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Ver. 1. Uncle of Abimelech, i.e. Half-brother to Gedeon, as being born of the same mother, but by a different father, and of a different tribe. Ch. --- The wife of Joas might have been married to a person of the tribe of Issachar, by whom she had Phua, who was half-brother of Gedeon. H. --- Thola was cousin-german of Abimelech. S. Aug. q. xlvii. &c. The Israelites elected Thola for their judge, (Abulensis) out of respect to Gedeon, (A. Lapide) that he might put an end to the commotions which had been excited by the tyrant. M. -- Joatham might be passed over on account of his youth. The Sept. and Chal. have "Thola, the son of Phua, the son of his uncle by the father's side," which may be true, if the brother of Gedeon adopted him; or this uncle might refer to Abimelech. The uncertainty arises from the Heb. Dodo, which may be taken as a proper name. "Phua, the son of Dodo;" (Pagnin. Prot. &c. H.) or as denoting a relation, the paternal uncle of Abimelech, or of Thola, (Bonf. &c. C.) or simply "his kinsman." The Heb. Sept. &c. assert that Thola "arose to defend or to save Israel." He seems to have kept all quiet during the 23 years of his administration. --- Samir. Sept. Alex. reads "Samaria;" but the city was not built till the reign of Amri. There was a city on a mountain, (H.) called Samir, in the tribe of Juda, (Jos. xv. 48,) different from this. M. --- People were at liberty to dwell where they pleased, out of their own tribe. C. --- This judge was buried among the Ephraimites. H. --- But we know not the exact place where Samir stood. C. --- There seems, however, to be no inconvenience in allowing that there was a town in the vicinity of Sichem, long before Amri made Samaria the capital of his kingdom; (see 3 K. xiii. 22. and xvi. 24,) and here Thola might reside. He was probably the eldest, or of the second branch, of Issachar, (Num. xxvi. 23, ) of great nobility and virtue, and the 10th judge of Israel.

Ver. 2. Years. S. Severus says 22, making the reign of Jair of equal length. Cum æque viginti & duos annos principatum obtinuisset. But this is contrary to all the best chronologers. The fidelity of the Israelites seems to have been of no longer continuance at this period than usual, as we find that they relapsed into idolatry again, at least after the death of Jair, within 45 years after they had been scourged by the tyrant Abimelech, v. 6. H.

Ver. 4. Havoth Jair. This name was now confirmed to these towns, which they had formerly received from another Jair. Num. xxxii. 41. Ch. --- Sixty are there specified, and only 30 here, which might either be the same, or different from those villages to which the former Jair had left his name. Grotius thinks that judge Jair was the son of Segub, who left 23 cities to him. These, with seven belonging to his grandfather, Hesron, make up the number here specified. 1 Par. ii. 22. --- The Heb. does not say that these 30 cities were called after the judge: "they had 30 cities, which are called Havoth Jair," &c. C. --- Some copies of the Sept. add "two" to the number of sons, asses, and cities, as if there had been 32 of each. In other respects they agree with the original. It was formerly a mark of distinction to ride on fair asses. C. v. 10. H. --- S. Jerom thinks that horses were prohibited, as they were in Egypt, without the king's leave. But we nowhere find this law recorded , (C.) and it is not universally true that it existed. M. Hieropolit. iii. 15. --- Some have inferred from Jair's children having 30 cities, that he exercised a sovereign authority over Israel: but he might only give his children the authority of magistrates in them, as Samuel did. 1 K. viii. E. --- We know not by what means Jair was raised to the chief command, nor what he did for the benefit of the people. He is supposed to be the same who is called Bedan. 1 K. xii. 11. Serar. Usher, &c.; though others think that Bedan is a title of Samson. He was of the tribe of Manasses in Galaad. Having kept the people under due restraint during his administration, they burst forth, like a torrent, at his death, and, on all sides, abandoned themselves to a multiplicity of idols, so that God made some difficulty in restoring them again to favour. H. --- A. Lapide thinks that they had begun to relapse 18 years before the death of Jair, and were, consequently, chastised by the Ammonites. Serarius is of a contrary opinion, though Houbigant rather inclines to the former sentiment, as it is not said that Jair gave rest to the land, nor more than Samgar. H.

Ver. 5. Camon is placed in Galaad by Adrichomius, though S. Jerom mentions another, six miles from Legion, where he supposes that Jair was buried. It seems more natural to say that he was interred in his own country, on the east side of the Jordan. Bonfrere. --- It is, probably the same city as Hamon (1 Par. vi. 16,) and Hammothdor. Jos. xxxi. 32. C.

Ver. 6. Gods. The sun and moon were principally adored among these nations, under different names.

Ver. 7. Ammon. While these infested the eastern parts, the Philistines made incursions into the territories of their neighbours. H. --- This servitude resembled that of Madian. Jephte attacked the Ammonites, and Abesan, with other judges, made head against the Philistines (C.) in the west. H.

Ver. 8. Years by the Ammonites, whose dominion was suppressed by the victory of Jephte. When the servitude commenced is uncertain, v. 4. Heb. "and that year they vexed," &c. C. --- Roman Sept. "at that time." Grabe's copy has "in that year;" and though the former expression appear to be more indefinite, yet it must refer to some period, (H.) either prior to the death of Jair, (Salien) or subsequent to that event. Euseb. Genebrard. --- The text will not decide with certainty. How long the Philistines harassed Israel is specified, C. xiii. 1.

Ver. 9. Exceedingly. Not only those who lived in Galaad, but also three tribes on the west of the Jordan, were treated as the half tribe of Manasses had been, (C.) when Gedeon delivered them. H.

Ver. 11. Said by the mouth of an angel, or of some prophet. M.

Ver. 12. Chanaan. Heb. "Maon." Sept. Rom. and Alex. "Madian." The Maonites are styled Mineans by the Sept. (1 Par. iv. 40,) and these inhabited Arabia, (Diod. iii. 42,) and might join themselves to Madian and Amalec, in their attacks upon the Israelites. As for Chanaan, which other editions of the Sept. retain, we know that they were domestic enemies, like thorns in the sides of Israel. Jos. xxiii. 13. All the persecutions, which the Hebrews had to undergo, are not particularized in this book. C. --- They were grievously tormented in Egypt, they had to contend with the Amorrhites at their first entrance into the land. H. --- The Ammonites and Amalecites had assisted Eglon before, and the Philistines had attacked Samgar. The Sidonians, it seems, had also greatly molested those who lived near them, and probably were the auxiliaries of Jabin. C. --- But the Chanaanites were ready to fall upon every weak spot, living in various parts of the country, (H.) and continually tempted the people of Israel to abandon the service of God. C.

Ver. 13. No more, so readily as I have done formerly. I will make you feel the rod of your oppressors. H. --- Unless you change your conduct, I will never deliver you. C.

Ver. 14. Go. This is not a command, but an ironical expression, as Deut. xxxii. 38.

Ver. 15. Time. They are willing to suffer from the hand of God, (2 K. xxiv. 14,) if they prove inconstant any more. M.

Ver. 16. Touched. Lit. "grieved." Heb. "his soul was straitened," as in joy it is said to be enlarged. He speaks of God in a human manner. C. Gen. vi. 6. M.

Ver. 17. Together, as people sure of victory. --- Galaad, the capital of the country of the same name. It belonged to Gad. --- Maspha, near the springs of the Jaboc. Jos. xi. 3. and xiii. 26. C. --- It signifies "a watch-tower." M.

Ver. 18. Galaad. It seems non of them durst accept the offer, as the first onset was the most hazardous. Hence they invited Jephte to take upon him the command. The Israelites consulted the Lord on a former occasion, who should begin the attack upon the Chanaanites. C. i. 1. In these wars much depended on one battle. The wars were seldom protracted to such a length as they have been since. C.

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