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Ver. 1. Few. As none can arrive at the perfect knowledge of God, they should be reserved in speaking of Him. W. --- De Deo etiam vera loqui periculosum. Cic. de Nat. --- In prayer, (C.) we must not pretend to give him any information, like the heathens. Matt. vi. 7. H.

Ver. 2. Folly. Under anxiety a person is naturally disturbed with dreams, in which some true ideas may present themselves; in like manner, as a great talker will say some things respecting God, which may not be reprehensible, though the greatest part of his discourse will be nothing to the purpose. This is another abuse. All must speak of God and religion, though few are able to do it, with propriety! C.

Ver. 3. Pay it. Deut. xxiii. Vows must be fulfilled. W. --- God requires that we should keep the commandments; (Lu. x. 28.) and if we engage ourselves to perform some work of supererogation, he expects that we should be faithful. To vow is of counsel; but to comply with it is of precept. An abuse too common among the Jews is here condemned. C.

Ver. 5. Sin by making a vow, above thy strength, (Chal. Pineda) or by speaking what may excite the passions. Thaumat.; Bossuet --- Angel guardian assigned to each one, (W.) or the priest, who took cognizance of vows. C. --- Providence, or "foresight" in me to avoid the evil. Heb. and Sept. "it is an error," (H.) or sin of ignorance, for which certain victims were specified. Lev. v. 4. The neglect of vows could not be thus expiated. C. --- Use no allurements to lust. M.

Ver. 6. Number. Those who observe dreams, are filled with apprehension. The Jews were very subject to this superstition. C. --- As dreams are vain, so are many words or excuses to evade a vow. Jun. Grot. --- Such pretences must not be made. S. Jer. M.

Ver. 7. These. God will bring the wicked to judgment, (C.) and shew for what design he left them in power. H.

Ver. 8. Him. An appeal may be made to the king or to God. Reges in ipsos imperium est Jovis. Hor. iii. ode 1. --- Heb. "the king serves, (Mont.) or is served by the field." Prot. H. --- All have a mutual dependence on each other, and thus the vanity of men and the order of Providence appear. C.

Ver. 9. Money. Avarice is like a dropsy, (C.) or poison, infecting all the person. Sallust. --- The miser is the slave, and not the possessor, of his riches, (S. Chrys.) like Tantalus, who could not drink, though in the midst of waters. Hor. i. Sat. 1. --- Nescis quo valeat nummus, quem præbeat usum.

Ver. 10. Them. He shews the vanity of the great.

Ver. 11. Sleep. Is not the health and content of the poor to be preferred?

Ver. 12. Owner. When they are taken away, they bring greater sorrow, (C.) and even when present, they fill the mind with anxiety. H.

Ver. 13. Affliction. Heb. "by an evil affair," or accident. C. --- Who. Heb. "and there is nothing in his hand." H. --- As temporal riches prove detrimental to their owners, so do false philosophy and heresy to those who follow them. S. Jer. W.

Ver. 14. Labour. All must die in this manner. But it is most afflicting that he was formerly rich, and must leave his son indigent. C.

Ver. 16. Sorrow. The person whose riches have been taken away, had made a bad use of them, (C.) living like a miser. It would be more rational to indulge in the pleasures which they afford, though this is also vain. C. iii. 14.

Ver. 19. Delight, while he observes due moderation. His life passes away sweetly. C.

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