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JOB 11


Ver. 1. Naamathite. Sept. "the Minean," in Arabia Felix, or rather of the Meonim, not far from the Themanites. Judg. x. 11. Sophar was probably a descendant of Sepho, styled by Sept. Sophar, (Gen. xxxvi. 11. and 1 Par. i. 36.) brother of Thaman, and grandson of Eliphaz, the son of Esau. C. --- He speaks with greater insolence than the two others, (Pineda) and inveighs against Job, insisting that he can be punished thus only for his crimes. C.

Ver. 2. Much. The speeches of Job seemed tedious to him, because he was not of his opinion. M. --- He might have applied to himself and his friends the fault of talking too much, as they all spoke many things to no purpose, whereas Job went straight to the point. W.

Ver. 3. Men. Heb. "shall thy lies make men keep silence?" Sept. "Blessed be the short-lived son of a woman. Speak not much, for there is no one to give sentence against thee." H. --- Mocked, by not acquiescing to their solid arguments, (M.) and speaking with much animation. Pineda.

Ver. 4. Sight. Job had just said the reverse. C. ix. 2. S. Chrys.

Ver. 6. Law. Heb. Thushiya, (H.) "the essence" of any thing. Hence it is explained, "law, strength, comfort," &c. We might translate, "and that the reality of thy crimes deserved double punishment," &c. The obligations of the natural, and also of the written law of Moses, with which Job was (C.) perhaps (H.) acquainted, (C. xxii. 22.) are very numerous and difficult. The ways of Providence are not easily understood, though some are obvious enough. He rewards and punishes. C. --- Sept. "for it is double of what has come against thee, and then thou wouldst know that thy sins are justly requited." Prot. "that they are double to that which is: Know, therefore, that God exacteth of thee less than thine iniquity deserveth." 1 Esd. ix. 13. H.

Ver. 7. Perfectly? If not, it is rash to find fault. M.

Ver. 11. It? to inflict punishment. Sept. "he will not overlook." H.

Ver. 12. Is. Heb. "is he heart? or wise, (C.) he who is born like a," &c. Shall he assert his independence, or pretend to be wise? H. --- The Hebrews place wisdom in the heart, as we do courage. C. xii. 3. Prov. ii. 2. &c. C.

Ver. 13. But. Heb. "If thou direct thy heart, &c. Thou mayst lift up thy face," (v. 15. H.) without fear. 2 K. ii. 22. C.

Ver. 14. Iniquity. Of this Job was not conscious, and therefore could not confess it. W.

Ver. 15. Without. Sept. "as clean water, thou shalt pass away corruption, and shalt not fear."

Ver. 17. Brightness. Sept. "But thy prayer, like the day-star and life, shall arise to thee from the south, or as at noon-day." Heb. "Thy age (H.) shall appear clearer than the noon-day, and darkness like the morning." Prosperity shall succeed, (C.) when thou shalt think all lost. M.

Ver. 18. Secure, dying full of hope. Chal. Heb. "thou shalt dig," (for water, which was there a great treasure. Gen. xxi. 25. and xxvi. 15.) or to fasten down thy tent, (C.) "and rest secure." H.

Ver. 19. Face. Luther translates "shall flatter thee." The Dutch version, which is taken from Luther's, has mistaken a letter, and rendered "shall flee before thee," which shews the danger of translating without recurring to the originals. Amama.

Ver. 20. Soul, because hope deferred causeth pain to the soul. Prov. xiii. 12. M. --- Heb. "their hope shall be the sorrow, or the breathing out of the soul." C. --- Prot. "the giving up of the ghost." Margin, "a puff of breath." C. xviii. 14. H.

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