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Christmas Day Prayer Oh Emmanuel, as we celebrate Your birthday this millennium year, be born anew within us, that we might see the world through Your eyes and love others with Your heart. Renew within us that spirit of humility of that Holy Night of Your birth. Like the animals in the stable and the Shepherds present, let us bear witness to you by living the Gospel. Fill us with Your light, that we might be like the shining star of the Nativity to guide others to You. Grant us the courage to renounce all material posessions that we might come to you with the spirit of poverty of Your manger. Oh Wonderful Counselor, like the Magi, let us realize that our gifts from the Holy Spirit are not to be hoarded, but meant to be shared with others, for the love of You, the love of others, and for the sake of the Kingdom. And, Oh Prince of Peace, give us the graces to imitate Your Holy Mother in doing Your will, and give you our perfect "Yes" now, in the coming New Year and for all eternity. Amen Prayer Intention For December Let us pray for world peace and a for a greater understanding and tolerance amongst people of different cultures and religions. And that like the angel announcing the birth of Jesus to the shepherds, we may seek to promote peace with everyone we meet.
Saint Stephen First Martyr December 26 Virtually all we know about this great saint comes from the Acts of the Apostles in the Bible. He was one of the first seven Deacons chosen by the Twelve Apostles. And who was filled with wisdom and the Holy Spirit such that no man could debate with him. (Acts 6:1-15) His famous debate (Acts 6:8-15, 7:1-56) greatly angered the Jews, who promptly threw him out of the city and stoned him to death. As they were stoning him and as he fell to his knees his last words were:"Lord, do not hold this sin against them". Acts also tells us that at his death was present a young man named Saul, who held the cloaks of the executioners. This same young man would later receive a revelation from Jesus and become St. Paul that we are all familiar with. St. Stephen died in 35 AD. He is the patron of stone masons and the paintings and statues of him always depict him holding stones in his right hand. Let us pray: Heavenly Father, grant that by the intercession and merits of your servant, Saint Stephen that we might also bear witness to your Son Jesus, by living a life according to the Gospel, and that we too may have the courage to become martyrs for your Kingdom by dying completely to sin daily and turning completely to you. Grant this through Jesus Christ, your Son. Amen
Catholic Links http://www.catholiclinks.org/ This website has hundreds of good Catholic links organized in several categories: Catholic Doctrine, Liturgy and Sacraments, Mary, Human Dignity, Apostolates, Religious Groups, Secular Groups, Catholic Education, Spiritual Places, Ecclesiastical Organizations, Catholic Web, Communications, Art and Commercial sites, and so much more... This webservant recommends this excellent resource! The staff at Catholic Reflections/2000 wishes you a Blessed, Joyous and Peace filled Christmas and a Prosperous New Year! Jackie,Jewell,Chritina,Vickie,Rich |
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