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Ver. 1. Israel, "seeing, or valiant with God," was before called Jacob, or "a supplanter." Gen. xxxv. W.

Ver. 2. Aser. They are not placed in the order of their birth. H.

Ver. 3. Her. The crime for which he was punished is not specified in Scripture. C. --- The Rabbins say that he was so enamoured of the beauty of his wife, that he treated her in the same manner as Onan did afterwards. Cassian viii. 11. --- It is supposed that he was slain by a devil, (C.) like the (T.) impure husbands of Sarai. Tob. vi. 14. H.

Ver. 6. Zamri, or Zabdi. Jos. vii. 1. --- Etham. Similar names occur 3 K. iv. 30. But they seem to have been different persons.

Ver. 7. Achar, alias Achan, (Josue vii. Ch.) which was his real name, as the former was given him (C.) in consequence of his having "troubled" Israel. D. --- One letter may have been mistaken. W. --- It may seem more probable that Achar, which appears invaribly in the Vat. Sept. and Syriac, is the proper name. Kennicott. --- Anathema, the thing devoted or accursed, viz. the spoils of Jericho. Ch.

Ver. 10. Ram. He is commonly called Aram. But it is to be observed here, once for all, that it was a common thing among the Hebrews for the same person to have different names: and that it is not impossible among so many proper names, as here occur in the first nine chapters of this book, that the transcribers of the ancient Hebrew copies may have made some slips in the orthography. Ch. --- Juda. Probably the first, appointed by Moses in the desert. Num. i. 7. and vii. 12.

Ver. 11. Salma. Sept. have "Salmon," as it is written Ruth iv. 20. Mat. i. 4.

Ver. 15. Seventh. Syriac and Arab. add, "Eliu, (C. xxvii. 18.) and the eighth David." It appears, in effect, the Isai had eight sons, and that David was the youngest. 1 K. xvi. 10. and xvii. 12. The Rabbins suppose that one was only adopted, namely, Jonathan, the son of Samma, noted for his prudence and valour. 2 K. xiii. 3. and xxi. 21. C. --- One might die in his youth, and be therefore omitted, (T.) as he had done nothing memorable. D. --- The Scripture does not always specify the full number. Abul.

Ver. 16. Sarvia. The honour shewn to the sisters of David is unusual. The father of the three valiant children of Sarvia is no where specified.

Ver. 17. Ismahelite, or more correctly, "Jethra, of Jezrahel;" (2 K. xvii. 25.) though the Heb. and Sept. in that place read "Israelite," which would be a trifling remark; and it is improbable that Isai would give his daughter to a descendant of Ismahel. C. --- The person might, however, have resided among them. D.

Ver. 18. Caleb, alias Calubi, v. 9. Ch. W. --- He is different from Caleb, the son of Jephone. --- Took, &c. Heb. "begot Azuba, Ischa, and Jerioth;" or rather with the Sept. "took to wife Gazuba and Jerioth." C. --- Syr. and Arab. "Caleb had Jerioth by his wife Azuba." We know that the latter was his wife, (v. 19.) and this seems to be the true reading. As ath signifies "of or from," (Noldius) the Heb. only requires a small correction. As it stands at present, it means, "Caleb begot Azuba, a woman, (or wife) and Jerioth." Prot. supply, "begat children of Azuba, his wife, and of Jerioth." Kennicott. --- Her sons. The original determines us to read her, instead of "his," as ejus would as naturally be understood. If Jerioth was not the wife, she seems to have been the daughter of Caleb; as Jaser, &c. were his sons. H.

Ver. 20. Bezeleel, the famous artist, (Ex. xxxi. 2. C.) or a different person. D. --- The Rabbins, who confound Caleb with the son of Jephone, say that he espoused Ephrata, or Mary, the sister of Moses, when he was ten years old, that Ur and Uri had each a child at eight, and the Bezeleel began to work at the tabernacle before he was nine years old. Lyran. --- But this is extravagant, and the Bezeleel here mentioned was of the family of Hesron. C.

Ver. 21. Machir, grandson of Joseph, whose descendants occupied part of Galaad, (H.) of which he is styled the father, or prince. M. --- The daughter of Machir was probably an heiress, and Segub dwelt with his mother's tribe. C.

Ver. 23. Aram. Prot. add "with the towns of Jair from them," the former possessors; (H.) or Gessur assisted Aram (Syria) in attacking Israel, 4 K. x. 32. C. --- All these villages. Prot. supply, "belonged to the sons." Sept. "were of the sons." All these were dependencies of Machir, "prince" of Galaad; in which sense father is taken, v. 24. M. --- Sons often denote nephews, &c. W.

Ver. 24. Hesron. Perhaps it ought to be Azuba, v. 19. Heb. "and after Hesron was dead, in Caleb-ephrata, then Abia, the wife of Hesron, bore him a (posthumous) son, Ashur, the father of those who dwelt at Thecua." He could not reside there himself no more than Caleb did at Bethlehem, which some, without proof, pretend was called Caleb-ephrata. The Sept. agree with the Vulg. They may signify that Caleb went to the town of Ephrata. But he son of Hebron certainly never resided at Bethlehem. C.

Ver. 25. And, is not in Heb. Achia, which may also signify "her sister." Sept. "brother." Others take (C.) Achia to be the first wife of Jerameel. Jan.

Ver. 31. Oholai, a daughter, (v. 34. T.) unless this son died before his father. Vatab.

Ver. 42. Caleb, or Calubi, v. 9. Ziph, Maresa, and Hebron, are the names of towns, as well as of men. The descendants of Mesa inhabited Ziph, and those of Maresa dwelt at Hebron. The same remark will hold good in other places, where the names of places are put for those who occupied them. C. --- And the sons. Heb. "and of the sons of Maresa." Vat. --- But it may be as well explained in the sense of the Vulg. Sept. "Marisa, his first-born. He was the father of Ziph, and the sons of Marisa, of the father of Hebron." --- Father. Lit. "of the father," patris Hebron. H.

Ver. 47. Jahaddai. His name occurs not before. Some suppose he was the son of Mosa: perhaps a verse may be lost, as the Syr. and Arab. pass over this and the two following verses.

Ver. 49. Achsa, different from Axa, the grand-daughter of Jephone. Judg. i. 12. H. --- Both had daughters of the same name. D.

Ver. 50. Caleb, grandson of Calubi. Vatab. &c. --- Sobal, his descendant, was prince of those who established themselves at Cariathiarim. C. --- The Alex. Sept. seems rather to assert that he was son of Hur, as well as those who follow. "The sons of Hur...Sobal...Salomon, father of Baithlammon, father of Bethleem." But the editions vary. H.

Ver. 52. He that saw, &c. The Latin interpreter seems to have given us here, instead of the proper names, the meaning of those names in the Hebrew. He has done in like manner, v. 55, (Ch.) and in many other places. D. --- Heb. "had sons, haroe cha hamenuchoth, (H.) or Raia, Roeh, (C. iv. 2.) and Chazi of the canton of Menuchat, near Babaa. C. viii. 6. and Judg. xx. 43. Sept. mention Manocho. Jos. xv. 60. --- We may also translate "the father of Cariathiarim, the prince of half Manuchat, had sons who peopled different cities." It seems too harsh to call a man "half the place of rest," or "seeing from the moiety of rest," though the Heb. has this literal signification. The Sept. give proper names, (C.) "Araa, Esei, Ammanith," (but v. 55, half of Manath) and the Prot. "Haroeh and half of the Manahattites." H. --- Sobal left to his descendants half the country which he had quietly occupied.

Ver. 53. Kindred. Sept. "Oumasphas." H. --- Esthaolites. All these places were in Juda, (C.) or perhaps (H.) the two last in Dan, (M.) or occupied by both tribes. Abul. q. 8.

Ver. 54. Salma, or Salmon's descendants, people Bethlehem, &c. --- Crowns. Valiant heroes who assisted Joab to gain crowns. W. --- Heb. "Hateroth," the house (Sept. Alex. of the house of Jobab) of Joab; (H.) perhaps the famous general who had land near Absalom's, on the frontiers of Ephraim, where Ataroth was situated. --- And half. Heb. "half of the Manahethites." Prot. (H.) or "of Menuchat, towards Zarai." The author seems purposely to mention to whom the cities at first belonged, that the right owners might be reinstated in their possessions, at their return from Babylon. C. --- This verse may specify six towns, Bethlehem and Netophat, (H.) Beth-Joab, Chatsi, Manachti, and Atsothi.

Ver. 55. Scribes, learned in the law. M. --- Singing, &c. The different professions of the Rechabites are here given, instead of proper names, (C.) which the Vat. Sept. retains. --- Thargathiim and Samathiim, Sochathim. --- Heb. Tirhatim, "porters;" (Chal.) Shimhathim, "the obedient;" Sucathim, "the inhabitants of tents;" Calor, "the heat," as the Heb. Chamath (Prot. Hemath) signifies. The Cinites dwelt on the south of Juda, for which reason they are probably here mentioned, though some of them also inhabited Jabes Galaad, while the Rechabites dwelt in tents, (H.) and were perhaps employed as porters in the temple. C. Jer. xxxv. 5. 19.

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