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The Divine Liturgies Of Our Fathers by Saint John Chrysostom

To be said in the Hesperinos, in the Orthros, and in the Liturgy.

On the Exaltation of the Cross.

He that rose again from the dead, Christ our …

On the Nativity of Christ.

He that was born in a cave, and laid in a manger, for our salvation, Christ our …

On the Circumcision.

He that deigned to be circumcised in the flesh on the eighth day, for our salvation, Christ our …

On the Theophany.

He that deigned to be baptized by John in Jordan, for our salvation, Christ our …

On the Hypapantê.

He that deigned to be carried in the arms of righteous Symeon, for our salvation, Christ our …

On the Annunciation.

He that for us deigned to be incarnate, for our salvation, Christ our …

On the Transfiguration.

He that was transfigured on Mount Thabor, before his holy Disciples and Apostles, Christ our …

On the Sabbath of Lazarus.

He that rose again from the dead, Christ our …

On the Lord’s-day of the Palms.

He that deigned to sit on the foal of an ass, for our salvation, Christ our …

On the same Lord’s-day, at eventide; and until the Great Fourth-day.

The Lord coming to his voluntary Passion, for our salvation, Christ our …

On the Holy and Great Fifth-day.

He that through his exceeding goodness shewed lowliness to be the best way, when he washed the feet of the Disciples, and condescended even to the Cross and Grave for us, Christ our …

At the Office of the holy Passion.

He that endured spittings, and scourgings, and buffetings, and the Cross, and death, for the salvation of the world, Christ our …

On the Holy and Great Paraskevê.

He that for us men, and for our salvation, accepted in the flesh, the terrible Passion, and life-giving Cross, and voluntary burial, Christ our …

On the Holy and Great Sabbath in the Liturgy, on the Holy and Great Lord’s-day of the Pasch, and throughout the whole of the Renewal Week.

He that rose again from the dead, Christ our …

On the Lord’s-day of Saint Thomas.

He that trampled upon death, and convinced Thomas, Christ our …

On the Receiving up.

He that was received up from us with glory into the heavens, and sat down at the right hand of the God and Father, Christ our …

On the Lord’s-day of the Pentecost.

He that sent down from heaven the All-holy Spirit, in the likeness of fiery tongues, upon his holy Disciples and Apostles, Christ our …

On the same Lord’s-day, at eventide.

He that emptied himself out of the bosom of the Father and God, and descended from heaven upon the earth, and took our whole nature, and deified it; and after this ascended again into the heavens, and sat down at the right hand of the God and Father, and sent down the divine, and holy, and consubstantial, and like-powerful, and like-glorious, and co-eternal Spirit upon his holy Disciples and Apostles, and thereby did enlighten them, and through them all the Universe, Christ our true God; at the intercessions of his all-undefiled and all-blameless holy Mother, of the holy, glorious, all-famous, God-proclaiming, and Spirit-bearing Apostles, and of all the Saints, have mercy on us and save us, since he is good and loveth man.

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