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The Divine Liturgies Of Our Fathers by Saint John Chrysostom

On the Nativity of the Theotokos. Tone iv.

Joakeim and Anna were freed from the reproach of childlessness, and Adam and Eve from the corruption of death, O Undefiled One, in thy holy Nativity. Which thy people also celebrate, when redeemed from the guilt of their errors, they cry to thee: The barren bringeth forth the Theotokos, and the nourisher of our life.

On the Exaltation of the Cross. Tone iv.

Thou that wast of thine own will (See page 85).

On the Entrance of the Theotokos. Tone iv.

The most pure Temple of the Saviour, the very precious palace, and Virgin, the sacred treasury of the glory of God, is, to-day, brought into the House of the Lord, bringing in with her the grace which is in the Divine Spirit: of whom the Angels of God sing in hymns: This is the heavenly tabernacle.

Proeortion of the Nativity of Christ. Tone iii.

The Virgin, to-day, cometh into a cave to bring forth ineffably the Word that is before the ages. Dance, thou universe, on hearing the tidings: glorify with the Angels and the Shepherds him that willed to be beheld a little Child, the God before the ages.

On the Nativity of Christ. Tone iii.

The Virgin, to-day, bringeth forth the Supersubstantial One, and the earth offereth the cave to the Unapproachable. Angels with shepherds glorify him; and the Magi journey with the star: for for us he is born a little Child, the God that is before the ages.

On the Circumcision. Tone iii.

The Lord of all endureth Circumcision, and, since he is good, circumciseth the failings of mortals; and giveth, to-day, salvation to the world: now there rejoiceth in the highest the Hierarch also and light-bearer, Basil the divine mysta of Christ.

Proeortion of the Theophany. Tone iv.

Into the streams, to-day, of the Jordan the Lord being come, cried out to John: Be not afraid to baptize me; for I am come to save Adam the First-fashioned.

On the Theophany. Tone iv.

Thou hast appeared, to-day, to the universe, and thy light, O Lord, is signed upon us that in knowledge hymn thee: Thou hast come, thou hast appeared, thou light unapproachable.

On the Hypapantê. Tone i.

Thou that didst hallow the virginal womb by thy birth, and didst bless the hands of Symeon, as was meet, hast now also prevented and saved us, O Christ the God. But give peace amid wars to the state, and strengthen the Kings, whom thou hast loved, O only lover of man.

On the Annunciation. Plagal Tone iv.

To thee the champion general, I, thy City, as rescued from terrors ascribe thanksgiving for victory, O Theotokos. But do thou, as possessing invincible might, deliver me from all perils, that I may cry to thee: Hail, O Bride unmarried.

On the Transfiguration. Grave Tone.

Upon the Mount thou wast transfigured, and thy Disciples, as far as they were capable, beheld thy glory, O Christ the God; that, when they should see thee crucified, they might understand thy passion to be voluntary, and might proclaim to the world, that thou art verily the effulgence of the Father.

On the Falling-asleep of the Theotokos. Tone ii.

The Theotokos that sleepeth not in her intercessions, and is an unswerving hope of protection, the grave and death could not retain; for as the Mother of the life, unto life hath he that dwelt in her ever-virginal womb translated her.

On the Lord’s-day of Orthodoxy. Plagal Tone iv.

The uncircumscribable Word of the Father, O Theotokos, hath been circumscribed through his incarnation of thee; and having restored the defiled image to its original form, hath imbued it with divine beauty. So confessing his salvation, we, in deed and in word represent the same.

On the Lord’s-day of the Adoration of the Cross. Grave Tone.

No longer doth the flaming sword keep the gate of Eden; for there hath come upon it a paradoxic quenching, even the wood of the Cross: the sting of death and the victory of Hades are banished. For thou; my Saviour, hast come, crying to those in Hades: Betake you again into Paradise.

On the Sabbath of the Acathistos Hymn. Plagal Tone iv.

To thee the champion general (See page 457).

On the Sabbath of Lazarus. Tone ii.

As the joy of all things, Christ the truth, the light, the life, the resurrection of the world, is manifested to those on earth, in his goodnsss, and is become a type of the Resurrection, to all granting divine forgiveness.

On the Lords-day of the Palms. Plagal Tone ii.

On a throne in heaven, on a foal upon earth, borne, O Christ the God, thou didst accept the praise of the Angels, and the hymn of the Children crying out to thee: Blessed is he that cometh to recall Adam.

On the Holy and Great Second-day. Plagal Tone iv.

Jacob bewailed his bereavement of Joseph: yet that noble sat in a chariot honoured as a king; for having not aforetime become a slave to the pleasures of Egypt, he was in return glorified of him that beholdeth the hearts of men, and bestoweth crowns incorruptible.

On the Holy and Great Third-day. Tone ii.

Of the hour of the end, O my soul, taking thought, and dreading the cutting down of the fig tree, diligently cultivate the talent given thee, O wretched one, watching and crying: O may we not remain without the bridal chamber of Christ.

On the Holy and Great Fourth-day. Tone iv.

Though I have transgressed, O Good One, above the Adulteress, in nowise do I bring unto thee floods of tears; but in silence beseeching fall down to thee, with longing kissing thine undefiled feet, that thou mayest, as Master, grant me forgiveness of my debts while I cry to thee, O Saviour: From the defilement of my deeds deliver thou me.

On the Holy and Great Fifth-day. Tone ii.

As the Betrayer took the bread into his hands, he secretly stretched them forth, and took the price of him that fashioned with his own hands man; and remained perverse, even Judas the slave and the sly.

On the Holy and Great Paraskevê. Plagal Tone iv.

Of him that for us was crucified, come, let us all sing; for him did Mary behold on the tree, and spake: Although thou endurest the Cross, thou art my Son, and my God.

On the Holy and Great Sabbath. Tone ii.

He that shutteth up the abyss is beheld dead; and wrapped in myrrh and fine linen, the Immortal One is laid as mortal in the tomb. And women came to anoint him, weeping bitterly and crying out: This Sabbath is exceedingly blessed, whereon Christ awaking, shall rise again the third day.

On the Holy and Great Lord’s-day of the Pasch Plagal Tone iv.

Although into the grave thou didst descend, O Immortal One, yet didst thou destroy the power of Hades; and hast risen again as conqueror, O Christ the God, to the myrrh-bearing women saying, Hail, and to thine Apostles giving peace, thou that to the fallen grantest a Resurrection.

On the Lord’s-day of the Antipasch. Plagal Tone iv.

With meddlesome right hand Thomas probed thy life-giving side, O Christ the God; for when though the doors were closed thou didst enter, with the other Apostles he cried out to thee: Thou art my Lord and my God.

On the Fourth-day of Mid-pentecost. Tone iv.

When it was the middle of the Feast of the Law, as the maker and Master of all, unto those present thou saidst, O Christ the God:—Come and draw water of immortality. Wherefore to thee do we fall down, and with faith cry out: Thy compassions grant thou us; for thou art the fountain of our life.

On the Receiving-up. Plagal Tone ii.

Having accomplished the œconomy for us, and united those on earth with those of heaven, thou wast received up into glory, O Christ our God, in nowise removed, but remaining unwithdrawn, and crying out to those that love thee: I am with you, and no one is against you.

On the Lord’s-day of the Pentecost Plagal Tone iv.

When the Highest, descending, confounded the tongues, he divided the nations: when he distributed the tongues of fire, he called all to unity; and with one accord we glorify the All-holy Spirit.

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