CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
CATHOLIC SAINTS INDEX | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
CATHOLIC DICTIONARY | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
![]() HAYDOCK CATHOLIC BIBLE COMMENTARY ON THE OLD TESTAMENTPROVERBS 24CHAPTER XXIV. Ver. 1. Like. Be not allured by their prosperity to imitate them. Ps. xxxvi. 1. Ver. 3. Wisdom and virtue, and not by injustice can the house be established. Ver. 5. Valiant, as well as a good economist. v. 4. C. Ver. 6. Counsels. "Consult many what ought to be done, but only a few of the most faithful, or rather thyself alone, what thou art about to do." Veget. iii. 9. and 27. Ver. 7. High. Thus the fool excuses himself. But wisdom condescends to our weakness, if we be truly in earnest. Deut. xxxii. 12. Mouth. To defend himself, or to give advice. C. Ver. 9. Of a fool. In as much as he is wicked. Though he may have some pious thoughts, he attends not to them. H. --- He thinks how he may commit evil, and renders himself hateful. C. --- Heb. "a wicked thought is the sin of folly." Sept. "the fool dieth in sins." --- Detractor. Heb. "scoffer." H. Ver. 10. Diminished. This is the sad consequences of too much dejection. Eph. iv. 19. Despairing, they abandon themselves to impurities. H. Ver. 11. Deliver. The Jews often put people to death without any formal trial, pretending zeal, as they did S. Stephen, &c. Our Saviour rescued the adulteress from such a situation, as Daniel had done Susanna. Yet this text may regard poor debtors. Ps. lxxi. 4. C. --- Christian bishops used all their influence to preserve the lives of those who did not deserve death. S. Amb. in Ps. cxviii. Ser. viii. Off. i. 36. and ep. xxv. and xxvi. Ver. 12. I have. Heb. "behold, we know not this man." Pagn. H. --- He is a stranger. But all mankind are brethren, and have a charge to assist one another, even though they be enemies. Eccli. xvii. 12. Ex. xxiii. 4. C. --- Keeper. Heb. notser, "preserver." As thou hast received many good things from God, shew mercy to thy neighbour. Ver. 13. Honey. Of wisdom, which is most delicious. M. Ver. 14. Thou shalt. Heb. "yea, it is the last." Mont. --- "Then there shall be a reward." Prot. --- Thou shalt enjoy old age, or have posterity. C. Ver. 16. Fall into smaller sins, (S. Greg. vi. in 2 Reg. xv. &c.) or into disgrace, as yippol (H.) rather intimates. Vat. S. Aug. de Civ. Dei. xi. 31. --- Both significations agree with the context. See Job v. 27. Matt. xviii. 21. C. --- He who is not subject to mortal sin, may still be exposed to many failings, and venial sins, which do not deprive him of the title of just; whereas the wicked consents to mortal sin, from which he riseth not so easily. Hence the wise man admonishes us not to lie in wait, or calumniously seek impiety in the house or soul of the just. W. Ver. 18. From. To punish thee. C. --- Thus will thy thirst of vengeance be disappointed. H. --- The Hebrews believed that there was no evil, which was not caused by sin; and this was true in some sense. But still God often afflicts his servants, (v. 16,) as the whole book of Job tends to prove. C. Ver. 19. Contend. Or Heb. "associate." --- Like. v. 1. Ps. xxxvi. 1. Ver. 20. Come. Prot. "no reward," (H.) prosperity, &c. as designated also by the lamp. v. 14. C. Ver. 21. Detractors. Or those who speak ill of God or the king. C. --- Prot. "that are given to change," (H.) and relapses. Ver. 23. These. Sept. have an addition, and then our C. xxx. to v. 15. after which follows the remainder of this chap. and then the ten first verses of the 31st. H. --- Solomon here resumes the sententious style. C. xxii. 17. C. Ver. 26. Lips. And be deemed a friend. M. Ver. 27. House, and support thy family. Before building, great deliberation is requisite. Lu. xiv. 28. Those who attempt to instruct others, must first set good example. Ver. 28. Cause, and necessity. Sept. "be not a false witness against thy fellow-citizen." Ver. 29. Work. Revenge is often reprobated, though the law allowed of retaliation, which the more virtuous did not insist upon. Ver. 30. Man. Those who neglected their land were despised. C. --- The ancient Romans esteemed agriculture as a most laudible and profitable employment. Cato. Rust. i. Cic. Off. i. Ver. 32. Which. Sept. "at last I repented: I looked forward to receive instruction." Ver. 33. Said I, is not in Heb. C. vi. 10. C. --- Sept. "I will slumber a while," to rest. Sept. "I will enfold my breast in my hands a little." H. Copyright ©1999-2023 Wildfire Fellowship, Inc all rights reserved |