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Fathers Of The Church, Catholic Edition

St. Augustine: The Confessions and Letters of St. Augustine, with a Sketch of his Life and Work




Chief Events in the Life of St. Augustin
St. Augustin’s Life and Work

The Confessions of St. Augustin

Letters of St. Augustin

Chief Events in the Life of St. Augustin
St. Augustin’s Life and Work

A Sketch of the Life of St. Augustin

Chief Events in the Life of St. Augustin

The Confessions of St. Augustin

Book I

Chapter I
He Proclaims the Greatness of God, Whom He Desires to Seek and Invoke, Being Awakened by Him

Chapter II
That the God Whom We Invoke is in Us, and We in Him

Chapter III
Everywhere God Wholly Filleth All Things, But Neither Heaven Nor Earth Containeth Him

Chapter IV
The Majesty of God is Supreme, and His Virtues Inexplicable

Chapter V
He Seeks Rest in God, and Pardon of His Sins

Chapter VI
He Describes His Infancy, and Lauds the Protection and Eternal Providence of God

Chapter VII
He Shows by Example that Even Infancy is Prone to Sin

Chapter VIII
That When a Boy He Learned to Speak, Not by Any Set Method, But from the Acts and Words of His Parents

Chapter IX
Concerning the Hatred of Learning, the Love of Play, and the Fear of Being Whipped Noticeable in Boys: and of the Folly of Our Elders and Masters

Chapter X
Through a Love of Ball-Playing and Shows, He Neglects His Studies and the Injunctions of His Parents

Chapter XI
Seized by Disease, His Mother Being Troubled, He Earnestly Demands Baptism, Which on Recovery is Postponed—His Father Not as Yet Believing in Christ

Chapter XII
Being Compelled, He Gave His Attention to Learning; But Fully Acknowledges that This Was the Work of God

Chapter XIII
He Delighted in Latin Studies and the Empty Fables of the Poets, But Hated the Elements of Literature and the Greek Language

Chapter XIV
Why He Despised Greek Literature, and Easily Learned Latin

Chapter XV
He Entreats God, that Whatever Useful Things He Learned as a Boy May Be Dedicated to Him

Chapter XVI
He Disapproves of the Mode of Educating Youth, and He Points Out Why Wickedness is Attributed to the Gods by the Poets

Chapter XVII
He Continues on the Unhappy Method of Training Youth in Literary Subjects

Chapter XVIII
Men Desire to Observe the Rules of Learning, But Neglect the Eternal Rules of Everlasting Safety

Book II

Chapter I
He Deplores the Wickedness of His Youth

Chapter II
Stricken with Exceeding Grief, He Remembers the Dissolute Passions in Which, in His Sixteenth Year, He Used to Indulge

Chapter III
Concerning His Father, a Freeman of Thagaste, the Assister of His Son’s Studies, and on the Admonitions of His Mother on the Preservation of Chastity

Chapter IV
He Commits Theft with His Companions, Not Urged on by Poverty, But from a Certain Distaste of Well-Doing

Chapter V
Concerning the Motives to Sin, Which are Not in the Love of Evil, But in the Desire of Obtaining the Property of Others

Chapter VI
Why He Delighted in that Theft, When All Things Which Under the Appearance of Good Invite to Vice are True and Perfect in God Alone

Chapter VII
He Gives Thanks to God for the Remission of His Sins, and Reminds Every One that the Supreme God May Have Preserved Us from Greater Sins

Chapter VIII
In His Theft He Loved the Company of His Fellow-Sinners

Chapter IX
It Was a Pleasure to Him Also to Laugh When Seriously Deceiving Others

Chapter X
With God There is True Rest and Life Unchanging

Book III

Chapter I
Deluded by an Insane Love, He, Though Foul and Dishonourable, Desires to Be Thought Elegant and Urbane

Chapter II
In Public Spectacles He is Moved by an Empty Compassion. He is Attacked by a Troublesome Spiritual Disease

Chapter III
Not Even When at Church Does He Suppress His Desires. In the School of Rhetoric He Abhors the Acts of the Subverters

Chapter IV
In the Nineteenth Year of His Age (His Father Having Died Two Years Before) He is Led by the “Hortensius” Of Cicero to “Philosophy,” To God, and a Better Mode of Thinking

Chapter V
He Rejects the Sacred Scriptures as Too Simple, and as Not to Be Compared with the Dignity of Tully

Chapter VI
Deceived by His Own Fault, He Falls into the Errors of the Manichaeans, Who Gloried in the True Knowledge of God and in a Thorough Examination of Things

Chapter VII
He Attacks the Doctrine of the Manichaeans Concerning Evil, God, and the Righteousness of the Patriarchs

Chapter VIII
He Argues Against the Same as to the Reason of Offences

Chapter IX
That the Judgment of God and Men as to Human Acts of Violence, is Different

Chapter X
He Reproves the Triflings of the Manichaeans as to the Fruits of the Earth

Chapter XI
He Refers to the Tears, and the Memorable Dream Concerning Her Son, Granted by God to His Mother

Chapter XII
The Excellent Answer of the Bishop When Referred to by His Mother as to the Conversion of Her Son

Book IV

Chapter I
Concerning that Most Unhappy Time in Which He, Being Deceived, Deceived Others; And Concerning the Mockers of His Confession

Chapter II
He Teaches Rhetoric, the Only Thing He Loved, and Scorns the Soothsayer, Who Promised Him Victory

Chapter III
Not Even the Most Experienced Men Could Persuade Him of the Vanity of Astrology to Which He Was Devoted

Chapter IV
Sorely Distressed by Weeping at the Death of His Friend, He Provides Consolation for Himself

Chapter V
Why Weeping is Pleasant to the Wretched

Chapter VI
His Friend Being Snatched Away by Death, He Imagines that He Remains Only as Half

Chapter VII
Troubled by Restlessness and Grief, He Leaves His Country a Second Time for Carthage

Chapter VIII
That His Grief Ceased by Time, and the Consolation of Friends

Chapter IX
That the Love of a Human Being, However Constant in Loving and Returning Love, Perishes; While He Who Loves God Never Loses a Friend

Chapter X
That All Things Exist that They May Perish, and that We are Not Safe Unless God Watches Over Us

Chapter XI
That Portions of the World are Not to Be Loved; But that God, Their Author, is Immutable, and His Word Eternal

Chapter XII
Love is Not Condemned, But Love in God, in Whom There is Rest Through Jesus Christ, is to Be Preferred

Chapter XIII
Love Originates from Grace and Beauty Enticing Us

Chapter XIV
Concerning the Books Which He Wrote “On the Fair and Fit,” Dedicated to Hierius

Chapter XV
While Writing, Being Blinded by Corporeal Images, He Failed to Recognise the Spiritual Nature of God

Chapter XVI
He Very Easily Understood the Liberal Arts and the Categories of Aristotle, But Without True Fruit

Book V

Chapter I
That It Becomes the Soul to Praise God, and to Confess Unto Him

Chapter II
On the Vanity of Those Who Wished to Escape the Omnipotent God

Chapter III
Having Heard Faustus, the Most Learned Bishop of the Manichaeans, He Discerns that God, the Author Both of Things Animate and Inanimate, Chiefly Has Care for the Humble

Chapter IV
That the Knowledge of Terrestrial and Celestial Things Does Not Give Happiness, But the Knowledge of God Only

Chapter V
Of Manichaeus Pertinaciously Teaching False Doctrines, and Proudly Arrogating to Himself the Holy Spirit

Chapter VI
Faustus Was Indeed an Elegant Speaker, But Knew Nothing of the Liberal Sciences

Chapter VII
Clearly Seeing the Fallacies of the Manichaeans, He Retires from Them, Being Remarkably Aided by God

Chapter VIII
He Sets Out for Rome, His Mother in Vain Lamenting It

Chapter IX
Being Attacked by Fever, He is in Great Danger

Chapter X
When He Had Left the Manichaeans, He Retained His Depraved Opinions Concerning Sin and the Origin of the Saviour

Chapter XI
Helpidius Disputed Well Against the Manichaeans as to the Authenticity of the New Testament

Chapter XII
Professing Rhetoric at Rome, He Discovers the Fraud of His Scholars

Chapter XIII
He is Sent to Milan, that He, About to Teach Rhetoric, May Be Known by Ambrose

Chapter XIV
Having Heard the Bishop, He Perceives the Force of the Catholic Faith, Yet Doubts, After the Manner of the Modern Academics

Book VI

Chapter I
His Mother Having Followed Him to Milan, Declares that She Will Not Die Before Her Son Shall Have Embraced the Catholic Faith

Chapter II
She, on the Prohibition of Ambrose, Abstains from Honouring the Memory of the Martyrs

Chapter III
As Ambrose Was Occupied with Business and Study, Augustin Could Seldom Consult Him Concerning the Holy Scriptures

Chapter IV
He Recognises the Falsity of His Own Opinions, and Commits to Memory the Saying of Ambrose

Chapter V
Faith is the Basis of Human Life; Man Cannot Discover that Truth Which Holy Scripture Has Disclosed

Chapter VI
On the Source and Cause of True Joy,—The Example of the Joyous Beggar Being Adduced

Chapter VII
He Leads to Reformation His Friend Alypius, Seized with Madness for the Circensian Games

Chapter VIII
The Same When at Rome, Being Led by Others into the Amphitheatre, is Delighted with the Gladiatorial Games

Chapter IX
Innocent Alypius, Being Apprehended as a Thief, is Set at Liberty by the Cleverness of an Architect

Chapter X
The Wonderful Integrity of Alypius in Judgment. The Lasting Friendship of Nebridius with Augustin

Chapter XI
Being Troubled by His Grievous Errors, He Meditates Entering on a New Life

Chapter XII
Discussion with Alypius Concerning a Life of Celibacy

Chapter XIII
Being Urged by His Mother to Take a Wife, He Sought a Maiden that Was Pleasing Unto Him

Chapter XIV
The Design of Establishing a Common Household with His Friends is Speedily Hindered

Chapter XV
He Dismisses One Mistress, and Chooses Another

Chapter XVI
The Fear of Death and Judgment Called Him, Believing in the Immortality of the Soul, Back from His Wickedness, Him Who Aforetime Believed in the Opinions of Epicurus

Book VII

Chapter I
He Regarded Not God Indeed Under the Form of a Human Body, But as a Corporeal Substance Diffused Through Space

Chapter II
The Disputation of Nebridius Against the Manichaeans, on the Question “Whether God Be Corruptible or Incorruptible.”

Chapter III
That the Cause of Evil is the Free Judgment of the Will

Chapter IV
That God is Not Corruptible, Who, If He Were, Would Not Be God at All

Chapter V
Questions Concerning the Origin of Evil in Regard to God, Who, Since He is the Chief Good, Cannot Be the Cause of Evil

Chapter VI
He Refutes the Divinations of the Astrologers, Deduced from the Constellations

Chapter VII
He is Severely Exercised as to the Origin of Evil

Chapter VIII
By God’s Assistance He by Degrees Arrives at the Truth

Chapter IX
He Compares the Doctrine of the Platonists Concerning the Logos With the Much More Excellent Doctrine of Christianity

Chapter X
Divine Things are the More Clearly Manifested to Him Who Withdraws into the Recesses of His Heart

Chapter XI
That Creatures are Mutable and God Alone Immutable

Chapter XII
Whatever Things the Good God Has Created are Very Good

Chapter XIII
It is Meet to Praise the Creator for the Good Things Which are Made in Heaven and Earth

Chapter XIV
Being Displeased with Some Part Of God’s Creation, He Conceives of Two Original Substances

Chapter XV
Whatever Is, Owes Its Being to God

Chapter XVI
Evil Arises Not from a Substance, But from the Perversion of the Will

Chapter XVII
Above His Changeable Mind, He Discovers the Unchangeable Author of Truth

Chapter XVIII
Jesus Christ, the Mediator, is the Only Way of Safety

Chapter XIX
He Does Not Yet Fully Understand the Saying of John, that “The Word Was Made Flesh.”

Chapter XX
He Rejoices that He Proceeded from Plato to the Holy Scriptures, and Not the Reverse

Chapter XXI
What He Found in the Sacred Books Which are Not to Be Found in Plato


Chapter I
He, Now Given to Divine Things, and Yet Entangled by the Lusts of Love, Consults Simplicianus in Reference to the Renewing of His Mind

Chapter II
The Pious Old Man Rejoices that He Read Plato and the Scriptures, and Tells Him of the Rhetorician Victorinus Having Been Converted to the Faith Through the Reading of the Sacred Books

Chapter III
That God and the Angels Rejoice More on the Return of One Sinner Than of Many Just Persons

Chapter IV
He Shows by the Example of Victorinus that There is More Joy in the Conversion of Nobles

Chapter V
Of the Causes Which Alienate Us from God

Chapter VI
Pontitianus’ Account of Antony, the Founder of Monachism, and of Some Who Imitated Him

Chapter VII
He Deplores His Wretchedness, that Having Been Born Thirty-Two Years, He Had Not Yet Found Out the Truth

Chapter VIII
The Conversation with Alypius Being Ended, He Retires to the Garden, Whither His Friend Follows Him

Chapter IX
That the Mind Commandeth the Mind, But It Willeth Not Entirely

Chapter X
He Refutes the Opinion of the Manichaeans as to Two Kinds of Minds,—One Good and the Other Evil

Chapter XI
In What Manner the Spirit Struggled with the Flesh, that It Might Be Freed from the Bondage of Vanity

Chapter XII
Having Prayed to God, He Pours Forth a Shower of Tears, And, Admonished by a Voice, He Opens the Book and Reads the Words in Rom. XIII. 13; By Which, Being Changed in His Whole Soul, He Discloses the Divine Favour to His Friend and His Mother

Book IX

Chapter I
He Praises God, the Author of Safety, and Jesus Christ, the Redeemer, Acknowledging His Own Wickedness

Chapter II
As His Lungs Were Affected, He Meditates Withdrawing Himself from Public Favour

Chapter III
He Retires to the Villa of His Friend Verecundus, Who Was Not Yet a Christian, and Refers to His Conversion and Death, as Well as that of Nebridius

Chapter IV
In the Country He Gives His Attention to Literature, and Explains the Fourth Psalm in Connection with the Happy Conversion of Alypius. He is Troubled with Toothache

Chapter V
At the Recommendation of Ambrose, He Reads the Prophecies of Isaiah, But Does Not Understand Them

Chapter VI
He is Baptized at Milan with Alypius and His Son Adeodatus. The Book “De Magistro.”

Chapter VII
Of the Church Hymns Instituted at Milan; Of the Ambrosian Persecution Raised by Justina; And of the Discovery of the Bodies of Two Martyrs

Chapter VIII
Of the Conversion of Evodius, and the Death of His Mother When Returning with Him to Africa; And Whose Education He Tenderly Relates

Chapter IX
He Describes the Praiseworthy Habits of His Mother; Her Kindness Towards Her Husband and Her Sons

Chapter X
A Conversation He Had with His Mother Concerning the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter XI
His Mother, Attacked by Fever, Dies at Ostia

Chapter XII
How He Mourned His Dead Mother

Chapter XIII
He Entreats God for Her Sins, and Admonishes His Readers to Remember Her Piously

Book X

Chapter I
In God Alone is the Hope and Joy of Man

Chapter II
That All Things are Manifest to God. That Confession Unto Him is Not Made by the Words of the Flesh, But of the Soul, and the Cry of Reflection

Chapter III
He Who Confesseth Rightly Unto God Best Knoweth Himself

Chapter IV
That in His Confessions He May Do Good, He Considers Others

Chapter V
That Man Knoweth Not Himself Wholly

Chapter VI
The Love of God, in His Nature Superior to All Creatures, is Acquired by the Knowledge of the Senses and the Exercise of Reason

Chapter VII
That God is to Be Found Neither from the Powers of the Body Nor of the Soul

Chapter VIII
Of the Nature and the Amazing Power of Memory

Chapter IX
Not Only Things, But Also Literature and Images, are Taken from the Memory, and are Brought Forth by the Act of Remembering

Chapter X
Literature is Not Introduced to the Memory Through the Senses, But is Brought Forth from Its More Secret Places

Chapter XI
What It is to Learn and to Think

Chapter XII
On the Recollection of Things Mathematical

Chapter XIII
Memory Retains All Things

Chapter XIV
Concerning the Manner in Which Joy and Sadness May Be Brought Back to the Mind and Memory

Chapter XV
In Memory There are Also Images of Things Which are Absent

Chapter XVI
The Privation of Memory is Forgetfulness

Chapter XVII
God Cannot Be Attained Unto by the Power of Memory, Which Beasts and Birds Possess

Chapter XVIII
A Thing When Lost Could Not Be Found Unless It Were Retained in the Memory

Chapter XIX
What It is to Remember

Chapter XX
We Should Not Seek for God and the Happy Life Unless We Had Known It

Chapter XXI
How a Happy Life May Be Retained in the Memory

Chapter XXII
A Happy Life is to Rejoice in God, and for God

Chapter XXIII
All Wish to Rejoice in the Truth

Chapter XXIV
He Who Finds Truth, Finds God

Chapter XXV
He is Glad that God Dwells in His Memory

Chapter XXVI
God Everywhere Answers Those Who Take Counsel of Him

Chapter XXVII
He Grieves that He Was So Long Without God

Chapter XXVIII
On the Misery of Human Life

Chapter XXIX
All Hope is in the Mercy of God

Chapter XXX
Of the Perverse Images of Dreams, Which He Wishes to Have Taken Away

Chapter XXXI
About to Speak of the Temptations of the Lust of the Flesh, He First Complains of the Lust of Eating and Drinking

Chapter XXXII
Of the Charms of Perfumes Which are More Easily Overcome

Chapter XXXIII
He Overcame the Pleasures of the Ear, Although in the Church He Frequently Delighted in the Song, Not in the Thing Sung

Chapter XXXIV
Of the Very Dangerous Allurements of the Eyes; On Account of Beauty of Form, God, the Creator, is to Be Praised

Chapter XXXV
Another Kind of Temptation is Curiosity, Which is Stimulated by the Lust of the Eyes

Chapter XXXVI
A Third Kind is “Pride” Which is Pleasing to Man, Not to God

Chapter XXXVII
He is Forcibly Goaded on by the Love of Praise

Vain-Glory is the Highest Danger

Chapter XXXIX
Of the Vice of Those Who, While Pleasing Themselves, Displease God

Chapter XL
The Only Safe Resting-Place for the Soul is to Be Found in God

Chapter XLI
Having Conquered His Triple Desire, He Arrives at Salvation

Chapter XLII
In What Manner Many Sought the Mediator

Chapter XLIII
That Jesus Christ, at the Same Time God and Man, is the True and Most Efficacious Mediator

Book XI

Chapter I
By Confession He Desires to Stimulate Towards God His Own Love and That of His Readers

Chapter II
He Begs of God that Through the Holy Scriptures He May Be Led to Truth

Chapter III
He Begins from the Creation of the World—Not Understanding the Hebrew Text

Chapter IV
Heaven and Earth Cry Out that They Have Been Created by God

Chapter V
God Created the World Not from Any Certain Matter, But in His Own Word

Chapter VI
He Did Not, However, Create It by a Sounding and Passing Word

Chapter VII
By His Co-Eternal Word He Speaks, and All Things are Done

Chapter VIII
That Word Itself is the Beginning of All Things, in the Which We are Instructed as to Evangelical Truth

Chapter IX
Wisdom and the Beginning

Chapter X
The Rashness of Those Who Inquire What God Did Before He Created Heaven and Earth

Chapter XI
They Who Ask This Have Not as Yet Known the Eternity of God, Which is Exempt from the Relation of Time

Chapter XII
What God Did Before the Creation of the World

Chapter XIII
Before the Times Created by God, Times Were Not

Chapter XIV
Neither Time Past Nor Future, But the Present Only, Really is

Chapter XV
There is Only a Moment of Present Time

Chapter XVI
Time Can Only Be Perceived or Measured While It is Passing

Chapter XVII
Nevertheless There is Time Past and Future

Chapter XVIII
Past and Future Times Cannot Be Thought of But as Present

Chapter XIX
We are Ignorant in What Manner God Teaches Future Things

Chapter XX
In What Manner Time May Properly Be Designated

Chapter XXI
How Time May Be Measured

Chapter XXII
He Prays God that He Would Explain This Most Entangled Enigma

Chapter XXIII
That Time is a Certain Extension

Chapter XXIV
That Time is Not a Motion of a Body Which We Measure by Time

Chapter XXV
He Calls on God to Enlighten His Mind

Chapter XXVI
We Measure Longer Events by Shorter in Time

Chapter XXVII
Times are Measured in Proportion as They Pass by

Chapter XXVIII
Time in the Human Mind, Which Expects, Considers, and Remembers

Chapter XXIX
That Human Life is a Distraction But that Through the Mercy of God He Was Intent on the Prize of His Heavenly Calling

Chapter XXX
Again He Refutes the Empty Question, “What Did God Before the Creation of the World?”

Chapter XXXI
How the Knowledge of God Differs from that of Man

Book XII

Chapter I
The Discovery of Truth is Difficult, But God Has Promised that He Who Seeks Shall Find

Chapter II
Of the Double Heaven,—The Visible, and the Heaven of Heavens

Chapter III
Of the Darkness Upon the Deep, and of the Invisible and Formless Earth

Chapter IV
From the Formlessness of Matter, the Beautiful World Has Arisen

Chapter V
What May Have Been the Form of Matter

Chapter VI
He Confesses that at One Time He Himself Thought Erroneously of Matter

Chapter VII
Out of Nothing God Made Heaven and Earth

Chapter VIII
Heaven and Earth Were Made “In the Beginning;” Afterwards the World, During Six Days, from Shapeless Matter

Chapter IX
That the Heaven of Heavens Was an Intellectual Creature, But that the Earth Was Invisible and Formless Before the Days that It Was Made

Chapter X
He Begs of God that He May Live in the True Light, and May Be Instructed as to the Mysteries of the Sacred Books

Chapter XI
What May Be Discovered to Him by God

Chapter XII
From the Formless Earth God Created Another Heaven and a Visible and Formed Earth

Chapter XIII
Of the Intellectual Heaven and Formless Earth, Out of Which, on Another Day, the Firmament Was Formed

Chapter XIV
Of the Depth of the Sacred Scripture, and Its Enemies

Chapter XV
He Argues Against Adversaries Concerning the Heaven of Heavens

Chapter XVI
He Wishes to Have No Intercourse with Those Who Deny Divine Truth

Chapter XVII
He Mentions Five Explanations of the Words of Genesis I. I

Chapter XVIII
What Error is Harmless in Sacred Scripture

Chapter XIX
He Enumerates the Things Concerning Which All Agree

Chapter XX
Of the Words, “In the Beginning,” Variously Understood

Chapter XXI
Of the Explanation of the Words, “The Earth Was Invisible.”

Chapter XXII
He Discusses Whether Matter Was from Eternity, or Was Made by God

Chapter XXIII
Two Kinds of Disagreements in the Books to Be Explained

Chapter XXIV
Out of the Many True Things, It is Not Asserted Confidently that Moses Understood This or That

Chapter XXV
It Behoves Interpreters, When Disagreeing Concerning Obscure Places, to Regard God the Author of Truth, and the Rule of Charity

Chapter XXVI
What He Might Have Asked of God Had He Been Enjoined to Write the Book of Genesis

Chapter XXVII
The Style of Speaking in the Book of Genesis is Simple and Clear

Chapter XXVIII
The Words, “In the Beginning,” And, “The Heaven and the Earth,” Are Differently Understood

Chapter XXIX
Concerning the Opinion of Those Who Explain It “At First He Made.”

Chapter XXX
In the Great Diversity of Opinions, It Becomes All to Unite Charity and Divine Truth

Chapter XXXI
Moses is Supposed to Have Perceived Whatever of Truth Can Be Discovered in His Words

Chapter XXXII
First, the Sense of the Writer is to Be Discovered, Then that is to Be Brought Out Which Divine Truth Intended


Chapter I
He Calls Upon God, and Proposes to Himself to Worship Him

Chapter II
All Creatures Subsist from the Plenitude of Divine Goodness

Chapter III
Genesis I. 3,—Of “Light,”—He Understands as It is Seen in the Spiritual Creature

Chapter IV
All Things Have Been Created by the Grace of God, and are Not of Him as Standing in Need of Created Things

Chapter V
He Recognises the Trinity in the First Two Verses of Genesis

Chapter VI
Why the Holy Ghost Should Have Been Mentioned After the Mention of Heaven and Earth

Chapter VII
That the Holy Spirit Brings Us to God

Chapter VIII
That Nothing Whatever, Short of God, Can Yield to the Rational Creature a Happy Rest

Chapter IX
Why the Holy Spirit Was Only “Borne Over” The Waters

Chapter X
That Nothing Arose Save by the Gift of God

Chapter XI
That the Symbols of the Trinity in Man, to Be, to Know, and to Will, are Never Thoroughly Examined

Chapter XII
Allegorical Explanation of Genesis, Chap. I., Concerning the Origin of the Church and Its Worship

Chapter XIII
That the Renewal of Man is Not Completed in This World

Chapter XIV
That Out of the Children of the Night and of the Darkness, Children of the Light and of the Day are Made

Chapter XV
Allegorical Explanation of the Firmament and Upper Works, Ver. 6

Chapter XVI
That No One But the Unchangeable Light Knows Himself

Chapter XVII
Allegorical Explanation of the Sea and the Fruit-Bearing Earth—Verses 9 and 11

Chapter XVIII
Of the Lights and Stars of Heaven—Of Day and Night, Ver. 14

Chapter XIX
All Men Should Become Lights in the Firmament of Heaven

Chapter XX
Concerning Reptiles and Flying Creatures (Ver. 20),—The Sacrament of Baptism Being Regarded

Chapter XXI
Concerning the Living Soul, Birds, and Fishes (Ver. 24)—The Sacrament of the Eucharist Being Regarded

Chapter XXII
He Explains the Divine Image (Ver. 26) of the Renewal of the Mind

Chapter XXIII
That to Have Power Over All Things (Ver. 26) is to Judge Spiritually of All

Chapter XXIV
Why God Has Blessed Men, Fishes, Flying Creatures, and Not Herbs and the Other Animals (Ver. 28)

Chapter XXV
He Explains the Fruits of the Earth (Ver. 29) of Works of Mercy

Chapter XXVI
In the Confessing of Benefits, Computation is Made Not as to The “Gift,” But as to the “Fruit,”—That Is, the Good and Right Will of the Giver

Chapter XXVII
Many are Ignorant as to This, and Ask for Miracles, Which are Signified Under the Names Of “Fishes” And “Whales.”

Chapter XXVIII
He Proceeds to the Last Verse, “All Things are Very Good,”—That Is, the Work Being Altogether Good

Chapter XXIX
Although It is Said Eight Times that “God Saw that It Was Good,” Yet Time Has No Relation to God and His Word

Chapter XXX
He Refutes the Opinions of the Manichaeans and the Gnostics Concerning the Origin of the World

Chapter XXXI
We Do Not See “That It Was Good” But Through the Spirit of God Which is in Us

Chapter XXXII
Of the Particular Works of God, More Especially of Man

Chapter XXXIII
The World Was Created by God Out of Nothing

Chapter XXXIV
He Briefly Repeats the Allegorical Interpretation of Genesis (Ch. I.), and Confesses that We See It by the Divine Spirit

Chapter XXXV
He Prays God for that Peace of Rest Which Hath No Evening

Chapter XXXVI
The Seventh Day, Without Evening and Setting, the Image of Eternal Life and Rest in God

Chapter XXXVII
Of Rest in God Who Ever Worketh, and Yet is Ever at Rest

Of the Difference Between the Knowledge of God and of Men, and of the Repose Which is to Be Sought from God Only

Letters of St. Augustin

First Division

Letter I
(a.d. 386.)

Letter II
(a.d. 386.)

Letter III
(a.d. 387.)

Letter IV
(a.d. 387.)

Letter V
(a.d. 388.)

Letter VI
(a.d. 389.)

Letter VII
(a.d. 389.)

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Letter VIII
(a.d. 389.)

Letter IX
(a.d. 389.)

Letter X
(a.d. 389.)

Letter XI
(a.d. 389.)

Letter XII
(a.d. 389.)

Letter XIII
(a.d. 389.)

Letter XIV
(a.d. 389.)

Letter XV
(a.d. 390.)

Letter XVI
(a.d. 390)

Letter XVII
(a.d. 390.)

Letter XVIII
(a.d. 390.)

Letter XIX
(a.d. 390.)

Letter XX
(a.d. 390.)

Letter XXI
(a.d. 391.)

Letter XXII
(a.d. 392.)

Chap. I

Chap. II

Letter XXIII
(a.d. 392.)

Letter XXIV

Letter XXV
(a.d. 394.)

Letter XXVI
(a.d. 395.)

Letter XXVII
(a.d. 395.)

(a.d. 394 OR 395.)

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV

Letter XXIX
(a.d. 395.)

Letter XXX
(a.d. 396.)

Second Division

Letter XXXI
(a.d. 396.)

Letter XXXII

(a.d. 396.)

Letter XXXIV
(a.d. 396.)

Letter XXXV
(a.d. 396.)

Letter XXXVI
(a.d. 396.)

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV

Chap. XI

Chap. XII

Chap. XIII

Chap. XIV

(a.d. 397.)

(a.d. 397.)

Letter XXXIX
(a.d. 397.)

Chap. I

Chap. II

Letter XL
(a.d. 397.)

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV

Chap. V

Letter XLI
(a.d. 397.)

Letter XLII
(a.d. 397.)

Letter XLIII
(a.d. 397.)

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV

Chap. V

Chap. VI

Chap. VII

Chap. VIII

Chap. IX

Letter XLIV
(a.d. 398.)

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV

Chap. V

Chap. VI

Letter XLV

Letter XLVI
(a.d. 398.)

Letter XLVII
(a.d. 398.)

(a.d. 398.)

Letter XLIX

Letter L
(a.d. 399.)

Letter LI
(a.d. 399 or 400.)

Letter LII

Letter LIII
(a.d. 400.)

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Letter LIV
(a.d. 400.)

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV

Chap. V

Chap. VI

Chap. VII

Letter LV
(a.d. 400.)

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV

Chap. V

Chap. VI

Chap. VII

Chap. VIII

Chap. IX

Chap. X

Chap. XI

Chap. XII

Chap. XIII

Chap. XIV

Chap. XV

Chap. XVI

Chap. XVII


Chap. XIX

Chap. XX

Chap. XXI

Letters LVI. And LVII
(a.d. 400)

Letter LVIII
(a.d. 401.)

Letter LIX
(a.d. 401.)

Letter LX
(a.d. 401.)

Letter LXI
(a.d. 401.)

Letter LXII
(a.d. 401)

Letter LXIII
(a.d. 401.)

Letter LXIV
(a.d. 401.)

Letter LXV
(a.d. 402.)

Letter LXVI
(a.d. 402.)

Letter LXVII
(a.d. 402.)

Chap. I

Chap. II

(a.d. 402.)

Letter LXIX
(a.d. 402.)

Letter LXX
(a.d. 402.)

Letter LXXI
(a.d. 403.)

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV

Letter LXXII
(a.d. 404.)

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

(a.d. 404.)

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Letter LXXIV
(a.d. 404.)

Letter LXXV
(a.d. 404.)

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV

Chap. V

Chap. VI

Chap. VII

Letter LXXVI
(a.d. 402.)

(a.d. 404.)

(a.d. 404.)

Letter LXXIX
(a.d. 404.)

Letter LXXX
(a.d. 404.)

Letter LXXXI
(a.d. 405.)

(a.d. 405.)

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV

Chap. V

(a.d. 405.)

(a.d. 405.)

Letter LXXXV
(a.d. 405.)

(a.d. 405.)

(a.d. 405.)

(a.d. 406.)

(a.d. 406.)

Letter XC
(a.d. 408.)

Letter XCI
(a.d. 408.)

Letter XCII
(a.d. 408.)

Letter XCIII
(a.d. 408.)

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV

Chap. V

Chap. VI

Chap. VII

Chap. VIII

Chap. IX

Chap. X

Chap. XI

Chap. XII

Chap. XIII

Letter XCIV
(a.d. 408.)

Letter XCV
(a.d. 408.)

Letter XCVI
(a.d. 408.)

Letter XCVII
(a.d. 408.)

(a.d. 408.)

Letter XCIX
(a.d. 408 or Beginning of 409.)

Letter C
(a.d. 409.)

Letter CI
(a.d. 409.)

Letter CII
(a.d. 409.)

Letter CIII
(a.d. 409.)

Letter CIV
(a.d. 409.)

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV

Letter CXI
(November, a.d. 409.)

Letter CXV
(a.d. 410.)

Letter CXVI
(Enclosed in the Foregoing Letter.)

Letter CXVII
(a.d. 410.)

(a.d. 410.)

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV

Chap. V

Letter CXXII
(a.d. 410.)

(a.d. 410.)

Third Division

Letter CXXIV
(a.d. 411.)

Letter CXXV
(a.d. 411.)

Letter CXXVI
(a.d. 411.)

Letter CXXX
(a.d. 412.)

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV

Chap. V

Chap. VI

Chap. VII

Chap. VIII

Chap. IX

Chap. X

Chap. XI

Chap. XII

Chap. XIII

Chap. XIV

Chap. XV

Chap. XVI

Letter CXXXI
(a.d. 412.)

(a.d. 412.)

(a.d. 412.)

Letter CXXXV
(a.d. 412.)

(a.d. 412.)

(a.d. 412.)

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV

Chap. V

(a.d. 412.)

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV

(a.d. 412.)

(a.d. 412.)

Letter CXLIV
(a.d. 412.)

Letter CXLV
(a.d. 412 or 413.)

Letter CXLVI
(a.d. 413.)

(a.d. 413.)

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV

Chap. V

Letter CL
(a.d. 413.)

Letter CLI
(a.d. 413 OR 414.)

(a.d. 414.)

Letter CLIX
(a.d. 415.)

(a.d. 414.)

Letter CLXIV
(a.d. 414.)

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV

Chap. V

Chap. VI

Chap. VII

Letter CLXV
(a.d. 410. )

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Letter CLXVI
(a.d. 415.)

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV

Chap. V

Chap. VI

Chap. VII

Chap. VIII

Chap. IX

(a.d. 415.)

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV

Chap. V

Letter CLXIX
(a.d. 415.)

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

Chap. IV

(a.d. 416.)

(a.d. 416.)

Letter CLXXX
(a.d. 416.)

(a.d. 416.)

Chap. I

Chap. II

Chap. III

(a.d. 418.)

Letter CXCI
(a.d. 418.)

Letter CXCII
(a.d. 418.)

Letter CXCV
(a.d. 418.)

Letter CCI
(a.d. 419.)

Letter CCII
(a.d. 419.)

Chap. I

Chap. II

Letter CCIII
(a.d. 420.)

(a.d. 423.)

Letter CCIX
(a.d. 423.)

Letter CCX
(a.d. 423.)

Letter CCXI
(a.d. 423.)

Letter CCXII
(a.d. 423.)

(September 26TH, a.d. 426.)

(a.d. 426.)

Letter CCXIX
(a.d. 436.)

Letter CCXX
(a.d. 427.)

(a.d. 428 or 429.)

(a.d. 428 or 429.)

(a.d. 429.)

(a.d. 429.)

Fourth Division



Letter CCXLV


Letter CCL

Letter CCLIV



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