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A Commentary On The Psalms From Primitive and Mediæval Writers Volumes 1 To 4 by Rev. J.M. Neale D.D.

O LORD our Governor,* Who, vouchsafing a spiritual banquet to the righteous, makest them joyful in gladness: grant that Thy flock may understand Thy death, and confess Thee, the Victor over death, sitting at the right hand of the FATHER. Who livest.

O LORD JESUS CHRIST,* Who didst ascend over the Heaven of heavens to the East, conquering the West, perfect in Thyself them whom Thou didst undertake to redeem, that they may be raised on high, that where Thou, the Head, hast gone before, thither Thou mayest draw Thy whole glorified body to receive honour, and leave not in the sunset of the world those whom Thou, in Thy triumph, exaltest towards the everlasting East. (11.)

O LORD, Who ascendedst up on high,* leading captivity captive, deliver us by the triumph of Thy victory from the captivity of the devil, that whilst Thou givest Thy gifts to men. Thou mayest make men themselves altogether partakers of Thy gifts. (11.)

O LORD GOD of hosts,* wonderful in Thy Saints, we earnestly beseech Thee to grant us strength to drive away adversities. Thou Who didst bestow on Thy Saints the honour of attaining to heavenly ways; grant Thy people also power, we pray Thee, at their intercession whom Thou vouchsafest in Thy divine goodness to unite in friendship with Thee. (11.)

GOD vouchsafe to change us from death unto life,* from corruption into incorruption, that made partakers with His Saints, we may rejoice in Him with everlasting gladness. Through. (1.)

O LORD, (D. C.) King of virtues, set apart for us of Thine inheritance the gracious rain of compunction, that as we are weak through sins, we may receive from Thee the strength of holy resolve, and advance to that life which is pleasing unto Thee. Through. (1.)

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