A Commentary On The Psalms From Primitive and Mediæval Writers Volumes 1 To 4 by Rev. J.M. Neale D.D.ARGUMENTARG. THOMAS. That CHRIST routs those who fight against us, lest we should be hurt by them. The Voice of the Church. This tenth step contains the Voice of CHRIST against the Jews, who fighting against Him on the Cross, are shown to have done Him no hurt, because it is proved that He rose again from the dead. The Voice of CHRIST against the Jews. VEN. BEDE. Because they who labour in the LORD’S vineyard are rewarded with the penny (denario) of the everlasting Kingdom, endurance of suffering is counselled in the tenth step, where the constant affliction of the Church is recorded. In the first paragraph the Prophet counsels Jerusalem to say what conflicts and fights she has endured from her enemies, lest any of the faithful should despair because of his own troubles. Many a time have they fought against me. In the second part he prays in parables against the enemies of the Church, that there may come upon them that which he knows will arrive in the future judgment. Let them be confounded and turned backward. SYRIAC PSALTER. One of the Songs of Degrees. Anonymous. Concerning the suffering of the nation. As regards us, it implies the victory and triumph of worshippers. EUSEBIUS OF CÆSAREA. The Victories of GOD’S host. The Sufferings of CHRIST. S. ATHANASIUS. A Psalm of thanksgiving. |