ARG. THOMAS. That CHRIST may build up what is good in us, and does build it up unto Himself. The Voice of CHRIST to the coming Church, which built upon number eight of the steps, that is, on CHRIST’S Resurrection, is proved to overtop them who uselessly build up the Synagogue. The Voice of the Church.
VEN. BEDE. This Psalm has Solomon’s name prefixed to the title, for the purpose that the very builder of the Temple may teach that he availed nothing to build it without the help of the LORD. Mystically Solomon, which is, by interpretation, the Peaceful, signifies CHRIST, of Whom the Apostle saith, “He is our Peace, Who hath made both one,” that is, united the circumcision and the uncircumcision in one faith. Whence, most fitly, because of the distinction between the two Testaments, Solomon’s name is placed here after seven steps, and at the head of the eight remaining; and it is known that it is also placed above after seventy Psalms at the head of the eighty following.1
The Prophet, rejoicing in having foreseen by the Spirit the grace of the New Testament, teaches at the beginning (lest any hurtful presumptuousness because of so great a gift should seize on thee) that no one should ascribe any good result to his own powers, since all things are placed under GOD’S authority, nor desire to outrun the time appointed by the ordinance of the LORD. Except the Lord build the house. In the second part, he speaks of the LORD Himself and His Apostles, or whosoever fulfils His commandments. Lo, the heritage of the Lord.
SYRIAC PSALTER. One of the Songs of Degrees. Uttered by David concerning Solomon. Uttered also concerning Haggai and Zechariah, who pressed on the building of the Temple.
EUSEBIUS OF CÆSAREA. Concerning the building of the Church.
S. AUGUSTINE. A narrative Psalm.