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Ver. 1. Masters should remember that they also have a Master to whom they must reckon, and from whom they must expect the same justice they measure out to others.

Ver. 3. A door of speech; i.e. of free speech to preach the gospel. Wi.

Ver. 5. Redeeming the time. This expression occurs also in the epistle to the Ephesians, and seems to insinuate to the faithful to be on their guard not to irritate the Gentiles, nor to provoke them to persecution. Remember, says he, the times are bad; conduct yourselves with prudence; gain time, procure peace, and remain in silence. This was written towards the end of the reign of Nero, as cruel a prince as ever lived. C.

Ver. 10. The same as John and Mark mentioned in the Acts, xv. 37, 39.

Ver. 12. Epaphras. He was apostle and bishop of the Colossians, as has been observed. It was he who engaged S. Paul to write to them, fearing lest they should give themselves up to the novelties of the false apostles, after having received the gospel from him in all its purity. C.

Ver. 16. Read you that which is of the Laodiceans.[1] Some expound these words of an epistle which S. Paul wrote to the Laodiceans, which is lost, for that now extant is no more than a collection of sentences out of S. Paul. By the Greek text is rather signified a letter writ from Laodicea, and might be a letter sent from the Laodiceans to S. Paul, which he had a mind the Colossians should read. Wi. — This opinion does not, however, seem well founded. Hence it is more probable, that S. Paul wrote an epistle from Rome to the Laodiceans about the same time that he wrote to the Colossians, as he had them both equally at heart, and that he ordered that epistle to be read by the Colossians for their instruction; and, being neighbouring cities, they might communicate to each other what they had received from him: as one epistle might contain some matters not related in the other, and would be equally useful for their concern; and more particularly as they were equally disturbed by intruders and false teachers, against whom the apostle was anxious to warn them, lest they should be infected by their pernicious doctrine. Ch. — It is the most common opinion, both amongst the ancients and moderns, that the epistle here alluded to was one written by the Laodiceans to S. Paul, which he sent to Colossus with this, and not one which he himself had written to the Laodiceans. It is however now lost. This exposition agrees best with the Greek. Calmet.

Ver. 17. What S. Paul here addresses to Archippus, gives us reason to presume that he was then bishop of the Colossians, having succeeded Epaphras, who was then prisoner at Rome with S. Paul. V.

[1] V. 16. That of the Laodiceans. Eam quæ Laodicensium est, thn ek LaodikeiaV. See S. Crys. (log. ib. p. 152.) and P. Mauduit dissert. on this place, who endeavours to prove that S. Paul wrote to the Laodiceans.

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