A Commentary On The Psalms From Primitive and Mediæval Writers Volumes 1 To 4 by Rev. J.M. Neale D.D.ARGUMENTARG. THOMAS. That CHRIST, cast out of the city, was surrounded by the Jews. CHRIST speaketh concerning the Jews to the FATHER, complaining that they received Him as a lion greedy of the prey, and satiated with sins left the crime of their incredulity to their babes, when they said, “His Blood be upon us, and upon our children.” VEN. BEDE. A threefold prayer is in this Psalm uttered by CHRIST according to His humanity. The first is where He makes His supplication to be heard according to His righteousness: Hear the right, O Lord. The second, that His innocence may be delivered from the snares of the Jews: I have called upon Thee, O God, for Thou shalt hear me. In the third, He supplicates a speedy resurrection, to the end that the perverse people of the Jews may no longer insult over Him; and that His faithful people may not doubt concerning His Majesty, He declares that He shall remain in eternal blessedness: Up, Lord, disappoint him, and cast him down. EUSEBIUS OF CÆSAREA. A prayer of the perfect man, or of CHRIST Himself, for them that are to be saved by Him. S. JEROME. This Psalm is sung in the Person of CHRIST against the Jews, and in the person of the Church against heretics. |