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Fathers Of The Church
Catholic Edition






The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians


The Epistle of Mathetes to Diognetus


The Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians

The Epistle Concerning the Martyrdom of Polycarp

The Encyclical Epistle of the Church at Smyrna Concerning the Martyrdom of the Holy Polycarp


The Epistles of Ignatius

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians Shorter and Longer Versions

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Magnesians Shorter and Longer Versions

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Trallians Shorter and Longer Versions

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Romans Shorter and Longer Versions

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians Shorter and Longer Versions

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans Shorter and Longer Versions

The Epistle of Ignatius to Polycarp Shorter and Longer Versions

The Syriac Version of the Ignatian Epistles

The Epistle of Ignatius to Polycarp

The Second Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians

The Third Epistle of the Same St. Ignatius


The Spurious Epistles of Ignatius

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Tarsians

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Antiochians

The Epistle of Ignatius to Hero, a Deacon of Antioch

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Philippians


The Epistle of Maria the Proselyte to Ignatius

Mary of Cassobelae to Ignatius

The Epistle of Ignatius to Mary at Neapolis, Near Zarbus

The Epistle of Ignatius to St. John the Apostle
Ignatius, and the brethren who are with him, to John the holy presbyter

A Second Epistle of Ignatius to St. John
His friend Ignatius to John the holy presbyter

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Virgin Mary
Her friend Ignatius to the Christ-bearing Mary

Reply of the Blessed Virgin to this Letter
The lowly handmaid of Christ Jesus to Ignatius, her beloved fellow-disciple

The Martyrdom of Ignatius



The Epistle of Barnabas



The Fragments of Papias



The Writings of Justin Martyr

The First Apology of Justin

Epistle of Adrian in behalf of the Christians

Epistle of Antoninus to the common assembly of Asia

Epistle of Marcus Aurelius to the senate, in which he testifies that the Christians were the cause of his victory

The Second Apology of Justin for the Christians Addressed to the Roman Senate

Dialogue of Justin, Philosopher and Martyr, with Trypho, a Jew

The Discourse to the Greeks

Justin’s Hortatory Address to the Greeks

Justin on the Sole Government of God

Fragments of the Lost Work of Justin on the Resurrection

Other Fragments from the Lost Writings of Justin

The Martyrdom of Justin Martyr


Irenaeus Against Heresies

Book I

Book II

Book III

Book IV

Book V

Fragments from the Lost Writings of Irenaeus


The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians

Chapter I
The salutation. Praise of the Corinthians before the breaking forth of schism among them

Chapter II
Praise of the Corinthians continued

Chapter III
The sad state of the Corinthian church after sedition arose in it from envy and emulation

Chapter IV
Many evils have already flowed from this source in ancient times

Chapter V
No less evils have arisen from the same source in the most recent times. The martyrdom of Peter and Paul

Chapter VI
Continuation. Several other martyrs

Chapter VII
An exhortation to repentance

Chapter VIII
Continuation respecting repentance

Chapter IX
Examples of the saints

Chapter X
Continuation of the above

Chapter XI
Continuation. Lot

Chapter XII
The rewards of faith and hospitality. Rahab

Chapter XIII
An exhortation to humility

Chapter XIV
We should obey God rather than the authors of sedition

Chapter XV
We must adhere to those who cultivate peace, not to those who merely pretend to do so

Chapter XVI
Christ as an example of humility

Chapter XVII
The saints as examples of humility

Chapter XVIII
David as an example of humility

Chapter XIX
Imitating these examples, let us seek after peace

Chapter XX
The peace and harmony of the universe

Chapter XXI
Let us obey God, and not the authors of sedition

Chapter XXII
These exhortations are confirmed by the Christian faith, which proclaims the misery of sinful conduct

Chapter XXIII
Be humble, and believe that Christ will come again

Chapter XXIV
God continually shows us in nature that there will be a resurrection

Chapter XXV
The phoenix an emblem of our resurrection

Chapter XXVI
We shall rise again, then, as the Scripture also testifies

Chapter XXVII
In the hope of the resurrection, let us cleave to the omnipotent and omniscient God

Chapter XXVIII
God sees all things: therefore let us avoid transgression

Chapter XXIX
Let us also draw near to God in purity of heart

Chapter XXX
Let us do those things that please God, and flee from those He hates, that we may be blessed

Chapter XXXI
Let us see by what means we may obtain the divine blessing

Chapter XXXII
We are justified not by our own works, but by faith

Chapter XXXIII
But let us not give up the practice of good works and love. God Himself is an example to us of good works

Chapter XXXIV
Great is the reward of good works with God. Joined together in harmony, let us implore that reward from Him

Chapter XXXV
Immense is this reward. How shall we obtain it?

Chapter XXXVI
All blessings are given to us through Christ

Chapter XXXVII
Christ is our leader, and we His soldiers

Let the members of the Church submit themselves, and no one exalt himself above another

Chapter XXXIX
There is no reason for self-conceit

Chapter XL
Let us preserve in the Church the order appointed by God

Chapter XLI
Continuation of the same subject

Chapter XLII
The order of ministers in the Church

Chapter XLIII
Moses of old stilled the contention which arose concerning the priestly dignity

Chapter XLIV
The ordinances of the apostles, that there might be no contention respecting the priestly office

Chapter XLV
It is the part of the wicked to vex the righteous

Chapter XLVI
Let us cleave to the righteous: your strife is pernicious

Chapter XLVII
Your recent discord is worse than the former which took place in the times of Paul

Chapter XLVIII
Let us return to the practice of brotherly love

Chapter XLIX
The praise of love

Chapter L
Let us pray to be thought worthy of love

Chapter LI
Let the partakers in strife acknowledge their sins

Chapter LII
Such a confession is pleasing to God

Chapter LIII
The love of Moses towards his people

Chapter LIV
He who is full of love will incur every loss, that peace may be restored to the Church

Chapter LV
Examples of such love

Chapter LVI
Let us admonish and correct one another

Chapter LVII
Let the authors of sedition submit themselves

Chapter LVIII
Blessings sought for all that call upon God

Chapter LIX
The Corinthians are exhorted speedily to send back word that peace has been restored. The benediction


The Epistle of Mathetes to Diognetus

Chapter I
Occasion of the epistle

Chapter II
The vanity of idols

Chapter III
Superstitions of the Jews

Chapter IV
The other observances of the Jews

Chapter V
The manners of the Christians

Chapter VI
The relation of Christians to the world

Chapter VII
The manifestation of Christ

Chapter VIII
The miserable state of men before the coming of the Word

Chapter IX
Why the Son was sent so late

Chapter X
The blessings that will flow from faith

Chapter XI
These things are worthy to be known and believed

Chapter XII
The importance of knowledge to true spiritual life


The Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians

Chapter I
Praise of the Philippians

Chapter II
An exhortation to virtue

Chapter III
Expressions of personal unworthiness

Chapter IV
Various exhortations

Chapter V
The duties of deacons, youths, and virgins

Chapter VI
The duties of presbyters and others

Chapter VII
Avoid the Docetae, and persevere in fasting and prayer

Chapter VIII
Persevere in hope and patience

Chapter IX
Patience inculcated

Chapter X
Exhortation to the practice of virtue

Chapter XI
Expression of grief on account of Valens

Chapter XII
Exhortation to various graces

Chapter XIII
Concerning the transmission of epistles

Chapter XIV

The Epistle Concerning the Martyrdom of Polycarp

The Encyclical Epistle of the Church at Smyrna Concerning the Martyrdom of the Holy Polycarp

Chapter I
Subject of which we write

Chapter II
The wonderful constancy of the martyrs

Chapter III
The constancy of Germanicus. The death of Polycarp is demanded

Chapter IV
Quintus the apostate

Chapter V
The departure and vision of Polycarp

Chapter VI
Polycarp is betrayed by a servant

Chapter VII
Polycarp is found by his pursuers

Chapter VIII
Polycarp is brought into the city

Chapter IX
Polycarp refuses to revile Christ

Chapter X
Polycarp confesses himself a Christian

Chapter XI
No threats have any effect on Polycarp

Chapter XII
Polycarp is sentenced to be burned

Chapter XIII
The funeral pile is erected

Chapter XIV
The prayer of Polycarp

Chapter XV
Polycarp is not injured by the fire

Chapter XVI
Polycarp is pierced by a dagger

Chapter XVII
The Christians are refused Polycarp’s body

Chapter XVIII
The body of Polycarp is burned

Chapter XIX
Praise of the martyr Polycarp

Chapter XX
This epistle is to be transmitted to the brethren

Chapter XXI
The date of the martyrdom

Chapter XXII


The Epistles of Ignatius

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians Shorter and Longer Versions

Chapter I
Praise of the Ephesians

Chapter II
Congratulations and entreaties

Chapter III
Exhortations to unity

Chapter IV
The same continued

Chapter V
The praise of unity

Chapter VI
Have respect to the bishop as to Christ Himself

Chapter VII
Beware of false teachers

Chapter VIII
Renewed praise of the Ephesians

Chapter IX
Ye have given no heed to false teachers

Chapter X
Exhortations to prayer, humility, etc

Chapter XI
An exhortation to fear God, etc

Chapter XII
Praise of the Ephesians

Chapter XIII
Exhortation to meet together frequently for the worship of God

Chapter XIV
Exhortations to faith and love

Chapter XV
Exhortation to confess Christ by silence as well as speech

Chapter XVI
The fate of false teachers

Chapter XVII
Beware of false doctrines

Chapter XVIII
The glory of the cross

Chapter XIX
Three celebrated mysteries

Chapter XX
Promise of another letter

Chapter XX
Exhortations to stedfastness and unity

Chapter XXI

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Magnesians Shorter and Longer Versions

Chapter I
Reason of writing the epistle

Chapter II
I rejoice in your messengers

Chapter III
Honour your youthful bishop

Chapter IV
Some wickedly act independently of the bishop

Chapter V
Death is the fate of all such

Chapter VI
Preserve harmony

Chapter VII
Do nothing without the bishop and presbyters

Chapter VIII
Caution against false doctrines

Chapter IX
Let us live with Christ

Chapter X
Beware of Judaizing

Chapter XI
I write these things to warn you

Chapter XII
Ye are superior to me

Chapter XIII
Be established in faith and unity

Chapter XIV
Your prayers requested

Chapter XV

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Trallians Shorter and Longer Versions

Chapter I
Acknowledgment of their excellence

Chapter II
Be subject to the bishop, etc

Chapter III
Honour the deacons, etc

Chapter IV
I have need of humility

Chapter V
I will not teach you profound doctrines

Chapter VI
Abstain from the poison of heretics

Chapter VII
The same continued

Chapter VIII
Be on your guard against the snares of the devil

Chapter IX
Reference to the history of Christ

Chapter X
The reality of Christ’s passion

Chapter XI
Avoid the deadly errors of the Docetae

Chapter XII
Continue in unity and love

Chapter XIII

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Romans Shorter and Longer Versions

Chapter I
As a prisoner, I hope to see you

Chapter II
Do not save me from martyrdom

Chapter III
Pray rather that I may attain to martyrdom

Chapter IV
Allow me to fall a prey to the wild beasts

Chapter V
I desire to die

Chapter VI
By death I shall attain true life

Chapter VII
Reason of desiring to die

Chapter VIII
Be ye favourable to me

Chapter IX
Pray for the church in Syria

Chapter X

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians Shorter and Longer Versions

Chapter I
Praise of the bishop

Chapter II
Maintain union with the bishop

Chapter III
Avoid schismatics

Chapter IV
Have but one Eucharist, etc

Chapter V
Pray for me

Chapter VI
Do not accept Judaism

Chapter VII
I have exhorted you to unity

Chapter VIII
The same continued

Chapter IX
The Old Testament is good: the New Testament is better

Chapter X
Congratulate the inhabitants of Antioch on the close of the persecution

Chapter XI
Thanks and salutation

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans Shorter and Longer Versions

Chapter I
Thanks to God for your faith

Chapter II
Christ’s true passion

Chapter III
Christ was possessed of a body after His resurrection

Chapter IV
Beware of these heretics

Chapter V
Their dangerous errors

Chapter VI
Unbelievers in the blood of Christ shall be condemned

Chapter VII
Let us stand aloof from such heretics

Chapter VIII
Let nothing be done without the bishop

Chapter IX
Honour the bishop

Chapter X
Acknowledgment of their kindness

Chapter XI
Request to them to send a messenger to Antioch

Chapter XII

Chapter XIII

The Epistle of Ignatius to Polycarp Shorter and Longer Versions

Chapter I
Commendation and exhortation

Chapter II

Chapter III

Chapter IV

Chapter V
The duties of husbands and wives

Chapter VI
The duties of the Christian flock

Chapter VII
Request that Polycarp would send a messenger to Antioch

Chapter VIII
Let other churches also send to Antioch

The Syriac Version of the Ignatian Epistles

The Epistle of Ignatius to Polycarp

Chapter I

Chapter II

Chapter III

Chapter IV

Chapter V

Chapter VI

Chapter VII

Chapter VIII

The Second Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians

Chapter I

Chapter III

Chapter VIII

Chapter IX

Chapter X

Chapter XIV

Chapter XV

Chapter XVIII

Chapter XIX

The Third Epistle of the Same St. Ignatius

Chapter I

Chapter II

Chapter III

Chapter IV

Chapter V

Chapter VI

Chapter VII

Chapter IX

The Spurious Epistles of Ignatius

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Tarsians

Chapter I
His own sufferings: exhortation to stedfastness

Chapter II
Cautions against false doctrine

Chapter III
The true doctrine respecting Christ

Chapter IV

Chapter V
Refutation of the previously mentioned errors

Chapter VI

Chapter VII

Chapter VIII
Exhortations to holiness and good order

Chapter IX
Exhortations to the discharge of relative duties

Chapter X

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Antiochians

Chapter I
Cautions against error

Chapter II
The true doctrine respecting God and Christ

Chapter III
The same continued

Chapter IV

Chapter V
Denunciation of false teachers

Chapter VI
Renewed cautions

Chapter VII
Exhortation to consistency of conduct

Chapter VIII
Exhortations to the presbyters and others

Chapter IX
Duties of husbands, wives, parents, and children

Chapter X
Duties of masters and servants

Chapter XI
Inculcation of various moral duties

Chapter XII

Chapter XIII
Salutations continued

Chapter XIV

The Epistle of Ignatius to Hero, a Deacon of Antioch

Chapter I
Exhortations to earnestness and moderation

Chapter II
Cautions against false teachers

Chapter III
Exhortations as to ecclesiastical duties

Chapter IV
Servants and women are not to be despised

Chapter V
Various relative duties

Chapter VI
Exhortations to purity and caution

Chapter VII
Solemn charge to Hero, as future bishop of Antioch

Chapter VIII

Chapter IX
Concluding salutations and instructions

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Philippians

Chapter I
Reason for writing the epistle

Chapter II
Unity of the three divine persons

Chapter III
Christ was truly born, and died

Chapter IV
The malignity and folly of Satan

Chapter V
Apostrophe to Satan

Chapter VI

Chapter VII
Continuation: inconsistency of Satan

Chapter VIII
Continuation: ignorance of Satan

Chapter IX
Continuation: ignorance of Satan

Chapter X
Continuation: audacity of Satan

Chapter XI
Continuation: audacity of Satan

Chapter XII
The meek reply of Christ

Chapter XIII
Various exhortations and directions

Chapter XIV
Farewells and cautions

Chapter XV
Salutations. Conclusion

The Epistle of Maria the Proselyte to Ignatius

Mary of Cassobelae to Ignatius

Chapter I
Occasion of the epistle

Chapter II
Youth may be allied with piety and discretion

Chapter III
Examples of youthful devotedness

Chapter IV
The same subject continued

Chapter V
Expressions of respect for Ignatius

The Epistle of Ignatius to Mary at Neapolis, Near Zarbus

Chapter I
Acknowledgment of her excellence and wisdom

Chapter II
His own condition

Chapter III
He had complied with her request

Chapter IV
Commendation and exhortation

Chapter V
Salutations and good wishes

The Epistle of Ignatius to St. John the Apostle
Ignatius, and the brethren who are with him, to John the holy presbyter

A Second Epistle of Ignatius to St. John
His friend Ignatius to John the holy presbyter

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Virgin Mary
Her friend Ignatius to the Christ-bearing Mary

Reply of the Blessed Virgin to this Letter
The lowly handmaid of Christ Jesus to Ignatius, her beloved fellow-disciple

The Martyrdom of Ignatius

Chapter I
Desire of Ignatius for martyrdom

Chapter II
Ignatius is condemned by Trajan

Chapter III
Ignatius sails to Smyrna

Chapter IV
Ignatius writes to the churches

Chapter V
Ignatius is brought to Rome

Chapter VI
Ignatius is devoured by the beasts at Rome

Chapter VII
Ignatius appears in a vision after his death


The Epistle of Barnabas

Chapter I
After the salutation, the writer declares that he would communicate to his brethren something of that which he had himself received

Chapter II
The Jewish sacrifices are now abolished

Chapter III
The fasts of the Jews are not true fasts, nor acceptable to God

Chapter IV
Antichrist is at hand: let us therefore avoid Jewish errors

Chapter V
The new covenant, founded on the sufferings of Christ, tends to our salvation, but to the Jews’ destruction

Chapter VI
The sufferings of Christ, and the new covenant, were announced by the prophets

Chapter VII
Fasting, and the goat sent away, were types of Christ

Chapter VIII
The red heifer a type of Christ

Chapter IX
The spiritual meaning of circumcision

Chapter X
Spiritual significance of the precepts of Moses respecting different kinds of food

Chapter XI
Baptism and the cross prefigured in the Old Testament

Chapter XII
The cross of Christ frequently announced in the Old Testament

Chapter XIII
Christians, and not Jews, the heirs of the covenant

Chapter XIV
The Lord hath given us the testament which Moses received and broke

Chapter XV
The false and the true Sabbath

Chapter XVI
The spiritual temple of God

Chapter XVII
Conclusion of the first part of the epistle

Chapter XVIII
Second part of the epistle. The two ways

Chapter XIX
The way of light

Chapter XX
The way of darkness

Chapter XXI


The Fragments of Papias












The Writings of Justin Martyr

The First Apology of Justin

Chapter I

Chapter II
Justice demanded

Chapter III
Claim of judicial investigation

Chapter IV
Christians unjustly condemned for their mere name

Chapter V
Christians charged with atheism

Chapter VI
Charge of atheism refuted

Chapter VII
Each Christian must be tried by his own life

Chapter VIII
Christians confess their faith in God

Chapter IX
Folly of idol worship

Chapter X
How God is to be served

Chapter XI
What kingdom Christians look for

Chapter XII
Christians live as under God’s eye

Chapter XIII
Christians serve God rationally

Chapter XIV
The demons misrepresent Christian doctrine

Chapter XV
What Christ himself taught

Chapter XVI
Concerning patience and swearing

Chapter XVII
Christ taught civil obedience

Chapter XVIII
Proof of immortality and the resurrection

Chapter XIX
The resurrection possible

Chapter XX
Heathen analogies to Christian doctrine

Chapter XXI
Analogies to the history of Christ

Chapter XXII
Analogies to the sonship of Christ

Chapter XXIII
The argument

Chapter XXIV
Varieties of heathen worship

Chapter XXV
False Gods abandoned by Christians

Chapter XXVI
Magicians not trusted by Christians

Chapter XXVII
Guilt of exposing children

Chapter XXVIII
God’s care for men

Chapter XXIX
Continence of Christians

Chapter XXX
Was Christ not a magician?

Chapter XXXI
Of the Hebrew prophets

Chapter XXXII
Christ predicted by Moses

Chapter XXXIII
Manner of Christ’s birth predicted

Chapter XXXIV
Place of Christ’s birth foretold

Chapter XXXV
Other fulfilled prophecies

Chapter XXXVI
Different modes of prophecy

Chapter XXXVII
Utterances of the Father

Utterances of the Son

Chapter XXXIX
Direct predictions by the Spirit

Chapter XL
Christ’s advent foretold

Chapter XLI
The crucifixion predicted

Chapter XLII
Prophecy using the past tense

Chapter XLIII
Responsibility asserted

Chapter XLIV
Not nullified by prophecy

Chapter XLV
Christ’s session in heaven foretold

Chapter XLVI
The Word in the world before Christ

Chapter XLVII
Desolation of Judaea foretold

Chapter XLVIII
Christ’s work and death foretold

Chapter XLIX
His rejection by the Jews foretold

Chapter L
His humiliation predicted

Chapter LI
The majesty of Christ

Chapter LII
Certain fulfilment of prophecy

Chapter LIII
Summary of the prophecies

Chapter LIV
Origin of heathen mythology

Chapter LV
Symbols of the cross

Chapter LVI
The demons still mislead men

Chapter LVII
And cause persecution

Chapter LVIII
And raise up heretics

Chapter LIX
Plato’s obligation to Moses

Chapter LX
Plato’s doctrine of the cross

Chapter LXI
Christian baptism

Chapter LXII
Its imitation by demons

Chapter LXIII
How God appeared to Moses

Chapter LXIV
Further misrepresentations of the truth

Chapter LXV
Administration of the sacraments

Chapter LXVI
Of the Eucharist

Chapter LXVII
Weekly worship of the Christians

Chapter LXVIII

Epistle of Adrian in behalf of the Christians

Epistle of Antoninus to the common assembly of Asia

Epistle of Marcus Aurelius to the senate, in which he testifies that the Christians were the cause of his victory

The Second Apology of Justin for the Christians Addressed to the Roman Senate

Chapter I

Chapter II
Urbicus condemns the Christians to death

Chapter III
Justin accuses Crescens of ignorant prejudice against the Christians

Chapter IV
Why the Christians do not kill themselves

Chapter V
How the angels transgressed

Chapter VI
Names of God and of Christ, their meaning and power

Chapter VII
The world preserved for the sake of Christians. Man’s responsibility

Chapter VIII
All have been hated in whom the Word has dwelt

Chapter IX
Eternal punishment not a mere threat

Chapter X
Christ compared with Socrates

Chapter XI
How Christians view death

Chapter XII
Christians proved innocent by their contempt of death

Chapter XIII
How the Word has been in all men

Chapter XIV
Justin prays that this appeal be published

Chapter XV

Dialogue of Justin, Philosopher and Martyr, with Trypho, a Jew

Chapter I

Chapter II
Justin describes his studies in philosophy

Chapter III
Justin narrates the manner of his conversion

Chapter IV
The soul of itself cannot see God

Chapter V
The soul is not in its own nature immortal

Chapter VI
These things were unknown to Plato and other philosophers

Chapter VII
The knowledge of truth to be sought from the prophets alone

Chapter VIII
Justin by his colloquy is kindled with love to Christ

Chapter IX
The Christians have not believed groundless stories

Chapter X
Trypho blames the Christians for this alone—the non-observance of the law

Chapter XI
The law abrogated; the New Testament promised and given by God

Chapter XII
The Jews violate the eternal law, and interpret ill that of Moses

Chapter XIII
Isaiah teaches that sins are forgiven through Christ’s blood

Chapter XIV
Righteousness is not placed in Jewish rites, but in the conversion of the heart given in baptism by Christ

Chapter XV
In what the true fasting consists

Chapter XVI
Circumcision given as a sign, that the Jews might be driven away for their evil deeds done to Christ and the Christians

Chapter XVII
The Jews sent persons through the whole earth to spread calumnies on Christians

Chapter XVIII
Christians would observe the law, if they did not know why it was instituted

Chapter XIX
Circumcision unknown before Abraham. The law was given by Moses on account of the hardness of their hearts

Chapter XX
Why choice of meats was prescribed

Chapter XXI
Sabbaths were instituted on account of the people’s sins, and not for a work of righteousness

Chapter XXII
So also were sacrifices and oblations

Chapter XXIII
The opinion of the Jews regarding the law does an injury to God

Chapter XXIV
The Christians’ circumcision far more excellent

Chapter XXV
The Jews boast in vain that they are sons of Abraham

Chapter XXVI
No salvation to the Jews except through Christ

Chapter XXVII
Why God taught the same things by the prophets as by Moses

Chapter XXVIII
True righteousness is obtained by Christ

Chapter XXIX
Christ is useless to those who observe the law

Chapter XXX
Christians possess the true righteousness

Chapter XXXI
If Christ’s power be now so great, how much greater at the second advent!

Chapter XXXII
Trypho objecting that Christ is described as glorious by Daniel, Justin distinguishes two advents

Chapter XXXIII
Ps. cx. is not spoken of Hezekiah. He proves that Christ was first humble, then shall be glorious

Chapter XXXIV
Nor does Ps. lxxii. apply to Solomon, whose faults Christians shudder at

Chapter XXXV
Heretics confirm the Catholics in the faith

Chapter XXXVI
He proves that Christ is called Lord of Hosts

Chapter XXXVII
The same is proved from other Psalms

It is an annoyance to the Jew that Christ is said to be adored. Justin confirms it, however, from Ps. xlv

Chapter XXXIX
The Jews hate the Christians who believe this. How great the distinction is between both!

Chapter XL
He returns to the Mosaic laws, and proves that they were figures of the things which pertain to Christ

Chapter XLI
The oblation of fine flour was a figure of the Eucharist

Chapter XLII
The bells on the priest’s robe were a figure of the apostles

Chapter XLIII
He concludes that the law had an end in Christ, who was born of the Virgin

Chapter XLIV
The Jews in vain promise themselves salvation, which cannot be obtained except through Christ

Chapter XLV
Those who were righteous before and under the law shall be saved by Christ

Chapter XLVI
Trypho asks whether a man who keeps the law even now will be saved. Justin proves that it contributes nothing to righteousness

Chapter XLVII
Justin communicates with Christians who observe the law. Not a few Catholics do otherwise

Chapter XLVIII
Before the divinity of Christ is proved, he [Trypho] demands that it be settled that He is Christ

Chapter XLIX
To those who object that Elijah has not yet come, he replies that he is the precursor of the first advent

Chapter L
It is proved from Isaiah that John is the precursor of Christ

Chapter LI
It is proved that this prophecy has been fulfilled

Chapter LII
Jacob predicted two advents of Christ

Chapter LIII
Jacob predicted that Christ would ride on an ass, and Zechariah confirms it

Chapter LIV
What the blood of the grape signifies

Chapter LV
Trypho asks that Christ be proved God, but without metaphor. Justin promises to do so

Chapter LVI
God who appeared to Moses is distinguished from God the Father

Chapter LVII
The Jew objects, why is He said to have eaten, if He be God? Answer of Justin

Chapter LVIII
The same is proved from the visions which appeared to Jacob

Chapter LIX
God distinct from the Father conversed with Moses

Chapter LX
Opinions of the Jews with regard to Him who appeared in the bush

Chapter LXI
Wisdom is begotten of the Father, as fire from fire

Chapter LXII
The words “Let Us make man” agree with the testimony of Proverbs

Chapter LXIII
It is proved that this God was incarnate

Chapter LXIV
Justin adduces other proofs to the Jew, who denies that he needs this Christ

Chapter LXV
The Jew objects that God does not give His glory to another. Justin explains the passage

Chapter LXVI
He proves from Isaiah that God was born from a virgin

Chapter LXVII
Trypho compares Jesus with Perseus; and would prefer [to say] that He was elected [to be Christ] on account of observance of the law. Justin speaks of the law as formerly

Chapter LXVIII
He complains of the obstinacy of Trypho; he answers his objection; he convicts the Jews of bad faith

Chapter LXIX
The devil, since he emulates the truth, has invented fables about Bacchus, Hercules, and AEsculapius

Chapter LXX
So also the mysteries of Mithras are distorted from the prophecies of Daniel and Isaiah

Chapter LXXI
The Jews reject the interpretation of the LXX., from which, moreover, they have taken away some passages

Chapter LXXII
Passages have been removed by the Jews from Esdras and Jeremiah

Chapter LXXIII
[The words] “From the wood” have been cut out of Ps. xcvi

Chapter LXXIV
The beginning of Ps. xcvi. is attributed to the Father [by Trypho]. But [it refers] to Christ by these words: “Tell ye among the nations that the Lord,” etc

Chapter LXXV
It is proved that Jesus was the name of God in the book of Exodus

Chapter LXXVI
From other passages the same majesty and government of Christ are proved

Chapter LXXVII
He returns to explain the prophecy of Isaiah

He proves that this prophecy harmonizes with Christ alone, from what is afterwards written

Chapter LXXIX
He proves against Trypho that the wicked angels have revolted from God

Chapter LXXX
The opinion of Justin with regard to the reign of a thousand years. Several Catholics reject it

Chapter LXXXI
He endeavours to prove this opinion from Isaiah and the Apocalypse

Chapter LXXXII
The prophetical gifts of the Jews were transferred to the Christians

It is proved that the Psalm, “The Lord said to My Lord,” etc., does not suit Hezekiah

Chapter LXXXIV
That prophecy, “Behold, a virgin,” etc., suits Christ alone

Chapter LXXXV
He proves that Christ is the Lord of Hosts from Ps. xxiv., and from his authority over demons

Chapter LXXXVI
There are various figures in the Old Testament of the wood of the cross by which Christ reigned

Trypho maintains in objection these words: “And shall rest on Him,” etc. They are explained by Justin

Christ has not received the Holy Spirit on account of poverty

Chapter LXXXIX
The cross alone is offensive to Trypho on account of the curse, yet it proves that Jesus is Christ

Chapter XC
The stretched-out hands of Moses signified beforehand the cross

Chapter XCI
The cross was foretold in the blessings of Joseph, and in the serpent that was lifted up

Chapter XCII
Unless the scriptures be understood through God’s great grace, God will not appear to have taught always the same righteousness

Chapter XCIII
The same kind of righteousness is bestowed on all. Christ comprehends it in two precepts

Chapter XCIV
In what sense he who hangs on a tree is cursed

Chapter XCV
Christ took upon Himself the curse due to us

Chapter XCVI
That curse was a prediction of the things which the Jews would do

Chapter XCVII
Other predictions of the cross of Christ

Chapter XCVIII
Predictions of Christ in Ps. xxii

Chapter XCIX
In the commencement of the Psalm are Christ’s dying words

Chapter C
In what sense Christ is [called] Jacob, and Israel, and Son of Man

Chapter CI
Christ refers all things to the Father

Chapter CII
The prediction of the events which happened to Christ when He was born. Why God permitted it

Chapter CIII
The Pharisees are the bulls: the roaring lion is Herod or the devil

Chapter CIV
Circumstances of Christ’s death are predicted in this Psalm

Chapter CV
The Psalm also predicts the crucifixion and the subject of the last prayers of Christ on Earth

Chapter CVI
Christ’s resurrection is foretold in the conclusion of the Psalm

Chapter CVII
The same is taught from the history of Jonah

Chapter CVIII
The resurrection of Christ did not convert the Jews. But through the whole world they have sent men to accuse Christ

Chapter CIX
The conversion of the Gentiles has been predicted by Micah

Chapter CX
A portion of the prophecy already fulfilled in the Christians: the rest shall be fulfilled at the second advent

Chapter CXI
The two advents were signified by the two goats. Other figures of the first advent, in which the Gentiles are freed by the blood of Christ

Chapter CXII
The Jews expound these signs jejunely and feebly, and take up their attention only with insignificant matters

Chapter CXIII
Joshua was a figure of Christ

Chapter CXIV
Some rules for discerning what is said about Christ. The circumcision of the Jews is very different from that which Christians receive

Chapter CXV
Prediction about the Christians in Zechariah. The malignant way which the Jews have in disputations

Chapter CXVI
It is shown how this prophecy suits the Christians

Chapter CXVII
Malachi’s prophecy concerning the sacrifices of the Christians. It cannot be taken as referring to the prayers of Jews of the dispersion

Chapter CXVIII
He exhorts to repentance before Christ comes; in whom Christians, since they believe, are far more religious than Jews

Chapter CXIX
Christians are the holy people promised to Abraham. They have been called like Abraham

Chapter CXX
Christians were promised to Isaac, Jacob, and Judah

Chapter CXXI
From the fact that the Gentiles believe in Jesus, it is evident that He is Christ

Chapter CXXII
The Jews understand this of the proselytes without reason

Chapter CXXIII
Ridiculous interpretations of the Jews. Christians are the true Israel

Chapter CXXIV
Christians are the sons of God

Chapter CXXV
He explains what force the word Israel has, and how it suits Christ

Chapter CXXVI
The various names of Christ according to both natures. It is shown that He is God, and appeared to the patriarchs

Chapter CXXVII
These passages of Scripture do not apply to the Father, but to the Word

The Word is sent not as an inanimate power, but as a person begotten of the Father’s substance

Chapter CXXIX
That is confirmed from other passages of Scripture

Chapter CXXX
He returns to the conversion of the Gentiles, and shows that it was foretold

Chapter CXXXI
How much more faithful to God the Gentiles are who are converted to Christ than the Jews

Chapter CXXXII
How great the power was of the name of Jesus in the Old Testament

The hard-heartedness of the Jews, for whom the Christians pray

Chapter CXXXIV
The marriages of Jacob are a figure of the Church

Chapter CXXXV
Christ is king of Israel, and Christians are the Israelitic race

Chapter CXXXVI
The Jews, in rejecting Christ, rejected God who sent him

He exhorts the Jews to be converted

Noah is a figure of Christ, who has regenerated us by water, and faith, and wood: [i.e., the cross.]

Chapter CXXXIX
The blessings, and also the curse, pronounced by Noah were prophecies of the future

Chapter CXL
In Christ all are free. The Jews hope for salvation in vain because they are sons of Abraham

Chapter CXLI
Free-will in men and angels

Chapter CXLII
The Jews return thanks, and leave Justin

The Discourse to the Greeks

Chapter I
Justin justifies his departure from Greek customs

Chapter II
The Greek theogony exposed

Chapter III
Follies of the Greek mythology

Chapter IV
Shameless practices of the Greeks

Chapter V
Closing appeal

Justin’s Hortatory Address to the Greeks

Chapter I
Reasons for addressing the Greeks

Chapter II
The poets are unfit to be religious teachers

Chapter III
Opinions of the school of Thales

Chapter IV
Opinions of Pythagoras and Epicurus

Chapter V
Opinions of Plato and Aristotle

Chapter VI
Further disagreements between Plato and Aristotle

Chapter VII
Inconsistencies of Plato’s doctrine

Chapter VIII
Antiquity, inspiration, and harmony of Christian teachers

Chapter IX
The antiquity of Moses proved by Greek writers

Chapter X
Training and inspiration of Moses

Chapter XI
Heathen oracles testify of Moses

Chapter XII
Antiquity of Moses proved

Chapter XIII
History of the Septuagint

Chapter XIV
A warning appeal to the Greeks

Chapter XV
Testimony of Orpheus to monotheism

Chapter XVI
Testimony of the Sibyl

Chapter XVII
Testimony of Homer

Chapter XVIII
Testimony of Sophocles

Chapter XIX
Testimony of Pythagoras

Chapter XX
Testimony of Plato

Chapter XXI
The namelessness of God

Chapter XXII
Studied ambiguity of Plato

Chapter XXIII
Plato’s self-contradiction

Chapter XXIV
Agreement of Plato and Homer

Chapter XXV
Plato’s knowledge of God’s eternity

Chapter XXVI
Plato indebted to the prophets

Chapter XXVII
Plato’s knowledge of the judgment

Chapter XXVIII
Homer’s obligations to the sacred writers

Chapter XXIX
Origin of Plato’s doctrine of form

Chapter XXX
Homer’s knowledge of man’s origin

Chapter XXXI
Further proof of Plato’s acquaintance with Scripture

Chapter XXXII
Plato’s doctrine of the heavenly gift

Chapter XXXIII
Plato’s idea of the beginning of time drawn from Moses

Chapter XXXIV
Whence men attributed to God human form

Chapter XXXV
Appeal to the Greeks

Chapter XXXVI
True knowledge not held by the philosophers

Chapter XXXVII
Of the Sibyl

Concluding appeal

Justin on the Sole Government of God

Chapter I
Testimonies to the unity of God

Chapter II
Testimonies to a future judgment

Chapter III
God desires not sacrifices, but righteousness

Chapter IV
The vain pretensions of false gods

Chapter V
We should acknowledge one only God

Fragments of the Lost Work of Justin on the Resurrection

Chapter I
The self-evidencing power of truth

Chapter II
Objections to the resurrection of the flesh

Chapter III
If the members rise, must they discharge the same functions as now?

Chapter IV
Must the deformed rise deformed?

Chapter V
The resurrection of the flesh is not impossible

Chapter VI
The resurrection consistent with the opinions of the philosophers

Chapter VII
The body valuable in God’s sight

Chapter VIII
Does the body cause the soul to sin?

Chapter IX
The resurrection of Christ proves that the body rises

Chapter X
The body saved, and will therefore rise

Other Fragments from the Lost Writings of Justin




















The Martyrdom of Justin Martyr

The Martyrdom of the Holy Martyrs Justin, Chariton, Charites, Paeon, and Liberianus, who Suffered at Rome

Chapter I
Examination of Justin by the prefect

Chapter II
Examination of Justin continued

Chapter III
Examination of Chariton and others

Chapter IV
Rusticus threatens the Christians with death

Chapter V
Sentence pronounced and executed


Irenaeus Against Heresies

Book I

Chapter I
Absurd ideas of the disciples of Valentinus as to the origin, name, order, and conjugal productions of their fancied AEons, with the passages of Scripture which they adapt to their opinions

Chapter II
The Propator was known to Monogenes alone. Ambition, disturbance, and danger into which Sophia fell; her shapeless offspring: she is restored by Horos. The production of Christ and of the Holy Spirit, in order to the completion of the AEons. Manner of the production of Jesus

Chapter III
Texts of Holy Scripture used by these heretics to support their opinions

Chapter IV
Account given by the heretics of the formation of Achamoth; origin of the visible world from her disturbances

Chapter V
Formation of the Demiurge; description of him. He is the creator of everything outside of the Pleroma

Chapter VI
The threefold kind of man feigned by these heretics: good works needless for them, though necessary to others: their abandoned morals

Chapter VII
The mother Achamoth, when all her seed are perfected, shall pass into the Pleroma, accompanied by those men who are spiritual; the Demiurge, with animal men, shall pass into the intermediate habitation; but all material men shall go into corruption. Their blasphemous opinions against the true incarnation of Christ by the Virgin Mary. Their views as to the prophecies. Stupid ignorance of the Demiurge

Chapter VIII
How the Valentinians pervert the Scriptures to support their own pious opinions

Chapter IX
Refutation of the impious interpretations of these heretics

Chapter X
Unity of the faith of the Church throughout the whole world

Chapter XI
The opinions of Valentinus, with those of his disciples and others

Chapter XII
The doctrines of the followers of Ptolemy and Colorbasus

Chapter XIII
The deceitful arts and nefarious practices of Marcus

Chapter XIV
The various hypotheses of Marcus and others. Theories respecting letters and syllables

Chapter XV
Sige relates to Marcus the generation of the twenty-four elements and of Jesus. Exposure of these absurdities

Chapter XVI
Absurd interpretations of the Marcosians

Chapter XVII
The theory of the Marcosians, that created things were made after the image of things invisible

Chapter XVIII
Passages from Moses, which the heretics pervert to the support of their hypothesis

Chapter XIX
Passages of Scripture by which they attempt to prove that the Supreme Father was unknown before the coming of Christ

Chapter XX
The apocryphal and spurious Scriptures of the Marcosians, with passages of the Gospels which they pervert

Chapter XXI
The views of redemption entertained by these heretics

Chapter XXII
Deviations of heretics from the truth

Chapter XXIII
Doctrines and practices of Simon Magus and Menander

Chapter XXIV
Doctrines of Saturninus and Basilides

Chapter XXV
Doctrines of Carpocrates

Chapter XXVI
Doctrines of Cerinthus, the Ebionites, and Nicolaitanes

Chapter XXVII
Doctrines of Cerdo and Marcion

Chapter XXVIII
Doctrines of Tatian, the Encratites, and others

Chapter XXIX
Doctrines of various other Gnostic sects, and especially of the Barbeliotes or Borborians

Chapter XXX
Doctrines of the Ophites and Sethians

Chapter XXXI
Doctrines of the Cainites

Book II

Chapter I
There is but one God: the impossibility of its being otherwise

Chapter II
The world was not formed by angels, or by any other being, contrary to the will of the most high God, but was made by the Father through the Word

Chapter III
The Bythus and Pleroma of the Valentinians, as well as the God of Marcion, shown to be absurd; the world was actually created by the same Being who had conceived the idea of it, and was not the fruit of defect or ignorance

Chapter IV
The absurdity of the supposed vacuum and defect of the heretics is demonstrated

Chapter V
This world was not formed by any other beings within the territory which is contained by the Father

Chapter VI
The angels and the Creator of the world could not have been ignorant of the Supreme God

Chapter VII
Created things are not the images of those AEons who are within the Pleroma

Chapter VIII
Created things are not a shadow of the Pleroma

Chapter IX
There is but one Creator of the world, God the Father: this the constant belief of the Church

Chapter X
Perverse interpretations of Scripture by the heretics: God created all things out of nothing, and not from pre-existent matter

Chapter XI
The heretics, from their disbelief of the truth, have fallen into an abyss of error: reasons for investigating their systems

Chapter XII
The Triacontad of the heretics errs both by defect and excess: Sophia could never have produced anything apart from her consort; Logos and Sige could not have been contemporaries

Chapter XIII
The first order of production maintained by the heretics is altogether indefensible

Chapter XIV
Valentinus and his followers derived the principles of their system from the heathen; the names only are changed

Chapter XV
No account can be given of these productions

Chapter XVI
The Creator of the world either produced of Himself the images of things to be made, or the Pleroma was formed after the image of some previous system; and so on ad infinitum

Chapter XVII
Inquiry into the production of the AEons: whatever its supposed nature, it is in every respect inconsistent; and on the hypothesis of the heretics, even Nous and the Father Himself would be stained with ignorance

Chapter XVIII
Sophia was never really in ignorance or passion; her Enthymesis could not have been separated from herself, or exhibited special tendencies of its own

Chapter XIX
Absurdities of the heretics as to their own origin: their opinions respecting the Demiurge shown to be equally untenable and ridiculous

Chapter XX
Futility of the arguments adduced to demonstrate the sufferings of the twelfth AEon, from the parables, the treachery of Judas, and the passion of our Saviour

Chapter XXI
The twelve apostles were not a type of the AEons

Chapter XXII
The thirty AEons are not typified by the fact that Christ was baptized in His thirtieth year: He did not suffer in the twelfth month after His baptism, but was more than fifty years old when He died

Chapter XXIII
The woman who suffered from an issue of blood was no type of the suffering AEon

Chapter XXIV
Folly of the arguments derived by the heretics from numbers, letters, and syllables

Chapter XXV
God is not to be sought after by means of letters, syllables, and numbers; necessity of humility in such investigations

Chapter XXVI
”Knowledge puffeth up, but love edifieth.”

Chapter XXVII
Proper mode of interpreting parables and obscure passages of Scripture

Chapter XXVIII
Perfect knowledge cannot be attained in the present life: many questions must be submissively left in the hands of God

Chapter XXIX
Refutation of the views of the heretics as to the future destiny of the soul and body

Chapter XXX
Absurdity of their styling themselves spiritual, while the Demiurge is declared to be animal

Chapter XXXI
Recapitulation and application of the foregoing arguments

Chapter XXXII
Further exposure of the wicked and blasphemous doctrines of the heretics

Chapter XXXIII
Absurdity of the doctrine of the transmigration of souls

Chapter XXXIV
Souls can be recognised in the separate state, and are immortal although they once had a beginning

Chapter XXXV
Refutation of Basilides, and of the opinion that the prophets uttered their predictions under the inspiration of different gods

Book III

Chapter I
The apostles did not commence to preach the Gospel, or to place anything on record until they were endowed with the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit. They preached one God alone, Maker of heaven and earth

Chapter II
The heretics follow neither Scripture nor tradition

Chapter III
A refutation of the heretics, from the fact that, in the various Churches, a perpetual succession of bishops was kept up

Chapter IV
The truth is to be found nowhere else but in the Catholic Church, the sole depository of apostolical doctrine. Heresies are of recent formation, and cannot trace their origin up to the apostles

Chapter V
Christ and His apostles, without any fraud, deception, or hypocrisy, preached that one God, the Father, was the founder of all things. They did not accommodate their doctrine to the prepossessions of their hearers

Chapter VI
The Holy Ghost, throughout the Old Testament Scriptures, made mention of no other God or Lord, save him who is the true God

Chapter VII
Reply to an objection founded on the words of St. Paul (2 Cor. iv. 4). St. Paul occasionally uses words not in their grammatical sequence

Chapter VIII
Answer to an objection, arising from the words of Christ (Matt. vi. 24). God alone is to be really called God and Lord, for He is without beginning and end

Chapter IX
One and the same God, the Creator of heaven and earth, is He whom the prophets foretold, and who was declared by the Gospel. Proof of this, at the outset, from St. Matthew’s Gospel

Chapter X
Proofs of the foregoing, drawn from the Gospels of Mark and Luke

Chapter XI
Proofs in continuation, extracted from St. John’s Gospel. The Gospels are four in number, neither more nor less. Mystic reasons for this

Chapter XII
Doctrine of the rest of the apostles

Chapter XIII
Refutation of the opinion, that Paul was the only apostle who had knowledge of the truth

Chapter XIV
If Paul had known any mysteries unrevealed to the other apostles, Luke, his constant companion and fellow-traveller, could not have been ignorant of them; neither could the truth have possibly lain hid from him, through whom alone we learn many and most important particulars of the Gospel history

Chapter XV
Refutation of the Ebionites, who disparaged the authority of St. Paul, from the writings of St. Luke, which must be received as a whole. Exposure of the hypocrisy, deceit, and pride of the Gnostics. The apostles and their disciples knew and preached one God, the Creator of the world

Chapter XVI
Proofs from the apostolic writings, that Jesus Christ was one and the same, the only begotten Son of God, perfect God and perfect man

Chapter XVII
The apostles teach that it was neither Christ nor the Saviour, but the Holy Spirit, who did descend upon Jesus. The reason for this descent

Chapter XVIII
Continuation of the foregoing argument. Proofs from the writings of St. Paul, and from the words of Our Lord, that Christ and Jesus cannot be considered as distinct beings; neither can it be alleged that the Son of God became man merely in appearance, but that He did so truly and actually

Chapter XIX
Jesus Christ was not a mere man, begotten from Joseph in the ordinary course of nature, but was very God, begotten of the Father most high, and very man, born of the Virgin

Chapter XX
God showed himself, by the fall of man, as patient, benign, merciful, mighty to save. Man is therefore most ungrateful, if, unmindful of his own lot, and of the benefits held out to him, he do not acknowledge divine grace

Chapter XXI
A vindication of the prophecy in Isa. vii. 14 against the misinterpretations of Theodotion, Aquila, the Ebionites, and the Jews. Authority of the Septuagint version. Arguments in proof that Christ was born of a virgin

Chapter XXII
Christ assumed actual flesh, conceived and born of the Virgin

Chapter XXIII
Arguments in opposition to Tatian, showing that it was consonant to divine justice and mercy that the first Adam should first partake in that salvation offered to all by Christ

Chapter XXIV
Recapitulation of the various arguments adduced against Gnostic impiety under all its aspects. The heretics, tossed about by every blast of doctrine, are opposed by the uniform teaching of the Church, which remains so always, and is consistent with itself

Chapter XXV
This world is ruled by the providence of one God, who is both endowed with infinite justice to punish the wicked, and with infinite goodness to bless the pious, and impart to them salvation

Book IV

Chapter I
The Lord acknowledged but one God and Father

Chapter II
Proofs from the plain testimony of Moses, and of the other prophets, whose words are the words of Christ, that there is but one God, the founder of the world, whom Our Lord preached, and whom He called His Father

Chapter III
Answer to the cavils of the Gnostics. We are not to suppose that the true God can be changed, or come to an end because the heavens, which are His throne and the earth, His footstool, shall pass away

Chapter IV
Answer to another objection, showing that the destruction of Jerusalem, which was the city of the great King, diminished nothing from the supreme majesty and power of God, for that this destruction was put in execution by the most wise counsel of the same God

Chapter V
The author returns to his former argument, and shows that there was but one God announced by the law and prophets, whom Christ confesses as His Father, and who, through His word, one living God with Him, made Himself known to men in both covenants

Chapter VI
Explanation of the words of Christ, “No man knoweth the Father, but the Son,” etc.; which words the heretics misinterpret. Proof that, by the Father revealing the Son, and by the Son being revealed, the Father was never unknown

Chapter VII
Recapitulation of the foregoing argument, showing that Abraham, through the revelation of the Word, knew the Father, and the coming of the Son of God. For this cause, he rejoiced to see the day of Christ, when the promises made to him should be fulfilled. The fruit of this rejoicing has flowed to posterity, viz., to those who are partakers in the faith of Abraham, but not to the Jews who reject the Word of God

Chapter VIII
Vain attempts of Marcion and his followers, who exclude Abraham from the salvation bestowed by Christ, who liberated not only Abraham, but the seed of Abraham, by fulfilling and not destroying the law when He healed on the Sabbath-day

Chapter IX
There is but one author, and one end to both covenants

Chapter X
The Old Testament Scriptures, and those written by Moses in particular, do everywhere make mention of the Son of God, and foretell His advent and passion. From this fact it follows that they were inspired by one and the same God

Chapter XI
The old prophets and righteous men knew beforehand of the advent of Christ, and earnestly desired to see and hear Him, He revealing himself in the Scriptures by the Holy Ghost, and without any change in Himself, enriching men day by day with benefits, but conferring them in greater abundance on later than on former generations

Chapter XII
It clearly appears that there was but one author of both the old and the new law, from the fact that Christ condemned traditions and customs repugnant to the former, while He confirmed its most important precepts, and taught that He was Himself the end of the Mosaic law

Chapter XIII
Christ did not abrogate the natural precepts of the law, but rather fulfilled and extended them. He removed the yoke and bondage of the old law, so that mankind, being now set free, might serve God with that trustful piety which becometh sons

Chapter XIV
If God demands obedience from man, if He formed man, called him and placed him under laws, it was merely for man’s welfare; not that God stood in need of man, but that He graciously conferred upon man His favours in every possible manner

Chapter XV
At first God deemed it sufficient to inscribe the natural law, or the Decalogue, upon the hearts of men; but afterwards He found it necessary to bridle, with the yoke of the Mosaic law, the desires of the Jews, who were abusing their liberty; and even to add some special commands, because of the hardness of their hearts

Chapter XVI
Perfect righteousness was conferred neither by circumcision nor by any other legal ceremonies. The Decalogue, however, was not cancelled by Christ, but is always in force: men were never released from its commandments

Chapter XVII
Proof that God did not appoint the Levitical dispensation for His own sake, or as requiring such service; for He does, in fact, need nothing from men

Chapter XVIII
Concerning sacrifices and oblations, and those who truly offer them

Chapter XIX
Earthly things may be the type of heavenly, but the latter cannot be the types of others still superior and unknown; nor can we, without absolute madness, maintain that God is known to us only as the type of a still unknown and superior being

Chapter XX
That one God formed all things in the world, by means of the Word and the Holy Spirit: and that although He is to us in this life invisible and incomprehensible, nevertheless He is not unknown; inasmuch as His works do declare Him, and His Word has shown that in many modes He may be seen and known

Chapter XXI
Abraham’s faith was identical with ours; this faith was prefigured by the words and actions of the old patriarchs

Chapter XXII
Christ did not come for the sake of the men of one age only, but for all who, living righteously and piously, had believed upon Him; and for those, too, who shall believe

Chapter XXIII
The patriarchs and prophets by pointing out the advent of Christ, fortified thereby, as it were, the way of posterity to the faith of Christ; and so the labours of the apostles were lessened inasmuch as they gathered in the fruits of the labours of others

Chapter XXIV
The conversion of the Gentiles was more difficult than that of the Jews; the labours of those apostles, therefore who engaged in the former task, were greater than those who undertook the latter

Chapter XXV
Both covenants were prefigured in Abraham, and in the labour of Tamar; there was, however, but one and the same God to each covenant

Chapter XXVI
The treasure hid in the Scriptures is Christ; the true exposition of the Scriptures is to be found in the Church alone

Chapter XXVII
The sins of the men of old time, which incurred the displeasure of God, were, by His providence, committed to writing, that we might derive instruction thereby, and not be filled with pride. We must not, therefore, infer that there was another God than He whom Christ preached; we should rather fear, lest the one and the same God who inflicted punishment on the ancients, should bring down heavier upon us

Chapter XXVIII
Those persons prove themselves senseless who exaggerate the mercy of Christ, but are silent as to the judgment, and look only at the more abundant grace of the New Testament; but, forgetful of the greater degree of perfection which it demands from us, they endeavour to show that there is another God beyond Him who created the world

Chapter XXIX
Refutation of the arguments of the Marcionites, who attempted to show that God was the author of sin, because He blinded Pharaoh and his servants

Chapter XXX
Refutation of another argument adduced by the Marcionites, that God directed the Hebrews to spoil the Egyptians

Chapter XXXI
We should not hastily impute as crimes to the men of old time those actions which the Scripture has not condemned, but should rather seek in them types of things to come: an example of this in the incest committed by Lot

Chapter XXXII
That one God was the author of both Testaments, is confirmed by the authority of a presbyter who had been taught by the apostles

Chapter XXXIII
Whosoever confesses that one God is the author of both Testaments, and diligently reads the Scriptures in company with the presbyters of the Church, is a true spiritual disciple; and he will rightly understand and interpret all that the prophets have declared respecting Christ and the liberty of the New Testament

Chapter XXXIV
Proof against the Marcionites, that the prophets referred in all their predictions to our Christ

Chapter XXXV
A refutation of those who allege that the prophets uttered some predictions under the inspiration of the highest, others from the Demiurge. Disagreements of the Valentinians among themselves with regard to these same predictions

Chapter XXXVI
The prophets were sent from one and the same Father from whom the Son was sent

Chapter XXXVII
Men are possessed of free will, and endowed with the faculty of making a choice. It is not true, therefore, that some are by nature good, and others bad

Why man was not made perfect from the beginning

Chapter XXXIX
Man is endowed with the faculty of distinguishing good and evil; so that, without compulsion, he has the power, by his own will and choice, to perform God’s commandments, by doing which he avoids the evils prepared for the rebellious

Chapter XL
One and the same God the Father inflicts punishment on the reprobate, and bestows rewards on the elect

Chapter XLI
Those persons who do not believe in God, but who are disobedient, are angels and sons of the devil, not indeed by nature, but by imitation. Close of this book, and scope of the succeeding one

Book V

Chapter I
Christ alone is able to teach divine things, and to redeem us: He, the same, took flesh of the Virgin Mary, not merely in appearance, but actually, by the operation of the Holy Spirit, in order to renovate us. Strictures on the conceits of Valentinus and Ebion

Chapter II
When Christ visited us in His grace, He did not come to what did not belong to Him: also, by shedding His true blood for us, and exhibiting to us His true flesh in the Eucharist, He conferred upon our flesh the capacity of salvation

Chapter III
The power and glory of God shine forth in the weakness of human flesh, as He will render our body a participator of the resurrection and of immortality, although He has formed it from the dust of the earth; He will also bestow upon it the enjoyment of immortality, just as He grants it this short life in common with the soul

Chapter IV
Those persons are deceived who feign another God the Father besides the Creator of the world; for he must have been feeble and useless, or else malignant and full of envy, if he be either unable or unwilling to extend external life to our bodies

Chapter V
The prolonged life of the ancients, the translation of Elijah and of Enoch in their own bodies, as well as the preservation of Jonah, of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, in the midst of extreme peril, are clear demonstrations that God can raise up our bodies to life eternal

Chapter VI
God will bestow salvation upon the whole nature of man, consisting of body and soul in close union, since the Word took it upon Him, and adorned with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, of whom our bodies are, and are termed, the temples

Chapter VII
Inasmuch as Christ did rise in our flesh, it follows that we shall be also raised in the same; since the resurrection promised to us should not be referred to spirits naturally immortal, but to bodies in themselves mortal

Chapter VIII
The gifts of the Holy Spirit which we receive prepare us for incorruption, render us spiritual, and separate us from carnal men. These two classes are signified by the clean and unclean animals in the legal dispensation

Chapter IX
Showing how that passage of the apostle which the heretics pervert, should be understood; viz., “Flesh and blood shall not possess the kingdom of God.”

Chapter X
By a comparison drawn from the wild olive-tree, whose quality but not whose nature is changed by grafting, he proves more important things; he points out also that man without the Spirit is not capable of bringing forth fruit, or of inheriting the kingdom of God

Chapter XI
Treats upon the actions of carnal and of spiritual persons; also, that the spiritual cleansing is not to be referred to the substance of our bodies, but to the manner of our former life

Chapter XII
Of the difference between life and death; of the breath of life and the vivifying Spirit: also how it is that the substance of flesh revives which once was dead

Chapter XIII
In the dead who were raised by Christ we possess the highest proof of the resurrection; and our hearts are shown to be capable of life eternal, because they can now receive the Spirit of God

Chapter XIV
Unless the flesh were to be saved, the Word would not have taken upon Him flesh of the same substance as ours: from this it would follow that neither should we have been reconciled by Him

Chapter XV
Proofs of the resurrection from Isaiah and Ezekiel; the same God who created us will also raise us up

Chapter XVI
Since our bodies return to the earth, it follows that they have their substance from it; also, by the advent of the Word, the image of God in us appeared in a clearer light

Chapter XVII
There is but one Lord and one God, the Father and Creator of all things, who has loved us in Christ, given us commandments, and remitted our sins; whose Son and Word Christ proved Himself to be, when He forgave our sins

Chapter XVIII
God the Father and His Word have formed all created things (which They use) by Their own power and wisdom, not out of defect or ignorance. The Son of God, who received all power from the Father, would otherwise never have taken flesh upon Him

Chapter XIX
A comparison is instituted between the disobedient and sinning Eve and the Virgin Mary, her patroness. Various and discordant heresies are mentioned

Chapter XX
Those pastors are to be heard to whom the apostles committed the Churches, possessing one and the same doctrine of salvation; the heretics, on the other hand, are to be avoided. We must think soberly with regard to the mysteries of the faith

Chapter XXI
Christ is the head of all things already mentioned. It was fitting that He should be sent by the Father, the Creator of all things, to assume human nature, and should be tempted by Satan, that He might fulfil the promises, and carry off a glorious and perfect victory

Chapter XXII
The true Lord and the one God is declared by the law, and manifested by Christ His Son in the Gospel; whom alone we should adore, and from Him we must look for all good things, not from Satan

Chapter XXIII
The devil is well practised in falsehood, by which Adam having been led astray, sinned on the sixth day of the creation, in which day also he has been renewed by Christ

Chapter XXIV
Of the constant falsehood of the devil, and of the powers and governments of the world, which we ought to obey, inasmuch as they are appointed of God, not of the devil

Chapter XXV
The fraud, pride, and tyrannical kingdom of Antichrist, as described by Daniel and Paul

Chapter XXVI
John and Daniel have predicted the dissolution and desolation of the Roman Empire, which shall precede the end of the world and the eternal kingdom of Christ. The Gnostics are refuted, those tools of Satan, who invent another Father different from the Creator

Chapter XXVII
The future judgment by Christ. Communion with and separation from the divine being. The eternal punishment of unbelievers

Chapter XXVIII
The distinction to be made between the righteous and the wicked. The future apostasy in the time of Antichrist, and the end of the world

Chapter XXIX
All things have been created for the service of man. The deceits, wickedness, and apostate power of Antichrist. This was prefigured at the deluge, as afterwards by the persecution of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

Chapter XXX
Although certain as to the number of the name of Antichrist, yet we should come to no rash conclusions as to the name itself, because this number is capable of being fitted to many names. Reasons for this point being reserved by the Holy Spirit. Antichrist’s reign and death

Chapter XXXI
The preservation of our bodies is confirmed by the resurrection and ascension of Christ: the souls of the saints during the intermediate period are in a state of expectation of that time when they shall receive their perfect and consummated glory

Chapter XXXII
In that flesh in which the saints have suffered so many afflictions, they shall receive the fruits of their labours; especially since all creation waits for this, and God promises it to Abraham and his seed

Chapter XXXIII
Further proofs of the same proposition, drawn from the promises made by Christ, when He declared that He would drink of the fruit of the vine with His disciples in His Father’s kingdom, while at the same time He promised to reward them an hundred-fold, and to make them partake of banquets. The blessing pronounced by Jacob had pointed out this already, as Papias and the elders have interpreted it

Chapter XXXIV
He fortifies his opinions with regard to the temporal and earthly kingdom of the saints after their resurrection, by the various testimonies of Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and Daniel; also by the parable of the servants watching, to whom the Lord promised that He would minister

Chapter XXXV
He contends that these testimonies already alleged cannot be understood allegorically of celestial blessings, but that they shall have their fulfilment after the coming of Antichrist, and the resurrection, in the terrestrial Jerusalem. To the former prophecies he subjoins others drawn from Isaiah, Jeremiah, and the Apocalypse of John

Chapter XXXVI
Men shall be actually raised: the world shall not be annihilated; but there shall be various mansions for the saints, according to the rank allotted to each individual. All things shall be subject to God the Father, and so shall He be all in all

Fragments from the Lost Writings of Irenaeus
























































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