A History Of The Church In Seven Books by SocratesCHAPTER IX
AFTER THE SYNOD OF ALEXANDRIA, COMPOSED OF THE SUPPORTERS OF THE DOCTRINE OF CONSUBSTANTIALITY, EUSEBIUS PROCEEDING TO ANTIOCH FINDS THE CATHOLICS AT VARIANCE ON ACCOUNT OF PAULINUS’S ORDINATION; AND HAVING EXERTED HIMSELF IN VAIN TO RECONCILE THEM, HE DEPARTSAS soon as the council of Alexandria was dissolved, Eusebius bishop of Verceil went to Antioch; where finding that Paulinns had been ordained by Lucifer, and that the people were disagreeing among themselves (for the partisans of Meletius held their assemblies apart), he was exceedingly grieved at their want of unanimity concerning this election, and in his own mind disapproved of what had taken place. His respect for Lucifer however induced him to be silent about it, and on his departure he engaged that all things should be set right by a council of bishops. Subsequently he laboured with great earnestness to unite the dissentients, but without effect. Meanwhile Meletius returned from exile; and finding his followers holding their assemblies apart from the others, he set himself at their head. But Euzoïus, a prelate of the Arian heresy, had possession of the churches: Paulinus only was permitted to retain a small one within the city, from which Euzoïus had not ejected him, on account of his personal respect for him. But Meletius assembled his adherents without the gates of the city. It was under these circumstances that Eusebius left Antioch at that time. When Lucifer understood that his ordination of Paul was not approved of by Eusebius, regarding it as an injury done him, he became highly incensed; and not only separated himself from communion with him, but also began, in a contentious spirit, to condemn what had been determined by the Synod. These things occurring at a season of grievous disorder, created still farther schism; for many, attaching themselves to Lucifer, they became a distinct sect, and were called by his name. Nevertheless he was unable to give full expression to his anger, inasmuch as he had pledged himself by his deacon to assent to whatever should be decided on by the Synod. Wherefore he adhered to the tenets of the church, and returned to Sardinia to his own see: but such as at first identified themselves with his quarrel, still continue separatists. Eusebius, on the other hand, travelling throughout the Eastern provinces like a good physician, completely restored those who were weak in the faith, instructing and establishing them in ecclesiastical principles. After this he went to Illyricum, and thence to Italy, where he pursued a similar course. |