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The Life Of The Blessed Emperor Constantine -Eusebius Pamphilus

THE Son of God invites all men to the practice of virtue, and presents Himself to all who have understanding hearts, as the teacher of His saving precepts. Unless, indeed, we will deceive ourselves, and remain in wretched ignorance of the fact, that for our advantage, that is, to secure the blessing of the human race, He performed His course on earth; and, having called around Him the best men of their age, committed to them instructions full of profit, and of power to preserve them in the path of a virtuous life; teaching them the faith and righteousness which are the true remedy against the adverse power of that malignant spirit whose delight it is to ensnare and delude the ignorant and unwary. Accordingly He visited the sick, relieved the feeble from the sorrows which encompassed them, and consoled those who felt the extremity of penury and want. He commended also sound and rational sobriety of character, enjoining His followers to endure with dignity and patience every kind of injury and contempt: teaching them to regard such as visitations permitted by their Father, and that victory is ever theirs who nobly bear the evils which befall them. For He assured them that the highest strength of all consisted in this steadfastness of soul, combined with that philosophy which is nothing else than the knowledge of truth and goodness, producing in men the generous habit of imparting to their poorer brethren those riches which they have themselves acquired by honourable means. At the same time He utterly forbade all proud oppression, declaring that, as He had come to associate with the lowly, so those who despised the lowly would be excluded from His favour. Such and so great was the test whereby He proved the faith of those who owned allegiance to His authority, and thus He not only prepared them for the contempt of danger and terror, but taught them at the same time the most genuine confidence in Himself. Once, too, His rebuke was uttered to restrain the zeal of one of His companions, who yielded too easily to the impulse of passion, when he assaulted with the sword, and, eager to protect his Saviour’s life, exposed his own. Then it was that He bade him desist, and return his sword to its sheath, reproving him for his distrust of refuge and safety in Himself, and declaring solemnly that all who should essay to retaliate an injury by like aggression, or use the sword, should perish by a violent death. This is indeed heavenly wisdom, to choose rather to endure than to inflict injury, and to be ready, should necessity so require, to suffer, but not to do, wrong. For since injurious conduct is in itself a most serious evil, it is not the injured party, but the injuring, on whom the heaviest punishment must fall. It is indeed possible for one who is subject to the will of God to avoid the evil both of committing and of suffering injury, provided his confidence be firm in the protection of that God whose aid is ever present to shield His servants from harm. For how should that man who trusts in God attempt to seek for resources in himself? In such a case he must abide the conflict with uncertainty of victory: and no man of understanding could prefer a doubtful to a certain issue. Again, how is that man likely to harbour distrust of God, who has had experience of manifold dangers, and has at all times been easily delivered, by His power and will alone, from all his troubles: who has passed (as it were) through the sea which was levelled by the Saviour’s word, and afforded a solid road for the passage of the people? This is, I believe, the sure basis of faith, the true foundation of confidence, that we find such miracles as these performed and perfected at the command of the God of Providence. Hence it is that even in the midst of trial we find no cause to repent of our faith, but retain an unshaken hope in God; and when this habit of confidence is established in the soul, God Himself dwells in the inmost thoughts. But He is of invincible power: the soul, therefore, which has within it Him who is thus invincible, will not be overcome by the perils which may surround it. Besides, we learn this truth from the victory of God Himself, who, while intent on providing for the blessing of mankind, though grievously insulted by the malice of the ungodly, yet passed unharmed through the sufferings of His passion, and gained a mighty conquest, an everlasting crown of triumph, over all iniquity; thus accomplishing the purpose of His own providence and love as regards the just, and trampling on the cruelty of the impious and unjust.

Image or Constantine is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic license. Attribution: I, Jean-Christophe Benoist

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