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Ver. 1. But. Gr. "And Tobit, his father, counted each day; and as the days of the journey were ended, and they did not come, Tobit said, Is he not put to shame?" (H.) and refused payment? C. --- Old Vulg. and Prot. "detained."

Ver. 3. He. Gr. "He was much troubled. But his wife said to him, the boy is come to an untimely end, since he tarries; and she began to mourn for him, and said, I am not, or am I not full of solicitude, my son, that I have let thee go, the light of my eyes and Tobit ?", v. 6. Without this interrogation, (H.) the Gr. seems to be corrupt; (C.) and wV, "how," or oi, "woe," should be put instead of ou, "not." Drus. Grot. &c. "Now I care for nothing, my son, since I have let thee go, the light," &c. Prot.

Ver. 6. That. Gr. "and she said to him, Be silent, deceive me not. My son is lost: and she went out daily into the road without, by which they departed. In the day time she eat no bread, and the night she spent in bewailing her son, Tobias, till the 14 days of the wedding were finished, which Raguel had adjured him to tarry there. And," v. 9. H. --- Thus the converted Jews lament that Christ should so long abandon their nation, while some hope like Tobias, and others are in more suspense, like his wife. V. Bede. --- So Catholics, in countries fallen into heresy, are in great distress for their brethren; (Rom. ix.) While some more confidently hope that God will enlighten our nation again, as sight was restored to old Tobias. W.

Ver. 8. Raguel. Gr. "Tobias," as v. 9, which is transposed.

Ver. 9. Days. It would require 42, (T.) or 38, (Torniel) or 34 days, (Salien. M.) to perform what is here recorded. H. --- But it would be difficult to ascertain the precise time. To go from Ninive to Ecbatana would occupy eight or ten days. C. ---If, therefore, the parents of Tobias expected that he would return in about 20 days, they might well wonder at the 14 days’ delay occasioned by the marriage. The distance might prevent him from giving notice of this event. Gr. "Dismiss me, because my, &c....no longer hope to see me again. But his father-in-law replied, Stop with me," &c. v. 8. H.

Ver. 10. When. Gr. "And Tobias said, No; but dismiss me to my father and mother. Then Raguel rising up, gave him Sarra, his wife, and half his goods, bodies, beasts, and silver." This expression, bodies, (H). or men generally denotes slaves; but it may also be put for others, (C.) who were in the train of Sara. Grot. --- Safe. Gr. "with blessing, saying, May God prosper you, children, the God of heaven, before I die; and he said to his daughter, Honour thy father and mother-in-law, they are now thy parents. May I hear a good report of thee, and he kissed her; and Edna said to Tobias, dear brother, May the Lord of heaven re-establish thee and grant me to behold thy children by my daughter, Sarra, that I may rejoice before the Lord; and behold, I place my daughter with thee as a deposit, and thou must not grieve her. Afterwards she departed, and Toby also blessing God, and he made his journey prosperous and blessed. Raguel, and Edna, and his wife." H. --- The Jews still adopt many customs similar to those which we here behold, as this is a most excellent description of a holy marriage. Serarius. C. --- Some also prevail in the Christian Church, though marriage is now become more holy, and a sacrament. Cat. Rom. q. 22. --- The proper intent of the contract, and many rites accompanying it, may be seen in the preceding chapters. W.

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