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The Life Of The Blessed Emperor Constantine -Eusebius Pamphilus

WHAT now remains, but to account for those which are the crowning facts of all; I mean His death, so far and widely known, the manner of His passion, and the mighty miracle of His resurrection after death: and then to establish the truth of these events by the clearest testimonies? For the reasons detailed above He used the instrumentality of a mortal body, as a figure becoming His Divine majesty, and like a mighty sovereign employed it as His interpreter in His intercourse with men, performing all things consistently with His own Divine power. Supposing, then, at the end of His sojourn among men, He had by any other means suddenly withdrawn Himself from their sight, and, secretly removing that interpreter of Himself, the form which He had assumed, had hastened to flee from death, and afterwards by His own act had consigned His mortal body to corruption and dissolution: doubtless in such a case He would have been deemed a mere phantom by all. Nor would He have acted in a manner worthy of Himself, had He who is Life, the Word, and the Power of God, abandoned this interpreter of Himself to corruption and death. Nor, again, would His warfare with the spirits of evil have received its consummation by conflict with the power of death. The place of His retirement must have remained unknown; nor would His existence have been believed by those who had not seen Him for themselves. No proof would have been given that He was superior to death; nor would He have delivered mortality from the law of its natural infirmity. His name had never been heard throughout the world; nor could He have inspired His disciples with contempt of death, or encouraged those who embraced His doctrine to hope for the enjoyment of a future life with God. Nor would He have fulfilled the assurances of His own promise, nor have accomplished the predictions of the prophets concerning Himself. Nor would He have undergone the last conflict of all; for this was to be the struggle with the power of death. For all these reasons, then, and inasmuch as it was necessary that the mortal body which had rendered such service to the Divine Word should meet with an end worthy its sacred occupant, the manner of His death was ordained accordingly. For since but two alternatives remained: either to consign His body entirely to corruption (and so to bring the scene of life to a dishonoured close), or else to prove Himself victorious over death, and render mortality immortal by an act of Divine power; the former of these alternatives would have contravened His own promise. For as it is not the property of fire to cool, nor of light to darken, no more is it compatible with life, to deprive of life, or with Divine intelligence, to act in a manner contrary to reason. For how could it be consistent with reason, that He who had promised life to others, should permit His own body, the form which He had chosen, to perish beneath the power of corruption? That He who had inspired His disciples with hopes of immortality, should yield this exponent of His Divine counsels to be destroyed by death? The second alternative was therefore needful: I mean, that He should assert His dominion over the power of death. But how? should this be a furtive and secret act, or openly performed, and in the sight of all? So mighty an achievement, had it remained unknown and unrevealed, must have failed of its effect as regards the interests of men; whereas the same event, if openly declared and understood, would, from its wondrous character, redound to the common benefit of all. With reason, therefore, since it was needful to prove His body victorious over death, and that not secretly, but before the eyes of men, He shrank not from the trial (this indeed would have argued fear, and a sense of inferiority to the power of death), but maintained that conflict with the enemy which has rendered mortality immortal; a conflict undertaken for the life, the immortality, the salvation of mankind. Suppose one desired to shew us that a vessel could resist the force of fire; how could he better prove the fact, than by casting it into the furnace and thence withdrawing it entire and unconsumed? Even thus the Word of God, who is the source of life to all, desiring to prove the triumph of that body over death which He had assumed for man’s salvation, and to make this body partake His own life and immortality, pursued a course consistent with this object. Leaving His body for a little while, and delivering it up to death in proof of its mortal nature, He soon redeemed it from death, in vindication of that Divine power whereby He has manifested the immortality which He has promised to be utterly beyond the sphere of death. The reason of this is clear. It was needful that His disciples should receive ocular proof of the certainty of that resurrection on which He had taught them to rest their hopes as a motive for rising superior to the fear of death. It was indeed most needful that they who purposed to pursue a life of godliness should receive a clear impression of this essential truth: more needful still for those who were destined to declare His name in all the world, and to communicate to mankind that knowledge of God which He had before ordained for all nations. For such the strongest conviction of a future life was necessary, that they might be able with fearless and unshrinking zeal to maintain the conflict with Gentile and polytheistic error: a conflict the dangers of which they would never have been prepared to meet, except as habituated to the contempt of death. Accordingly, in arming His disciples against the power of this last enemy, He delivered not His doctrines in mere verbal precepts, nor attempted to prove the soul’s immortality by persuasive and probable arguments; but displayed to them in His own person a real victory over death. Such was the first and greatest reason of our Saviour’s conflict with the power of death, whereby He proved to His disciples the impotence of that which is the terror of all mankind, and afforded a visible evidence of the reality of that life which He had promised; presenting as it were a first-fruit of our common hope, of future life and immortality in the presence of God. The second cause of His resurrection was, that the Divine power might be manifested which dwelt in His mortal body. Mankind had heretofore conferred divine honours on men who had yielded to the power of death, and had given the titles of gods and heroes to mortals like themselves. For this reason, therefore, the Word of God evinced His gracious character, and proved to man His own superiority over death, recalling His mortal body to a second life, displaying an immortal triumph over death in the eyes of all, and teaching them to acknowledge the Author of such a victory to be the only true God, even in death itself. I may allege yet a third cause of the Saviour’s death, He was the victim offered to the Supreme Sovereign of the universe for the whole human race: a victim, too, consecrated not merely for the necessities of man, but for the overthrow of the errors of demon worship. For as soon as the one holy and mighty sacrifice, the sacred body of our Saviour, had been slain for man, to be as a ransom for all nations, heretofore involved in the guilt of impious superstition, thenceforward the power of impure and unholy spirits was utterly abolished, and every earth-born and delusive error was at once weakened and destroyed. Thus, then, this salutary victim taken from among themselves, I mean the mortal body of the Word, was offered on behalf of the common race of men. This was that sacrifice delivered up to death, of which the sacred oracles speak: “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” And again, as follows: “He was led as a sheep to the slaughter, and as a lamb before the shearer is dumb.” They declare also the cause, saying: “He bears our sins, and is pained for us: yet we accounted Him to be in trouble, and in suffering, and in affliction. But He was wounded on account of our sins, and bruised because of our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and by His bruises we were healed. All we as sheep have gone astray; every one has gone astray in his way; and the Lord gave him up for our sins.”

Such were the causes which led to the offering of the human body of the Word of God. But forasmuch as He was the great high priest, consecrated to the Supreme Lord and King, and therefore more than a victim, the Word, the Power, and the Wisdom of God; He soon recalled His body from the grasp of death, presented it to His Father as the first-fruit of our common salvation, and raised this trophy, a proof at once of His victory over death and Satan, and of the abolition of human sacrifices, for the blessing of all mankind.

Image or Constantine is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic license. Attribution: I, Jean-Christophe Benoist

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