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Ver. 2. Prince. The Jews say Hiram, (S. Jer.) supposing that he lived a thousand years; though this is not requisite, as he died only four hundred and thirty years before. The idea is childish. The king who was taken and slain, at this siege, was probably (C.) Ithobalos. Jos. Ant. x. 11. --- Origen applies this to the angel guardian of Tyre. S. Aug. thinks an allusion is made to the fall of Lucifer. But it may all refer to the king, (C.) though others explain part of him and the rest of the devil. S. Jer. E.


Ver. 3. Than Daniel; viz. in thy own conceit. The wisdom of Daniel was so much celebrated in his days, that it became a proverb among the Chaldees, when any one would express an extraordinary wisdom, to say he was as wise as Daniel. Ch. W. --- He was now at court, and had explained the dream of Nabuchodonosor. Dan. ii. 27.


Ver. 10. Uncircumcised. The Jews deemed this a disgrace. 1 K. xxxi. 4. The king would be exposed to eternal death, being devoid of faith, &c. C.


Ver. 12. Resemblance. The king of Tyre, by his dignity and his natural perfections, bore in himself a certain resemblance to God, by reason of which he might be called the seal of resemblance, &c. But what is here said to him is commonly understood of Lucifer, the king over all the children of pride. Ch. --- A seal is perfect when it represents things exactly. The prophet speaks ironically, to repress the king's vanity.


Ver. 13. Paradise. Thou hadst every thing delightful at Tyre. C. --- Covering. Heb. "bandage;" diadem, (H.) or belt. Sept. specify twelve stones. See Ex. xxviii. 17. --- Pipes; music used at the coronation, which was celebrated as a birth-day. C. --- God give and withdraws power from all kings. As long as they act well, they are a sort of sanctuary. H.


Ver. 14. Stretched out. That is, thy wings extended. This alludes to the figure of the cherubims in the sanctuary, which with stretched out wings covered the ark, (Ch.) on the holy mountain. S. Jer. &c. --- Fire. That is, bright and precious stones, which sparkle like fire. Ch. --- With these the king's robes glittered, or he walked upon them. Est. i. 6. C. --- Calcacabatur onyx. Lucan x.


Ver. 15. Iniquity. Tyre was before wicked; but when the king pretended to be a god, (v. 2.) it could no longer be endured. W.


Ver. 17. Beauty. Riches have corrupted thy heart.


Ver. 18. Sanctuaries, or temples, which was a crime (C.) in an idolater, as he took them to be the temples of a real deity. H.


Ver. 22. Sidon. It gave rise to Tyre, yet was now inferior, though independent of it, (Is. xxiii. 4.) or subject to Egypt. Diod. ii. 2. --- It was now pillaged.


Ver. 24. Bitterness. Jezabel came hence; (4 K. xvi. 31.) and the Phœnicians hemmed in the Israelites as much as possible, and fought against them. C. --- Sidon was near Tyre, and imitating her crimes was also punished.


Ver. 25. When. All shall praise God, seeing that he receives his people again after he has justly chastised them. W.



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