Book XII
All whatsoever you do in word and in work, do all in the name of Jesus
Christ. [594] Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the
glory of God. [595] These are the words of the Divine Apostle; which, as the
great S. Thomas says in explaining them, are sufficiently put in practice
when we have the habit of holy charity, whereby, though we have not an
express and set purpose of doing every work for God, that intention is
implicitly contained in the union and communion we have with God, which
dedicates all the good we can do, with ourselves, to his Divine goodness. It
is not necessary that a child, while living in the house and under the
authority of his father, should declare that all he gets is got for his
father; for since his person belongs to his father, all that depends on it
also belongs to him. So it suffices that we be God's children by love, to
make all that we do entirely directed to his glory.
It is true then, Theotimus, that, as we have said elsewhere, even as the
olive-tree set near unto the vine imparts unto it its savour, so charity
being near the other virtues communicates unto them its perfection. Yet true
it is also that if one engraft a vine upon an olive, it not only more
perfectly communicates its taste but also makes it share in its sap; so do
you not content yourself with having charity, and together with it the
practice of virtues, but endeavour that it may be by and for it that you
practise them, that they may be rightly ascribed unto it.
When a painter holds and guides a pupil's hand, the stroke that is made is
principally attributed to the painter, because, though the pupil indeed
contributed the motion of his hand and application of the brush, yet the
master also for his part did so mingle his movement with the pupil's, giving
the touch through him, that to the master is specially attributed the honour
of whatever is good in the stroke, though yet the apprentice is also
praised, because of the pliableness with which he accommodated his movement
to the direction of his master. Oh! how excellent are the actions of the
virtues when Divine love impresses its sacred movement on them, that is,
when they are done out of the motive of love! But this happens in different
The motive of Divine love pours forth a particular influence of perfection
upon the virtuous actions of those who have in a special manner dedicated
themselves to God to serve him for ever. Such are bishops and priests, who
by a sacramental consecration, and by a spiritual character that cannot be
effaced, vow themselves, as branded and marked serfs, to the perpetual
service of God; such are religious, who by their vows, either solemn or
simple, are immolated to God in quality of living and reasonable sacrifices;
such are those who betake themselves to pious congregations, dedicating
themselves for ever to God's glory; further, such are all those who of set
purpose produce deep and strong resolutions of following the will of God,
making for this end retreats of some days, that they may stir up their souls
by divers spiritual exercises to the entire reformation of their life a holy
method, and ordinary among the ancient Christians, but since almost entirely
left off till that great servant of God, Ignatius of Loyola, brought it into
use again in the time of our fathers.
I know that some are of opinion, that such a general oblation of ourselves
does not extend its virtue and carry its influence into the actions which we
practise afterwards except so far forth as in the exercise of them we apply
the motive of love in particular, by dedicating them in a special manner to
the glory of God; yet all confess with S. Bonaventure, quoted by every one
in this matter, that if I have resolved in my heart to give a hundred crowns
for God's sake, though afterwards I make the distribution of this sum at
leisure, having my mind distracted and without attention, yet is all the
distribution made through love, because it proceeds from the first intention
which Divine love made me make of giving it all.
But, prithee, Theotimus, what difference is there between him who offers a
hundred crowns to God, and him who offers all his actions? Truly none, save
that the one offers a sum of money, and the other a sum of actions. And why,
I pray, shall they not equally be considered to make the distribution of the
parts of their sum in virtue of their first purposes and fundamental
resolutions? And if the one, distributing his crowns without attention,
fails not to have the advantage of that first purpose, why shall not the
other, in the distribution of his actions, enjoy the fruit of the first
intention? He who has deliberately made himself a loving servant of his
divine goodness has, by that act, dedicated to him all his actions.
Grounding himself upon this truth, every one should once in his life make a
good retreat, therein to cleanse his soul from all sin, and should then make
a determined and solid resolution to live wholly to God, as we have taught
in the first part of the Introduction to a Devout Life; and afterwards, at
least once every year, he must make the review of his conscience and the
renewal of the first resolution, which we have put down in the fifth part of
that work, to which on this point I refer you.
Indeed S. Bonaventure acknowledges that a man who has got so great an
inclination and custom of well-doing as frequently to do it without any
special intention, fails not to merit much by such actions; which are
ennobled by love, because they spring from love as from the root and
original source of this blessed habit, facility and promptitude
[594] 1 Cor. x. 31.
[595] Col. iii. 17.