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Ver. 1. And. Instead of these two verses, the Sept. place (H.) what we have C. xv. with some small variation from the present account in Heb. But there is nothing incompatible with the truth. C. --- The king might be at first displeased; but, seeing the effect which it had upon Esther, he might feel his former sentiments of love rekindle. C. T. --- House, or inner apartment, C. iv. 11. The throne was surprizingly magnificent, yet inferior to that of Solomon. 3 K. x. 18. C. --- It was formed of gold and precious stones, with a curtain over it of purple and other colours. Athen. xi. 2.

Ver. 2. Golden. "It is not this golden sceptre which saves the kingdom," said Cyrus, "but faithful friends are the most true and secure sceptre for kings." Cyrop. viii. C. --- Kissed. Heb. "touched." H.

Ver. 3. Kingdom. C. vii. 2. This compliment only (C.) meant, that every rational (H.) request should be granted. Mar. vi. 23.

Ver. 4. Prepared. It was not prudent to declare her request, when many improper persons were present; and Aman was not there. M. --- She thought that the hilarity, occasioned by innocent feasting, (H.) might be a means of obtaining more effectually what she wanted. M. --- If the prudence of this world suggest much address, why may not virtue employ the same arts for good purposes? Esther had to obtain two great points; to make the king retract his edict, andto abandon his favourite. She is afraid therefore of being too hasty, (C.) and invites the king again, to increase by this delay his desire to of knowing her request, and that he might bind himself to grant it more effectually. W. --- She invites Aman alone, who would thus be more envied by the other courtiers; (Lyran) while she manifested an open dispostion, and disdained to accuse the absent. T.

Ver. 6. Wine. The Persians did not drink till the end of the feast, (as the Turks are said to do at present. Tavernier) when they fall upon wine without any moderation. Ælian, Hist. xii. 1.

Ver. 11. Children. After military glory, this was deemed the greatest. The king sent presents yearly to those who had most children. Herod. i. 136.

Ver. 12. But me. It was thought very singular, when Artaxerxes invited his own brothers. Plut. --- But when he also admitted a foreigner, the nobility became jealous, as that honour was reserved for the king's relations. Athen. i. --- Dine, or feast. Only one meal was taken, (Herod. vii. 120.) and that in the evening. C.

Ver. 13. Whereas. Sept. "all these things do not satisfy me, while I behold," &c. Such is the insatiable nature of ambition! H. --- Gate. He does not clearly mention that he wanted to be adored. M.

Ver. 14. High. This was to increase the shame. Hence Galba condemned a Roman citizen to be hung on a high white cross. Sueton. ix. --- The Jews formerly burned a man in effigy with a cross, pretending to do it in detestation of Aman, but in reality to deride our Saviour, till the emperors forbade the custom. C. ix. 21. C. Just. and Theodos. C.

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