclamations of the Fathers at the close of the Council

Discourse delivered at the last Session of the Council of Trent by the Reverend Father in God Hieronymus Ragasonus, a Venetian, Bishop of Nazianzum and Coadjutor at Fama Agosta. Herein are summarily recounted all the matters defined in the Council of Trent, which appertain unto piously believing and living well



Confirmation of the Council of Trent

Bull of our most Holy Lord Pius Fourth, by the providence of God Pope, touching the Confirmation of the Œcumenical and General Council of Trent

Bull of our sacred Lord Pius, by Divine providence fourth Pope, touching the declaration of the time to observe the Decrees of the sacred Œcumenical and General Council of Trent

Motus Proprius of our Holy Lord Pius, by Divine providence fourth Pope. Eight cardinals are deputed to enforce the observance of the constitutions and ordinances set forth by Pius IV., as also the Decrees of the sacred Œcumenical and General Council of Trent

Bull of our Holy Lord, the Lord Pius, by Divine providence fourth Pope, touching the form of the Oath of the Profession of Faith

Bull of our Holy Lord Pius IV., by Divine providence Pope.—The Privileges, Exemptions, Immunities, Faculties, Dispensations, Conservatories, Indults, &c., to what places and persons soever conceded, in those particulars wherein they are at variance with the Statutes and Decrees of the Holy Council of Trent, are revoked

Ten Rules concerning Prohibited Books drawn up by the Fathers selected by the Synod of Trent and approved by Pope Pius IV

The Bull of our Holy Lord Pius IV., by Divine providence Pope. Approbation of the Index of Prohibited Books, with the Rules confirmed by the Fathers deputed by the Holy Council of Trent, and the prohibition to keep or read those Books

The Constitutions taken from the ancient Law, and noticed by the Council of Trent or specially changed by it

Council of Carthage. From the first part of the Decretum, Dist. XLI. cap. 7

Council of Chalcedon. From the first part of the Decretum, Dist. LXX. cap. 1

Alexander III.—In the Council of Lateran, from Book 1 of Decretals, tit. VI. on Election and the Power of the Elect, cap. 7

Alexander III.—Ibid. § Inferiora

Alexander III.—In the Council of Lateran. From Book 3 Decret., tit. IV. of non-resident Clergy, cap. 3

Alexander III.—From Book III. Decret. XLVIII. on the Building or Repairing of Churches

Boniface VIII.—From the Sixth of the Decretals, lib. 1, tit. III. on Rescripts, cap. 11

Boniface VIII.—From the Sixth of the Decretals, lib. 3, tit. II. concerning Married Clerks, cap. 1

Boniface VIII.—From the Sixth of the Decretals, lib. 3, tit. III. of Clergy not residing in the Church or Prebend, cap. 1

Boniface VIII.—From the Sixth of the Decretals, lib. 3, tit. XVI. on the State of the Regulars, cap. 1

Clement V.—In the Council of Vienna. Ex Clementinis, lib. 1, tit. VI. touching the Age, and Quality, and Order, of those to be set over, cap. 2

Clement V.—In the Council of Vienna. Ex Clementinis, lib. 3, tit. I. on the Life and Becoming Demeanour of Clerks

Clement V.—In the Council of Vienna. Ex Clementinis, lib. 3, tit. XI. concerning Religious Houses, cap. 2

Eugenius IV.—From lib. 5, Extravagantium Communium, tit. VII. de Privilegiis, cap. 3

Gregory X.—At the Council of Lyons. From the Sixth of the Decretals, lib. 1, tit. VI. on Election and the Power of the Elected, cap. 14

Gregory X.—At the Council of Lyons. From the Sixth of the Decretals, lib. 1, tit. XVI. on the Office of the Ordinary, cap. 3

Gregory X.—In the Council of Lyons. From the Sixth of the Decretals, lib. 3, tit. XX. on Estimates or Exactions made under a Plea of Procuration, cap. 2

Innocent III.—In the Council of Lateran. From Book 1 of the Decretals, tit. XXXI. on the Office of the Judge, cap. 15

Innocent III.—In the Council of Lateran. From Book 3 of the Decretals, tit. V. on Prebends and Dignities, cap. 28

Innocent III.—Ibid. cap. 29

Innocent III.—In the Council of Lateran. From Book 3 of the Decretals, tit. XXXV. on the State of Monks

Innocent III.—In the Council of Lateran. From Book 4 of the Decretals, tit. III. on Clandestine Betrothal, cap. 3

Innocent III.—In the Council of Lateran. From Book 5 of Decretals, tit. I. on Accusations and Inquisitions and Denunciations, cap. 24

Innocent III.—From Book 5 of the Decretals, tit. XXXIII. on Privileges and Excesses of Privilege

Innocent III.—In the Council of Lateran. From Book 5 of the Decretals, tit. XXXVIII. on Penances and Remissions, cap. 12

Innocent IV.—In the Council of Lyons. From the Sixth of the Decretals, lib. 2, tit. XV. de Appellat. cap. 3

Innocent IV.—In the Council of Lyons. From the Sixth of the Decretals, lib. 5, tit. VII. de Privilegiis, cap. 1

Leo X.—In the Council of Lateran. Sess. X. regarding the Printing of Books

Sixtus IV.—Ex lib. 3, Extravagantium Communium, tit. XII. touching the Relics and the Veneration of Saints

Sixtus IV.—Ibid. cap. 2

Appendix of certain other documents which seem to be useful to candidates in Theology

Condemnation of the Errors of Wickliff, Hus, and Luther

Condemned Articles of John Hus, of which mention is made above

Bull of Leo X. against Luther, 1520

Condemnation of the Baian Errors, &c.

Condemnation of the Errors of Jansenius

Condemnation of the Errors of Paschasius Quesnell

Condemned Propositions follow

Pius, Bishop, Servant of the Servants of God

Propositions, doctrines, and sentiments of the Synod of Pestoria condemned

Part of the Address delivered in the Secret Consistory, on the 26th day of June, 1805, by Pius VII



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