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Ver. 1. And made. This is transposed in Gr. to the end of the third verse. H. --- The creation of other things had been specified before. Man was designed to be immortal, and was made like to God in his soul, which is spiritual, intelligent, &c. But sin caused his days to be shortened. C. --- By original sin, he lost the justice which he had at first received. W.

Ver. 4. Dominion. This is greatly diminished since the fall. C.

Ver. 6. Evil. Man has understanding, and may merit, which brutes cannot.

Ver. 7. Hearts. God will bring them to judgment, and has given them a law. C.

Ver. 9. Life. The observance of which will insure life both now and for ever. Rom. x. 5. This was the peculiar privilege of Israel, (C.) though the natural law had the same effect, and God had left none without sufficient light. H. --- The law was for a trial of obedience. Gen. ii. W.

Ver. 10. Everlasting. The gospel has perfected or fulfilled the law. Matt. v. 17.

Ver. 11. Saw. When he gave the law on Mount Sinai. Ch. Ex. xx. 18. --- Voice. Thunder. Ps. xxviii. 4. C.

Ver. 12. Neighbour. Of whom the second table, or the seven last precepts of the law, speak. H.

Ver. 13. Eyes. He conducted them in the pillar, and always watched over them. Gr. Rom. adds, "their ways are bent on evils from youth, and he could not." Comp. "for every man is bent on evils from youth, and they could not from stony hearts make them fleshy, (Ezec. xxxvi. 26. C.) for in the division of the nations of all the earth (14.) over," &c. Grabe.

Ver. 15. God. Comp. adds, "he nourishes him as his first-born with instruction, and dividing the light of love, he does not abandon him." H. --- But the Rom. edit. agrees with us. God declared himself king of Israel, (C.) and its guardian, while he intrusted other nations to angels. Orig. S. Aug. Ps. cxxxviii. Glossa. Deut. xxxii. 8.

Ver. 16. Ways. He suffers them not to follow their own inclinations, like the Gentiles; but chastises them if they have done wrong. Acts xiv. 15. C.

Ver. 17. Covenants. Gr. "injustices were not concealed from him, and all," &c. H. --- God. Complutensian adds, "but the Lord being good, and knowing his work, neither left nor abandoned them, still sparing them." Heb. xiii. 5. H. --- This is a gloss omitted in the Rom. edit. Ps. lxxvii. 34.

Ver. 18. Alms, and all good works are placed in God's treasury, and as a ring which a person wears on his finger with the utmost care. Jer. xxii. 24. Cant. viii. 6. --- Eye. Gr. Comp. adds, (C.) "dividing to his sons and daughters penance, (19.) And." H. --- The Rom. and Ald. edit. agree with the Vulg. --- Head. Giving a crown of glory. --- And shall, &c. is not in Greek. It implies that the wicked will be punished like Core. C.

Ver. 22. Offend less: minue offendicula. That is, remove sins, and the occasions of sins. Ch.

Ver. 24. And. Gr. "return to the Highest, and be converted from injustice, (for he shall lead from darkness to the light of health) and greatly abhor abomination. Who shall praise the most high in hell, instead of the living, and of those who make a return of praise, or confession? Praise perisheth from the dead, as from one who has had no being. The living and sound of heart shall praise the Lord. (28.) How," &c. H. Ps. lxxxvii. 11. C. --- We cannot merit perseverance, but must pray for it incessantly. W.

Ver. 25. Go to the side, &c. Fly from the side of satan and sin, and join with the holy ones that follow God and godliness. Ch. --- Christ is styled the father of the age to come. Is. ix. M.

Ver. 29. Immortal. We all stand in need of a pardon. C. --- And. Gr. (30.) "what...and it fails. And flesh and blood shall study evil. (31.) He." H. --- We cannot exact absolute perfection from any mortal. But still a person may be watchful, and trust in God's mercies. C. xviii. C.

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