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Ver. 1. Fury. This was seen in Nabal and Roboam, while Gideon and Abigail shewed the good effects of a mild answer. Jud. viii. 1. and 1 K. x. 25. and 3 K. xii. 11.

Ver. 2. Knowledge. It requires to be proposed in a proper manner.

Ver. 4. Life. This comparison was become proverbial for something very excellent. Immoderate. Heb. "perverse." C. --- Evil discourse kills the souls both of those who speak, and of those who pay attention to it. H.

Ver. 5. In abundant, &c. Is omitted in Heb. Chal. and many Greek and Latin copies. The same idea is expressed in the following verse.

Ver. 7. Unlike. The wise, or themselves. Heb. and Sept. "inconstant."

Ver. 8. Wicked. Still unconverted. Eccli. xxxiv. 23. When they repent, and offer sacrifice with sincerity, they will obtain mercy. The Donatists abused this text, to prove that baptism conferred by wicked ministers was unavailing. But S. Aug. shewed them, that Christ was the principal agent, and conferred grace, even though the minister might draw down judgments on his own head. Con. Parm. ii. 6. --- Even pagans confessed, that sacrifices, without virtue, could afford no benefit. "God was more pleased with the prayers of the Lacedemonians, than with all the sacrifices of the Greeks," say the idolatrous priests in Plato, Alcib. ii. Seneca de Ben. i. 5.

Ver. 10. Instruction. Heb. "a heavy punishment." H. --- The mind which gives way to vice, must have embraced some false doctrine.

Ver. 11. Before. Naked. The state of the damned is known to God. C. ix. 18. C.

Ver. 13. Down. Compunction is salutary, but worldly grief blameable. C. xxv. 20. and 2 Cor. vii. 10. S. Greg. past. ii. 10.

Ver. 15. Feast. Those who repine at their condition are miserable; while the poor may be delivered from many cares. C. ---

O vitæ tuta facultas

Pauperis angustique laris. Luc. Phar. v.

--- Under affliction every thing displeases; but all delights the cheerful temper.

Ver. 16. Content. Sept. "fear." Heb. "with trouble," which is preferable. 1 Tim. vi. 6.

Ver. 17. Calf. Or feast after sacrifice. 1 K. xvii. 19. Lu. xv. 23.

Ver. 19. Thorns. All seems to them impossible. C. --- In agriculture, however, (H.) "in domestic affairs, negligence is attended with more labour than diligence." Colum. xii. 2.

Ver. 21. Fool. He thinks himself the most happy of mortals. C. --- Sept. "the ways of the fools are senseless." H.

Ver. 22. Counsel. Heb. "secrecy." --- Established. We put in execution without fear, what has been resolved maturely. C.

Ver. 24. Above. Lit. "upon the learned." H. --- One path leads to the realms above. C. --- The wise must be intent on God. M.

Ver. 26. Shall by, &c. is not added in Heb. &c. nor in several Latin MSS.

Ver. 27. Troubleth. With all sorts of temporal misfortunes. A judge who receives bribes, is accursed. Ex. xxiii. 8. --- By, &c. is not here in Heb. but c.. xvi. 6. S. Cyprian (3 Test.) found it in his copy. --- Faith, or fidelity and truth, as it is elsewhere expressed. C. iii. 3. These virtues move God to pardon.

Ver. 28. Studieth. And speaks deliberately. Sept. Rom. is more embarrassed in the rest of this, and the nine first verses of the following chapter, than the Complut. edition.

Ver. 30. Fat. And contributes to health. By less noble motives, the mind is gradually raised to the more excellent.

Ver. 33. Lesson. Or "what teacheth." Humility, or docility, as those who acknowledge no master will never be wise. Matt. xxiii. 12. C.

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