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Ver. 1. Nathan. Many other prophets lived at the same time. But he was most conspicuous, and crowned Solomon. C. --- Gr. "and after him Nathan arose to prophesy," (H.) and keep up the succession.

Ver. 2. Flesh. Gr. "peace-offering." The fat was deemed most delicate.

Ver. 3. Played. Tearing them to pieces with the greatest ease. 1 K. xvii. 34. C.

Ver. 6. Nation. Who were no longer under the control of the Philistines. H.

Ver. 7. Thousand. This was sung in the cities, (1 K. xviii. 7. C.) and excited the envy of Saul, who nevertheless could not prevent David's exaltation. H. --- Did he, or the people who praised the Lord and David. C.

Ver. 8. Horn. Power and glory. H. --- For ever, is not in Gr. David defeated the Philistines at the beginning of his reign. C.

Ver. 9. Glory. Contained in the Psalms. H. --- He was always very grateful. C. --- His pure and sincere heart pleased God more than his other works. W.

Ver. 11. Altar. Of holocausts. Moses had not appointed singing.

Ver. 12. Set. Lit. "adorned the times." --- Of his. Gr. "while they praised his holy name, and sounded forth holiness early." H. --- David strove to give all perfection to the sacred ceremonies of religion, that the people might be attracted to the tabernacle, (C.) and serve the Lord with gladness. H.

Ver. 13. Sins. Remitting the punishment, (2 K. xii. 13. C.) and the guilt also, (H.) in consequence of his repentance. --- Covenant. Engaging that his posterity should enjoy the throne (2 K. vii. 12. C.) if they continued faithful. Ps. cxxxi. 11. sup.c. xlv. 31.

Ver. 14. Enemies. The piety of David was thus rewarded. H. --- It must have been the greatest satisfaction to him, to see so wise a son on the throne, and all in perfect peace. 3 K. i. 48. and iv. 24. C. --- These blessings were a reward of his virtue. W.

Ver. 15. Youth. When other are less informed. This serves to place the apostacy of Solomon in a more striking light. C. --- The author seems astonished both at the wisdom and at the folly of this prince, (H.) and apostrophises him. W.

Ver. 16. Earth. Or explored all the secrets of nature, retexit. 3 K. iv. 29.

Ver. 18. Interpretations of riddles. Hence people praised the Lord. 3 K. x. 24.

Ver. 20. Copper, (aurichalcum.) Gr. "tin." 2 Par. ix. 13.

Ver. 21. Thyself. Lit. "thy thighs." Gr. "sides." Syr. "strength." --- Subjection. Lit. "thou hadst power over thy body," (H.) using it as if it belonged not to God. He was guilty of excess in marrying a thousand wives, and yielding to idolatry, (C.) fearing to displease those whom he loved to his own ruin." S. Aug. de Gen. ad lit. xi. 42. --- Dreadful infatuation! H.

Ver. 22. Defiled. Consecrating some even to Moloch, (Pineda vii. 11.) or having children by those whom the law prohibited. Deut. vii. 2. and xxiii. 2. C. --- His sins were punished: yet God's mercy preserved his posterity. W. Ps. lxxxviii.

Ver. 23. Rebellious. (Gr.) Lit. "hard." H. --- Jeroboam was at the head of it. 3 K. xii. 14. C.

Ver. 24. Lord. David's piety caused the sceptre to be still preserved in his family, (H.) though Solomon's conduct deserved to lose it. C.

Ver. 25. Of the. Gr. "a root from him," to govern a part, while Jeroboam reigned over the other tribes of Jacob. H. --- God fulfilled his promises to Jacob and David. M.

Ver. 26. Fathers. Some would hence infer, that Solomon died penitent. H.

Ver. 27. Folly. A most imprudent prince, despised by the whole nation. He answered the people roughly, and lost the ten tribes; but idolatry was his greatest folly, and from this he was never reclaimed. 3 K. xiv. 22. C.

Ver. 29. Jeroboam. Though not of his seed, as we only find Roboam mentioned of all the thousand wives of Solomon. He left behind him Jeroboam, notwithstanding his desire to have him slain; and this man brought ruin on the nation. H. --- Sin. This is the usual title given to this introducer of idolatry. He engaged the ten tribes in the worship of the golden calves, which ruined the state and religion of Israel.

Ver. 31. Vengeance, (defensio) and put, &c. in not in Gr. Theglatphalasar and Salmanasar carried the tribes away into captivity. 1 Par. v. 26. and 4 K. xiv. xvii. 6. C. --- Many hereupon opened their eyes, (M.) as we may hope. Those who returned with the rest of the Jews relapsed not, at least into idolatry, in such an open manner. H.

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