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Ver. 1. Doors. Gr. adds, "without," yet so that Judith could open them. C.

Ver. 4. Drunk. Gr. "drowned in wine."

Ver. 5. The. Gr. "her chamber." --- Watch. Gr. adds, "her coming out, as on other days; for she had said she would go out to pray, and she had told this to Bagoas. And all had departed," &c. All these precautions were necessary. H.

Ver. 6. Judith. She seems not to have disclosed her secret even to her companion, taking the whole upon herself. --- Lips. Gr. "in her heart." C. --- Yet the Jews generally use some words, (H.) thinking that prayer too cold, which is barely mental. Grotius.

Ver. 7. Raise up. If Bethulia had been taken, perhaps (H.) Jerusalem had also fallen. W.

Ver. 8. Pillar. Gr. kanoni, "the rule," (C.) or pole on which the arms were hung. Hesychius. --- Sword, (acinace) used by the Persians, (M.) and shorter than the Greek or Roman sword. C. --- If she had not been inspired by God to act thus, like Aod, (Judg. iii.) it would be difficult to excuse her, in thus hurrying a many, in the most wretched state, before the judgment-seat of God. H.

Ver. 10. Canopy, to convince all that it was the head of Holofernes. M. --- Body, on the ground; (C. xiv. 14.) perhaps to cut off the head more easily, (C.) and that it might appear more ghastly H. at the first entrance. T.

Ver. 11. While, having composed herself, (H.) and done every thing necessary to prevent detection. M.

Ver. 13. Open. Gr. repeats, "open ye now the gate; God, our God is with us, still to shew power in Israel, and strength against the enemies, as he hath done to-day." H.

Ver. 14. That. Gr. "they hastened to descend to the gate of their city, and called," &c.

Ver. 15. Had now. Gr. "it was a paradox to them that she should come, and they opened the gate, and received them."

Ver. 16. And she. Gr. "said to them with a loud voice: Praise God, praise, yea praise God, because he hath not withdrawn his mercy from the house of Israel, but hath destroyed our enemies by my hand this night." H.

Ver. 19. Drunkenness. "The fasting of one woman overthrew an innumerable host of drunkards. S. Amb. de jej. ix. W.

Ver. 20. And abiding. Gr. "for my face has deluded him to his ruin, and he has not committed sin with me, for defilement and shame. And all the people were much amazed; and bowing down, they adored the Lord, and said, with one accord: Our God, thou art blessed, because this day thou hast brought the enemies of thy people to nought." H. --- Judith's guardian angel defended her; as Jacob's did him. Gen. xlviii. W.

Ver. 23. Prince, in that town, though Manasses was king. M. --- Gr. "Ozias said."

Ver. 25. Praise. Gr. "hope." --- For that. Gr. "and may God make these things turn to thy eternal exaltation, to regard thee for good; because thou hast not." --- Ruin. Gr. adds, "walking aright in," &c. H.

Ver. 27. And. This is related after v. 5, in the following chapter, in Gr. Syr. and the old Vulg. (C.) and indeed it seems to be there in its proper place. --- Head, or general. H.

Ver. 29. Fear. Astonished (M.) at the instability of human things, and admiring how God had rescued him from the threatened danger.

Ver. 30. Reverenced. Lit. "adored;" a word often used in this sense. H.

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