A Commentary On The Psalms From Primitive and Mediæval Writers Volumes 1 To 4 by Rev. J.M. Neale D.D.COLLECTSGOD,* Which art the Fountain and Source of everlasting life, glorify us with Thy heavenly mercy; that we, being filled with the plenteousness of Thy house, may evermore eschew all guile and superfluity of naughtiness. Through (1). O LORD GOD,* with Whom is the Fountain of Life, and in Whose light we shall see light, increase in us the brightness of Thy knowledge; that, when we are thirsty, we may receive from Thee the fountain of living waters; and when we are dark, we may be lightened with the brightness of Thy understanding. Amen. Through Thy mercy (11.) Let not, O LORD,* the foot of pride come against us, and let not the hand of the ungodly cast us down; but give us grace so to put our trust under the shadow of Thy wings, that we may be preserved from the assaults of all things that come about us to destroy us; and being filled with the plenteousness of Thy house, and given to drink of the river of Thy pleasures, we may be preserved by Thy HOLY SPIRIT in this world, and in the world to come adorned with the brightness of Thy grace. Amen. Through Thy mercy (11.) [O LORD,* never leave unsheltered the children of men who put their trust under the protection of Thy wings, but cherish and nourish us like the young of a bird, that we may be fitted for our flight on high. Suffer us not to be harmed by the rending of the deceitful, nor to fly from the nest of Thy Church, but guiding us under Thy Fatherly shadow, grant us to come, by Thine aid, to the plenteousness of Thy house (11.)] |