Theodoret, Jerome, Gennadius, & Rufinus: Historical Writings
The Ecclesiastical History, Dialogues, And Letters Of Theodoret
The Ecclesiastical History Of Theodoret
Dialogues. The “Eranistes” or “Polymorphus” of the Blessed Theodoretus, Bishop of Cyrus
Letters of the Blessed Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrus
Jerome and Gennadius Lives of Illustrious Men
Life and Works of Rufinus with Jerome’s Apology Against Rufinus
The Ecclesiastical History, Dialogues, And Letters Of Theodoret
The Life and Writings of the Blessed Theodoretus Bishop of Cyrus
Parentage, Birth, and Education
Episcopate at Cyrus
Relations with Nestorius and to Nestorianism
Under the Ban of Theodosius and of the Latrocinium
Theodoret and Chalcedon
Retirement after Chalcedon, and Death
The Condemnation of “the Three Chapters.”
The Works of Theodoret
The Anathemas of Cyril in Opposition to Nestorius
Counter-statements of Theodoret
The Ecclesiastical History Of Theodoret
Book I
Design of the History
Chapter I
Origin of the Arian Heresy
Chapter II
List of the Principal Bishops
Chapter III
The Epistle of Alexander, Bishop of Alexandria to Alexander, Bishop of Constantinople
Chapter IV
The Letter of Arius to Eusebius, Bishop of Nicomedia
Chapter V
The Letter of Eusebius, Bishop of Nicomedia, to Paulinus, Bishop of Tyre
Chapter VI
General Council of Nicaea
Chapter VII
Confutation of Arianism deduced from the Writings of Eustathius and Athanasius
Chapter VIII
Facts relating to Meletius the Egyptian, from whom originated the Meletian Schism, which remains to this day
Synodical Epistle respecting him
Chapter IX
The Epistle of the Emperor Constantine, concerning the matters transacted at the Council, addressed to those Bishops who were not present
Chapter X
The daily wants of the Church supplied by the Emperor, and an account of his other virtues
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Confutation of the blasphemies of the Arians of our time, from the writings of Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea
Chapter XIII
Extract from the Letter of Athanasius on the Death of Arius
Chapter XIV
Letter written by the Emperor Constantine respecting the building of Churches
Chapter XV
The Epistle of Constantine concerning the preparation of copies of the Holy Scriptures
Chapter XVI
Letter from the Emperor to Macarius, Bishop of Jerusalem, concerning the building of the Holy Church
Chapter XVII
Helena , Mother of the Emperor Constantine
Her zeal in the Erection of the Holy Church
Chapter XVIII
The Unlawful Translation of Eusebius, Bishop of Nicomedia
Chapter XIX
Epistle of the Emperor Constantine against Eusebius and Theognis, addressed to the Nicomedians
Chapter XX
The artful Machinations of Eusebius and his followers against the Holy Eustathius, Bishop of Antioch
Chapter XXI
Bishops of Heretical opinions ordained in Antioch after the Banishment of St. Eustathius
Chapter XXII
Conversion of the Indians
Chapter XXIII
Conversion of the Iberians
Chapter XXIV
Letter written by the Emperor Constantine to Sapor , the King of Persia, respecting the Christians
Chapter XXV
An account of the plot formed against the Holy Athanasius
Chapter XXVI
Another plot against Athanasius
Chapter XXVII
Epistle of the Emperor Constantine to the Council of Tyre
Chapter XXVIII
The Council of Tyre
Chapter XXIX
Consecration of the Church of Jerusalem
Banishment of St. Athanasius
Chapter XXX
Will of the blessed Emperor Constantine
Chapter XXXI
Apology for Constantine
Chapter XXXII
The End of the Holy Emperor Constantine
Book II
Chapter I
Return of St. Athanasius
Chapter II
Declension of the Emperor Constantius from the true Faith
Chapter III
Second Exile of St. Athanasius
Ordination and Death of Gregorius
Chapter IV
Paulus, Bishop of Constantinople
Chapter V
The Heresy of Macedonius
Chapter VI
Council held at Sardica
Chapter VII
Account of the Bishops Euphratas and Vincentius, and of the plot formed in Antioch against them
Chapter VIII
Stephanus Deposed
Chapter IX
The Second Return of Saint Athanasius
Chapter X
Third exile and flight of Athanasius
Chapter XI
The evil and daring deeds done by Georgius in Alexandria
Chapter XII
Council of Milan
Chapter XIII
Conference between Liberius, Pope of Rome, and the Emperor Constantius
Chapter XIV
Concerning the Banishment and Return of the Holy Liberius
Chapter XV
Council of Ariminum
Chapter XVI
Concerning the Synod held at Nica in Thrace, and the Confession of Faith drawn up there
Chapter XVII
Synodical Act of Damasus, Bishop of Rome, and of the Western Bishops, about the Council at Ariminum
Chapter XVIII
The Letter of Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, concerning the same Council
Chapter XIX
Concerning the cunning of Leontius, Bishop of Antioch, and the boldness of Flavianus and Diodorus
Chapter XX
Concerning the innovations of Eudoxius, of Germanicia, and the zeal of Basilius of Ancyra, and of Eustathius of Sebasteia against him
Chapter XXI
Of the Second Council of Nicaea
Chapter XXII
Of the Council held at Seleucia in Isauria
Chapter XXIII
Of what befell the orthodox bishops at Constantinople
Chapter XXIV
Synodical Epistle written against Aetius
Chapter XXV
Of the causes which separated the Eunomians from the Arians
Chapter XXVI
Of the siege of the city of Nisibis, and the apostolic conversation of Bishop Jacobus
Chapter XXVII
Of the Council of Antioch and what was done there against the holy Meletius
Chapter XXVIII
About Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata
Book III
Chapter I
Of the reign of Julianus; how from a child he was brought up in piety and lapsed into impiety; and in what manner, though at first he kept his impiety secret, he afterwards laid it bare
Chapter II
Of the return of the bishops and the consecration of Paulinus
Chapter III
Of the number and character of the deeds done by Pagans against the Christians when they got the power from Julian
Chapter IV
Of the laws made by Julian against the Christians
Chapter V
Of the fourth exile and flight of the holy Athanasius
Chapter VI
Of Apollo and Daphne, and of the holy Babylas
Chapter VII
Of Theodorus the Confessor
Chapter VIII
Of the confiscation of the sacred treasures and taking away of the allowances
Chapter IX
Of what befell Julianus, the Emperor’s Uncle, and Felix
Chapter X
Of the Son of the Priest
Chapter XI
Of the Holy Martyrs Juventinus and Maximinus
Chapter XII
Of Valentinianus the great Emperor
Chapter XIII
Of other confessors
Chapter XIV
Of Artemius the Duke. Of Publia the Deaconess and her divine boldness
Chapter XV
Of the Jews; of their attempt at building, and of the heaven-sent plagues that befel them
Chapter XVI
Of the expedition against the Persians
Chapter XVII
Of the boldness of speech of the decurion of Beroea
Chapter XVIII
Of the prediction of the pedagogue
Chapter XIX
Of the Prophecy of St. Julianus the monk
Chapter XX
Of the death of the Emperor Julian in Persia
Chapter XXI
Of the sorcery at Carrae which was detected after his death. After he was slain the jugglery of his sorcery was detected. For Carrae is a city which still retains the relics of his false religion
Chapter XXII
Of the heads discovered in the palace at Antioch and the public rejoicings there
Book IV
Chapter I
Of the reign and piety of Jovianus
Chapter II
Of the return of Athanasius
Chapter III
Synodical letter to the Emperor Jovian concerning the Faith
Chapter IV
Of the restoration of allowances to the churches; and of the Emperor’s death
Chapter V
Of the reign of Valentinianus, and how he associated Valens his brother with him
Chapter VI
Of the election of Ambrosius, the Bishop of Milan
Chapter VII
Letters of the Emperors Valentinianus and Valens, written to the diocese of Asia about the Homouesion, on hearing that some men in Asia and in Phrygia were in dispute about the divine decree
Chapter VIII
Synodical Epistle of the Synod in Illyricum concerning the Faith
Chapter IX
Of the heresy of the Audiani
Chapter X
Of the heresy of the Messaliani
Chapter XI
In what manner Valens fell into heresy
Chapter XII
How Valens exiled the virtuous bishops
Chapter XIII
Of Eusebius, bishop of Samosata, and others
Chapter XIV
Of the holy Barses, and of the exile of the bishop of Edessa and his companions
Chapter XV
Of the persecution which took place at Edessa, and of Eulogius and Protogenes, presbyters of Edessa
Chapter XVI
Of the holy Basilius, Bishop of Caesarea, and the measures taken against him by Valens and the prefect Modestus
Chapter XVII
Of the death of the great Athanasius and the election of Petrus
Chapter XVIII
On the overthrow of Petrus and the introduction of Lucius the Arian
Chapter XIX
Narrative of events at Alexandria in the time of Lucius the Arian, taken from a letter of Petrus, Bishop of Alexandria
Chapter XX
Of Mavia, Queen of the Saracens, and the ordination of Moses the monk
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
How Flavianus and Diodorus gathered the church of the orthodox in Antioch
Chapter XXIII
Of the holy monk Aphraates
Chapter XXIV
Of the holy monk Julianus
Chapter XXV
Of what other monks were distinguished at this period
Chapter XXVI
Of Didymus of Alexandria and Ephraim the Syrian
Chapter XXVII
Of what bishops were at this time distinguished in Asia and Pontus
Chapter XXVIII
Of the letter written by Valens to the great Valentinianus about the war, and how he replied
Chapter XXIX
Of the piety of Count Terentius
Chapter XXX
Of the bold utterance of Trajanus the general
Chapter XXXI
Of Isaac the monk of Constantinople and Bretanio the Scythian Bishop
Chapter XXXII
Of the expedition of Valens against the Goths and how he paid the penalty of his impiety
Chapter XXXIII
How the Goths became tainted by the Arian error
Book V
Chapter I
Of the piety of the emperor Gratianus
Chapter II
Of the return of the bishops
Chapter III
Of the dissension caused by Paulinus; of the innovation by Apollinarius of Laodicea, and of the philosophy of Meletius
Chapter IV
Of Eusebius Bishop of Samosata
Chapter V
Of the campaign of Theodosius
Chapter VI
Of the reign of Theodosius and of his dream
Chapter VII
Of famous leaders of the Arian faction
Chapter VIII
The council assembled at Constantinople
Chapter IX
Synodical letter from the council at Constantinople
Chapter X
Synodical letter of Damasus bishop of Rome against Apollinarius and Timotheus
Chapter XI
A confession of the Catholic faith which Pope Damasus sent to Bishop Paulinus in Macedonia when he was at Thessalonica
Chapter XII
Of the death of Gratianus and the sovereignty of Maximus
Chapter XIII
Of Justina, the wife of Valentinianus, and of her plot against Ambrosius
Chapter XIV
Of the information given by Maximus the tyrant to Valentinianus
Chapter XV
Of the Letter written by the Emperor Theodosius concerning the same
Chapter XVI
Of Amphilochius, bishop of Iconium
Chapter XVII
Of the massacre of Thessalonica; the boldness of Bishop Ambrosius, and the piety of the Emperor
Chapter XVIII
Of the Empress Placilla
Chapter XIX
Of the sedition of Antioch
Chapter XX
Of the destruction of the temples all over the Empire
Chapter XXI
Of Marcellus, bishop of Apamea, and the idols’ temples destroyed by him
Chapter XXII
Of Theophilus, bishop of Alexandria, and what happened at the demolition of the idols in that city
Chapter XXIII
Of Flavianus bishop of Antioch and of the sedition which arose in the western Church on account of Paulinus
Chapter XXIV
Of the tyranny of Eugenius and the victory won through faith by the Emperor Theodosius
Chapter XXV
Of the death of the Emperor Theodosius
Chapter XXVI
Of Honorius the emperor and Telemachus the monk
Chapter XXVII
Of the piety of the emperor Arcadius and the ordination of John Chrysostom
Chapter XXVIII
Of John’s boldness for God
Chapter XXIX
Of the idol temples which were destroyed by John in Phoenicia
Chapter XXX
Of the church of the Goths
Chapter XXXI
Of his care for the Scythians and his zeal against the Marcionists
Chapter XXXII
Of the demand made by Gainas and of John Chrysostom’s reply
Chapter XXXIII
Of the ambassage of Chrysostom to Gainas
Chapter XXXIV
Of the events which happened on account of Chrysostom
Chapter XXXV
Of Alexander, bishop of Antioch
Chapter XXXVI
Of the removal of the remains of John and of the faith of Theodosius and his sisters
Chapter XXXVII
Of Theodotus bishop of Antioch
Of the persecutions in Persia and of them that were martyred there
Chapter XXXIX
Of Theodorus, bishop of Mopsuestia
Dialogues. The “Eranistes” or “Polymorphus” of the Blessed Theodoretus, Bishop of Cyrus
Dialogue I
The Immutable
Dialogue II
The Unconfounded
Dialogue III
The Impassible
Demonstrations by Syllogisms
That God the Word is Immutable
Proofs that the Union was without Confusion
Proof that the Divinity of the Saviour is Impassible
Letters of the Blessed Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrus
I. To an Unknown Correspondent
II. To the Same
III. To Bishop Irenaeus
IV. Festal
V. Festal
VI. Festal
VII. To Theonilla
VIII. To Eugraphia
IX. To an Anonymous Correspondent
X. To the Learned Elias
XI. To Flavianus Bishop of Constantinople
XII. To the Bishop Irenaeus
XIII. To Cyrus
XIV. To Alexandra
XV. To Silvanus the Primate
XVI. To Bishop Irenaeus
XVII. To the Deaconess Casiana
XVIII. To Neoptolemus
XIX. To the Presbyter Basilius
XX. To the Presbyter Martyrius
XXI. To the Learned Eusebius
XXII. To Count Ulpianus
XXIII. To the Patrician Areobindas
XXIV. To Andreas Bishop of Samosata
XXV. Festal
XXVI. Festal
XXVII. To Aquilinus, Deacon and Archimandrite
XXVIII. To Jacobus, Presbyter and Monk
XXIX. To Apellion
XXX. To Aerius the Sophist
XXXI. To Domnus Bishop of Antioch
XXXII. To the Bishop Theoctistus
XXXIII. To Stasimus, Count and Primate
XXXIV. To the Count Patricius
XXXV. To the Bishop Irenaeus
XXXVI. To Pompianus, Bishop of Emesa
XXXVII. To Salustius the Governor
XXXIX. Festal
XL. To Theodorus the Vicar
XLI. To Claudianus
XLII. To Constantius the Prefect
XLIII. To the Augusta Pulcheria
XLIV. To the Patrician Senator
XLV. To the Patrician Anatolius
XLVI. To the Learned Petrus
XLVII. To Proclus, Bishop of Constantinople
XLVIII. To Eustathius, Bishop of Berytus
XLIX. To Damianus, Bishop of Sidon
L. To the Archimandrite Gerontius
LI. To the Presbyter Agapius
LII. To Ibas, Bishop of Edessa
LIII. To Sophronius, Bishop of Constantina
LIV. Festal
LV. Festal
LVI. Festal
LVII. To the Praefect Eutrechius
LVIII. To the Consul Nomus
LIX. To Claudianus
LX. To Dioscorus, Bishop of Alexandria
LXI. To the Presbyter Archibius
LXII. To the Presbyter John
LXIII. Festal
LXIV. Festal
LXV. To the General Zeno
LXVI. To Aerius the Sophist
LXVII. To Maranas
LXVIII. To Epiphanius
LXIX. To Eugraphia
LXX. To Eustathius, Bishop of Aegae
LXXI. To Zeno, General and Consul
LXXII. To Hermesigenes the Assessor
LXXIII. To Apollonius
LXXIV. To Urbanus
LXXV. To the Clergy of Beroea
LXXVI. To Uranius, Governor of Cyprus
LXXVII. To Eulalius, Bishop of Persian Armenia
LXXVIII. To Eusebius, Bishop of Persian Armenia
LXXIX. To Anatolius the Patrician
LXXX. To the Prefect Eutrechius
LXXXI. To the Consul Nomus
LXXXII. To Eusebius, Bishop of Ancyra
LXXXIII. Of Theodoretus, Bishop of Cyrus, to Dioscorus, Archbishop of Alexandria
LXXXIV. To the Bishops of Cilicia
LXXXV. To the Bishop Basil
LXXXVI. To Flavianus, Bishop of Constantinople
LXXXVII. To Domnus, Bishop of Apamea
LXXXVIII. To Taurus the Patrician
LXXXIX. To Florentius the Patrician
XC. To Lupicinus the Master
XCI. To the Prefect Eutrechius
XCII. To Anatolius the Patrician
XCIII. To Senator the Patrician
XCIV. To Protogenes The Praefect
XCV. To the Praefect Antiochus
XCVI. To Nomus the Patrician
XCVII. To the Count Sporacius
XCVIII. To Pancharius
XCIX. To Claudianus the Antigrapharius
C. To Alexandra
CI. To the Deaconess Celarina
CII. To Bishop Basilius
CIII. To the Count Apollonius
CIV. To Flavianus, Bishop of Constantinople
CV. To Eulogius the OEconomus
CVI. To Abraham the OEconomus
CVII. To the Presbyter Theodotus
CVIII. To Acacius the Presbyter
CIX. To Eusebius, Bishop of Ancyra
CX. To Domnus, Bishop of Antioch
CXI. To Anatolius the Patrician
CXII. To Domnus, Bishop of Antioch
CXIII. To Leo, Bishop of Rome
CXIII. (a). From Pope Leo to Theodoret
CXIV. To Andiberis
CXV. To Apella
CXVI. To the Presbyter Renatus
CXVII. To the Bishop Florentius
CXVIII. To the Archdeacon of Rome
CXIX. To Anatolius the Patrician
CXX. To Lupicius
CXXI. To Anatolius the Patrician
CXXII. To Uranius Bishop of Emesa
CXXIII. To the Same
CXXIV. To the Learned Maranas
CXXV. To Aphthonius, Theodoritus, Nonnus, Scylacius, Apthonius, Joannes, Magistrates of the Zeugmatensis
CXXVI. To the Bishop Sabinianus
CXXVII. To Jobius, Presbyter and Archimandrite
CXXVIII. To Candidus, Presbyter and Archimandrite
CXXIX. To Magnus Antoninus the Presbyter
CXXX. To Bishop Timotheus
CXXXI. To Longinus, Archimandrite of Doliche
CXXXII. To Ibas, Bishop of Edessa
CXXXIII. To John, Bishop of Germanicia
CXXXIV. To Theoctistus, Bishop of Beroea
CXXXV. To Bishop Romulus
CXXXVI. To Cyrus Magistrianus
CXXXVII. To the Archimandrite John
CXXXVIII. To Anatolius the Patrician
CXXXIX. To Aspar, Consular and Patrician
CXL. To the Master Vincomalus
CXLI. To Marcellus, Archimandrite of the Acoemetae
CXLII. To the Same
CXLIII. To Andrew, Monk of Constantinople
CXLIV. To the Soldiers
CXLV. To the Monks of Constantinople
CXLVI. To John the OEconomus
CXLVII. To John, Bishop of Germanicia
CXLVIII in the Edition of Garnerius
CXLIX is “Copy of the Letter written by John, Bishop of Antioch, to Nestorius.”
CL. Letter of Theodoretus, Bishop of Cyrus, to Joannes, Bishop of Antioch
CLI. Letter or Address of Theodoret to the Monks of the Euphratensian, the Osrhoene, Syria, Phoenicia, and Cilicia
CLII. Report of the (Bishops) of the East to the Emperor, giving information of their proceedings, and explaining the cause of the delay in the arrival of the Bishop of Antioch
CLIII. Report of the same to the Empresses Pulcheria and Eudoxia
CLVII. Report of the Council of (the Bishops of) the East to the Victorious Emperor, announcing a second time the deposition of Cyril and of Memnon
CLVIII. Report of (the Bishops of) the East to the Very Pious Emperor, which they delivered with the preceding Report to the Right Honourable Count Irenaeus
CLXII. Letter of Theodoretus to Andreas, Bishop of Samosata, written from Ephesus
CLXIII. First Letter of the Commissioners of the East, sent to Chalcedon, among whom was Theodoretus
CLXIV. Second Epistle of the same to the same, expressing premature triumph in Victory
CLXV. Letter of the same to the same
CLXVI. First Petition of the Commissioners, addressed from Chalcedon, to the Emperor
CLXVII. Second Petition of the same, sent from Chalcedon to Theodosius Augustus
CLXVIII. Third Demand of the same, addressed from Chalcedon to the Sovereigns
CLXIX. Letter written by Theodoretus, Bishop of Cyrus, from Chalcedon to Alexander of Hierapolis
CLXX. Letter of certain Easterns, who had been sent to Constantinople, to Bishop Rufus
CLXXI. Letter of Theodoret to John, Bishop of Antioch, after the Reconciliation
CLXXII. Letter of Theodoretus to Nestorius
CLXXIII. Letter to Andreas, Monk of Constantinople
CLXXIV. To Himerius, Bishop of Nicomedia
CLXXV. To Alexander of Hierapolis
CLXXVI. Letter to the same Alexander after he had learnt that John, Bishop of Antioch, had Anathematized the Doctrine of Nestorius
CLXXVII. Letter to Andreas, Bishop of Samosata
CLXXVIII. Letter to Alexander of Hierapolis
CLXXX. Letter of Theodoretus, as some suppose, to Domnus, Bishop of Antioch, written on the Death of Cyril, Bishop of Alexandria
CLXXXI. Letter to Abundius, Bishop of Como
Jerome and Gennadius Lives of Illustrious Men
I. Jerome
Lives of Illustrious Men
List of Writers
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII
Chapter XLIX
Chapter L
Chapter LI
Chapter LII
Chapter LIII
Chapter LIV
Chapter LV
Chapter LVI
Chapter LVII
Chapter LVIII
Chapter LIX
Chapter LX
Chapter LXI
Chapter LXII
Chapter LXIII
Chapter LXIV
Chapter LXV
Chapter LXVI
Chapter LXVII
Chapter LXVIII
Chapter LXIX
Chapter LXX
Chapter LXXI
Chapter LXXII
Chapter LXXIII
Chapter LXXIV
Chapter LXXV
Chapter LXXVI
Chapter LXXVII
Chapter LXXIX
Chapter LXXX
Chapter LXXXI
Chapter LXXXII
Chapter LXXXIV
Chapter LXXXV
Chapter LXXXVI
Chapter LXXXIX
Chapter XC
Chapter XCI
Chapter XCII
Chapter XCIII
Chapter XCIV
Chapter XCV
Chapter XCVI
Chapter XCVII
Chapter XCVIII
Chapter XCIX
Chapter C
Chapter CI
Chapter CII
Chapter CIII
Chapter CIV
Chapter CV
Chapter CVI
Chapter CVII
Chapter CVIII
Chapter CIX
Chapter CX
Chapter CXI
Chapter CXII
Chapter CXIII
Chapter CXIV
Chapter CXV
Chapter CXVI
Chapter CXVII
Chapter CXVIII
Chapter CXIX
Chapter CXX
Chapter CXXI
Chapter CXXII
Chapter CXXIII
Chapter CXXIV
Chapter CXXV
Chapter CXXVI
Chapter CXXVII
Chapter CXXIX
Chapter CXXX
Chapter CXXXI
Chapter CXXXII
Chapter CXXXIV
Chapter CXXXV
II. Gennadius
Lives of Illustrious Men
List of the Authors whom Gennadius added, after the Death of the Blessed Jerome
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII
Chapter XLIX
Chapter L
Chapter LI
Chapter LII
Chapter LIII
Chapter LIV
Chapter LV
Chapter LVI
Chapter LVII
Chapter LVIII
Chapter LIX
Chapter LX
Chapter LXI
Chapter LXII
Chapter LXIII
Chapter LXIV
Chapter LXV
Chapter LXVI
Chapter LXVII
Chapter LXVIII
Chapter LXIX
Chapter LXX
Chapter LXXI
Chapter LXXII
Chapter LXXIII
Chapter LXXIV
Chapter LXXV
Chapter LXXVI
Chapter LXXVII
Chapter LXXIX
Chapter LXXX
Chapter LXXXI
Chapter LXXXII
Chapter LXXXIV
Chapter LXXXV
Chapter LXXXVI
Chapter LXXXIX
Chapter XC
Chapter XCI
Chapter XCII
Chapter XCIII
Chapter XCIV
Chapter XCV
Chapter XCVI
Chapter XCVII
Chapter XCVIII
Chapter XCIX
Life and Works of Rufinus with Jerome’s Apology Against Rufinus
Prolegomena on the Life and Works of Rufinus
Works of Rufinus
Writings of Rufinus
Preface to the Commentary on the Benedictions of the Twelve Patriarchs
Paulinus to his brother Rufinus, all best wishes
The answer of Rufinus forms the Preface to his Exposition of the Benedictions
Preface to Book II
Paulinus to his brother Rufinus, all good wishes
Rufinus to His Brother Paulinus, the Man of God, with All Good Wishes
Translation of Pamphilus’ Defence of Origen
Rufinus’s Epilogue to Pamphilus the Martyr’s Apology for Origen
Preface to the Translations of Origen’s Books Peri ‘Archon
Preface to Book III. of the Peri ‘Archon
Rufinus’ Apology in Defence of Himself
The Letter of Anastasius
The Apology of Rufinus
Book I
Book II
Jerome’s Apology for Himself Against the Books of Rufinus
Book I
Book II
Book III
A Commentary on the Apostles’ Creed
The Preface to the Books of Recognitions of St. Clement
Preface to the Translation of the Sayings of Xystus
Preface to the Two Books of Ecclesiastical History, Added by Rufinus to His Translation of Eusebius
Rufinus’ Preface to the Translation of Origen’s Commentary on Psalms 36, 37, and 38
Rufinus’ Preface to the Translation of Origen’s Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans
The Peroration of Rufinus Appended to His Translation of Origen’s Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans
Preface to Origen’s Homilies on Numbers