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The Glories Of Mary



Mother of God, remember me. --St. Francis Xavier.

Virgin and mother, make me always to remember thee. --St. Philip Neri.

Virgin Mary, mother of. God, r>ray to Jesus for me. --St. Philip Neri.

Oh Lady, obtain that Jesus may not cast me from him. --St. Ephrem.

Oh Mary, may my heart never cease to thee nor my tongue to praise thee. --St. Bonaventure.

Oh Lady, by the love which thou dost bear to Jesus, help me to love him. --St. Bridget.

Oh Mary, deign to make me thy servant. --Blessed Jane of France.

Oh Mary, I give myself wholly to thee, do thou accept and preserve me. --St. Mary Magdalene of Pazzi.

Oh Lady, do riot abandon me until death. --P. Spinelli.

Hail Mary my mother. --P. Francis Brancaccio.

Holy Mary, my advocate, pray for me. --P. Sortorio Caputi.

How sweet, oh my mother, is thy name of Mary !
It gives me peace, and so much pleasure,
That I wish always to repeat it.

The most holy Mary revealed to a soul devoted to her, that it pleased her much to be honored by her servants with the following devotions.

I thank thee, Oh eternal Father, for the power given to Mary thy daughter
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to God.

I thank thee, oh eternal Son, for the wisdom given to Mary thy mother.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to God.

I thank thee, oh eternal Spirit, for the love given to Mary thy spouse.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to God.

To thee we cry, oh queen of mercy, turn tow ards us, and let us behold thee dispensing favors, bestowing remedies, giving strength. Show us thy compassionate countenance, and we shall be safe.

Oh mistress of all things, saint of saints, our strength and refuge, God, as it were, of the world, glory of heaven, accept those who love thee ; hear us, for thy Son honors thee and de nies thee nothing. --Ibid.

Come, hasten, oh Lady, and aid with thy mercy thy most sinful servant who invokes thee, and deliver him from the hands of the enem. Who will not sigh to thee? With love and grief we sigh. How, then, shall we not sigh to thee, oh solace of the miserable, refuge of out casts, deliverer of captives? We are secure that if thou dost see our miseries, thy compas sion will not be slow to relieve us. --lbid.

Oh our Lady and our advocate, recommend us to thy Son. Obtain, oh blessed one, by the grace thou hast merited, that he who did condescend with thy mediation, to become a participator of our infirmity and misery, may also by thy inter cession make us to share in his blessedness and glory. --Ibid.

In thee I have placed the hope of my whole heart. --St. John Damascene.

It is not possible, oh Lady, tbat thou shouldafc abandon him who places his hope in thee. --St.Bernard.

If thou dost only wish for our salvation, it will be impossible that we should not be saved. --St. Anselm

Hail, daughter of God the Father; hail, mother of God the Son; hail, spouse of God the Holy Ghost, hail, temple of the holy Trinity. --Simon Garcia.

Oh Virgin, how beautiful art thou!
Mother of my God, my heart is enamored with thy goodness.
Thanks be to God arid to Mary.
May all things be to the eternal glory of the most holy Trinity, and of the immaculate Mary.

Live always, Jesus our love and Mary our
hope, with Joseph and Theresa our advocates


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