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Ver. 1. Good. Heb. "a name," or reputation. H. --- It is preferable to riches, but not to be compared with virtue, which is the only solid good; and even to be placed above riches, it must be well grounded. C. --- Favour with all. H.

Ver. 2. Another. They stand in need of one another. S. Chrys. hom. xxxiv. in 1 Cor. --- They are equal in God's sight, who only values real virtue. He disposes of riches, so that the poor may one day become rich. C.

Ver. 4. Fruit. Lit. "the end of modesty, (H.) or moderation, which must accompany every virtue.

Ver. 5. Perverse. They are always in danger and in trouble.

Ver. 6. It is a proverb, is added by S. Jerom, to make the sentence more striking. --- It. He is like a tender plant, (C.) or wax, or a new vessel.

Quo semel est imbuta recens servabit odorem

Testa diu. Hor. ep. i. ad Lol.

--- "Shall wool regain its whiteness after it has been dyed purple?" S. Jer. ad Lætam. --- Heb. "initiate a young," &c. Proportion your lessons to his capacity, and make him relish them.

Ver. 7. Servant. He might be sold, &c. Ex. xxii. 3. Matt. xviii. 25. Gell. xx. 1. Plato (Leg. viii.) would have nothing sold on credit. These laws appear to be severe; but they are founded on wisdom, as nothing impoverishes more than the facility of borrowing.

Ver. 8. Consumed. Or beaten with the flail of God's anger.

Ver. 9. Is. Heb. "has a good eye," in opposition to the evil, or malicious one. Matt. xx. 15. --- He, &c. is not in Heb. or in the Lat. edit. of Comp. and S. Jer.

Ver. 11. He. Sept. "the Lord loveth pious hearts. All the irreproachable are acceptable to him. The king feeds with lips," by his just ordinances. H. --- Kings hate duplicity; but require that the truth should be disclosed to them in a suitable manner.

Ver. 13. Streets. Vain excuses of sloth!

Ver. 14. It. Debauchery resembles hell. C. xxiii. 23. C. --- Facilis descensus Averni, &c. Æn. vi.

Ver. 15. Folly. Ignorance and innate corruption are corrected by a good education.

Ver. 17. Incline. Thus Solomon concludes his discourse, (c. xxiv. 23.) in the same manner as he began it, to chap. x. Some commence the third book of Proverbs in this place; others, c. xxv. C.

Ver. 18. Lips. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. H.

Ver. 20. Ways. Repeatedly. Boss. T. 2 Cor. xii. 8. Amos i. 11. C. --- Prot. "have not I written to thee excellent things in counsels and knowledge?" "Shalishim," perfect, (Pagn.) or "three things," (Mont.) means also (H.) such as might suit princes and great officers. C.

Ver. 21. Sent. Sept. "are sent to thee." Thou mayst become a teacher, (H.) or give satisfaction to thy parents, who have sent thee to my school. C.

Ver. 22. Gate. Where judges passed sentence. M.

Ver. 25. Soul. By imitating him, or by falling a victim to his rage.

Ver. 26. Hands. Engaging to stand bond. H. c. vi. 1. --- Such a one might be required to pay the debt. C. xx. 16.

Ver. 28. Set. The pagans made a god of Terminus, to prevent disputes. Ovid. Fast. ii. --- If it be unlawful to disturb land-marks, how much more so is it to give way to novelty in religion? Deut. xix. 14. C. --- Solomon is addressing those who follow the true faith. Else the conduct of infidel ancestors should not deter any from embracing the truth. H.

Ver. 29. Obscure. By industry he shall raise himself to notice. H. --- Kings employ those who are most active. C.

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