Book XI
There flowed a river out of the place of delights to water Paradise, and
thence it was divided into four heads. [519] Now, in man there is a place of
delights, whence God makes the river of reason and natural light stream out
to water all the paradise of our heart, and this river branches out into
four heads; that is, it makes four streams according to the four regions of
the soul. For 1. Over what is called the practical understanding, that is
to say the part of the intelligence which discerns the actions we should do
or avoid, natural light spreads prudence, which inclines our mind wisely to
judge of the evil that we are to avoid and drive away, and of the good we
are to do and pursue. 2. Over our will it makes justice stream out, which
is a continual and firm will to render to every one his own. 3. Over the
concupiscible appetite it makes temperance flow, moderating the passions
which are therein. 4. Over the irascible appetite or anger it sends out
fortitude, which stays and controls all the motions of anger. Now these four
rivers, thus separated, afterwards divide themselves into several others, in
order that all human actions may be duly fashioned to natural honesty and
felicity. But besides all this, God, to enrich Christians with a special
favour, makes spring up on the very top of the superior part of their spirit
a supernatural fountain which is called grace, and which comprehends indeed
faith and hope, yet consists in charity. It purifies the soul from all sins,
and then adorns and embellishes it with a most delightful beauty; and
finally spreads its waters over all the faculties and operations thereof, to
give the understanding a celestial prudence, the will a holy justice, the
concupiscible appetite a sacred temperance, and the irascible appetite a
devout fortitude, to the end that man's whole heart may tend to the
supernatural honesty and felicity which consist in union with God. And if
these four streams and rivers of charity meet with any one of the four
natural virtues in the soul, they bring it to their obedience, mingling
themselves therewith to perfect it, as perfumed water perfects natural water
when they are mixed together. But if holy charity, spread out in this
manner, find not the natural virtues in the soul, then it alone does all
their operations as occasion requires.
Thus heavenly love finding certain virtues in S. Paul, S. Ambrose, S. Denis,
S. Pachomius, shed upon them an agreeable brightness, reducing them all to
its service. But in Magdalen, in S. Mary of Egypt, the Good Thief, and a
hundred other such penitents who had been great offenders, divine love,
finding no virtue, did the office and work of all the virtues, making itself
patient, gentle, humble, and liberal in them. We sow great variety of seeds
in gardens, and cover them, as if burying them, till the sun's greater heat
makes them rise, and, as one would say, resuscitates them, when they produce
their leaves and their flowers, with new seeds each one in its kind; so that
one sole heat from heaven causes all the diversity of these productions, by
means of the seed which it finds hidden in the bosom of the earth. Verily,
my Theotimus, God has sown in our hearts the seeds of all virtues, which,
however, are so covered with our imperfections and weakness that they do not
appear, or appear very slightly, till the vital heat of holy love comes to
quicken and resuscitate them, producing by them the actions of all virtues.
So that as the manna contained in itself the variety of the tastes of all
meats, and left a relish thereof in the mouths of the Israelites, even so,
heavenly love comprehends in itself the diversity of the perfections of all
the virtues in so excellent and sublime a manner, that it produces all their
actions in time and place according to the occasions. Josue indeed valiantly
defeated God's enemies by his good handling of the armies which were under
his charge; but Samson defeated them yet more gloriously, references, who by
his own hand slew them by thousands with the jawbone of an ass. Josue by his
command and good order making use of the valour of his troops did wonders,
but Samson by his own force alone wrought miracles. Josue had the strength
of many soldiers under him, but Samson had it in him, and could alone
perform as much as Josue with many soldiers. Holy love is excellent in both
these ways, for finding some virtue in a soul (and ordinarily it finds at
least faith, hope and penitence) it animates, commands, and happily employs
them in God's service, and for the rest of the virtues which it finds not,
it does their work itself, having more strength by itself than they have all
The great Apostle not only says that Charity gives us patience, kindness,
constancy, simplicity, but he says that charity is patient, is kind, [520]
is constant: and it is the property of the supreme virtues amongst angels
and men, not only to order the inferior virtues to work, but also to be able
themselves to do what they command others. The bishop distributes the
charges of all the ecclesiastical functions: to open the Church, to read
therein, to exorcise, preach, baptize, sacrifice, give communion and
absolve; and he himself can do, and does, all this, having in himself an
eminent virtue, which comprehends all the inferior virtues. So S. Thomas, on
the strength of S. Paul's assurance that charity is patient, kind, strong,
says: "Charity does and accomplishes the work of all the virtues." And S.
Ambrose, writing to Demetrias, calls patience and the rest of the virtues
members of charity. And the great S. Augustine says that the love of God
comprehends all the virtues and does all their operations in us. These are
his words: "What is said about virtue being divided into four (he means the
four cardinal virtues) is said in my opinion by reason of the different
affections which proceed from love. So that I do not hesitate to define
those four virtues thus: Temperance is a love which gives itself entirely
unto God; Fortitude is a love which willingly supports all things for God's
sake: Justice is a love [521] which serves God only, and therefore disposes
justly of all that is subject to man: Prudence is a love that makes choice
of things proper to unite itself unto God, and rejects such things as are
contrary to it." He therefore that has charity has his soul invested with a
fair wedding garment, which, as that of Joseph, is wrought with the variety
of all the virtues: or rather he has a perfection which contains the virtue
of all perfections and the perfection of all virtues. And therefore charity
is patient, is kind; [522] she is not envious but bounteous; she is guilty
of no levities but is prudent; she is not puffed up with pride, but is
humble; she is not ambitious or disdainful, but amiable and affable; she is
not eager to exact that which belongs unto her, but free and condescending;
she is not irritable but peaceable; she thinketh no evil but is meek; she
doth not rejoice in evil but in the truth, and with the truth she beareth
all things; she easily believeth all the good that is said to her without
any obstinacy, contention or distrust; she hopeth all good things for her
neighbour without ever losing the hope of procuring his salvation; she
endureth all things, expecting without disquiet that which is promised her;
and in conclusion, charity is that pure fire-tried gold, which our Saviour
counselled the Bishop of Laodicea to buy, [523] which contains the virtue of
all things, which can do all, and which does all.
[519] Gen. ii. 10.
[520] 1 Cor. xiii. 4.
[521] The French has force, but it is clearly and error; S. Augustine's word
is amor, as his argument requires. Se De Morib. Eccl. c. xv. [Tr.]
[522] 1 Cor. xiii.
[523] Apoc. iii. 18.