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Fathers Of The Church, Catholic Edition

The Twelve Patriarchs, Excerpts and Epistles, The Clementia, Apocrypha,
Decretals, Memoirs of Edessa and Syriac Documents, Remains of the First









The Recognitions of Clement

The Clementine Homilies


The Protevangelium of James

The Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew

The Gospel of the Nativity of Mary

The History of Joseph the Carpenter

The Gospel of Thomas

The Arabic Gospel of the Infancy of the Saviour

The Gospel of Nicodemus

The Letter of Pontius Pilate, Which He Wrote to the Roman Emperor, Concerning Our Lord Jesus Christ

The Report of Pilate the Procurator Concerning Our Lord Jesus Christ

The Report of Pontius Pilate, Procurator of Judaea, Sent to Rome to Tiberius Caesar

The Giving Up of Pontius Pilate

The Death of Pilate, Who Condemned Jesus

The Narrative of Joseph
Narrative of Joseph of Arimathaea, That Begged the Lord’s Body; In Which Also He Brings In the Cases of the Two Robbers

The Avenging of the Saviour

Acts of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul

Acts of Paul and Thecla

The Acts of Barnabus
The Journeyings and Martyrdom of St. Barnabas the Apostle

The Acts of Philip

Acts and Martyrdom of the Holy Apostle Andrew

Acts of Andrew and Matthias
In the City of the Man-eaters

Acts of Peter and Andrew
From a Bodleian ms

Acts and Martyrdom of St. Matthew the Apostle

Acts of the Holy Apostle Thomas

Consummation of Thomas the Apostle

Martyrdom of the Holy and Glorious Apostle Bartholomew

Acts of the Holy Apostle Thaddaeus, One of the Twelve

Acts of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian
About His Exile and Departure

Revelation of Moses

Revelation of Esdras
Word and Revelation of Esdras, the Holy Prophet and Beloved of God

Revelation of Paul

Revelation of John
Revelation of Saint John the Theologian

The Book of John Concerning the Falling Asleep of Mary
The Account of St. John the Theologian of the Falling Asleep of the Holy Mother of God

The Passing of Mary
First Latin Form

The Passing of Mary
Second Latin Form


The Epistles of Zephyrinus

The Epistles of Pope Callistus

The Epistle of Pope Urban First

The Epistles of Pope Pontianus

The Epistle of Pope Anterus

The Epistles of Pope Fabian

Decrees of Fabian


The Story Concerning the King of Edessa

A Canticle of Mar Jacob the Teacher on Edessa

Extracts from Various Books Concerning Abgar the King and Addaeus the Apostle

The Teaching of Addaeus the Apostle

The Teaching of the Apostles

The Teaching of Simon Cephas in the City of Rome

Acts of Sharbil, Who Was a Priest of Idols, and Was Converted to the Confession of Christianity in Christ

Martyrdom of Habib the Deacon

Martyrdom of the Holy Confessors Shamuna, Guria, and Habib, from Simeon Metaphrastes

Moses of Chorene
History of Armenia

Homilies, Composed by Mar Jacob

The Book of the Laws of Divers Countries

A Letter of Mara, Son of Serapion



Quadratus, Bishop of Athens

Aristo of Pella

Melito, the Philosopher


Dionysius, Bishop of Corinth


Maximus, Bishop of Jerusalem

Claudius Apollinaris, Bishop of Hierapolis, and Apologist

Polycrates, Bishop of Ephesus

Theophilus, Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine

Serapion, Bishop of Antioch


Pantaenus, the Alexandrian Philosopher



The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs

The Testament of Reuben Concerning Thoughts

The Testament of Simeon Concerning Envy

The Testament of Levi Concerning the Priesthood and Arrogance

The Testament of Judah Concerning Fortitude, and Love of Money, and Fornication

The Testament of Issachar Concerning Simplicity

The Testament of Zebulun Concerning Compassion and Mercy

The Testament of Dan Concerning Anger and Lying

The Testament of Naphtali Concerning Natural Goodness

The Testament of Gad Concerning Hatred

The Testament of Asher Concerning Two Faces of Vice and Virtue

The Testament of Joseph Concerning Sobriety

The Testament of Benjamin Concerning a Pure Mind


Excerpts of Theodotus; or, Selections from the Prophetic Scriptures


The First Epistle of the Blessed Clement, the Disciple of Peter the Apostle

Chapter I
The Salutation

Chapter II
For True Virginity Perfect Virtue is Necessary

Chapter III
True Virgins Prove Themselves Such by Self-Denial, as Does the True Believer by Good Works

Chapter IV
Continuation of the Remarks on Self-Denial; Object and Reward of True Virgins

Chapter V
The Irksomeness and the Enemies of Virginity

Chapter VI
Divinity of Virginity

Chapter VII
The True Virgin

Chapter VIII
Virgins, by the Laying Aside of All Carnal Affection, are Imitators of God

Chapter IX
Continuation of the Subject of Mortification; Dignity of Persons Consecrated to God

Chapter X
Denunciation of Dangerous and Scandalous Association with Maidens

Chapter XI
Perniciousness of Idleness; Warning Against the Empty Longing to Be Teachers; Advice About Teaching and the Use of Divine Gifts

Chapter XII
Rules for Visits, Exorcisms, and How People are to Assist the Sick, and to Walk in All Things Without Offence

Chapter XIII
What Priests Should Be and Should Not Be

The Second Epistle of the Same Clement

Chapter I
He Describes the Circumspectness of His Intercourse with the Other Sex, and Tells How in His Journeys He Acts at Places Where There are Brethren Only

Chapter II
His Behaviour in Places Where There Were Christians of Both Sexes

Chapter III
Rules for the Conduct of Celibate Brethren in Places Where There are Only Married Christians

Chapter IV
Conduct of the Holy Man Where There are Women Only

Chapter V
Where There is Only One Woman, the Father Does Not Make a Stay; How Carefully Stumbling-Blocks Must Be Avoided

Chapter VI
How Christians Should Behave Themselves Among Heathens

Chapter VII
Uses of Considering Admonitory Examples, as Well as Instructive Patterns

Chapter VIII
Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife; Of What Kind Love to Females Ought to Be

Chapter IX
Samson’s Admonitory Fall

Chapter X
David’s Sin, So Admonitory to Us Weak Men

Chapter XI
Admonitory History of the Incestuous Children of David

Chapter XII
Solomon’s Infatuation Through Women

Chapter XIII
The History of Susanna Teaches Circumspection with the Eyes and in Society

Chapter XIV
Examples of Circumspect Behaviour from the Old Testament

Chapter XV
The Example of Jesus; How We May Allow Ourselves to Be Served by Women

Chapter XVI
Exhortation to Union and to Obedience; Conclusion


The Recognitions of Clement

Recognitions of Clement

Book I

Chapter I
Clement’s Early History; Doubts

Chapter II
His Distress

Chapter III
His Dissatisfaction with the Schools of the Philosophers

Chapter IV
His Increasing Disquiet

Chapter V
His Design to Test the Immortality of the Soul

Chapter VI
Hears of Christ

Chapter VII
Arrival of Barnabas at Rome

Chapter VIII
His Preaching

Chapter IX
Clement’s Interposition on Behalf of Barnabas

Chapter X
Intercourse with Barnabas

Chapter XI
Departure of Barnabas

Chapter XII
Clement’s Arrival at Caesarea, and Introduction to Peter

Chapter XIII
His Cordial Reception by Peter

Chapter XIV
His Account of Himself

Chapter XV
Peter’s First Instruction: Causes of Ignorance

Chapter XVI
Instruction Continued: the True Prophet

Chapter XVII
Peter Requests Him to Be His Attendant

Chapter XVIII
His Profiting by Peter’s Instruction

Chapter XIX
Peter’s Satisfaction

Chapter XX
Postponement of Discussion with Simon Magus

Chapter XXI
Advantage of the Delay

Chapter XXII
Repetition of Instructions

Chapter XXIII
Repetition Continued

Chapter XXIV
Repetition Continued

Chapter XXV
Repetition Continued

Chapter XXVI
Friendship of God; How Secured

Chapter XXVII
Account of the Creation

Chapter XXVIII
Account of the Creation Continued

Chapter XXIX
The Giants: the Flood

Chapter XXX
Noah’s Sons

Chapter XXXI
World After the Flood

Chapter XXXII

Chapter XXXIII
Abraham: His Posterity

Chapter XXXIV
The Israelites in Egypt

Chapter XXXV
The Exodus

Chapter XXXVI
Allowance of Sacrifice for a Time

Chapter XXXVII
The Holy Place

Sins of the Israelites

Chapter XXXIX
Baptism Instituted in Place of Sacrifices

Chapter XL
Advent of the True Prophet

Chapter XLI
Rejection of the True Prophet

Chapter XLII
Call of the Gentiles

Chapter XLIII
Success of the Gospel

Chapter XLIV
Challenge by Caiaphas

Chapter XLV
The True Prophet: Why Called the Christ

Chapter XLVI

Chapter XLVII
Adam Anointed a Prophet

Chapter XLVIII
The True Prophet, a Priest

Chapter XLIX
Two Comings of Christ

Chapter L
His Rejection by the Jews

Chapter LI
The Only Saviour

Chapter LII
The Saints Before Christ’s Coming

Chapter LIII
Animosity of the Jews

Chapter LIV
Jewish Sects

Chapter LV
Public Discussion

Chapter LVI
Sadducees Refuted

Chapter LVII
Samaritan Refuted

Chapter LVIII
Scribes Refuted

Chapter LIX
Pharisees Refuted

Chapter LX
Disciples of John Refuted

Chapter LXI
Caiaphas Answered

Chapter LXII
Foolishness of Preaching

Chapter LXIII
Appeal to the Jews

Chapter LXIV
Temple to Be Destroyed

Chapter LXV
Tumult Stilled by Gamaliel

Chapter LXVI
Discussion Resumed

Chapter LXVII
Speech of Gamaliel

Chapter LXVIII
The Rule of Faith

Chapter LXIX
Two Comings of Christ

Chapter LXX
Tumult Raised by Saul

Chapter LXXI
Flight to Jericho

Chapter LXXII
Peter Sent to Caesarea

Chapter LXXIII
Welcomed by Zacchaeus

Chapter LXXIV
Simon Magus Challenges Peter

Book II

Chapter I
Power of Habit

Chapter II
Curtailment of Sleep

Chapter III
Need of Caution

Chapter IV
Prudence in Dealing with Opponents

Chapter V
Simon Magus, a Formidable Antagonist

Chapter VI
Simon Magus: His Wickedness

Chapter VII
Simon Magus: His History

Chapter VIII
Simon Magus: His History

Chapter IX
Simon Magus: His Profession

Chapter X
Simon Magus: His Deception

Chapter XI
Simon Magus, at the Head of the Sect of Dositheus

Chapter XII
Simon Magus and Luna

Chapter XIII
Simon Magus: Secret of His Magic

Chapter XIV
Simon Magus, Professes to Be God

Chapter XV
Simon Magus, Professed to Have Made a Boy of Air

Chapter XVI
Simon Magus: Hopelessness of His Case

Chapter XVII
Men Enemies to God

Chapter XVIII
Responsibility of Men

Chapter XIX
Disputation Begun

Chapter XX
The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness

Chapter XXI
Righteousness the Way to the Kingdom

Chapter XXII
Righteousness; What It is

Chapter XXIII
Simon Refuses Peace

Chapter XXIV
Peter’s Explanation

Chapter XXV
Principles on Which the Discussion Should Be Conducted

Chapter XXVI
Simon’s Interruption

Chapter XXVII
Questions and Answers

Chapter XXVIII
Consistency of Christ’s Teaching

Chapter XXIX
Peace and Strife

Chapter XXX
Peace to the Sons of Peace

Chapter XXXI
Peace and War

Chapter XXXII
Simon’s Challenge

Chapter XXXIII

Chapter XXXIV
Order of Proof

Chapter XXXV
How Error Cannot Stand with Truth

Chapter XXXVI

Chapter XXXVII
Simon’s Subtlety

Simon’s Creed

Chapter XXXIX
Argument for Polytheism

Chapter XL
Peter’s Answer

Chapter XLI
The Answer, Continued

Chapter XLII
Guardian Angels

Chapter XLIII
No God But Jehovah

Chapter XLIV
The Serpent, the Author of Polytheism

Chapter XLV
Polytheism Inexcusable

Chapter XLVI
Christ Acknowledged the God of the Jews

Chapter XLVII
Simon’s Cavil

Chapter XLVIII
Peter’s Answer

Chapter XLIX
The Supreme Light

Chapter L
Simon’s Presumption

Chapter LI
The Sixth Sense

Chapter LII
Reductio Ad Absurdum

Chapter LIII
Simon’s Blasphemy

Chapter LIV
How Simon Learned from the Law What the Law Does Not Teach

Chapter LV
Simon’s Objections Turned Against Himself

Chapter LVI
No God Above the Creator

Chapter LVII
Simon’s Inconsistency

Chapter LVIII
Simon’s God Unjust

Chapter LIX
The Creator Our Father

Chapter LX
The Creator the Supreme God

Chapter LXI

Chapter LXII
Peter’s Experience of Imagination

Chapter LXIII
Peter’s Reverie

Chapter LXIV
Andrew’s Rebuke

Chapter LXV
Fallacy of Imagination

Chapter LXVI
Existence and Conception

Chapter LXVII
The Law Teaches of Immensity

Chapter LXVIII
The Visible and the Invisible Heaven

Chapter LXIX
Faith and Reason

Chapter LXX

Chapter LXXI
Separation from the Unclean

Chapter LXXII
The Remedy

Book III

Chapter I
Pearls Before Swine

Chapter XII
Second Day’s Discussion

Chapter XIII
Simon a Seducer

Chapter XIV
Simon Claims the Fulfilment of Peter’s Promise

Chapter XV
Simon’s Arrogance

Chapter XVI
Existence of Evil

Chapter XVII
Not Admitted by All

Chapter XVIII
Manner of Conducting the Discussion

Chapter XIX
Desire of Instruction

Chapter XX
Common Principles

Chapter XXI
Freedom of the Will

Chapter XXII

Chapter XXIII
Origin of Evil

Chapter XXIV
God the Author of Good, Not of Evil

Chapter XXV
”Who Hath Resisted His Will?”

Chapter XXVI
No Goodness Without Liberty

Chapter XXVII
The Visible Heaven: Why Made

Chapter XXVIII
Why to Be Dissolved

Chapter XXIX
Corruptible and Temporary Things Made by the Incorruptible and Eternal

Chapter XXX
How the Pure in Heart See God

Chapter XXXI
Diligence in Study

Chapter XXXII
Peter’s Private Instruction

Chapter XXXIII
Learners and Cavillers

Chapter XXXIV
Against Order is Against Reason

Chapter XXXV
Learning Before Teaching

Chapter XXXVI
Self-Evidence of the Truth

Chapter XXXVII
God Righteous as Well as Good

God’s Justice Shown at the Day of Judgment

Chapter XXXIX
Immortality of the Soul

Chapter XL
Proved by the Success of the Wicked in This Life

Chapter XLI
Cavils of Simon

Chapter XLII
”Full of All Subtlety and All Mischief.”

Chapter XLIII
Simon’s Subterfuges

Chapter XLIV
Sight or Hearing?

Chapter XLV
A Home-Thrust

Chapter XLVI
Simon’s Rage

Chapter XLVII
Simon’s Vaunt

Chapter XLVIII
Attempts to Create a Disturbance

Chapter XLIX
Simon’s Retreat

Chapter L
Peter’s Benediction

Chapter LI
Peter’s Accessibility

Chapter LII
False Signs and Miracles

Chapter LIII
Self-Love the Foundation of Goodness

Chapter LIV
God to Be Supremely Loved

Chapter LV
Ten Commandments Corresponding to the Plagues of Egypt

Chapter LVI
Simon Resisted Peter, as the Magicians Moses

Chapter LVII
Miracles of the Magicians

Chapter LVIII
Truth Veiled with Love

Chapter LIX
Good and Evil in Pairs

Chapter LX
Uselessness of Pretended Miracles

Chapter LXI
Ten Pairs

Chapter LXII
The Christian Life

Chapter LXIII
A Deserter from Simon’s Camp

Chapter LXIV
Declaration of Simon’s Wickedness

Chapter LXV
Peter Resolves to Follow Simon

Chapter LXVI
Zacchaeus Made Bishop of Caesarea; Presbyters and Deacons Ordained

Chapter LXVII
Invitation to Baptism

Chapter LXVIII
Twelve Sent Before Him

Chapter LXIX
Arrangements Approved by All the Brethren

Chapter LXX
Departure of the Twelve

Chapter LXXI
Peter Prepares the Caesareans for His Departure

Chapter LXXII
More Than Ten Thousand Baptized

Chapter LXXIII
Tidings of Simon

Chapter LXXIV
Farewell to Caesarea

Chapter LXXV
Contents of Clement’s Despatches to James

Book IV

Chapter I
Halt at Dora

Chapter II
Reception in the House of Maro

Chapter III
Simon’s Flight

Chapter IV
The Harvest Plenteous

Chapter V
Moses and Christ

Chapter VI
A Congregation

Chapter VII
The Sick Healed

Chapter VIII
Providence Vindicated

Chapter IX
State of Innocence a State of Enjoyment

Chapter X
Sin the Cause of Suffering

Chapter XI
Suffering Salutary

Chapter XII
Translation of Enoch

Chapter XIII
Origin of Idolatry

Chapter XIV
God Both Good and Righteous

Chapter XV
How Demons Get Power Over Men

Chapter XVI
Why They Wish to Possess Men

Chapter XVII
The Gospel Gives Power Over Demons

Chapter XVIII
This Power in Proportion to Faith

Chapter XIX
Demons Incite to Idolatry

Chapter XX
Folly of Idolatry

Chapter XXI
Heathen Oracles

Chapter XXII
Why They Sometimes Come True

Chapter XXIII
Evil Not in Substance

Chapter XXIV
Why God Permits Evil

Chapter XXV
Evil Beings Turned to Good Account

Chapter XXVI
Evil Angels Seducers

Chapter XXVII
Ham the First Magician

Chapter XXVIII
Tower of Babel

Chapter XXIX
Fire-Worship of the Persians

Chapter XXX

Chapter XXXI
Idolatry Led to All Immorality

Chapter XXXII

Chapter XXXIII
The Weakest Christian More Powerful Than the Strongest Demon

Chapter XXXIV
Temptation of Christ

Chapter XXXV
False Apostles

Chapter XXXVI
The Garments Unspotted

Chapter XXXVII
The Congregation Dismissed

Book V

Chapter I
Peter’s Salutation

Chapter II
Suffering the Effect of Sin

Chapter III
Faith and Unbelief

Chapter IV
Ignorance the Mother of Evils

Chapter V
Advantages of Knowledge

Chapter VI

Chapter VII
Responsibility of Knowledge

Chapter VIII
Desires of the Flesh to Be Subdued

Chapter IX
The Two Kingdoms

Chapter X
Jesus the True Prophet

Chapter XI
The Expectation of the Gentiles

Chapter XII
Call of the Gentiles

Chapter XIII
Invitation of the Gentiles

Chapter XIV
Idols Unprofitable

Chapter XV
Folly of Idolatry

Chapter XVI
God Alone a Fit Object of Worship

Chapter XVII
Suggestions of the Old Serpent

Chapter XVIII
His First Suggestion

Chapter XIX
His Second Suggestion

Chapter XX
Egyptian Idolatry

Chapter XXI
Egyptian Idolatry More Reasonable Than Others

Chapter XXII
Second Suggestion Continued

Chapter XXIII
Third Suggestion

Chapter XXIV
Fourth Suggestion

Chapter XXV
Fifth Suggestion

Chapter XXVI
Sixth Suggestion

Chapter XXVII
Creatures Take Vengeance on Sinners

Chapter XXVIII
Eternity of Punishments

Chapter XXIX
God’s Care of Human Things

Chapter XXX
Religion of Fathers to Be Abandoned

Chapter XXXI
Paganism, Its Enormities

Chapter XXXII
True Religion Calls to Sobriety and Modesty

Chapter XXXIII
Origin of Impiety

Chapter XXXIV
Who are Worshippers of God?

Chapter XXXV
Judgment to Come

Chapter XXXVI
Conclusion of Discourse

Book VI

Chapter I
Book VI. Diligence in Study

Chapter II
Much to Be Done in a Little Time

Chapter III
Righteous Anger

Chapter IV
Not Peace, But a Sword

Chapter V
How the Fight Begins

Chapter VI
God to Be Loved More Than Parents

Chapter VII
The Earth Made for Men

Chapter VIII
Necessity of Baptism

Chapter IX
Use of Baptism

Chapter X
Necessity of Good Works

Chapter XI
Inward and Outward Cleansing

Chapter XII
Importance of Chastity

Chapter XIII
Superiority of Christian Morality

Chapter XIV
Knowledge Enhances Responsibility

Chapter XV
Bishops, Presbyters, Deacons, and Widows Ordained at Tripolis

Book VII

Chapter I
Journey from Tripolis

Chapter II
Disciples Divided into Two Bands

Chapter III
Order of March

Chapter IV
Clement’s Joy at Remaining with Peter

Chapter V
Clement’s Affection for Peter

Chapter VI
Peter’s Simplicity of Life

Chapter VII
Peter’s Humility

Chapter VIII
Clement’s Family History

Chapter IX
Disappearance of His Mother and Brothers

Chapter X
Disappearance of His Father

Chapter XI
Different Effects of Suffering on Heathens and Christians

Chapter XII
Excursion to Aradus

Chapter XIII
The Beggar Woman

Chapter XIV
The Woman’s Grief

Chapter XV
The Woman’s Story

Chapter XVI
The Woman’s Story Continued

Chapter XVII
The Woman’s Story Continued

Chapter XVIII
The Woman’s Story Continued

Chapter XIX
Peter’s Reflections on the Story

Chapter XX
Peter’s Statement to the Woman

Chapter XXI
A Discovery

Chapter XXII
A Happy Meeting

Chapter XXIII
A Miracle

Chapter XXIV—Departure from Aradus

Chapter XXV

Chapter XXVI

Chapter XXVII
Recapitulation Continued

Chapter XXVIII
More Recognitions

Chapter XXIX
”Nothing Common or Unclean.”

Chapter XXX
”Who Can Forbid Water?”

Chapter XXXI
Too Much Joy

Chapter XXXII
”He Bringeth Them Unto Their Desired Haven.”

Chapter XXXIII
Another Wreck Prevented

Chapter XXXIV
Baptism Must Be Preceded by Fasting

Chapter XXXV
Desiring the Salvation of Others

Chapter XXXVI
The Sons’ Pleading

Chapter XXXVII
Peter Inexorable

Reward of Chastity


Chapter I
The Old Workman

Chapter II

Chapter III
A Friendly Conference

Chapter IV
The Question Stated

Chapter V
Freedom of Discussion Allowed

Chapter VI
The Other Side of the Question Stated

Chapter VII
The Way Cleared

Chapter VIII

Chapter IX
Simple and Compound

Chapter X
Creation Implies Providence

Chapter XI
General or Special Providence

Chapter XII
Prayer Inconsistent with Genesis

Chapter XIII
A Creator Necessary

Chapter XIV
Mode of Creation

Chapter XV
Theories of Creation

Chapter XVI
The World Made of Nothing by a Creator

Chapter XVII
Doctrine of Atoms Untenable

Chapter XVIII
The Concourse of Atoms Could Not Make the World

Chapter XIX
More Difficulties of the Atomic Theory

Chapter XX
Plato’s Testimony

Chapter XXI
Mechanical Theory

Chapter XXII
Motions of the Stars

Chapter XXIII
Providence in Earthly Things

Chapter XXIV
Rivers and Seas

Chapter XXV
Plants and Animals

Chapter XXVI
Germination of Seeds

Chapter XXVII
Power of Water

Chapter XXVIII
The Human Body

Chapter XXIX
Symmetry of the Body

Chapter XXX
Breath and Blood

Chapter XXXI
The Intestines

Chapter XXXII

Chapter XXXIII
Correspondences in Creation

Chapter XXXIV
Time of Making the World

Chapter XXXV
A Contest of Hospitality

Chapter XXXVI
Arrangements for To-Morrow

Chapter XXXVII
”The Form of Sound Words, Which Ye Have Heard of Me.”

The Chief Man’s House

Chapter XXXIX
Recapitulation of Yesterday’s Argument

Chapter XL

Chapter XLI
The Rainbow

Chapter XLII
Types and Forms

Chapter XLIII
Things Apparently Useless and Vile Made by God

Chapter XLIV
Ordinate and Inordinate

Chapter XLV
Motions of the Sun and Moon

Chapter XLVI
Sun and Moon Ministers Both of Good and Evil

Chapter XLVII
Chastisements on the Righteous and the Wicked

Chapter XLVIII
Chastisements for Sins

Chapter XLIX
God’s Precepts Despised

Chapter L
The Flood

Chapter LI
Evils Brought in by Sin

Chapter LII
”No Rose Without Its Thorn.”

Chapter LIII
Everything Has Its Corresponding Contrary

Chapter LIV
An Illustration

Chapter LV
The Two Kingdoms

Chapter LVI
Origin of Evil

Chapter LVII
The Old Man Unconvinced

Chapter LVIII
Sitting in Judgment Upon God

Chapter LIX
The True Prophet

Chapter LX
His Deliverances Not to Be Questioned

Chapter LXI
Ignorance of the Philosophers

Chapter LXII
End of the Conference

Book IX

Chapter I
An Explanation

Chapter II

Chapter III
Beginning of the Discussion

Chapter IV
Why the Evil Prince Was Made

Chapter V
Necessity of Inequality

Chapter VI
Arrangements of the World for the Exercise of Virtue

Chapter VII
The Old and the New Birth

Chapter VIII
Uses of Evils

Chapter IX
”Conceived in Sin.”

Chapter X
Tow Smeared with Pitch

Chapter XI

Chapter XII

Chapter XIII
Retribution Here or Hereafter

Chapter XIV
Knowledge Deadens Lusts

Chapter XV
Fear of Men and of God

Chapter XVI
Imperfect Conviction

Chapter XVII
Astrological Lore

Chapter XVIII
The Reply

Chapter XIX
Refutation of Astrology

Chapter XX

Chapter XXI
Districts of Heaven

Chapter XXII
Customs of the Gelones

Chapter XXIII
Manners of the Susidae

Chapter XXIV
Different Customs of Different Countries

Chapter XXV
Not Genesis, But Free-Will

Chapter XXVI

Chapter XXVII
Doctrine of “Climates” Untenable

Chapter XXVIII
Jewish Customs

Chapter XXIX
The Gospel More Powerful Than “Genesis.”

Chapter XXX
”Genesis” Inconsistent with God’s Justice

Chapter XXXI
Value of Knowledge

Chapter XXXII
Stubborn Facts

Chapter XXXIII
An Approaching Recognition

Chapter XXXIV
The Other Side of the Story

Chapter XXXV

Chapter XXXVI
New Revelations

Chapter XXXVII
Another Recognition

”Angels Unawares.”

Book X

Chapter I

Chapter II
A Difficulty

Chapter III
A Suggestion

Chapter IV
Free Inquiry

Chapter V
Good and Evil

Chapter VI
Peter’s Authority

Chapter VII
Clement’s Argument

Chapter VIII
Admitted Evils

Chapter IX
Existence of Evil on Astrological Principles

Chapter X
How to Make Progress

Chapter XI
Test of Astrology

Chapter XII
Astrology Baffled by Free-Will

Chapter XIII
People Admitted

Chapter XIV
No Man Has Universal Knowledge

Chapter XV
Clement’s Disclosure

Chapter XVI
”Would that All God’s People Were Prophets.”

Chapter XVII
Gentile Cosmogony

Chapter XVIII
Family of Saturn

Chapter XIX
Their Destinies

Chapter XX
Doings of Jupiter

Chapter XXI
A Black Catalogue

Chapter XXII
Vile Transformation of Jupiter

Chapter XXIII
Why a God?

Chapter XXIV
Folly of Polytheism

Chapter XXV
Dead Men Deified

Chapter XXVI

Chapter XXVII
Inconsistency of Polytheists

Chapter XXVIII
Buttresses of Gentilism

Chapter XXIX

Chapter XXX
Cosmogony of Orpheus

Chapter XXXI
Hesiod’s Cosmogony

Chapter XXXII
Allegorical Interpretation

Chapter XXXIII
Allegory of Jupiter, Etc

Chapter XXXIV
Other Allegories

Chapter XXXV
Uselessness of These Allegories

Chapter XXXVI
The Allegories an Afterthought

Chapter XXXVII
Like Gods, Like Worshippers

Writings of the Poets

Chapter XXXIX
All for the Best

Chapter XL
Further Information Sought

Chapter XLI
Explanation of Mythology

Chapter XLII
Interpretation of Scripture

Chapter XLIII
A Word of Exhortation

Chapter XLIV

Chapter XLV
All Ought to Repent

Chapter XLVI
The Sure Word of Prophecy

Chapter XLVII
”A Faithful Saying, and Worthy of All Acceptation.”

Chapter XLVIII
Errors of the Philosophers

Chapter XLIX
God’s Long-Suffering

Chapter L
Philosophers Not Benefactors of Men

Chapter LI
Christ the True Prophet

Chapter LII
Appion and Anubion

Chapter LIII
A Transformation

Chapter LIV
Excitement in Antioch

Chapter LV
A Stratagem

Chapter LVI
Simon’s Design in the Transformation

Chapter LVII
Great Grief

Chapter LVIII
How It All Happened

Chapter LIX
A Scene of Mourning

Chapter LX
A Counterplot

Chapter LXI
A Mine Dug

Chapter LXII
A Case of Conscience

Chapter LXIII
A Pious Fraud

Chapter LXIV
A Competition in Lying

Chapter LXV
Success of the Plot

Chapter LXVI
Truth Told by Lying Lips

Chapter LXVII
Faustinianus is Himself Again

Chapter LXVIII
Peter’s Entry into Antioch

Chapter LXIX
Peter’s Thanksgiving

Chapter LXX

Chapter LXXI

Chapter LXXII
Happy Ending

The Clementine Homilies

Epistle of Peter to James

Chapter I
Doctrine of Reserve

Chapter II
Misrepresentation of Peter’s Doctrine

Chapter III

Chapter IV
An Adjuration Concerning the Receivers of the Book

Chapter V
The Adjuration Accepted

Epistle of Clement to James

Chapter I
Peter’s Martyrdom

Chapter II
Ordination of Clement

Chapter III
Nolo Episcopari

Chapter IV
The Recompense of the Reward

Chapter V
A Charge

Chapter VI
The Duty of a Bishop

Chapter VII
Duties of Presbyters

Chapter VIII
”Do Good Unto All?”

Chapter IX
”Let Brotherly Love Continue.”

Chapter X
”Whatsoever Things are Honest.”

Chapter XI
Doubts to Be Satisfied

Chapter XII
Duties of Deacons

Chapter XIII
Duties of Catechists

Chapter XIV
The Vessel of the Church

Chapter XV
Incidents of the Voyage

Chapter XVI
The Bishop’s Labours and Reward

Chapter XVII
The People’s Duties

Chapter XVIII
”As a Heathen Man and a Publican.”

Chapter XIX
Installation of Clement

Chapter XX
Clement’s Obedience

Homily I

Chapter I
Boyish Questionings

Chapter II
Good Out of Evil

Chapter III

Chapter IV
More Perplexity

Chapter V
A Resolution

Chapter VI
Tidings from Judaea

Chapter VII
The Gospel in Rome

Chapter VIII
Departure from Rome

Chapter IX
Preaching of Barnabas

Chapter X
Cavils of the Philosophers

Chapter XI
Clement’s Zeal

Chapter XII
Clement’s Rebuke of the People

Chapter XIII
Clement Instructed by Barnabas

Chapter XIV
Departure of Barnabas

Chapter XV
Introduction to Peter

Chapter XVI
Peter’s Salutation

Chapter XVII
Questions Propounded

Chapter XVIII
Causes of Ignorance

Chapter XIX
The True Prophet

Chapter XX
Peter’s Satisfaction with Clement

Chapter XXI
Unalterable Conviction

Chapter XXII

Homily II

Chapter I
Peter’s Attendants

Chapter II
A Sound Mind in a Sound Body

Chapter III
Forewarned is Forearmed

Chapter IV
A Request

Chapter V
Excellence of the Knowledge of the True Prophet

Chapter VI
The True Prophet

Chapter VII
Unaided Quest of Truth Profitless

Chapter VIII
Test of Truth

Chapter IX
”The Weak Things of the World.”

Chapter X
Test of the Prophet

Chapter XI
Ignorance, Knowledge, Foreknowledge

Chapter XII
Doctrine of the True Prophet

Chapter XIII
Future Rewards and Punishments

Chapter XIV
Righteousness and Unrighteousness

Chapter XV

Chapter XVI
Man’s Ways Opposite to God’s

Chapter XVII
First the Worse, Then the Better

Chapter XVIII
Mistake About Simon Magus

Chapter XIX
Justa, a Proselyte

Chapter XX
Divorced for the Faith

Chapter XXI
Justa’s Adopted Sons, Associates with Simon

Chapter XXII
Doctrines of Simon

Chapter XXIII
Simon a Disciple of the Baptist

Chapter XXIV
Electioneering Stratagems

Chapter XXV
Simon’s Deceit

Chapter XXVI
His Wickedness

Chapter XXVII
His Promises

Chapter XXVIII
Fruitless Counsel

Chapter XXIX
Immortality of the Soul

Chapter XXX
An Argument

Chapter XXXI
A Dilemma

Chapter XXXII
Simon’s Prodigies

Chapter XXXIII
Doctrine of Pairs

Chapter XXXIV
Useless and Philanthropic Miracles

Chapter XXXV
Discussion Postponed

Chapter XXXVI
All for the Best

Chapter XXXVII
Spies in the Enemy’s Camp

Corruption of the Law

Chapter XXXIX

Chapter XL
Preliminary Instruction

Chapter XLI
Asking for Information, Not Contradiction

Chapter XLII
Right Notions of God Essential to Holiness

Chapter XLIII
A Priori Argument on the Divine Attributes

Chapter XLIV
The Same Continued

Chapter XLV
How God is to Be Thought of

Chapter XLVI
Judgment to Come

Chapter XLVII
A Pertinent Question

Chapter XLVIII
A Particular Case

Chapter XLIX
Reductio A.D. Absurdum

Chapter L
A Satisfactory Answer

Chapter LI
Weigh in the Balance

Chapter LII
Sins of the Saints Denied

Chapter LIII
Close of the Conference

Homily III

Chapter I
The Morning of the Discussion

Chapter II
Simon’s Design

Chapter III
His Object

Chapter IV
Snares Laid for the Gentiles

Chapter V
Use of Errors

Chapter VI
Purgatory and Hell

Chapter VII
What is Impiety?

Chapter VIII
Wiles of the Devil

Chapter IX
Uncertainty of the Scriptures

Chapter X
Simon’s Intention

Chapter XI
Distinction Between Prediction and Prophecy

Chapter XII
The Same

Chapter XIII
Prophetic Knowledge Constant

Chapter XIV
Prophetic Spirit Constant

Chapter XV
Christ’s Prophecies

Chapter XVI
Doctrine of Conjunction

Chapter XVII
Whether Adam Had the Spirit

Chapter XVIII
Adam Not Ignorant

Chapter XIX
Reign of Christ

Chapter XX
Christ the Only Prophet Has Appeared in Different Ages

Chapter XXI
The Eating of the Forbidden Fruit Denied

Chapter XXII
Male and Female

Chapter XXIII
Two Kinds of Prophecy

Chapter XXIV
The Prophetess a Misleader

Chapter XXV
Cain’s Name and Nature

Chapter XXVI
Abel’s Name and Nature

Chapter XXVII
The Prophet and the Prophetess

Chapter XXVIII
Spiritual Adultery

Chapter XXIX
The Signal Given

Chapter XXX
Apostolic Salutation

Chapter XXXI
Faith in God

Chapter XXXII

Chapter XXXIII
Works of Creation

Chapter XXXIV
Extent of Creation

Chapter XXXV
”These are a Part of His Ways.”

Chapter XXXVI
Dominion Over the Creatures

Chapter XXXVII
”Whom to Know is Life Eternal.”

Simon’s Challenge

Chapter XXXIX
Defects Ascribed to God

Chapter XL
Peter’s Answer

Chapter XLI
”Status Quaestionis.”

Chapter XLII
Was Adam Blind?

Chapter XLIII
God’s Foreknowledge

Chapter XLIV
God’s Decrees

Chapter XLV

Chapter XLVI
Disparagements of God

Chapter XLVII
Foreknowledge of Moses

Chapter XLVIII
Test of Truth

Chapter XLIX
The True Prophet

Chapter L
His Teaching Concerning the Scriptures

Chapter LI
His Teaching Concerning the Law

Chapter LII
Other Sayings of Christ

Chapter LIII
Other Sayings of Christ

Chapter LIV
Other Sayings

Chapter LV
Teaching of Christ

Chapter LVI
Teaching of Christ

Chapter LVII
Teaching of Christ

Chapter LVIII
Flight of Simon

Chapter LIX
Peter’s Resolution to Follow

Chapter LX
Successor to Be Appointed

Chapter LXI

Chapter LXII
Obedience Leads to Peace

Chapter LXIII
Zacchaeus Appointed

Chapter LXIV
The Bishopric

Chapter LXV
Nolo Episcopari

Chapter LXVI
Danger of Disobedience

Chapter LXVII
Duties of Church Office-Bearers

Chapter LXVIII
”Marriage Always Honourable.”

Chapter LXIX
”Not Forsaking the Assembling of Yourselves Together.”

Chapter LXX
”Hear the Bishop.”

Chapter LXXI
Various Duties of Christians

Chapter LXXII

Chapter LXXIII

Homily IV

Chapter I
Bernice’s Hospitality

Chapter II
Simon’s Practices

Chapter III
Object of the Mission

Chapter IV
Simon’s Doings

Chapter V
Discretion the Better Part of Valour

Chapter VI
Simon’s Departure

Chapter VII
Appion’s Salutation

Chapter VIII
A Challenge

Chapter IX
Unworthy Ends of Philosophers

Chapter X
A Cool Retreat

Chapter XI
Truth and Custom

Chapter XII

Chapter XIII

Chapter XIV
”Doctrine According to Godliness.”

Chapter XV
Wickedness of the Gods

Chapter XVI
Wickedness of Jupiter

Chapter XVII
”Their Makers are Like Unto Them.”

Chapter XVIII
Second Nature

Chapter XIX
”Where Ignorance is Bliss.”

Chapter XX
False Theories of Philosophers

Chapter XXI
Evils of Adultery

Chapter XXII
A More Excellent Way

Chapter XXIII
”Whither Shall I Go from Thy Presence?”

Chapter XXIV

Chapter XXV
An Engagement for To-Morrow

Homily V

Chapter I
Appion Does Not Appear

Chapter II
Clement’s Previous Knowledge of Appion

Chapter III
Clement’s Trick

Chapter IV
Appion’s Undertaking

Chapter V
Theory of Magic

Chapter VI

Chapter VII
A Distinction with a Difference

Chapter VIII
Flattery or Magic

Chapter IX
A Love-Letter

Chapter X
The Lover to the Beloved One

Chapter XI
”All Uncleanness with Greediness.”

Chapter XII
Jupiter’s Amours

Chapter XIII
Jupiter’s Amours Continued

Chapter XIV
Jupiter’s Undisguised Amours

Chapter XV
Unnatural Lusts

Chapter XVI
Praise of Unchastity

Chapter XVII
The Constellations

Chapter XVIII
The Philosophers Advocates of Adultery

Chapter XIX
Close of the Love-Letter

Chapter XX
The Use Made of It

Chapter XXI
Answer to Appion’s Letter

Chapter XXII
Lying Fables

Chapter XXIII
The Gods No Gods

Chapter XXIV
If a Principle Be Good, Carry It Out

Chapter XXV
Better to Marry Than to Burn

Chapter XXVI
Close of the Answer

Chapter XXVII
A Reason for Hatred

Chapter XXVIII
The Hoax Confessed

Chapter XXIX
Appion’s Resentment

Chapter XXX
A Discussion Promised

Homily VI

Chapter I
Clement Meets Appion

Chapter II
The Myths are Not to Be Taken Literally

Chapter III
Appion Proceeds to Interpret the Myths

Chapter IV
Origin of Chaos

Chapter V
Kronos and Rhea Explained

Chapter VI
Phanes and Pluto

Chapter VII
Poseidon, Zeus, and Metis

Chapter VIII
Pallas and Hera

Chapter IX

Chapter X
All Such Stories are Allegorical

Chapter XI
Clement Has Heard All This Before

Chapter XII
Epitome of Appion’s Explanation

Chapter XIII
Kronos and Aphrodite

Chapter XIV
Peleus and Thetis, Prometheus, Achilles, and Polyxena

Chapter XV
The Judgment of Paris

Chapter XVI

Chapter XVII
They are Blameworthy Who Invented Such Stories

Chapter XVIII
The Same

Chapter XIX
None of These Allegories are Consistent

Chapter XX
These Gods Were Really Wicked Magicians

Chapter XXI
Their Graves are Still to Be Seen

Chapter XXII
Their Contemporaries, Therefore, Did Not Look on Them as Gods

Chapter XXIII
The Egyptians Pay Divine Honours to a Man

Chapter XXIV
What is Not God

Chapter XXV
The Universe is the Product of Mind

Chapter XXVI
Peter Arrives from Caesarea

Homily VII

Chapter I
Peter Addresses the People

Chapter II
Reason of Simon’s Power

Chapter III
The Remedy

Chapter IV
The Golden Rule

Chapter V
Peter Departs for Sidon

Chapter VI
Peter in Sidon

Chapter VII
The Two Paths

Chapter VIII
The Service of God’s Appointment

Chapter IX
Simon Attacks Peter

Chapter X
Simon is Driven Away

Chapter XI
The Way of Salvation

Chapter XII
Peter Goes to Byblus and Tripolis

Homily VIII

Chapter I
Peter’s Arrival at Tripolis

Chapter II
Peter’s Thoughtfulness

Chapter III
A Conversation Interrupted

Chapter IV
Many Called

Chapter V
Faith the Gift of God

Chapter VI
Concealment and Revelation

Chapter VII
Moses and Christ

Chapter VIII
A Large Congregation

Chapter IX
”Vindicate the Ways of God to Men.”

Chapter X
The Original Law

Chapter XI
Cause of the Fall of Man

Chapter XII
Metamorphoses of the Angels

Chapter XIII
The Fall of the Angels

Chapter XIV
Their Discoveries

Chapter XV
The Giants

Chapter XVI

Chapter XVII
The Flood

Chapter XVIII
The Law to the Survivors

Chapter XIX
The Law to the Giants or Demons

Chapter XX
Willing Captives

Chapter XXI
Temptation of Christ

Chapter XXII
The Marriage Supper

Chapter XXIII
The Assembly Dismissed

Chapter XXIV
The Sick Healed

Homily IX

Chapter I
Peter’s Discourse Resumed

Chapter II
Monarchy and Polyarchy

Chapter III
Family of Noe

Chapter IV

Chapter V

Chapter VI

Chapter VII
Sacrificial Orgies

Chapter VIII
The Best Merchandise

Chapter IX
How Demons Get Power Over Men

Chapter X
How They are to Be Expelled

Chapter XI
Unbelief the Demon’s Stronghold

Chapter XII
Theory of Disease

Chapter XIII
Deceits of the Demons

Chapter XIV
More Tricks

Chapter XV
Test of Idols

Chapter XVI
Powers of the Demons

Chapter XVII
Reasons Why Their Deceits are Not Detected

Chapter XVIII
Props of the System

Chapter XIX
Privileges of the Baptized

Chapter XX
”Not Almost, But Altogether Such as I Am.”

Chapter XXI
The Demons Subject to the Believer

Chapter XXII
”Rather Rejoice.”

Chapter XXIII
The Sick Healed

Homily X

Chapter I
The Third Day in Tripolis

Chapter II
Ignorance and Error

Chapter III
Man the Lord of All

Chapter IV
Faith and Duty

Chapter V
The Fear of God

Chapter VI
Restoration of the Divine Image

Chapter VII
Unprofitableness of Idols

Chapter VIII
No Gods Which are Made with Hands

Chapter IX
”Eyes Have They, But They See Not.”

Chapter X
Idolatry a Delusion of the Serpent

Chapter XI
Why the Serpent Tempts to Sin

Chapter XII
Ignorantia Neminem Excusat

Chapter XIII
Condemnation of the Ignorant

Chapter XIV
Polytheistic Illustration

Chapter XV
Its Inconclusiveness

Chapter XVI
Gods of the Egyptians

Chapter XVII
The Egyptians’ Defence of Their System

Chapter XVIII
Answer to the Egyptians

Chapter XIX
God’s Peculiar Attribute

Chapter XX
Neither the World Nor Any of Its Parts Can Be God

Chapter XXI
Idols Not Animated by the Divine Spirit

Chapter XXII
Confutation of Idol-Worship

Chapter XXIII
Folly of Idolatry

Chapter XXIV
Impotence of Idols

Chapter XXV
Servants Become Masters

Chapter XXVI
The Sick Healed

Homily XI

Chapter I
Morning Exercises

Chapter II
”Giving All Diligence.”

Chapter III
”Behold What Indignation.”

Chapter IV
The Golden Rule

Chapter V
Forasmuch as Ye Did It Unto One of These

Chapter VI
Why God Suffers Objects of Idolatry to Subsist

Chapter VII
”Let Both Grow Together Till the Harvest.”

Chapter VIII
Liberty and Necessity

Chapter IX
God a Jealous God

Chapter X
The Creatures Avenge God’s Cause

Chapter XI
Immortality of the Soul

Chapter XII
Idols Unprofitable

Chapter XIII
Arguments in Favour of Idolatry Answered

Chapter XIV
Heathen Orgies

Chapter XV
Heathen Worshippers Under the Power of the Demon

Chapter XVI
All Things Work for Good to Them that Love God

Chapter XVII
Speaking the Truth in Love

Chapter XVIII
Charming of the Serpent

Chapter XIX
Not Peace, But a Sword

Chapter XX
What If It Be Already Kindled?

Chapter XXI
”If I Be a Father, Where is My Fear?”

Chapter XXII
”The Gods that Have Not Made the Heavens.”

Chapter XXIII
”To Whom Much is Given.”

Chapter XXIV
”Born of Water.”

Chapter XXV
Good Works to Be Well Done

Chapter XXVI

Chapter XXVII
All Need Baptism

Chapter XXVIII

Chapter XIX
Outward and Inward Purity

Chapter XXX
”Whatsoever Things are Pure.”

Chapter XXXI
”What Do Ye More Than Others?”

Chapter XXXII
”To Whom Much is Given.”

Chapter XXXIII
The Queen of the South and the Men of Nineveh

Chapter XXXIV
Peter’s Daily Work

Chapter XXXV
”Beware of False Prophets.”

Chapter XXXVI
Farewell to Tripolis

Homily XII

Chapter I
Two Bands

Chapter II
Love of Preachers and Their Converts

Chapter III

Chapter IV
Clement’s Joy

Chapter V
Clement’s Office of Service

Chapter VI
Peter’s Frugality

Chapter VII
”Not to Be Ministered Unto, But to Minister.”

Chapter VIII
Family History

Chapter IX
The Lost Ones

Chapter X
The Seeker Lost

Chapter XI
The Afflictions of the Righteous

Chapter XII
A Pleasure Trip

Chapter XIII
A Woman of a Sorrowful Spirit

Chapter XIV
Balm in Gilead

Chapter XV
The Woman’s Story

Chapter XVI
The Shipwreck

Chapter XVII
The Fruitless Search

Chapter XVIII
Trouble Upon Trouble

Chapter XIX

Chapter XX
Peter’s Account of the Matter

Chapter XXI
A Disclosure

Chapter XXII
The Lost Found

Chapter XXIII
Reward of Hospitality

Chapter XXIV
All Well Arranged

Chapter XXV
Philanthropy and Friendship

Chapter XXVI
What is Philanthropy

Chapter XXVII
Who Can Judge

Chapter XXVIII
Difficulty of Judging

Chapter XXIX
Sufferings of the Good

Chapter XXX
Offences Must Come

Chapter XXXI
”Howbeit, They Meant It Not.”

Chapter XXXII
The Golden Rule

Chapter XXXIII
Fear and Love

Homily XIII

Chapter I
Journey to Laodicea

Chapter II
Peter Relates to Nicetas and Aquila the History of Clement and His Family

Chapter III
Recognition of Nicetas and Aquila

Chapter IV
The Mother Must Not Take Food with Her Son. The Reason Stated

Chapter V
Mattidia Wishes to Be Baptized

Chapter VI
The Sons Reveal Themselves to the Mother

Chapter VII
Nicetas Tells What Befell Him

Chapter VIII
Nicetas Like to Be Deceived by Simon Magus

Chapter IX
The Mother Begs Baptism for Herself and Her Hostess

Chapter X
Mattidia Values Baptism Aright

Chapter XI
Mattidia Has Unintentionally Fasted One Day

Chapter XII
The Difficulty Solved

Chapter XIII
Peter on Chastity

Chapter XIV
Peter’s Speech Continued

Chapter XV
Peter’s Speech Continued

Chapter XVI
Peter’s Speech Continued

Chapter XVII
Peter’s Speech Continued

Chapter XVIII
Peter’s Speech Continued

Chapter XIX
Peter’s Speech Ended

Chapter XX
Peter Addresses Mattidia

Chapter XXI
The Same Subject Continued

Homily XIV

Chapter I
Mattidia is Baptized in the Sea

Chapter II
The Reason of Peter’s Lateness

Chapter III
The Old Man Does Not Believe in God or Providence

Chapter IV
Peter’s Arguments Against Genesis

Chapter V
Practical Refutation of Genesis

Chapter VI
The Old Man Opposes His Personal Experience to the Argument of Peter

Chapter VII
The Old Man Tells His Story

Chapter VIII
The Old Man Gives Information in Regard to Faustus the Father of Clement

Chapter IX
Faustus Himself Appears

Chapter X
Faustus Explains His Narrative to Peter

Chapter XI
Discussion on Genesis

Chapter XII
Clement Undertakes the Discussion

Homily XV

Chapter I
Peter Wishes to Convert Faustus

Chapter II
Reason for Listening to Peter’s Arguments

Chapter III
Obstacles to Faith

Chapter IV
Providence Seen in the Events of the Life of Faustus and His Family

Chapter V
Difference Between the True Religion and Philosophy

Chapter VI
The Love of Man

Chapter VII
The Explanation of a Parable; The Present and the Future Life

Chapter VIII
The Present and the Future

Chapter IX
Possessions are Transgressions

Chapter X
Poverty Not Necessarily Righteous

Chapter XI
Exposition of the True Religion Promised

Homily XVI

Chapter I
Simon Wishes to Discuss with Peter the Unity of God

Chapter II
The Same Subject Continued

Chapter III
The Mode of the Discussion

Chapter IV
The Prejudices of Faustus Rather on the Side of Simon Than on that of Peter

Chapter V
Peter Commences the Discussion

Chapter VI
Simon Appeals to the Old Testament to Prove that There are Many Gods

Chapter VII
Peter Appeals to the Old Testament to Prove the Unity of God

Chapter VIII
Simon and Peter Continue the Discussion

Chapter IX
Simon Tries to Show that the Scriptures Contradict Themselves

Chapter X
Peter’s Explanation of the Apparent Contradictions of Scripture

Chapter XI
Gen. I. 26 Appealed to by Simon

Chapter XII
Peter’s Explanation of the Passage

Chapter XIII
The Contradictions of the Scriptures Intended to Try Those Who Read Them

Chapter XIV
Other Beings Called Gods

Chapter XV
Christ Not God, But the Son of God

Chapter XVI
The Unbegotten and the Begotten Necessarily Different from Each Other

Chapter XVII
The Nature of God

Chapter XVIII
The Name of God

Chapter XIX
The Shape of God in Man

Chapter XX
The Character of God

Chapter XXI
Simon Promises to Appeal to the Teaching of Christ. Peter Dismisses the Multitudes

Homily XVII

Chapter I
Simon Comes to Peter

Chapter II
Simon’s Speech Against Peter

Chapter III
Simon’s Accusation of Peter

Chapter IV
It is Asserted that Christ’s Teaching is Different from Peter’s

Chapter V
Jesus Inconsistent in His Teaching

Chapter VI
Peter Goes Out to Answer Simon

Chapter VII
Man in the Shape of God

Chapter VIII
God’s Figure: Simon’s Objection Therefrom Refuted

Chapter IX
God the Centre or Heart of the Universe

Chapter X
The Nature and Shape of God

Chapter XI
The Fear of God

Chapter XII
The Fear and Love of God

Chapter XIII
The Evidence of the Senses Contrasted with that from Supernatural Vision

Chapter XIV
The Evidence of the Senses More Trustworthy Than that of Supernatural Vision

Chapter XV
The Evidence from Dreams Discussed

Chapter XVI
None But Evil Demons Appear to the Impious

Chapter XVII
The Impious See True Dreams and Visions

Chapter XVIII
The Nature of Revelation

Chapter XIX
Opposition to Peter Unreasonable

Chapter XX
Another Subject for Discussion Proposed

Homily XVIII

Chapter I
Simon Maintains that the Framer of the World is Not the Highest God

Chapter II
Definition of Goodness and Justice

Chapter III
God Both Good and Just

Chapter IV
The Unrevealed God

Chapter V
Peter Doubts Simon’s Honesty

Chapter VI
The Nature of Revelation

Chapter VII
Simon Confesses His Ignorance

Chapter VIII
The Work of Revelation Belongs to the Son Alone

Chapter IX
How Simon Bears His Exposure

Chapter X
Peter’s Reply to Simon

Chapter XI
Simon Professes to Utter His Real Sentiments

Chapter XII
Simon’s Opinions Expounded by Peter

Chapter XIII
Peter’s Explanation of the Passage

Chapter XIV
Simon Refuted

Chapter XV
Matthew XI. 25 Discussed

Chapter XVI
These Things Hidden Justly from the Wise

Chapter XVII
The Way to the Kingdom Not Concealed from the Israelites

Chapter XVIII
Isaiah I. 3 Explained

Chapter XIX
Misconception of God in the Old Testament

Chapter XX
Some Parts of the Old Testament Written to Try Us

Chapter XXI
Simon’s Astonishment at Peter’s Treatment of the Scriptures

Chapter XXII
Peter Worships One God

Chapter XXIII
Simon Retires

Homily XIX

Chapter I
Simon Undertakes to Prove that the Creator of the World is Not Blameless

Chapter II
The Existence of the Devil Affirmed

Chapter III
Peter Refuses to Discuss Certain Questions in Regard to the Devil

Chapter IV
Suppositions in Regard to the Devil’s Origin

Chapter V
God Not Deserving of Blame in Permitting the Existence of the Devil

Chapter VI
Peter Accuses Simon of Being Worse Than the Devil

Chapter VII
Peter Suspects Simon of Not Believing Even in a God

Chapter VIII
Peter Undertakes to Discuss the Devil’s Origin

Chapter IX
Theories in Regard to the Origin of the Devil

Chapter X
The Absolute God Entirely Incomprehensible by Man

Chapter XI
The Application of the Attributes of Man to God

Chapter XII
God Produced the Wicked One, But Not Evil

Chapter XIII
God the Maker of the Devil

Chapter XIV
Is Matter Eternal?

Chapter XV
Sin the Cause of Evil

Chapter XVI
Why the Wicked One is Entrusted with Power

Chapter XVII
The Devil Has Not Equal Power with God

Chapter XVIII
Is the Devil a Relation?

Chapter XIX
Some Actions Really Wicked

Chapter XX
Pain and Death the Result of Sin

Chapter XXI
The Uses of Lust, Anger, Grief

Chapter XXII
Sins of Ignorance

Chapter XXIII
The Inequalities of Lot in Human Life

Chapter XXIV
Simon Rebuked by Faustus

Chapter XXV
Simon Retires. Sophonias Asks Peter to State His Real Opinions in Regard to Evil

Homily XX

Chapter I
Peter is Willing to Gratify Sophonias

Chapter II
The Two Ages

Chapter III
The Work of the Good One and of the Evil One

Chapter IV
Men Sin Through Ignorance

Chapter V
Sophonias Maintains that God Cannot Produce What is Unlike Himself

Chapter VI
God’s Power of Changing Himself

Chapter VII
The Objection Answered, that One Cannot Change Himself

Chapter VIII
The Origin of the Good One Different from that of the Evil One

Chapter IX
Why the Wicked One is Appointed Over the Wicked by the Righteous God

Chapter X
Why Some Believe, and Others Do Not

Chapter XI
Arrival of Appion and Annubion

Chapter XII
Faustus Appears to His Friends with the Face of Simon

Chapter XIII
The Flight of Simon

Chapter XIV
The Change in the Form of Faustus Caused by Simon

Chapter XV
The Repentance of Faustus

Chapter XVI
Why Simon Gave to Faustus His Own Shape

Chapter XVII
Annubion’s Services to Faustus

Chapter XVIII
Peter Promises to Restore to Faustus His Own Shape

Chapter XIX
Peter’s Instructions to Faustus

Chapter XX
Faustus, His Wife, and Sons, Prepare to Go to Antioch

Chapter XXI
Appion and Athenodorus Return in Quest of Faustus

Chapter XXII
Appion and Athenodorus Return to Simon

Chapter XXIII
Peter Goes to Antioch


The Protevangelium of James

The Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37

Chapter 38

Chapter 39

Chapter 40

Chapter 41

Chapter 42

The Gospel of the Nativity of Mary

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

The History of Joseph the Carpenter

The Gospel of Thomas

First Greek Form

Second Greek Form

Latin Form

Here Beginneth the Treatise of the Boyhood of Jesus According to Thomas

Chapter I
How Mary and Joseph Fled with Him into Egypt

Chapter II
How a Schoolmaster Thrust Him Out of the City

Chapter III
How Jesus Went Out of Egypt

Chapter IV
What the Lord Jesus Did in the City of Nazareth

Chapter V
How the Citizens Were Enraged Against Joseph on Account of the Doings of Jesus

Chapter VI
How Jesus Was Treated by the Schoolmaster

Chapter VII
How Jesus Raised a Boy to Life

Chapter VIII
How Jesus Healed a Boy’s Foot

Chapter IX
How Jesus Carried Water in a Cloak

Chapter X
How Jesus Sowed Wheat

Chapter XI
How Jesus Made a Short Piece of Wood of the Same Length as a Longer One

Chapter XII
How Jesus Was Handed Over to Learn His Letters

Chapter XIII
How He Was Handed Over to Another Master

Chapter XIV
How Jesus Delivered James from the Bite of a Serpent

Chapter XV
How Jesus Raised a Boy to Life

The Arabic Gospel of the Infancy of the Saviour

The Gospel of Nicodemus

Part I
The Acts of Pilate
First Greek Form


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Part I
The Acts of Pilate
Second Greek Form

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Part II
The Descent of Christ into Hell
Greek Form

Chapter 1 (17)

Chapter 2 (18)

Chapter 3 (19)

Chapter 4 (20)

Chapter 5 (21)

Chapter 6 (22)

Chapter 7 (23)

Chapter 8 (24)

Chapter 9 (25)

Chapter 10 (26)

Chapter 11 (27)

Part I
The Acts of Pilate
Latin Form

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Part II
Christ’s Descent into Hell
Latin. First Version

Chapter 1 (17)

Chapter 2 (18)

Chapter 3 (19)

Chapter 4 (20)

Chapter 5 (21)

Chapter 6 (22)

Chapter 7 (23)

Chapter 8 (24)

Chapter 9 (25)

Chapter 10 (26)

Chapter 11 (27)

Chapter 12 (28)

Chapter 13 (29)

Part II
Christ’s Descent into Hell
Latin. Second Version

Chapter 1 (17)

Chapter 2 (18)

Chapter 3 (19)

Chapter 4 (20)

Chapter 5 (21)

Chapter 6 (22)

Chapter 7 (23)

Chapter 8 (24)

Chapter 9 (25)

Chapter 10 (26)

Chapter 11 (27)

The Letter of Pontius Pilate, Which He Wrote to the Roman Emperor, Concerning Our Lord Jesus Christ

The Report of Pilate the Procurator Concerning Our Lord Jesus Christ

The Report of Pontius Pilate, Procurator of Judaea, Sent to Rome to Tiberius Caesar

The Giving Up of Pontius Pilate

The Death of Pilate, Who Condemned Jesus

The Narrative of Joseph
Narrative of Joseph of Arimathaea, That Begged the Lord’s Body; In Which Also He Brings In the Cases of the Two Robbers

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

The Avenging of the Saviour

Acts of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul

The Story of Perpetua

Acts of Paul and Thecla

The Acts of Barnabus
The Journeyings and Martyrdom of St. Barnabas the Apostle

The Acts of Philip

Of the Journeyings of Philip the Apostle

Acts of Saint Philip the Apostle When He Went to Upper Hellas

Addition to Acts of Philip

Acts and Martyrdom of the Holy Apostle Andrew

Acts of Andrew and Matthias
In the City of the Man-eaters

Acts of Peter and Andrew
From a Bodleian ms

Acts and Martyrdom of St. Matthew the Apostle

Acts of the Holy Apostle Thomas

Acts of the Holy Apostle Thomas, When He Came into India, and Built the Palace in the Heavens

About the Dragon and the Young Man

About the Demon that Dwelt in the Woman

About the Young Man Who Killed the Maiden

Consummation of Thomas the Apostle

Martyrdom of the Holy and Glorious Apostle Bartholomew

Acts of the Holy Apostle Thaddaeus, One of the Twelve

Acts of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian
About His Exile and Departure

Revelation of Moses

Revelation of Esdras
Word and Revelation of Esdras, the Holy Prophet and Beloved of God

Revelation of Paul

Revelation of John
Revelation of Saint John the Theologian

The Book of John Concerning the Falling Asleep of Mary
The Account of St. John the Theologian of the Falling Asleep of the Holy Mother of God

The Passing of Mary
First Latin Form

The Passing of Mary
Second Latin Form


The Epistles of Zephyrinus

The First Epistle. To All the Bishops of Sicily

The Second Epistle
To the Bishops of the Province of Egypt

On the Spoliation or Expulsion of certain Bishops

On the Ordination of Presbyters and Deacons

The Epistles of Pope Callistus

The First Epistle
To Bishop Benedictus

(Of the seasons for fasting.)

(Of accusations against doctors.)

The Second Epistle
To All the Bishops of Gaul

(Of those who conspire against bishops, or who take part with such.)

(Of those who have intercourse with excommunicated persons, or with unbelievers.)

(That no bishop should presume in anything pertaining to another’s parish, and of the transference of bishops.)

(Of marriages among blood-relations, and of those who are born of them; and of accusations which the laws reject.)

(Of those who ought not to be admitted to prefer an accusation, or to bear witness; and that evidence is not to be given but on things happening in the person’s presence.)

(As to whether a priest may minister after a lapse.)

The Epistle of Pope Urban First

Of the life in common, and of the reason why the Church has begun to hold property

Of the persons by whom, and the uses for which, ecclesiastical property should be managed, and of the invaders thereof

As to any one’s attempting to take from the Church the right of holding property

Of the seats of the bishops

That no one should have intercourse with those with whom the bishop has no intercourse, or receive those whom he rejects

Of the engagement made in baptism, and of those who have given themselves to the life in common

Of the imposition of the bishop’s hand

The Epistles of Pope Pontianus

The First Epistle
To Felix Subscribonius

The Second Epistle
To All Bishops

The Epistle of Pope Anterus

The Epistles of Pope Fabian

The First Epistle
To All the Ministers of the Church Catholic

The Second Epistle
To All the Bishops of the East

That new chrism should be made every year, and the old be burnt

Of the right of bishops not to be accused or hurt by detraction

The Third Epistle
To Bishop Hilary

Of those who ought not to be admitted to the right of accusation

Of extraneous judgments

Of the arraigned

Of the case of any one bringing forward a charge in passion, or failing to prove his allegations

On the question of an accused bishop appealing to the seat of the apostles

Decrees of Fabian

Taken from the Decretal of Gratian

The Decrees of the Same, from the Codex of Decrees in Sixteen Books, from the Fifth Book, and the Seventh and Ninth Chapters


The Story Concerning the King of Edessa

A Canticle of Mar Jacob the Teacher on Edessa

Extracts from Various Books Concerning Abgar the King and Addaeus the Apostle

Of the blessed Addaeus the apostle. From his teaching which he gave in Edessa before Abgar the King and the assembly of the city

From the teaching of Addaeus the apostle, which was spoken in the city of Edessa

From the epistle of Addaeus the apostle, which he spake in the city of Edessa



From the departure of Marath Mary from the world, and the birth and childhood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Book the Second

From The Homily Composed By The Holy Mar Jacob, The Teacher, On The Fall Of Idols

From the homily about the town of Antioch

The Teaching of Addaeus the Apostle

Syriac Calendar

The Teaching of the Apostles

The Teaching of Simon Cephas in the City of Rome

Acts of Sharbil, Who Was a Priest of Idols, and Was Converted to the Confession of Christianity in Christ

Further, the Martyrdom of Barsamya, the Bishop of the Blessed City Edessa

Martyrdom of Habib the Deacon

Martyrdom of the Holy Confessors Shamuna, Guria, and Habib, from Simeon Metaphrastes

Moses of Chorene
History of Armenia

Reign of Abgar; Armenia becomes completely tributary to the Romans; war with Herod’s troops; his brother’s son, Joseph, is killed

Founding of the town of Edessa; brief account of the race of our illuminator

Abgar comes into the East, maintains Ardaches upon the throne of Persia; reconciles his brothers from whom our illuminator and his relations are descended

Abgar returns from the east; he gives help to Aretas in a war against Herod the Tetrarch

Abgar sends princes to Marinus; these deputies see our Saviour Christ; beginning of the conversion of Abgar

Abgar’s letter to the Saviour Jesus Christ

Answer to Abgar’s letter, which the apostle Thomas wrote to this prince by command of the Saviour

Preaching of the apostle Thaddaeus at Edessa; copy of five letters

Martyrdom of our apostles

Reign of Sanadroug; murder of Abgar’s children; the princess Helena

Restoration of the town of Medzpine; name of Sanadroug; his death

Homilies, Composed by Mar Jacob

Homily on Habib the Martyr, Composed by Mar Jacob

A Homily on Guria and Shamuna, Composed by Mar Jacob

The Book of the Laws of Divers Countries

A Letter of Mara, Son of Serapion



Quadratus, Bishop of Athens

Aristo of Pella

Melito, the Philosopher

A Discourse Which Was in the Presence of Antoninus Caesar, and He Exhorted The Said Caesar to Acquaint Himself with God, and Showed to Him the Way of Truth

From the Discourse on Soul and Body

From the Discourse on the Cross

On Faith


He that bore up the earth was borne up on a tree. The Lord was subjected to ignominy with naked body—God put to death, the King of Israel slain!


From the Work on the Passover

From the Apology Addressed to Marcus Aurelius Antoninus

From the Same Apology

From the Book of Extracts

From the Catena on Genesis

Two Scholia on Genesis XXII. 13

On the Nature of Christ

From the Oration on Our Lord’s Passion



Fragments from His Five Books of Commentaries on the Acts of the Church

Concerning the Martyrdom of James, the Brother of the Lord, from Book V

Concerning the Relatives of Our Saviour

Concerning the Martyrdom of Symeon the son of Clopas, Bishop of Jerusalem

Concerning His Journey to Rome, and the Jewish Sects

Dionysius, Bishop of Corinth


Maximus, Bishop of Jerusalem

Claudius Apollinaris, Bishop of Hierapolis, and Apologist

Polycrates, Bishop of Ephesus

Theophilus, Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine

Serapion, Bishop of Antioch


Pantaenus, the Alexandrian Philosopher


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