CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
CATHOLIC SAINTS INDEX | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
CATHOLIC DICTIONARY | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
A Hstory Of The Councils Of The Church Volumes 1 to 5 by Charles Joseph Hefele D.D.ALPHABETICAL LIST OF SYNODSSYNODS. A.D. VOL. PAGE. ACHAIA 3rd century 1 92 Adrumetum 394 2 406 Africa 649 5 90 Agathense, Concilium (Agde) 506 4 76 Agaunum (S. Moritz) 515–523 4 94 Agde (Agatha) 506 4 76 Alban’s, S. (Verulam) 447 3 178 Alexandria 231 1 88 Alexandria 3rd century 1 88 Alexandria 306 1 130 Alexandria 320 1 247 Alexandria 339 2 46 Alexandria 346 2 184 Alexandria 361 2 276 Alexandria 363 2 282 Alexandria 399 2 418 Alexandria 430 3 28 Alexandria 451, circ. 4 1 Alexandria 452 4 2 Alexandria 482 4 28 Alexandria 5th century 4 25 Alexandria 589 4 424 Alexandria 633 4 449 Alexandrian 482, circ. 4 27 Anazarbus 5th century 3 148 Anchialus ante, 150 1 78 Ancyra 314 1 199 Ancyra 358 2 228 Ancyra 375 2 290 Angers (Andegavum) 453 4 3 Antioch 251 1 96 Antioch i. 264 or 265 1 119 Antioch ii. 264–269 1 120 Antioch iii. 269 1 121 Antioch 330 2 8 Antioch 340 2 51 Antioch 344 2 180 Antioch 358 2 228 Antioch 361 2 275 Antioch 362 2 280 Antioch 363 2 283 Antioch 388 or 389 2 389 Antioch 388–390 2 390 Antioch 424 2 480 Antioch 432 3 121 Antioch 433 3 133 Antioch 445 3 173 Antioch 447 or 448 3 178 Antioch 451 4 1 Antioch 471 4 18 Antioch 478, circ. 4 26 Antioch 542 4 216 Antioch 565, circ. 4 380 Antioch, Conciliabulum 431 3 56 Antioch, Conciliabulum 508 or 509 4 87 Antioch, in Caria 378 2 291 Antioch, in Encænis 341 2 56 Antioch on Orontes 378 2 291 Antiochene 478, circ. 4 25 Antiochene 481 4 26 Antiochene 482 4 27 Aquileia 381 2 375 Arausicana i. (Orange) 441 3 159 Arausicana ii. (Orange) 529 4 152 Arles 314 1 180 Arles 353 2 204 Arles ii. 443 or 452 3 167 Arles 463 4 13 Arles 475–480 4 20 Arles iv. 524 4 131 Arles v. 554 4 376 Armenia 5th century 3 154 Arsinöe 255–260 1 117 Arvernense, Concilium (Clermont, in Auvergne) 535 4 190 Arvernense ii. (Clermont, in Auvergne) 549 4 371 Asia Minor 4th century 2 285 Asiatic, two 3rd century 1 92 Astorga 446 3 175 Autun 670, circ. 4 485 Auxerre, Council of 578 4 409 Auxerre 695 5 250 BARCELONA 540, circ. 4 209 Barcelona 599 4 428 Beccancelde 694 5 248 Berkhampstead 697 5 249 Besançon 444 3 172 Biterræ (Béziers) 356 2 216 Bithynia 4th century 1 258 Bordeaux (Burdigalensis) 384 2 384 Bordeaux (Burdigalensis) 7th century 4 478 Bostra 244 1 91 Bourges (Concilium Bituricense) 472 4 19 Bracarensis iv. (Braga) 675 4 490 Braga 411 2 446 Braga ii. 563 4 381 Braga iii. 572 4 395 Braga iv. (Bracarensis) 675 4 490 Brennacense, Concilium 577–581 4 402 Brevi (Wales) 519 4 124 British, two 512 and 516 4 93 British, three 560 4 380 British, two 601 4 431 Brittany 555 4 377 Burdigalensis (Bordeaux) 7th century 4 478 Byzacene 504 or 507 4 75 Byzacene 541 4 210 CABILONENSIS (Chalons sur Saone) 644–656 4 463 Cæsaraugustana ii. (Saragossa) 592 4 426 Cæsarea, in Palestine 2nd century 1 82 Cæsarea, in Palestine 334 2 15 Canterbury 605 4 434 Cappadocia 376, circ. 2 290 Capua 391 2 393 Caria 367 2 287 Carpentras 527 4 143 Carthage 218–222 1 86 Carthage 249 1 92 Carthage 251 1 94 Carthage 252 1 96 Carthage 253 1 98 Carthage i. 255 1 99 Carthage ii. 256 1 100 Carthage iii. 256 1 101 Carthage 312 1 175 Carthage 345–348 2 185 Carthage, two at 386 or 390 2 390 Carthage i. 394 2 406 Carthage ii. 397 2 407 Carthage iii. 397 2 407 Carthage 398 2 409 Carthage iv. 399 2 418 Carthage v. 401 2 421 Carthage vi. 401 2 423 Carthage vii. (Mileve) 402 2 427 Carthage viii. 403 2 439 Carthage ix. 404 2 440 Carthage x. 405 2 441 Carthage xi. 407 2 441 Carthage xii. and xiii. 408 2 444 Carthage xiv. 409 2 444 Carthage xv. 410 2 444 Carthage 411 2 446 Carthage 416 2 455 Carthage 417 or 418 2 457 Carthage xvi. 418 2 458 Carthage xvii. (or vi.) 419 2 465 Carthage xviii. 421 2 479 Carthage xix. 421–424 2 480, not Carthage xx. 424 2 480 Carthage 426 2 481 Carthage 484 4 35 Carthage 525 4 138 Carthage 535 4 188 Carthage 594 or 595 4 426 Cenomanicum (at Le Mans) 516 or 517 4 107 Chalcedon 451 3 285 Chalons sur Marne ii. 579 4 402 Chalons sur Saone (Cabillonum) 470 4 18 Chalons sur Saone (Cabillonum) 603 4 434 and 463 Chalons sur Saone (Cabillonum) 644–656 4 463 Charnum (Garin) 622 4 443 Cilicia 423 2 480 Cirta 305 1 128 Clermont, in Auvergne (Concilium Arvernense) 535 4 190 Clermont, in Auvergne 585–588 4 415 Clermont, in Auvergne (Arvernense ii.) 549 4 371 Clichy, Council at (Clippiacense) 7th century 4 447 Clichy (Clippiacum) 653 4 460 Clichy (Clippiacum) 654 4 476 Clippiacense (Clichy) 7th century 4 447 Clippiacum (Clichy) 653 4 460 Clippiacum (Clichy) 654 4 476 Cologne 346 2 181 Concilium Arelatense (Arles) 455 4 5 Constantinople 335 2 27 Constantinople 338 or 339 2 43 Constantinople 360 2 271 Constantinople (2nd General Council) 381 2 342 Constantinople 382 2 378 Constantinople 383 2 382 Constantinople 394 2 406 Constantinople 400 2 419 Constantinople 404 2 434 Constantinople 426 2 482 Constantinople 432 3 116 Constantinople 432 3 119 Constantinople 448 3 189 Constantinople i. and ii. 450 3 271 Constantinople 450 4 6 Constantinople 451, circ. 4 1 Constantinople 453 4 3 Constantinople 478 4 26 Constantinople 492 4 41 Constantinople 496 4 42 Constantinople 497 or 498 4 48 Constantinople 499 4 49 Constantinople 518 4 116 Constantinople 519 4 123 Constantinople 531, circ. 4 173 Constantinople 533 4 176 Constantinople 536 4 193 Constantinople 543 4 221 Constantinople 565 4 380 Constantinople 588 4 415 Constantinople 626 5 15 Constantinople 638 5 64 Constantinople 639 5 64 Constantinople (6th Œcumenical) 680 5 149 Constantinople (Quinisext) 692 5 221 Constantinople 754 5 307 Corinth 2nd century 1 83 Corinth 419 2 478 Cyprus 399 or 401 2 419 Cyprus 643 5 72 Cyrus, in Syria 478 4 25 DIOSPOLIS, or Lydda 415 2 450 Doornick, or Tournay (Tornacum) 520 4 124 Dovin, in Armenia 527 4 145 EASTERFIELD 709 5 251 Eastern 160 1 83 Eastern 300 1 126 Egara 614 4 437 Egyptian 341 2 53 Elusa 551 4 373 Elvira 305 or 306 1 131 Emerita (Merida) 666 4 481 English 691 or 692 5 242 Epaon 517 4 107 Ephesus 196 1 81 Ephesus 400 2 419 Ephesus iii. 431 3 40 Ephesus 440–450 3 173 Ephesus (Robber-Synod) 449 3 221 Epirus 516 4 99 Epirus 518–520 4 122 Erata 667 4 485 FRANKISH 588 4 415 Frankish 590 4 425 GALICIA 447 3 175 Gallican 451 4 1 Gangra 362, circ. 2 325 Garin 622 5 14 Garin (Charnum) 622 4 443 Gaul i. 2nd century 1 81 Gaul ii. 2nd century 1 81 Gaul 2nd century 1 83 Gaul 447 3 178 Gaza 541 or 542 4 216 Gentilly 767 5 330 Gerunda 517 4 105 HEATHFIELD 680 5 140 Hertford 673 4 485 Hierapolis ante, 150 1 78 Hierapolis, in Syria 445, circ. 3 174 Hippo 393 2 394 Hippo 426 2 482 Hispalensis ii. (Seville) 619 4 442 Huesca (Oscensis) 598 4 428 Hypnopsychites (Synod against the) 3rd century 1 91 ICONIUM 230–235 1 89 Iconium 376, circ. 2 290 Illyria 375 2 289 Illyria 515 4 99 Irish 684 5 216 Irish i., under S. Patrick 450–456 4 7 Irish ii., under S. Patrick 5th century 4 7 Isauria 4th century 2 285 JERUSALEM 50–52 1 77 Jerusalem 2nd century 1 82 Jerusalem 335 2 26 Jerusalem 346 2 184 Jerusalem 399 or 401 2 419 Jerusalem 415 2 449 Jerusalem 512 4 93 Jerusalem 518 4 118 Jerusalem 536 4 204 Jerusalem 553, circ. 4 343 Jerusalem 634 5 41 Jerusalem 727 5 302 Junca (Concilium Juncense) 523 4 130 Juncense, Concilium (Junca) 523 4 130 KENT 618, circ. 4 442 LAMBESITANUM, Concilium 3rd century 1 90 Lampsacus 365 2 284 Laodicea 343–381 2 295 Laodicea 481 4 27 Larissa 531, circ. 4 173 Lateran 649 5 97 ff. Lateran 769 5 333 Latona, in Lyons (Latunensis) 670–673 4 479 Latunensis (Latona, in Lyons) 670–673 4 479 Leighlin (Lenia) 630–633 4 448 Le Mans (Cenomanicum) 516 or 517 4 107 Lenia (Leighlin) 630–633 4 448 Lerida 524 4 132 Liège 726 5 256 London 605 4 434 London 712 5 255 Lugo i. 569 4 395 Lycia 4th century 2 285 Lydda, or Diospolis 415 2 450 Lyons 475–480 4 24 Lyons 516 4 102 Lyons 517 4 114 Lyons 567 4 387 Lyons ii. 579 4 402 Lyons 583 4 406 Lyons, Conference at 499 4 53 MACON I. (Matisconensis) 581 4 403 Macon ii. 585 4 406 Macon 617–627 4 444 Manaschierte 687 5 217 Marly, near Paris (Morlay, in Toul) 677 4 485 Marseilles 533 4 481 Matisconensis (Macon i.) 581 4 403 Merida (Emerita) 666 4 481 Mesopotamia 2nd century 1 83 Mesopotamia 3rd century 1 126 Metz 549–555 4 372 Metz 590 4 424 Milan 345, circ. 2 181 and 189 Milan 355 2 205 Milan 380 2 292 Milan 381 2 377 Milan 390 2 392 Milan 451 3 267 Milan 680 5 140 Mileve (Carthage vii.) 402 2 427 Mileve 416 2 455 Mixtum, Concilium 575 4 399 Mopsuestia 550 4 265 Moritz, S. (Agaunum) 515–523 4 94 Morlay, in Toul (Marly, near Paris) 677 4 485 NANTES 658 4 476 Narbonne 255–260 1 116 Narbonne 458 4 2 Narbonne 589 4 422 Neo-Cæsarea 314–325 1 222 Nesterfield
5 251 Nestorian, three, in Persia 5th century 4 41 Nestorian, held in Persia 499 4 52 Nicæa 325 1 268 Nicæa (7th Œcumenical) 787 5 342 ff. Nicomedia 4th century 1 261 Nicomedia 366 2 285 Nidd 705 5 254 Nimes 394 2 402 Nisibis, under Barsumas of 485 4 35 Numidian 423 2 480 OAK, the, nr. Chalcedon (Ad Quercum) 403 2 430 Orange ii. (Arausicana ii.) 529 4 152 Orleans i. 511 4 87 Orleans ii. 533 4 185 Orleans iii. 538 4 204 Orleans iv. 541 4 210 Orleans v. 549 4 366 Orleans 640 5 69 Oscensis (Huesca) 598 4 428 Osrhoēne 2nd century 1 82 PAMPHYLIA 4th century 2 285 Paris 360 or 361 2 275 Paris ii. 549–555 4 372 Paris iii. 556 or 557 4 377 Paris iv. 573 4 397 Paris (Parisiensis v.) 613 4 437 Paris 653 4 476 Pergamum 152 1 83 Perrha 445 3 174 Pisidia 4th century 2 285 Poitiers 589 4 423 Poitiers 590 4 424 Pontus 2nd century 1 82 Ptolemais 411 2 445 QUARTODECIMANS 2nd century 1 81 Quercum, Ad (Oak, near Chalcedon) 403 2 430 Quintian, under Bishop 485 4 34 RAVENNA 419, circ. 2 478 Reims 514 4 106 Reims i. 630, circ. 4 444 Reiz 439 3 157 Rimini (Seleucia) 359 2 246 Robber (Ephesus) 449 3 221 Rome i. 127–139 1 83 Rome ii. 2nd century 1 83 Rome iii. 2nd century 1 83 Rome iv. 2nd century 1 83 Rome 236–250 1 88 Rome 251 1 95 Rome 260, circ. 1 118 Rome 313 1 179 Rome 341 2 53 Rome 353 2 203 Rome 369 2 288 Rome 374 2 288 Rome 376 2 290 Rome 380 2 291 Rome 382 2 379 Rome 386 2 381 Rome 386 2 386 Rome 390 2 391 Rome 402 2 428 Rome 417 2 456 Rome 430 3 25 Rome 444 3 171 Rome 445 3 172 Rome 447 3 178 Rome 449 3 264 Rome 451, circ. 4 1 Rome 458 4 3 Rome 462 4 11 Rome 465 4 15 Rome, under Pope Simplicius 478 4 26 Rome, under Pope Felix 483, circ. 4 29 Rome, under Pope Felix 484 4 30 Rome 485 4 33 Rome, under Pope Felix 487 4 38 Rome (two), under Pope Gelasius 495 4 42 Rome i., under Pope Symmachus 499 4 49 Rome ii., under Pope Symmachus 501 4 61 Rome iii., under Pope Symmachus 501 4 63 Rome iv., under Pope Symmachus 501 4 66 Rome v., under Pope Symmachus 502 4 69 Rome vi., under Pope Symmachus 503 4 71 Rome vii., under Pope Symmachus 504 4 72 Rome viii., under Pope Symmachus 505 4 73 Rome 518 4 121 Rome i. and ii., under Pope Boniface II. 531 4 172 Rome iii., under Pope Boniface II. 531 4 174 Rome, under Pope John II. 534 4 180 Rome 595 4 426 Rome, under Gregory the Great 600 4 430 Rome (in the Lateran), under Gregory the Great 601 4 431 Rome, under Pope Boniface III. 606 4 434 Rome, under Pope Boniface IV. 610 4 434 Rome 640 and 641 5 67 Rome 642 5 92 Rome 649 5 97 Rome, under Pope Agatho 679 4 492 Rome 679 5 206 Rome 680 5 140 Rome 703 5 252 Rome 721 5 256 Rome 724 5 257 Rome 727 5 302 Rome 731 5 302 Rome (Lateran) 769 5 333 ff. Roune Doubtful 4 468 SALONA 6th century 4 424 Santonensis (Xaintes) 579 4 403 Saragossa (Cæsaraugustana) 380, circ. 2 292 Saragossa 592 4 426 Saragossa 691 5 219 Sardica 343 or 344 2 86 Seleucia 2nd century 1 85 Seleucia 485 4 35 Seleucia 489 4 40 Seleucia (Rimini) 359 2 246 Seleucia-Ctesiphon 410 2 444 Seleucia-Ctesiphon 420 2 478 Sens 601 4 433 Seville 590 4 425 Seville (Hispalensis ii.) 619 4 442 Sicily 125 1 83 Sicily 366 2 286 Sida 390, circ. 2 390 Sidon, in Palestine 511, 512 4 92 Singidunum 367 2 287 Sinuessa 303 1 127 Sirmium i. 347 or 349 2 191 Sirmium ii. 357 2 226 Sirmium iii. 358 2 231 Sirmium (New) 351 2 193 Smyrna 4th century 2 285 Sourci 589 or 590 4 423 Spanish 587 4 415 Streaneshalch, near Whitby 664 4 481 Sufes 523, circ. 4 131 Synada 230–235 1 90 Syria Secunda, in 518 4 119 Syrian 432 3 121 TARRAGONA 464 4 14 Tarragona 516 4 102 Tarsus (Conciliabulum) 432 3 117 Teilte (Teltowe, near Kells) 562 4 380 Telepte (Zelle) 418 2 387 Teltowe, near Kells (Teilte) 562 4 380 Toledo i. 400 2 419 Toledo 447 3 175 Toledo ii. 527 or 531 4 148 Toledo (Arian) 581 or 582 4 405 Toledo iii. 589 4 416 Toledo 597 4 428 Toledo 610 4 436 and 486 Toledo iv. 633 4 449 Toledo v. 636 4 459 Toledo vi. 638 4 460 Toledo vii. 646 4 465 Toledo viii. 653 4 470 Toledo ix. 656 4 474 Toledo xi. 675 4 487 Toledo Unknown 4 467 Toledo xii. 681 5 207 Toledo xiii. 683 5 212 Toledo xiv. 684 5 215 Toledo xv. 687 5 217 Toledo xvi. 693 5 243 Toledo xvii. 694 5 247 Toledo xviii. 701 5 250 Toul 550 4 371 Toulouse (supposed) 507 4 86 Tornacum (Tournay, or Doornick) 520 4 124 Tournay, or Doornick (Tornacum) 520 4 124 Tours 461 4 10 Trèves 385 2 385 Trier 667, circ. 4 485 Troyes 429 2 482 Trullan 692 5 221 Tungern 708 5 256 Turin 401 2 426 Twyford 684 5 216 Tyana 367 2 287 Tyre 335 2 17 Tyre 518 4 118 UTRECHT 697 5 250 Utrecht 719 5 256 VAISON (Concilium Vasense) 442 3 164 Vaison ii. 529 4 169 Valence i. 374 2 289 Valence i. 529 4 167 Valence ii. 584 4 406 Valencia 524 4 136 Vennes, or Vannes (Concilium Veneticum) 465 4 16 Verulam (S. Alban’s) 447 3 178 Vicovalari 715 5 256 Victoria (Wales) 520 4 124 Vienne 471–475 4 19 Villeroi 684–685 5 216 WALES (Brevi) 519 4 124 Wales (Victoria) 520 4 124 Wessex 8th century 5 254 Western (probably Milan) 347 2 190 XAINTES (Santonensis) 579 4 403 ZELE, in Pontus 4th century 2 281 Zelle (Telepte) 418, circ. 2 387 Zeugma 5th century 3 146 Copyright ©1999-2023 Wildfire Fellowship, Inc all rights reserved |