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A Commentary Upon The Gospel According To Saint Luke -St. Cyril


“And no man puts new wine into old skins.” The heart of the Jews then is an old skin, and therefore cannot hold the new wine: for this is the saving commandment of the Gospel, making glad the heart of man. But Christ hath filled us with these great blessings, by bountifully endowing us with spiritual gifts, and opening the pathway wide unto all virtue.


Ver. 2 Why do ye that which is not lawful to do on the sabbaths?

Yet a new covenant God promiseth us, now that “the first hath waxed old and is near to vanish away,” according to the words of the divine Paul. Yea, He even says by one of the holy prophets, “Behold the days come, saith the Lord, when I will perfect with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah, a new covenant: not according to the covenant which I made with their fathers in the day when I took hold of their hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt.” If therefore the new covenant is the second, and different from the first, there is every necessity for those who wish to live according to it, to abandon the old laws, and conform to those which will guide them into the newness of the gospel polity. But of all this we can see that the Scribes and Pharisees comprehended nothing: for being altogether destitute of knowledge of the sacred Scriptures, they had but one sole purpose, on every occasion to find fault with the divine and heavenly preaching. They lie in wait therefore for the holy apostles in their constant attendance upon our common Saviour Christ, and tell Him concerning them; “Behold we see those who are under Thy instruction acting contrary to the precepts of the law: for they do what it is not lawful to do on the sabbaths: for while the law enjoins men to do no work on the sabbath, and to meddle with no labour whatsoever, the disciples are rubbing ears of corn with their hands.” But tell me, dost not thou thyself, when setting thy sabbath meal, break the bread? Why then dost thou blame others? But that we may use against thee the bulwark of the Saviour’s words, listen;

Ver. 3 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Have ye not even read what David did …?

Now even though David thus acted contrary to what the law approves, yet he is rightly and justly esteemed by us as worthy of all admiration: for he was in truth a saint and prophet. Since, therefore, the law of Moses expressly commands, “Judge just judgment, and regard not the person in judgment;” how, saith He, condemn ye My disciples, while ye still admire as a saint and prophet the blessed David, although he did not keep Moses’ command?

But by the loaves (of the shewbread), there is clearly indicated to us the bread that cometh down from heaven to be set forth upon the holy tables of the churches: and all the furniture of the table, used for the performance of its mystical service, was a plain type of the divine treasures. But spiritually [the bread signifies] the twelve Apostles: of whom we shall speak in due order, when our discourse reaches the disciples themselves.

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