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Prayer Of the
Month |
Prayer In Time Of Terrorism
O God, I do not know where to turn in a time of terrorism. I have no easy answers or solutions to acts of terror against the innocent. When buildings explode without warning, when the defenseless are murdered without reason, I am tempted to retaliate with vengeance. I am tempted to place the flag above the cross and put my faith in the state rather than the Sermon on the Mount. I am afraid to face my deepest fears of suffering and death, both for myself and those I love.
O God, be merciful to me a sinner and understand my weakness, my lack of trust. I lift my heart to a God of forgiveness, of compassion, of peace. I believe that You are not present in any act of violence. I believe that every human being is a child of God and that all nations and religions are embraced by You. I believe that violence ignites greater violence and that in the long line of history our only lasting legacy is love.
I recommit myself to nonviolence as a witness of Your love. I will cast out fear and boldly live love for neighbor and enemy. I will cast out fear and renounce hatred, desire for revenge and works of war. I will cast out fear and publicly proclaim that You are a God of unlimited and unconditional love.
I recommit myself to nonviolence as a witness of Your love. I will embrace the suffering of others and wipe every tear from their eyes. I will devote my days to works of mercy and justice, not to deeds of death and destruction. I will give my passion to kindness and beauty and imagination. I commit to hope and the children of tomorrow.
Amen. By Mary Lou Kownacki, OSB
Reprinted with kind permission from Pax Christi USA
Prayer Intentions For
November -For an end to terrorism -That all of God's children in the world may live in Peace.
-That the children of Afghanistan may have enough to eat.
-For the safety of the men and women serving in our Armed Forces in defense of world-wide freedom and justice

St. Martin of Tours Bishop November 11
Martin was born in Hungary around the year 317. He served in the Roman Army until
he received a vision of Christ, which had a profound impact on his life. He then became baptized and entered the religious life. He was ordained by St. Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers.
who later appointed him Bishop of Tours. He soon laid the foundations for the famous Monastery of Marmoutier. Soon many were drawn to live with him and adopt his monastic way of life.
He is thus known as the founder of monasticism in Gaul. St. Martin did much to combat the heresies of his time. His life was marked by self mortification and constant prayer. He died in the year 397.
St. Martin is sought after as the patron saint of soldiers
Prayer: Lord God Our Father, grant us through the intercession of St. Martin of Tours, a steadfast spirit of constant prayer and the graces to live a life that bears faithful witness to your Divine Son, Jesus Christ. Amen
Audio Video Jukebox http://www.geocities.com/junmeskie/Audio_Video1.html
This web page offers a wealth of audio and video presentations by famous Catholics, such as Scott Hahn, Jeff Cavins and Bob and Penny Lord, to name a few.
It offers many discussions previously offered on EWTN on a variety of topics, especially apologetics.
The Jukebox is only a part of the larger MisUnderstood website. There you will find a wealth of information dealing with apologetics. This webmaster highly recommends this website.
Well worth the visit!
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Image of St. Martin used with kind permission from Catholic
Saints(Catholic Pics)
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