CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
CATHOLIC SAINTS INDEX | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
CATHOLIC DICTIONARY | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Febronius, /De statu ecclesiae deque legitima potestate Romani
Pontificis/, etc., 1762. Idem, /Commentarius in suam
retractationem/, etc., 1781. Kuentziger, /Febronius, et le
Febronianisme/, 1890. Werner, /Geschichte der Katholischen
Theologie in Deutschland/, 1866. /Codex iuris ecclessiastici
Josephini/, etc., 1788. Gendry, /Les debuts de Josephisme/ (/Revue
des Quest. hist./, 1894). /Receuil des actes concernant le voyage
du Pape Pie VI. a Vienne/, 1782. Stigloher, /Die errichtung der
papstlichen Nuntiatur und der Emser Kongress/, 1867. Munch,
/Geschichte des Emser Kongresses/, 1840. De Potter, /Vie de
Scipion de Ricci/, 1825.
The spirit of opposition to the Holy See soon spread from France to
the various states of the Holy Roman Empire. The violent onslaughts of
the Reformers and the imminent danger of heresy had driven the
Catholics of Germany to cling more closely to the Holy See, and had
helped to extinguish the anti-Roman feeling, that had been so strong
in the early years of the sixteenth century. But once the religious
wars had ended without a decisive victory for either party, and once
the theory of imperial neutrality had been sanctioned formally by the
Peace of Westphalia (1648), the Catholic rulers of Germany, not
excluding even the spiritual princes, showed more anxiety to increase
their own power than to safeguard the interests of their religion. The
example of the Protestant states, where the rulers were supreme in
religious as in temporal affairs, could not fail to encourage Catholic
sovereigns to assert for themselves greater authority over the Church
in their own territories, in utter disregard of the rights of the Pope
and of the constitution of the Church. Frequently during the reigns of
Leopold I. (1657-1705), of Joseph I. (1705-11), and of Charles VI.
(1711-40) the interference of the civil power in ecclesiastical
affairs had given just cause for complaint. But it was only during the
reign of Francis I. (1745-65), and more especially of Joseph II.
(1765-90), that the full results of the Jansenist, Gallican, and
Liberal Catholic teaching made themselves felt in the empire as a
whole, and in the various states of which the empire was composed.
The most learned exponent of Gallican views on the German side of the
Rhine was John Nicholas von Hontheim (1701-90), who was himself a
student of Van Espen (1646-1728), the well-known Gallican and
Jansenist professor of canon law in the University of Louvain. On the
return of von Hontheim to his native city of Trier he was entrusted
with various important offices by the Prince-bishop of Trier, by whose
advice he was appointed assistant-bishop of that See (1740). He was a
man of great ability, well versed especially in ecclesiastical and
local history, and a close student of the writings of the Gallicans
(Richer, Dupin, Thomassin, and Van Espen). At the time the hope of a
reunion between the Lutherans and the Catholics in Germany was not
abandoned completely. It seemed to von Hontheim that by lessening the
power of the Papacy, which was regarded by the Protestants as the
greatest obstacle to reconciliation, Gallicanism provided the basis
for a good reunion programme, that was likely to be acceptable to
moderate men of both parties in Germany. With the object therefore of
promoting the cause of reunion he set himself to compose his
remarkable book, /De Statu Ecclesiae et de Legitima Potestate Romani
Pontificis/, published in 1762 under the assumed name of Justinus
According to Febronius Christ entrusted the power of the keys not to
the Pope nor to the hierarchy, but to the whole body of the faithful,
who in turn handed over the duty of administration to the Pope and the
hierarchy. All bishops according to him were equal, and all were
independent of the government of their own dioceses, though at the
same time, for the purpose of preserving unity, a primacy of honour
should be accorded to the successor of Saint Peter. But this primacy
was not necessarily the special prerogative of the Roman See; it could
be separated from that Church and transferred to another diocese. In
the early ages of Christianity the Roman bishops never claimed the
power wielded by their successors in later times. These pretensions to
supreme jurisdiction were founded upon the false decretals of Isidore
and other forgeries, and constituted a corruption that should not be
tolerated any longer in the Church. In reality the Pope was only the
first among equals, empowered no doubt to carry on the administration
of the Church, but incapable of making laws or irreformable decrees on
faith or morals. He was subject to a General Council which alone
enjoyed the prerogative of infallibility. Febronius called upon the
Pope to abandon his untenable demands, and to be content with the
position held by his predecessors in the early centuries. If he
refused to do so spontaneously he should be forced to give up his
usurpations, and if necessary the bishops should call upon the civil
rulers to assist them in their struggle. As a means of restoring the
Papacy to its rightful position, Febronius recommended the convocation
of national synods and of a General Council, the proper instruction of
priests and people, the judicious use of the Royal /Placet/ on papal
announcements, the enforcement of the /Appelatio ab Abusu/ against
papal and episcopal aggression, and, as a last resort, the refusal of
The book was in such complete accord with the absolutist tendencies of
the age that it was received with applause by the civil rulers, and by
the court canonists, theologians, and lawyers, who saw in it the
realisation of their own dreams of a state Church subservient to the
civil ruler. The book was, however, condemned by Clement XIII. (1764),
who exhorted the German bishops to take vigorous measures against such
dangerous theories. Many of the bishops were indifferent; others of
them were favourable to von Hontheim's views; but the majority
suppressed the book in their dioceses. Several treatises were
published in reply to Febronius, the most notable of which were those
form the pen of Ballerini and Zaccaria. New editions of the work of
Febronius were called for, and translations of the whole or part of it
appeared in German, Italian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. It was
received with great favour in Austria, where the principles of
Febronius were adopted by most of the leading court canonists. At a
meeting held in Coblenz (1769) the three Prince-bishops of Mainz,
Trier, and Cologne presented a catalogue of complaints (/Gravamina/)
against the Roman Curia, many of which were extracted from or based
upon the work of Hontheim. After repeated appeals of the Pope to the
Prince-bishop of Trier to exercise his influence upon von Hontheim,
the latter consented to make a retractation in 1778, but his followers
alleged that the retractation having been secured by threats was
valueless. This contention was supported by a commentary published by
Hontheim in explanation of his retractation, in which he showed
clearly enough that he had not receded an inch from his original
position. Before his death in 1790 he expressed regret for the
doctrine he put forward, and died in full communion with the Church.
The teaching of Febronius, paving the way as it did for the supremacy
of the State in religious matters, was welcomed by the Emperor Joseph
II., by the Elector of Bavaria, as well as by the spiritual princes of
the Rhine provinces. In Austria, especially, violent measures were
taken to assert the royal supremacy. Joseph II. was influenced largely
by the Gallican and liberal tendencies of his early teachers and
advisers. He dreamed of making Austria a rich, powerful, and united
kingdom, and becoming himself its supreme and absolute ruler. During
the reign of his mother, Maria Theresa, he was kept in check, but
after her death in 1780, in conjunction with his prime minister,
Kaunitz, he began to inaugurate his schemes of ecclesiastical reform.
He insisted upon the Royal /Placet/ on all documents issued by the
Pope or by the bishops, forbade the bishops of his territories to hold
any direct communication with Rome or to ask for a renewal of their
faculties, which faculties he undertook to confer by his own
authority. He forbade all his subjects to seek or accept honours from
the Pope, insisted upon the bishops taking the oath of allegiance to
himself before their consecration, introduced a system of state-
controlled education, and suppressed a number of religious houses. In
order that the clergy might be instructed in the proper ecclesiastical
principles, he abolished the episcopal seminaries, and established
central seminaries at Vienna, Pest, Louvain, Freiburg, and Pavia for
the education of the clergy in his dominions. Clerical students from
Austria were forbidden to frequent the /Collegium Germanicum/ at Rome
lest they should be brought under the influence of ultramontane
teaching. Even the smallest details of ecclesiastical worship were
determined by royal decrees. In all these reforms Joseph II. was but
reducing to practice the teaching of Febronius.
By personal letters and by communications through his nuncio Pius VI.
sought to induce Joseph II. to abstain from such a policy of state
aggression; but, as all his representations were ineffective, he
determined to undertake a journey to Vienna, in the hope that his
presence might bring about a change in the policy of the Emperor, or
at least stir up the bishops to defend the interests of the Church
(1782). He arrived at Vienna, had frequent interviews with the Emperor
and with his minister Kaunitz, and was obliged to leave without any
other result, except that he had assured himself of the fact that,
whatever about the Emperor or the bishops, the majority of the people
of Austria were still loyal to the head of the Catholic Church. The
following year (1783) Joseph II. paid a return visit to Rome, when he
was induced by the representations of the Spanish ambassador to desist
from his plan of a complete severance of Austria from the Holy See.
Joseph II. had, however, proceeded too quickly and too violently in
his measures of reform. The people and the large body of the clergy
were opposed to him as were also the Cardinal-Archbishop of Vienna,
the bishops of Hungary, and the bishops of Belgium under the
leadership of Cardinal Frankenberg. The state of affairs in the
Austrian Netherlands became so threatening that the people rose in
revolt (1789), and Joseph II. found himself obliged to turn to the
Pope whom he had so maltreated and despised, in the hope that he might
induce the Belgian Catholics to return to their allegiance. He
promised to withdraw most of the reforms that he had introduced, but
his repentance came too late to save the Austrian rule in the
Netherlands. He died in 1790 with the full consciousness of the
failure of all his schemes.
While Joseph II. was reducing Febronianism to practice in the Austrian
territories, the Prince-bishops of Mainz, Trier, and Cologne hastened
to show their anxiety for the suppression of ultramontanism in the
Rhinelands. The list of grievances against Rome presented to the
Emperor in 1769 indicated clearly their attachment to Gallican
principles, and this feeling was not likely to be weakened by the
erection of an apostolic nunciature at Munich in 1785. This step was
taken by the Pope at the request of Carl Theodore, Elector of Bavaria,
a great part of whose territory was under the spiritual rule of the
prince-bishops. The prince-bishops of the west, together with the
Prince-bishop of Salzburg, all of whom were hostile already to the
papal nuncio, were greatly incensed by what they considered this new
derogation of their rights, and sent representatives to a congress
convoked to meet at Ems (1786). The result of the congress was the
celebrated document known as the /Punctuation of Ems/, in which they
declared that most of the prerogatives claimed by the Pope were
unknown in the early centuries, and were based entirely on the false
decretals. They insisted that there should be no longer appeals to
Rome, that papal ordinances should be binding in any diocese only
after they had been accepted by the bishop of the diocese, that the
oath of allegiance taken by all bishops before consecration should be
changed, that no quinquennial faculties should be sought as bishops
already had such faculties by virtue of their office, and that
religious orders should not be exempt from the authority of the
ordinaries, nor be placed under the jurisdiction of foreign superiors.
The /Punctuation of Ems/ reduced the primacy of the Pope to a mere
primacy of honour, and had it been acted upon, it must have led
inevitably to national schism.
The bishops forwarded a document to Joseph II., who, while approving
of it, refused to interfere. The Elector of Bavaria opposed the action
of the bishops as did also Pacca[1] (1756-1854), the papal nuncio at
Cologne. The latter issued a circular to the clergy warning them that
the dispensations granted by the prince-bishops without reference to
Rome were worthless. This circular gave great annoyance to the prince-
bishops, particularly as they found themselves deserted by most of
those on whose support they had relied. Even the Protestant ruler
Frederick II. of Prussia took the part of Rome against the
archbishops. In face of the unfriendly attitude of the bishops and
clergy nothing remained for the prince-bishops but to withdraw from an
untenable position. The Archbishop of Cologne for reasons of his own
made his submission, and asked for a renewal of his quinquennial
faculties (1787). The Archbishop of Trier made a similar application,
not indeed as Archbishop of Trier, but as Bishop of Augsburg. But
their submission was meant only to gain time. They sought to have the
matter brought before the Diet at Regensburg in 1788, but the action
of the Elector of Bavaria produced an unfavourable verdict. Having
failed in their design, they addressed a letter to the Pope asking him
to put an end to the disedifying quarrel by withdrawing the papal
nuncio from Cologne, and by sending a representative to the Diet to
arrange the terms of peace. The reply of Pius VI., covering as it did
the whole ground of the controversy, contained a masterly defence of
the papal rights and prerogatives (1789). The Archbishop of Trier
publicly withdrew his adhesion to the /Punctuation/, and advised his
Gallican colleagues to do likewise, but they refused, and in the
election agreement of 1790 and 1792 they sought to pledge the emperors
to support their policy. At last the Archbishops of Cologne and
Salzburg made their submission, but the Archbishop of Mainz clung
obstinately to his views, until the storm of the French Revolution
broke over his city and territory, and put an end to his rule as a
temporal prince.
In Tuscany where Leopold, brother of Joseph II., reigned (1765-90), a
determined attempt was made to introduce Febronian principles as
understood and applied in Austrian territory. Leopold was supported
strongly in this attempt by Scipio Ricci, who, though a Jansenist at
heart, had been appointed to the Bishopric of Pistoia at the request
of the Grand-Duke. The Bishop of Pistoia set himself deliberately to
introduce Jansenism and Gallicanism amongst his clergy. For this
purpose he established a seminary at Pistoia, and placed it in the
hands of teachers upon whom he could rely for the carrying out of his
designs. In 1786 the Grand-Duke called a meeting of the bishops of the
province, and explained to them in detail his programme of
ecclesiastical reforms. With the exception of the Bishop of Pistoia
and two others they refused to co-operate with him and his designs.
This plan having failed recourse was had to other measures. A synod
was summoned at Pistoia, which was presided over by Scipio Ricci, and
guided in its deliberations by Tamburini the well-known Gallican
professor of Pavia (1786). It was attended by over two hundred
priests, some of whom belonged to the diocese, while others were total
strangers. As might be expected the decrees of the synod were strongly
Gallican and Jansenist. To ensure their introduction into the province
of Tuscany a provincial synod of the bishops was called, but the
bishops expressed their strong disapproval, and the people attacked
the palace of the bishop. He was obliged to retire from his diocese,
though at the same time he remained the active adviser of Leopold
until the death of Joseph II. led to Leopold's election to the
imperial throne (1790), and put an end to the disturbances in Tuscany.
Pius VI. appointed a commission to study the decrees of Pistoia, and
in 1794 he issued the Bull, /Auctorem Fidei/, in which the principal
errors were condemned. The unfortunate bishop refused for years to
make his submission. It was only in 1805, on the return journey of
Pius VII. from the coronation of Napoleon at Paris, that he could be
induced to make his peace with the Church.[2]
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