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Ver. 3. Arrows. Cambyses thought himself the most skilful at shooting. This was the usual weapon of the Persians (C.) and Parthians. H.

Ver. 4. Fall. In every part some shall resist Antichrist, who shall be overpowered. W. --- Cambyses died at Carmel.

Ver. 6. Islands; in the naval forces, or in the places of his dominion where discord shall prevail. C. --- Cambyses resolved to attack Ethiopia, the people near the temple of Ammon, and the Carthaginians: but his troops refused to go against the latter, and many were smothered in the sands, or starved to death in the other expeditions. Just. i. Lucan x. &c.

Ver. 9. Years; for a long time. v. 12. Little fuel is necessary there. Mariana (Hist. xi. 24. A. 1212.) mentions, that the arms of the Moors supplied Spain four years with fuel. C.

Ver. 10. Prey. The Jews relate that Zorobabel went out to oppose these nations, and took so much plunder as to be able to begin the temple. Theod.

Ver. 11. East of the Mediterranean and of Carmel, the high road from Assyria to Egypt, (Gen. xxxvii. 2. C.) where the Romans had a station at Legion. Eus. --- Called, or shall be. Is. vii. 14. and lx. 14. C. --- Valley. Sept. "Gai, the grave of Gog." Prot. "the valley of Haman-Gog." v. 16. H. --- Antichrist will not be burnt iwth material fire. But Catholics shall resist him zealously, and gain the victory. W.

Ver. 12. Land, to prevent infection, and to comply with the law. Num. xix. 16.

Ver. 13. Day. It does not occur in the calendar. Yet Comestor and the Carthusian mentions Cambysa, the day when Bethulia was delivered. Jud. xvi. 31. The history of Judith may perhaps relate to the defeat of this prince. The embellishments will not injure the truth. The Jews immediately after his death recommence the building of the temple, (1 Esd. iv. Agg. i. 14.) which they are forced to discontinue, till Hystaspes confirmed the decree of Cyrus. This was the grand object of their desires, and therefore the day when Cambyses fell was ever memorable to them. C. Diss. --- So will that be for Christians, when Antichrist shall be no more. M.

Ver. 15. Buriers. These might be foreign slaves, or Jews, who followed this employment. C. --- They would be habitually (H.) unclean, and their company would be carefully avoided. Those who sought after the dead remains, contracted no uncleanness. C.

Ver. 16. Amona. Heb. hamon, (H.) means "a multitude." C. --- Sept. "a place for many graves:" poluandrion. H. --- So many would be buried there, that the place might justly receive such a name; though we find no such city in the neighbourhood. C. --- Rabbath, of Ammon, was sometimes so called. H.

Ver. 18. That are. Heb. "and of meries, (a species of oxen, in Syria. Bellon. ii. 50.) all of them from Basan," beyond the Jordan, a most fertile country. Sept. "all calves fattened."

Ver. 23. Sword. I could as easily have protected them against the Chaldeans as against this prince, if their sins had not been in the way. C. --- These bring on the ruin of God's people more than the power of the enemy. W.

Ver. 25. Israel. All who please may now return. Hystaspes was very favourable to them. He married Esther, raised Mardochai to great power, and sent Esdras into Judea with ample privileges. Many returned under him, Artazerxes, and Alexander. --- Jealous. I will restore the people to favour, and will protect them (C.) like a husband. H.

Ver. 28. There, except such as refused to return. They have entire liberty. This and what follows was not fully accomplished till the propagation of the gospel. God wished all to embrace it; and though Israel has been partly blind, they will enter the Church after the Gentiles. Rom. xii. 26. C.

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