The rays of the sun enlighten while heating and heat while enlightening.
Inspiration is a heavenly ray which brings into our hearts a light full of
heat, by which it makes us see the good and inflames us with a desire to
pursue it. All that lives upon the face of the earth is dulled by the cold
of winter, but, upon the return of the vital heat of spring, it all takes up
its movement again. The animals run more swiftly, birds fly more quickly and
sing more merrily, and plants put forth their leaves and flowers most
gladsomely. Without inspiration our souls would lead an idle, sluggish and
fruitless life, but on receiving the divine rays of inspiration we are
sensible of a light mingled with a quickening heat, which illuminates our
understanding, and which excites and animates our will, giving it the
strength to will and effect the good which is necessary for eternal
salvation. God having formed man's body of the slime of the earth, as Moses
says, breathed into his face the breath of life, and man became a living
soul, that is, a soul which gave life, motion and operation to the body; and
the same eternal God breathes and infuses into our souls the inspirations of
the supernatural life, to the end that, as says the great Apostle, they may
become a quickening spirit, [387] that is, a spirit which makes us live,
move, feel, and work according to the movements of grace, so that he who
gave us being gives us also operation. The breath of man warms the things it
enters into; witness the child of the Sunamitess, [388] to whose mouth the
prophet Eliseus having laid his, and breathed upon him, his flesh grew warm;
and experience makes it evident. But with regard to the breath of God, it
not only warms, but also gives a perfect light, his Spirit being an infinite
light, whose vital breath is called inspiration, because by it the divine
goodness breathes upon us and inspires us with the desires and intentions of
his heart.
Now it uses countless means of inspiring. S. Antony, S. Francis, S. Anselm,
and a thousand others, had frequent inspirations by the sight of creatures.
The ordinary means is preaching, but sometimes those whom the word does not
help are taught by tribulation, according to that of the Prophet: And
vexation alone shall make you understand what you hear: [389] that is, such
as by hearing the heavenly menaces against the wicked do not amend, shall be
taught the truth by the event and effects, and feeling affliction shall
become wise. S. Mary of Egypt was inspired by the sight of a picture of Our
Lady; S. Anthony, by hearing the Gospel read at Mass; S. Augustine, by
hearing the history of S. Anthony's life; the Duke of Gandia (S. Francis
Borgia), by looking upon the dead empress; S. Pachomius, by seeing an
example of charity; the Blessed (S.) Ignatius of Loyola, by reading the
lives of the Saints; S. Cyprian (not the great Bishop of Carthage but a
layman, yet a glorious martyr) was moved by hearing the devil confess his
impotence against those that trust in God. When I was a youth at Paris, two
scholars, one of whom was a heretic, passing the night in the Faubourg S.
Jacques in debauchery, heard the Carthusians ring to Matins, and the heretic
asking the other why they rang, he described to him with what devotion they
celebrated the Divine office in that holy monastery: O God, quoth he, how
different is the practice of those religious from ours! They perform the
office of angels, and we that of brute beasts: and desiring the day after to
see by experience what he had learnt by his companion's relation, he found
the fathers in their stalls, standing like a row of marble statues in their
niches, motionless except for the chanting of the Psalms, which they
performed with a truly angelic attention and devotion, according to the
custom of this holy Order; so that this poor youth, wholly ravished with
admiration, was taken with the exceeding consolation which he found in
seeing God so well worshipped amongst Catholics, and resolved, what
afterwards he effected, to put himself into the bosom of the Church, the
true and only spouse of him who had visited him with his inspiration, in the
infamous litter of abomination in which he had been.
Oh how happy are they who keep their hearts open to holy inspirations! For
these are never wanting to any, in so far as they are necessary for living
well and devoutly, according to each one's condition of life, or for
fulfilling holily the duties of his profession. For as God, by the ministry
of nature, furnishes every animal with the instincts which are necessary for
its preservation and the exercise of its natural powers, so if we resist not
God's grace, he bestows on every one of us the inspirations necessary to
live, to work, and to preserve our spiritual life. O Lord, said the faithful
Eliezer, the God of my master, Abraham, meet me to-day, I beseech thee, and
shew kindness to my master, Abraham! Behold, I stand nigh the spring of
water, and the daughters of the inhabitants of this city will come out to
draw water: now, therefore, the maid to whom I shall say: let down thy
pitcher that I may drink: and she shall answer, drink, and I will give thy
camels drink also: let it be the same whom thou hast provided for thy
servant Isaac. [390] Theotimus Eliezer does not express any desire of water
except for himself, but the fair Rebecca, obeying the inspiration which God
and her kindness gave her, offers withal to water his camels; whence she
became holy Isaac's wife, daughter-in-law to the great Abraham, and a
grandmother to our Saviour. Truly, the souls which are not contented with
doing what the heavenly beloved requires at their hands by his commandments
and counsels, but also promptly comply with sacred inspirations, are they
whom the Eternal Father has destined to be the spouses of his well-beloved
son. And, as regards Eliezer, since he cannot otherwise distinguish amongst
the daughters of Haran (the town of Nachor) which of them was destined for
his master's son, God reveals it unto him by inspiration. When we are at a
loss, and human help fails us in our perplexities, God then inspires us, nor
will he permit us to err, as long as we are humbly obedient. But I will say
no more of these necessary inspirations, having often spoken of them in this
work, as also in the Introduction to the Devout Life.
[387] 1 Cor. xv. 45
[388] 4 Kings iv. 34.
[389] Is. xxviii. 19.
[390] Gen. xxiv. 12, 13, 14.