ARG. THOMAS. That all the kingdoms of the earth sing to CHRIST alone. The Prophet announces the Advent of CHRIST, and His Assumption into heaven. The Apostolic voice, desiring that the LORD would rise from the dead, and ascend into heaven, and arise in the heart of each one. The Prophet announces the Resurrection of CHRIST, and subsequent glories.
VEN. BEDE. David denotes the LORD, Whom also the End denotes. The Psalm is long, and marked by five pauses, by which we have distinguished its divisions. The whole Psalm speaks through mystic parables; it is full of Gospel Sacraments, and is chiefly shown to be concerning the Ascension of CHRIST. At the beginning of the Psalm the Prophet says what things are to happen to the LORD’S enemies, or to the faithful, in the judgment to come; Let God arise, &c. Next, it signifies the mighty gifts which He bestowed on the Jewish people, and then says how He perfected the Church with these. The earth shook, and the heavens dropped at the presence of God. Thirdly, under the form of a mountain it denotes the LORD the SAVIOUR, recites the benefits He has vouchsafed the Church, when He raised it by the gift of His Resurrection. When the Almighty scattered. Fourthly, it declares that the pride of the enemies shall be utterly shaken, and that conversions and martyrdoms will abound from both sexes and the worst of sinners, what time the Advent of the LORD the SAVIOUR shineth on the world. God shall smite the head of His enemies. Fifthly, it says that the LORD should be blessed in the Churches, where the Apostles and CHRIST Himself preached, intreating that He will preserve those gifts which He gave His faithful. It warns, further, that they who tarry in this world as in Egypt and Æthiopia, should come quickly to the LORD. Give thanks unto God the Lord in the congregations. In the sixth clause it counsels all men to sing to CHRIST the LORD, Who hath now disclosed the wonders of His Resurrection; and then endeth the Psalm with praise of the LORD. O sing praises unto the Lord, Who sitteth above the heavens.
SYRIAC PSALTER. Of David, when the kings made them ready to battle against him. Also, a prophecy of the dispensation of CHRIST, and the calling of the Gentiles to the Faith.
EUSEBIUS OF CÆSAREA. The Incarnation of CHRIST, and calling of the Gentiles.
S. ATHANASIUS. A Psalm in prayer.