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The Divine Liturgies Of Our Fathers by Saint John Chrysostom

In 1886 the Editor brought out an edition of the divine Liturgies of our Fathers among the Saints John Chrysostom and Basil the Great, in Greek and English. This work was commended by the Patriarchs of Constantinople, Alexandria, and Jerusalem, and other Ecclesiastical Authorities.

The present revised and enlarged edition consists of:—

i. The Order of the Hesperinos, according to the form in the Euchologion, to be sung on Sabbaths, and on the Vigils of Feasts, together with the Artoklasia, or the Blessing of the Five Loaves, etc.

ii. The Order of the Orthros, likewise according to the form in the Euchologion, to be sung on Lord’s-days, and on Feasts having a Gospel.

iii. The Arrangement of the divine and sacred Liturgies, as performed in the Great Church, and in the holy Mountain of Athos.

iv. The Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, which is in common use, with the Typika and Beatitudes that are sung on Lord’s-days and on Feasts of the Saints; as also the Antiphons that are sung on the remaining days of the Week, when not feasts.

v. The Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great, Bishop of Cæsaria in Cappadocia, to be used on the Lord’s-days of the Great Quadragesima (except that of the Palms), on the Great Fifth-day, on the Great Sabbath, and on the Vigils of the Nativity of Christ, and of the Theophany (unless the Feasts of the Nativity of Christ, or of the Theophany, fall on the Lord’s-day, or on the Second-day, for then the Liturgy of John Chrysostom is used on the Vigil, and that of Basil the Great on the actual day of the Feast); likewise also on the day of the Commemoration of the Saint.

vi. The Liturgy of the Presanctified, commonly attributed to Saint Gregory Dialogos, Pope of Rome, to be used on the Fourth-days and Paraskevês of the first six Weeks of the Great Quadragesima, on the Second day, Third-day, and Fourth-day of the Great Week, on the Fifth-day of the Great Canon, and on whatsoever day (except the Sabbath, or the Lord’s-day) there fall the Commemorations of Saint Charalampos, of the Finding of the precious Head of the Precursor, and of the Holy Forty Martyrs.

In the Appendix are given the following:—1) the Apolytikia of the Feasts of our Lord and of the Mother of God; 2) the Apolytikia of the Resurrection for the Eight Tones, with their Theotokia; 3) the Kontakia of the Feasts of our Lord, and of the Mother of God; 4) the Eisodika of the Feasts of our Lord, to be sung in the Little Entrance of the Liturgy; 5) the Dismissals of these Feasts, to be said in the Hesperinos, in the Orthros, and in the Liturgy; 6) a Prayer for Penitents; 7) a Prayer over the Kolyba; 8) a Prayer at partaking of the Vintage on the 6th of August; 9) a Prayer for blessing the Palms on the Lord’s-day of the Palms; 10) a Prayer for blessing flesh-meat, on the Great Lord’s-day of the Pasch; 11) a Prayer for blessing cheese and eggs, on the same day; 12) the Catechetical Discourse of John Chrysostom, for the same day; 13) the Order of the Trisagion for the dead.


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