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The Divine Liturgies Of Our Fathers by Saint John Chrysostom

The Priest:

Blessed is our God. O Holy God, thrice. Glory. Both now. O All-holy Trinity. Lord, have mercy, thrice. Glory. Both now. Our Father. For thine is the Kingdom (See page 191).

Then are sung the following Troparia, to the fourth Tone.

With the righteous souls that have finished their course, give repose, O Saviour, to the soul of thy servant, keeping it unto that blessed life that is with thee, O lover of man.

In thy rest, O Lord, where all thy Saints repose, give repose to the soul also of thy servant, for thou lovets man.

Glory …

Thou art the God that went down into Hades, and loosed the pains of those that were bound: do thou thyself, O Saviour, give repose to the soul also of thy servant.

Both now …

Theotokion. O only chaste and undefiled Virgin, who didst without seed conceive God, intercede that the soul of thy servant may be saved.

The Deacon (or the Priest):

Have mercy on us, O God, according to thy great mercy: we beseech thee, hearken, and have mercy.

The Choir: Lord, have mercy. Thrice.

Again, we beseech for the repose of the soul of the servant of God who hath fallen asleep N., and that he may be forgiven every fault, voluntary and involuntary.

The Choir: Lord, have mercy. Thrice.

That the Lord God would order his soul, where the righteous repose. The mercies of God, the Kingdom of the heavens, and remission of his sins, let us ask of Christ our immortal King and God.

The Choir: Lord, have mercy.

Let us beseech the Lord.

The Priest aloud:

O God of all spirits and of all flesh, who hast trampled upon death, brought to naught the devil, and given life to thy world: do thou thyself, O Lord, give repose to the soul of thy servant that hath fallen asleep N., in a lightsome place, in a verdant place, in a place of refreshing, whence pain, sorrow, and sighing have fled away: every sin committed by him in word, or in deed, or in thought, do thou, as a good God and lover of man, forgive; for there is no man that shall live, and not sin; for thou only art without sin; thy righteousness is righteousness for ever, and thy word is truth.

For thou art the resurrection, the life, and the repose of thy servant that has fallen asleep N., O Christ our God, and to thee we send up glory, with thine unoriginate Father, and thine All-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto the ages of the ages.

The Choir: Amen.

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