Book VII
It is said on the one side that Our Lady revealed to S. Mechtilde that the
malady of which she died was no other thing than an impetuous assault of
divine love; but S. Bridget and S. John Damascene testify that she died an
extremely peaceful death: and both statements are true, Theotimus.
The stars are marvellously beautiful to see, and send forth a fair light;
but, if you have taken notice, it is by flushes of light, by sparks and
flashes, that they produce their rays, as if they brought forth light with
effort, at distinct intervals; whether it is because their feebler light
cannot so continuously shine with evenness, or because our weak eyes do not
allow us a constant and firm view of them, on account of the great distance
there is between them and our eyes. In the same way, generally speaking, the
saints who died of love felt a great variety of accidents and symptoms of
love, before it brought them to death; many sudden movement, many assaults,
many ecstasies, many languors, many agonies; and it seemed that their love
with many renewed efforts brought forth their blessed death: this happened
on account of the weakness of their love, not yet absolutely perfect, which
could not continue its loving with an even fervour.
But it was quite otherwise with the most holy Virgin. For, as we see the
lovely dawning of day grow, not at intervals and by shocks, but by a certain
dilating and continuous brightening, which is almost insensibly perceptible,
so that we truly see it grow in clearness, but so evenly that no one
perceives any interruption, separation or discontinuance in its
growing;—thus divine love grew at each moment in the virginal heart of our
glorious Lady, but by sweet, peaceable and continuous growths, without any
agitation, or shock, or violence. Ah! no, Theotimus, we must not suppose an
impetuosity of agitation in this celestial love of the maternal heart of the
Virgin; for love, of itself, is sweet, gracious, peaceful and tranquil. If
it sometimes deliver assaults, if it give shocks to the spirit, this is
because it finds resistance there: but when the passages of the soul are
opened to it without opposition or contradiction, it makes its progress
peaceably, with an incomparable sweetness. It was so, then, that holy love
employed its force in the virginal heart of the sacred Mother, without
effort of violent impetuosity, because it found no resistance or hindrance
whatever. For as we see great rivers boil and leap, with a mighty roaring,
in rough places where the rocks make shoals and reefs to oppose and prevent
the flowing of the waters, but, on the contrary, finding themselves on the
plain, sweetly glide and flow without effort;—so divine love, finding in
human souls some hindrance and resistance (as in truth all have in some
degree, though differently), does violence there, combating bad
inclinations, striking the heart, pushing the will by divers agitations and
various efforts to get room for itself, or at least to pass these obstacles.
But in the sacred Virgin, everything favoured and seconded the course of
heavenly love; its progress and increase were incomparably greater than in
all other creatures, yet a progress infinitely sweet, peaceful and tranquil.
No, she swooned not away, either with love or with compassion, by the cross
of her Son, although she then experienced the most ardent and painful attack
of love that can be imagined: for although the attack was extreme, yet, at
the same time, it was at once equally strong and gentle, mighty and
tranquil, active and peaceful, consisting in a heat which was sharp but
I am not saying, Theotimus, that in the soul of the most holy Virgin there
were not two portions, and consequently two appetites, one according to the
spirit and superior reason, the other according to the senses and inferior
reason, so that she could feel repugnances and contradictions of the one to
the other appetite, for this burden was felt even by her Son;—but I say that
in this celestial Mother all the affections were so well ranged and ordered,
that divine love exercised in her its empire and domination most peaceably,
without being troubled by the diversity of wills and appetites, or by the
contradiction of the senses, because neither the repugnances of the natural
appetite nor the movements of the senses ever went as far as sin, not even
as far as venial sin; but, on the contrary, all was employed holily and
faithfully in the service of holy love, for the exercise of the other
virtues, which, for the most part, cannot be practised save amid
difficulties, oppositions and contradictions.
Thorns, according to the vulgar opinion, are not only different from, but
even contrary to, flowers; and it seems as if things would go better if
there were none in the world: which has made S. Ambrose think that but for
sin there would be none. But still, as here they are, the good husbandman
renders them useful, making from them, about his fields and young trees,
hedges and enclosures which serve as defence and rampart against cattle. So
the glorious Virgin, having had a part in all human miseries, saving such as
directly tend to sin, employed them most profitably for the exercise and
increase of the holy virtues of fortitude, temperance, justice and prudence,
poverty, humility, patience and compassion: so that these were so far from
hindering, that they even assisted and strengthened heavenly love by
continual exercises and advancements. And, in her, Magdalen is not
distracted from the attention wherewith she receives from her Saviour the
impressions of love, by all Martha's ardour and solicitude. She has made
choice of her Son's love, and nothing deprives her of it.
The loadstone, as every one knows, Theotimus, naturally draws iron unto it,
by a secret and most wonderful virtue: yet five things there are which
hinder this operation. 1°. A too great distance. 2°. A diamond interposed.
3°. If the iron be greased. 4°. If it be rubbed with an onion. 5°. If it
be too weighty. Our heart is made for God, who continually allures it, never
ceasing to throw into it the baits of his celestial love. But five things
hinder the operation of his holy attraction. 1°. Sin, which puts us at a
distance from God. 2°. Affection to riches. 3°. Sensual pleasures. 4°.
Pride and vanity. 5°. Self-love together with the multitude of inordinate
passions which it brings forth, and which are to us an overcharging load
which weighs us down. But none of these hindrances had place in the glorious
Virgin's heart. 1°. She was ever preserved from all sin. 2°. Ever most
poor in spirit. 3°. Ever most pure. 4°. Ever most humble. 5°. Ever
peaceful mistress of all her passions, and totally exempt from the rebellion
which self-love raises against the love of God. And therefore as iron, if
clear of all obstacles and freed from its own weight, would be powerfully,
yet gently and equably, drawn by the loadstone, in such sort, however, that
the attraction would ever grow more active and forcible as they came nearer
the one to the other, and the motion nearer to its end:—so the most holy
Mother, having nothing in her which hindered the operation of the divine
love of her Son, was united unto him in an incomparable union, by gentle
ecstasies, without trouble or travail, ecstasies in which the sensible
powers ceased not to perform their actions, without in any way disturbing
the union of the spirit, as again the perfect application of her spirit did
not much divert her senses. So that this Virgin's death was more sweet than
could be imagined, her Son sweetly drawing her after the odour of his
perfumes, and she most lovingly flowing out after their sacred sweetness
even into the bosom of her Son's goodness. And although this holy soul
extremely loved her most holy, most pure, and most love-worthy body, yet she
forsook it without any pain or resistance; as the chaste Judith, though she
greatly loved the weeds of penance and widowhood yet forsook them and freely
put them off, to put on her marriage garments when she went to be victorious
over Holofernes; or as Jonathan did when for the love of David he stripped
himself of his garments. Love had given at the foot of the cross to this
divine Spouse the supreme sorrows of death, and therefore it was reasonable
that at length death should give her the sovereign delights of love.