CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
CATHOLIC SAINTS INDEX | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
CATHOLIC DICTIONARY | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
The Writings Of Saint Francis Of Assisi |
Abruzzi <page 182>, <page 184>
Acta Ordinis Minorum <page 125>
Acta Sanctorum <page 26>, <page 115>, <page 154>, <page 180>
Actus B. Francisci et Sociorum eius <page 93>
Admonitions of the Friars <page 55>
Admonitions of St. Francis:
codices containing them <page 3>, <page 22>
their authenticity and number <page 3>
Aegidius. See Giles.
Agnes of Bohemia. Blessed <page 75>
Albert of Pisa, Minister General <page 111>
Alexander IV. Pope-- <page 154>
Alms. On seeking-- <page 42>, <page 68>
Altar. St. Francis on Cleanliness of-- <page 22>
Amor de Caritade, Poem <page 183>
Analekten. See Boehmer.
Analecta Bollandiana <page 3>, <page 27>, <page 29>, <page 78>, <page 94>, <page 182>
Analecta Franciscana <page 25>, <page 180>
Angelis gaudium, Bull <page 75>
Angelo Clareno. See Clareno.
Annales Minorum <page 25>, <page 75>, <page 76>, <page 81>, <page 96>
Anselm. St.-- <page 40>
Antony. Letter of St. Francis to St.-- <page 93>, <page 180>, <page 181>
Antony's MS. St.-- <page 4>, <page 22>, <page 31>, <page 81>, <page 110>, <page 138>
Aquila <page 183>
Arbor Vitae <page 109>, <page 110>, <page 145>, <page 185>
Archiv fur Litteratur, etc. <page 27>, <page 179>
Arnold, Matthew-- <page 150>
Assisi MS. 338 <page 3>, <page 20>, <page 22>, <page 81>, <page 89>, <page 98>, <page 109>, <page 137>, <page 138>, <page 143>, <page 151>, <page 154>, <page 186>
Assisi MS. 344 <page 148>
Augsburg Confession <page 115>
Autographs of St. Francis <page 130>, <page 146>
Aymon of Faversham, Minister General <page 111>
[p. 198]
Bad example. St. Francis on-- <page 13>
Balfour. Reginald-- <page 147>
Bartholi, Tractatus <page 97>, <page 121>
Bartholomew of Pisa <page 5>, <page 20>, <page 32>, <page 89>, <page 98>, <page 109>
Benedict of Prato <page 80>
Berlin MS <page 3>, <page 20>, <page 81>, <page 98>, <page 154>
Bernardine of Siena. St.-- <page 145>, <page 183>
Bernardo da Fivizzano. Fr.-- <page 131>
Bernard of Besse <page 181>
Blessed Virgin. Salutation of the-- <page 143>
Blessing given by St. Francis to Brother Leo <page 149>
Blessing of St. Francis on those who receive his writings kindly <page 188>
Boehmer. H.-- . <page 26>, <page 121>, <page 137>, <page 143>, <page 144>, <page 151>, <page 155>, <page 181>, <page 182>
Bollandists <page 25>, <page 115>
Bonaventure. St.-- . <page 16>, <page 19>, <page 25>, <page 26>, <page 79>, <page 81>, <page 82>, <page 83>, <page 84>, <page 87>, <page 146>, <page 147>, <page 185>, <page 186>
" " See Leg. Major.
Breviary. Seraphic-- <page 25>
Brothers. Letter of St. Francis to all the--:
its scope and date <page 109>
text of -- <page 111>
Brothers Minor. See Friars.
Brothers of Penance <page 25>
Bullarium Franciscanum <page 34>, <page 75>, <page 76>, <page 79>
Caesar of Spires <page 27>, <page 28>
Canticle of the Sun <page 183>
authenticity <page 151>
its composition <page 150>
original Italian text of <page 151>
text of <page 152>
Capistran MS. XXII <page 110>, <page 182>, <page 186>
Carceri. The-- <page 88>
Carmichael. Montgomery-- <page 87>, <page 120>, <page 131>, <page 147>, <page 181>, <page 185>, <page 186>
Catana. Peter of-- <page 121>
Celano. Thomas de-- quoted <page 20>, <page 25>, <page 28>, <page 29>, <page 45>, <page 78>, <page 79>, <page 81>, <page 82>, <page 83>, <page 85>, <page 88>, <page 89>, <page 93>, <page 131>, <page 146>, <page 147>, <page 150>, <page 154>, <page 180>, <page 184>, <page 185>
[p. 199]
Celle. The-- <page 79>, <page 88>
Cherance. Leopold de-- <page 150>
Chiara. Monastery of Santa-- <page 77>
Civilta Cattolica <page 146>
Clare. Fragments, written by St. Francis, from the Rule of St.-- <page 75>, <page 94>
Canonization <page 154>
consulted by St. Francis <page 87>
her testimony as to the Office of the Passion composed by St. Francis <page 154>
Legend of-- by Celano <page 154>
writes a new Rule <page 76>
Clareno. Angelo-- <page 27>, <page 29>, <page 31>, <page 32>
Cleanliness of the Altar. St. Francis on-- <page 22>
Cleanness of Heart. St. Francis on-- <page 25>
Clerics. St. Francis on honor due to-- <page 18>
Codices containing Admonitions <page 3>
" " Instruction on the Lord's Body <page 22>
" " Letter to all the Faithful <page 98>
" " " " " " Friars <page 109>
" " " " a Minister <page 120>
" " Praises and Paraphrase of the Pater noster <page 137>
" " Regulation for Hermitages <page 89>
" " Salutation of the Virtues <page 20>
" " " " " Blessed Virgin, <page 143>
" " Testament <page 81>
Collationes attributed to St. Francis by Wadding <page 184>
Commercium. The Sacrum-- <page 87>, <page 185>, <page 186>
Companions. The Three-- <page 79>
" " " Legend. See Leg. III Soc.
Compassion. St. Francis on-- <page 15>
Confession of the Friars <page 53>
Conformitatum. Liber-- <page 5>, <page 20>, <page 32>, <page 89>, <page 98>, <page 109>, <page 120>, <page 122>, <page 139>, <page 143>, <page 151>, <page 152>, <page 180>
Contemplative Life. St. Francis' predilection for the-- <page 87>
Correction. St. Francis on True-- <page 17>
[p. 200]
Correction of the Friars. St. Francis on-- <page 37>
Cortona <page 79>, <page 88>
Cozza-Luzi. G.-- <page 77>
Creatures. Praises of-- See Canticle.
Cross of the Lord. St. Francis on-- <page 10>
Cross. Office of the-- See Office.
Cum omnis vera, Bull <page 75>
Cum secundum, Bull <page 34>
Custodes. Letter of St. Francis to-- <page 95>, <page 127>
Cuthbert, O.S.F.C. Fr.-- <page 132>, <page 180>
Damian's. St.-- <page 75>, <page 76>, <page 150>, <page 152>, <page 180>
Dante <page 97>, <page 150>, <page 183>
Dead. St. Francis on Prayers for-- <page 35>
De la Warr. Countess-- <page 138>
Digne. Hugo de-- See Hugo.
Divine Love. St. Francis' prayer to obtain-- <page 145>
" Office. St. Francis on-- <page 35>, <page 66>, <page 81>, <page 109>
See his letters passim.
Documenta Antiqua Franciscana <page 3>, <page 13>, <page 16>, <page 80>, <page 84>
Doubtful Writings of St. Francis <page 179>
Dusseldorf MS. <page 20>, <page 22>, <page 98>, <page 109>
Eccleston. Fr. Thomas-- quoted <page 132>, <page 180>
Edouard d'Alencon. Fr.-- <page 121>, <page 147>, <page 181>, <page 185>
Ehrle, S.J. Fr.-- <page 27>, <page 31>
Elias. Fr.--:
Blessing given to-- <page 85>
Letter to-- <page 93>, <page 116>, <page 121>
writes letters to Friars near Valenciennes <page 30>
Envy. St. Francis on-- <page 12>
Fac secundum exemplar <page 88>, <page 137>
Faithful. St. Francis' Letter to-- <page 94>
its authenticity, date of composition, and characteristics <page 96>
text of <page 98>
[p. 201]
Faloci. Mgr.-- <page 5>, <page 22>, <page 110>, <page 130>, <page 132>, <page 14>
Fasting. St. Francis on-- <page 35>, <page 36>, <page 66>
Fioretti. The-- <page 87>, <page 93>
Firmamenta Ordinis Minorum <page 4>, <page 27>, <page 32>, <page 81>, <page 82>, <page 83>, <page 85>, <page 110>, <page 138>
Floretum S. Francisci <page 87>
Floriano MS. St.-- <page 4>, <page 81>, <page 98>, <page 110>, <page 120>
Foligno MS. <page 4>, <page 20>, <page 88>, <page 98>, <page 110>, <page 137>
Forma vivendi given by St. Francis to St. Clare . <page 77>
Francis. Sayings of St.-- <page 16>, <page 19>
composes Canticle of the Sun <page 150>
composes Office of the Passion <page 154>
dictates Testament <page 79>
gives a sheet with Blessing and Lauds to Brother Leo <page 146>
his paraphrase of the Pater noster <page 139>
his Salutation of the Blessed Virgin <page 143>
Letters of-- See Letters.
poems by-- <page 183>
Praises composed by <page 137>, <page 148>
Prayers of-- <page 136>, <page 180>, <page 185>
Prayer to obtain Divine Love <page 145>
Rule of Third Order written by-- <page 182>
sermons erroneously attributed to-- <page 184>
writes First Rule for the Friars <page 25>.
" second one <page 26>
" Formula Vitae for St. Clare <page 75>
" "last wish" for St. Clare <page 78>, <page 94>
Freiburg MS. no
Friars. St. Francis' Letter to all-- See Brothers.
Gaspary <page 150>
General Chapter. St. Francis' Letter to-- . <page 94>, <page 109>
Giacoma di Settisoli <page 93>
Giano. Jordan of-- See Jordan.
Giles. Blessed-- His Dicta <page 137>, <page 187>
Goetz. Walter-- quoted <page 3>, <page 79>, <page 119>, <page 125>, <page 151>, <page 181>, <page 184>
Gonzaga, Minister General. Ven. Francis-- <page 125>
[p. 202]
Good, lest it be lost. St. Francis on hiding-- <page 19>
Good Works. St. Francis on the need of-- <page 11>
Greccio <page 88>
Gregory IX. (See also Ugolino.) <page 75>, <page 79>
Gregory the Great. St.-- <page 89>
Guarnacci. See Volterra.
Hague MS. <page 81>
Herkless. Prof. John-- <page 180>
Hermitages. Regulation for-- See Regulation.
Honorius III <page 26>, <page 28>, <page 30>, <page 31>, <page 34>, <page 64>, <page 75>, <page 119>
Hugo de Digne <page 27>, <page 29>, <page 30>, <page 32>, <page 45>
Humility. St. Francis on True-- <page 17>
Idleness. St. Francis on-- <page 40>
Imitation of Christ <page 16>
Imitation of the Lord. St. Francis on-- <page 11>
Innocent III approves Rule viva voce <page 25>, <page 26>, <page 27>, <page 30>, <page 31>, <page 32>, <page 179>
Innocent IV <page 75>, <page 76>
Instruction on Reverence for the Lord's Body <page 22>, <page 94>
its authenticity <page 22>
Isidore's MS. 1/25. St.-- <page 4>, <page 88>, <page 98>, <page 110>, <page 120>, <page 121>
" " 1/73 " <page 4>, <page 22>, <page 98>, <page 110>, <page 137>
" " 1/92. " <page 27>, <page 31>
Jacoba. See Giacoma.
Jacopone da Todi <page 183>
Jacques de Vitry <page 28>
Jerome. St.-- <page 40>
Jordan of Giano <page 27>, <page 28>
Julian of Spires <page 25>
Ladies. Poor-- <page 25>
Last wish written by St. Francis to St. Clare <page 78>
Laurentian MS. <page 3>, <page 4>
[p. 203]
Legenda Major <page 16>, <page 19>, <page 25>, <page 26>, <page 79>, <page 81>, <page 82>, <page 84>, <page 87>, <page 146>, <page 147>, <page 185>
Legenda Trium Sociorum <page 27>, <page 41>, <page 79>, <page 81>, <page 83>, <page 88>, <page 180>
Legislation. The Seraphic-- <page 25>
Liegnitz MS. <page 4>, <page 20>, <page 22>, <page 81>, <page 98>, <page 110>, <page 137>, <page 154>, <page 181>
Lemberg MS. <page 4>, <page 98>, <page 137>
Lemmens <page 4>, <page 76>, <page 80>
See also Spec. Perf. ed. Lemm. and Doc Ant. Franc.
Le Monnier. Leon-- <page 30>, <page 96>, <page 97>
Lempp. Dr. E.-- <page 76>, <page 120>, <page 121>, <page 181>
Leo. Brother-- <page 80>, <page 94>, <page 95>, <page 118>
Blessing given by St. Francis to-- <page 146>, <page 149>
difficulties of construction in <page 130>
history of the autograph <page 130>
Letter of St. Francis to-- <page 130>
text of <page 132>
Lepers. St. Francis' mercy toward-- <page 81>
Letters of St. Francis:
their number and classification <page 93>, <page 94>, <page 180>
to all the Faithful <page 96>
to all the Friars <page 109>
to a Minister <page 119>
to the Rulers <page 125>
to the Custodes <page 127>
to Brother Leo <page 130>
Little. A. G.-- <page 4>, <page 155>
Little. W. J. Knox-- <page 28>, <page 96>, <page 151>
Lord's Body. St. Francis on reverence for-- . <page 5>, <page 23>, <page 109>
Lord's Prayer. St. Francis' Paraphrase of the-- <page 137>
Lord's Body. St. Francis' Instruction on reception of the-- <page 20>, <page 94>
reverence for-- <page 22>
Lo Speco <page 88>
Lost Writings of St. Francis <page 179>
Love. Prayer of St. Francis to obtain Divine-- <page 145>
" St. Francis on-- II
" St. Francis on True-- <page 18>
Luttich MS. <page 4>, <page 98>
[p. 204]
Mandonnet, O.P. <page 182>, <page 184>
Marianus of Florence <page 22>
Mary Magdalene. St.-- <page 82>
Mary. The Blessed Virgin-- See Blessed Virgin.
Martha. St.-- <page 89>
Mazarin MS. 989 <page 4>, <page 20>, <page 22>, <page 81>, <page 98>, <page 110>
" " 1743 <page 4>, <page 20>, <page 22>, <page 98>, <page 110>
Melanchthon. Philip-- <page 115>
Minister General. Election of-- <page 70>
Minister. Letter of St. Francis to a-- <page 94>, <page 95>, <page 118>
its scope <page 119>
uncertainty as to whom it was addressed <page 119>
Minorum Annales. See Annales.
Miscellanea Francescana <page 5>, <page 22>, <page 81>, <page 110>, <page 130>, <page 183>
Money prohibited to the Friars <page 41>, <page 68>
Monumenta Germaniae Historica <page 30>, <page 132>
Monumenta Ordinis Minorum <page 5>, <page 27>, <page 32>, <page 81>, <page 85>, <page 98>, <page 110>, <page 138>, <page 187>
Mortification. St. Francis on-- <page 13>
Munich MS. 11354 <page 4>, <page 98>, <page 110>, <page 187>
" " 23648 <page 27>
Muller. Karl-- <page 26>
Names. St. Francis on the holy-- <page 22>, <page 82>
See also his Letters passim.
Naples MS. XII F 4, <page 20>, <page 120>, <page 121>, <page 184>
" " F 32 <page 98>
Obedience. St. Francis on Perfect and Imperfect-- <page 8>
Office of the Passion composed by St. Francis <page 154>
its division <page 155>
St. Clare refers to it <page 154>
Ognissanti MS. <page 4>, <page 20>, <page 32>, <page 81>, <page 88>, <page 89>, <page 98>, <page 110>, <page 120>, <page 121>, <page 122>, <page 137>, <page 143>
Opuscula. Wadding's edition of the-- <page 20>, <page 22>, <page 66>, <page 77>, <page 87>, <page 89>, <page 93>, <page 125>, <page 184>, <page 185>
Opuscules de Critique Historique <page 4>, <page 138>, <page 143>, <page 144>, <page 155>
[p. 205]
Opuscules de S. Francois <page 22>, <page 98>, <page 118>, <page 181>, <page 182>, <page 183>
Oriente Serafico <page 25>
Ostia. Lord of-- <page 85>
Oxford MS. <page 4>, <page 98>, <page 110>, <page 154>
Ozanam. A. F.-- quoted <page 150>, <page 183>
Pacifico. Fra-- <page 150>, <page 183>
Palaeographers' testimony on autograph of St. Francis <page 147>
Panfilo da Magliano. Fr.-- <page 151>
Papini <page 146>, <page 183>
Paraphrase of Lord's Prayer by St. Francis <page 137>, <page 139>
Parenti. John-- <page 125>
Paris Nat. Lib. MS. 18327 <page 81>, <page 110>
Paris MS. Prot. Theol. Fac <page 4>, <page 20>, <page 22>, <page 98>, <page 110>
" " See also Mazarin.
Passion. Office of the-- See Office.
St. Francis' devotion to-- <page 154>
Patience. St. Francis on-- <page 14>
Patrem. Leo-- <page 25>
Peacemakers. St. Francis on-- <page 14>
Pecorello. See Leo.
Penance to be imposed on Friars. The -- <page 69>, <page 120>
Penance. Brothers and Sisters of-- <page 25>, <page 181>
Pentecost Chapter. See Whitsun.
Poems of St. Francis <page 183>
Poor Ladies <page 25>, <page 75>, <page 179>
Portiuncula <page 29>, <page 52>, <page 79>, <page 80>, <page 119>, <page 138>, <page 152>
" Indulgence of-- <page 146>
Poverello. See Francis.
Poverty. The Lady-- <page 87>, <page 185>
Poverty of Spirit. St. Francis on-- <page 14>, <page 185>
Praises composed by St. Francis <page 137>, <page 139>, <page 148>
Prague MS. <page 4>, <page 81>
Prayers of St. Francis <page 136>, <page 142>, <page 145>, <page 154>, <page 185>
Preaching. St. Francis on-- <page 50>, <page 71>
Priests. St. Francis' Reverence for-- <page 82>
Psalms arranged by St. Francis <page 155>
[p. 206]
Quaracchi edition of Opuscula <page 4>, <page 20>, <page 31>, <page 93>, <page 95>, <page 96>, <page 98>, <page 110>, <page 119>, <page 121>, <page 122>, <page 125>, <page 127>, <page 131>, <page 137>, <page 143>, <page 145>, <page 148>, <page 151>, <page 181>, <page 182>, <page 184>, <page 186>
Quellen, etc. See Goetz.
Quo elongati, Bull <page 79>
Raphael. St.-- <page 61>
Rebolledo <page 93>, <page 184>
Reception of the Lord's Body <page 53>
Regulation for Hermitages <page 87>
date and authenticity <page 88>
its origin and scope <page 87>
Religious. St. Francis on the good and the humble,
the happy and the vain, frivolous and talkative-- <page 16>
Renan. Ernest-- <page 79>, <page 151>
Reverence for the Lord's Body. Instruction on-- <page 22>
Richer. Brother-- <page 133>
Rodolfo di Tossignano. Fr.-- <page 97>
Rosetti. D. G.-- <page 183>
Rulers. Letter of St. Francis to all the-- <page 94>, <page 95>, <page 109>, <page 110>, <page 120>
Rules of the Friars Minor <page 25>, <page 179>, <page 181>, <page 182>, <page 186>
approved by Innocent III <page 25>
no third redaction of it <page 27>
St. Francis wrote it twice <page 25>
text of First <page 31>
text of Second <page 64>
Rule. St. Francis on observance of-- <page 109>
Rule of St. Clare written by Gregory IX <page 75>
Sabatier. Paul-- <page 4>, <page 16>, <page 22>, <page 25>, <page 26>, <page 28>, <page 29>, <page 79>, <page 80>, <page 81>, <page 87>, <page 93>, <page 94>, <page 97>, <page 98>, <page 120>, <page 121>, <page 127>, <page 131>, <page 137>, <page 138>, <page 143>, <page 151>, <page 180>, <page 182>
See also Spec. Perf., ed. Sab.
Sacro Convento at Assisi <page 64>, <page 146>, <page 148>
Sacrum Commercium <page 87>, <page 185>, <page 186>
Salutation of the Blessed Virgin by St. Francis <page 143>
Salutation of the Virtues: its authenticity, etc. <page 20>
Saracens <page 48>, <page 73>
[p. 207]
Saturnino da Caprese. Fr.-- <page 147>
Sbaralea. Hyacinth-- <page 27>, <page 186>
Self-will. St. Francis on the evil of-- <page 8>
Seraph. Brother Leo's reference to the-- <page 148>
Seraphic Breviary. The-- <page 25>
Seraphic Legislation: its intricacy <page 25>
Seraphicae Legislationis textus originales <page 30>, <page 75>, <page 76>, <page 77>, <page 182>
Servant. St. Francis on the humble, the happy, and the unhappy-- <page 15>
Servants of God should honor Clerics <page 18>
Sick Friars. St. Francis on the care of-- <page 44>, <page 68>
Siena. St. Bernardine of-- <page 145>
Signature of St. Francis <page 147>
Sisters of Penance <page 25>
Sociorum. See Leg. III Soc.
Solet annuere, Bull <page 76>
Spanish text of St. Francis' Letters <page 93>
Speculum Minorum <page 32>, <page 60>, <page 81>, <page 121>, <page 137>, <page 144>
Speculum Perfectionis, ed. Sabatier . <page 16>, <page 22>, <page 26>, <page 28>, <page 31>, <page 45>, <page 80>, <page 81>, <page 87>, <page 94>, <page 138>, <page 151>, <page 155>, <page 180>
" " ed. Lemmens <page 3>, <page 13>, <page 16>, <page 80>
Speculum Vitae <page 20>, <page 29>, <page 143>
Spires. Caesar of-- See Caesar.
Spires. Julian of-- See Julian.
Spirit of God. St. Francis on-- <page 13>
Spiritual Friars. The-- <page 31>
Spoelberch. See Speculum Vitae.
Spoleto. Autograph of St. Francis at-- <page 130>
Stigmata of St. Francis <page 148>
Subiaco MS. <page 110>
Superiorship. St. Francis on seeking-- <page 9>
Suttina. Luigi-- <page 150>
Suyskens, S.J. Fr.-- <page 26>
Sylvester. Brother-- <page 87>
Tancredi. Angelo-- <page 79>
Testament of St. Francis <page 79>
[p. 208]
Testament of St. Francis. Codices containing-- <page 81>
its authenticity <page 79>
place of composition <page 79>
text of <page 81>
Thau. St. Francis' use of the letter-- <page 147>
Thomas of Celano. See Celano.
" " Farignano, Minister General <page 111>
Three Companions. Legend of-- See Leg. III Soc.
Toledo MS. <page 4>
Trium Sociorum. See Leg. III Soc.
Ubald d'Alencon. Fr.-- <page 22>, <page 132>, <page 183>
Ubertino da Casale. Fr.-- <page 109>, <page 145>, <page 179>, <page 185>, <page 186>
Ugolino. Card.-- (See also Gregory IX) <page 76>, <page 84>, <page 180>, <page 182>
Ugolino di Monte Giorgio <page 93>
Van Ortroy, S.J. Fr.-- <page 3>, <page 27>, <page 29>, <page 78>
Vatican Library <page 64>
Vatican MS. 7650 <page 4>, <page 20>, <page 81>, <page 88>, <page 98>, <page 120>, <page 121>
" " B 82 <page 110>
" " 4354 <page 4>, <page 20>, <page 80>, <page 81>, <page 98>, <page 110>, <page 137>, <page 143>, <page 181>
" " Ottob. 522 and 666 <page 27>
Verna. La-- <page 109>, <page 145>, <page 146>, <page 152>
Virgin. The Blessed-- <page 61>
" See Salutation.
Virtues putting Vices to flight. St. Francis on-- <page 19>
Virtues. Salutation of-- See Salutation.
Vita S. Clarae, by Thomas de Celano. See Celano.
Vita S. Francisci, by Julian of Spires <page 25>
" " " " St. Bonaventure. See Leg. Maj.
" " " " Thomas de Celano. See Celano.
Volterra MS. <page 4>, <page 98>, <page 110>, <page 127>
Wadding <page 5>, <page 20>, <page 22>, <page 25>, <page 32>, <page 66>, <page 76>, <page 77>, <page 78>, <page 82>, <page 83>, <page 85>, <page 87>, <page 89>, <page 93>, <page 94>, <page 95>, <page 96>, <page 97>, <page 109>, <page 110>, <page 118>, <page 120>, <page 121>, <page 122>, <page 125>, <page 127>, <page 130>, <page 131>, <page 132>, <page 143>, <page 144>, <page 145>, <page 154>, <page 155>, <page 183>, <page 184>, <page 185>
Whitsun Chapter <page 37>, <page 70>
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