THE following list of books is probably far from complete. Most, but not quite all, I have seen. Some, it will be noticed, are included, not because of their intrinsic importance, but because they indicate the extent of the influence which Chrysostom has exercised, and of the attention which scholars have given to his works, in modern times.
(1) Editions and Translations
1465 (?). In a work of ST ANTONINUS, Archbishop of Florence, called Summa Confessionum, of which there were several editions 1465–1485, about eight pages from the end there is the note, “Incipit sermo beati Johānis Crisostomi de penitētia.” There then follows the Homily in Latin. Probably this is the earliest printed edition of any of Chrysostom’s works.
1470. Omelie lxxvii. Beati Johānis Chrisostomi super evangelio Johānis Romae in S. Eusebii monasterio scripte et diligenter correcte: Anno dn̄i MCCCCLXX, die Lune xxix Mensis Octobris.
After an introductory note and an index of subjects, there follows “ad clarissimum Cosmum medicen florentinum In Johānis Chrisostomi cōmentarium super Johānis evāgelio Frācisci Aretini p̄fatio.”
Several editions of Homilies in Latin appeared at this time, or even perhaps a few years earlier, printed by Ulric Zell at Cologne.
1525. Basileae. Divi Joannis Chrysostomi, quod multae quidē dignitatis, sed difficile sit episcopum agere, dialogi sex. Ap. Jo. Frob.
A preface by Erasmus is followed by the De Sacerdotio in Greek. Is this the earliest Greek edition of any part of Chrysostom’s works?
1526. Basileae. Divi Joannis Chrysostomi in epistolam ad Philippēses homiliae duae, versae per Erasmum Roterodamum, additis Graecis. Ejusdem Chrysostomi libellus elegans Graecus, in quo confert verum monachum cum principibus, divitibus ac nobilibus hujus mundi. J. FROBEN.
1527. Basileae. “Jo. Frob. Studioso Lectori S.D. Tria nova dabit hic libellus … Libellum perquam elegantem D. Joannis Chrysostomi Graecum, de Babyla martyre.”
1529. Veronae. Divi Johannis Chrysostomi in omnes Pauli ap. epistolas accuratissima … interpretatio … Veronae typis aereis excusum per Stephanum, & fratres a Sabio quarto Kalendas Julias. MDXXIX.
This edition was prepared under the patronage of Gibert, Bishop of Verona, and was dedicated to Clement VII.
1602. Heidelberg. Sancti Patris Joannis Chrysostomi Archiep. Constan. Expositio in Evangelium secundum Matthaeum. Graece nunc primum producitur e MSS. illustribus … Ex officina Commeliniana.
On Montfaucon’s error in regard to this edition and for valuable information as to early editions see Field Hom. in Matth. vol. iii. Praef.; comp. the same Editor’s Monitum prefixed to his Edition of the Hom. on the Pauline Epistles.
1612. Eton. S. Joannis Chrysostomi Opera Graece; H. SAVILE.
1621. Paris. Sancti Patris Nostri Joannis Chrysostomi [Homiliae]. FRONTO DUCAEUS … ap. Sebastianum Cramoisy, et Antonium Stephanum.
These are selected Homilies, not including the great series on the New Testament books. The last of the six volumes is dated 1624.
1636. Paris. Opera Omnia; FRONTO DUCAEUS … ap. C. Morellum.
The Latin translation had been already published in Paris in 1614.
1718–1738. Paris. Opera Omnia; BERNARD DE MONTFAUCON.
This, the Benedictine edition, has been several times reprinted. For parts of Chrysostom’s works I have used the Paris reprint (1834–1839).
1839. Cambridge. Homiliae in Matthaeum; F. FIELD.
1849–1862. Oxford. Interpretatio omnium ep. Paulinarum, per Homilias facta; F. FIELD.
It is impossible to over-estimate the importance of the two last-mentioned editions both in regard to text and notes.
1858–1862. Paris. The works of Chrysostom fill vols. 47–64 of MIGNE’S Patrologia Graeca.
1542. Chrysostom’s Sermon De Patientia, together with Cyprian’s De Mortalitate, was commonly printed in the Latin, French, German, and Italian editions of the Dance of Death. The earliest copy containing this Homily, which I have found in the British Museum, bears the date 1542 (Les simulachres, et historiées faces de la mort, contenant la médecine de l’ame; Lyon: J. & F. Frellon).
See F. Douce The Dance of Death etc., London 1833; H. N. Humphreys Hans Holbein’s celebrated Dance of Death etc., London 1868; The Holbein-Society’s Reprints, vol. 1, The Dance of Death, Manchester and London, 1869.
1544. London. An Homilie of saint John Chrysostome upon that saying of saint Paul [1 Thess. 4:13] … newly made out of Greke into latin by Master Cheke, and englished by Tho. Chaloner.
I have not noticed an earlier English translation of any part of Chrysostom’s works.
1574. London. The disclosing of a late counterfeyted possession by the deuyl in two maydens within the citie of London.
To the confessions of the pair, Agnes Brigges and Rachell Pynder—the latter “confessed and auouched before the most Reverend Father Mathewe L. Archbyshop of Canterburie”—there is added, as the Preface tells us, “a part of an Homilie, written by that learned man John Chrisostome, sometime Archebishop of Constantinople, whiche maye sufficiently instructe us all to beware, not onely of Witche-craftes, but also inueieth specially againste Jewes and Witches, whiche seeme to doo good, and to heale suche as be hurt by others.”
The passage is part of “the fift Homelie agaynst the Jewes.” Comp. pp. 12, 27 note.
1839–1852. Oxford. A Library of Fathers of the Catholic Church. The Homilies on the New Testament and some other Sermons of Chrysostom are translated in this Series.
1863–1867. Bar-le-Duc. Oeuvres complètes traduites pour la première fois en Français, sous la direction et avec la collaboration de Prêtres de l’immaculée conception de Saint-Dizier. In the first of the eleven volumes (p. 1–522) there is a life by ABBÉ MARTIN.
1865–1873. Paris. Oeuvres complétes … Nouvelle Traduction Française par l’Abbé J. BAREILLE. This edition is in 20 volumes. The translation is in parallel columns with the Greek.
1869. Kempten. Ausgewählte Schriften … nach dem Urtexte übersetzt von Dr J. C. MITTERRUTZNER. 4 vols.
(2) The Life of Chrysostom
Among general works those of the following writers may be specially named: Böhringer, De Broglie L’église et l’empire Romain ạu IVe Siècle, Cave Lives of the Fathers, Erasmus Ep. 1150, Gibbon ch. xxxii., Hefele Hist. of the Church Councils, Milman, Neander, Tillemont.
Special works are—
1639. Tornaci. Vita D. Joannis Chrysostomi etc.; J. VINCARTIUS (a Jesuit).
1664. Paris. La vie de Saint Jean Chrysostôme etc., par LE SIEUR MENART. The author who wrote under this pseudonym seems to have been a Canon of Beauvais, GODEFROI HERMANT, who also wrote lives of Athanasius, Basil, and Ambrose.
1718–1738. Paris. The Benedictine Edition contains Historical prefaces to the several works of Chrysostom, and in the last volume a Life of Chrysostom.
1781. Madrid. Historia … de la gran columna de la Iglesia S. Juan Chrysostomo; M. J. MARTIN.
1821. Berlin. Der heilige Johannes Chrysostomus und die Kirche etc.; A. NEANDER.
There is an English translation of the first part by J. C. STAPLETON, London, 1838.
1852. Lille. Saint Jean Chrysostôme … sa vie et extraits de ses écrits.
1853. Hamburg and Gotha. Des Bischofs Johannes Chrysostomus Leben … für die Familie unsrer Tage dargestellt; F. M. PERTHES.
1854. Boston. The same translated from the German by A. HOVEY and B. D. FORD.
1860. Paris. Saint Jean Chrysostôme ses oeuvres et son siècle: E. MARTIN (l’Abbé d’Agde). 2 vols. Compare the notice above of the French edition 1863–1867.
1866. Paris. Histoire de S. Jean Chrysostôme etc.; B. J. ROCHET.
1871. London. St John Chrysostom, His Life and Times etc.; W. R W. STEPHENS.
1871. London and Edinburgh. John of the Golden Mouth etc.; W. MACGILVRAY.
1872. Paris. Récits de l’histoire romain au 5e siècle: St Jean Chrysostome et l’Impératrice Eudoxie; A. THIERRY.
1874. Zürich. Joh. Chrysostomus, Vortrag; G. R. ZIMMERMANN.
1875. London. St Chrysostom’s Picture of his Age; S.P.C.K.
1876. London. St Chrysostom’s Picture of the Religion of his Age; S.P.C.K.
1883. Braunsberg. Der heilige Joh. Chrysostomus in seinem Verhaltniss zum Byzantinischen Hofe; F. LUDWIG.
1885. London. The Life and Times of Chrysostom; R. W. BUSH. Published by the Religious Tract Society.
(3) Chrysostom as a Preacher
1846. Tübingen. Chrysostomus und die übrigen berühmtesten kirchlichen Redner etc.; J. Lutz.
1853. Strasbourg. Chrysostôme Prédicateur aux églises d’Antioche et de Constantinople; F. GOUNON.
1858. Paris. S. Jean Chrysostôme considéré comme orateur populaire; P. ALBERT.
1876. London. Prophets of Christendom; Bishop BOYD CARPENTER.
1884. Aberdeen. The Scottish Church Review (Jan. and Feb.): S. Chrysostom as an Orator; Bishop WORDSWORTH of St Andrews.
The French Lives of Chrysostom specially dwell on this point. Comp. Fénelon Dialogues sur l’Éloquence; Oeuvres (ed. 1824) xxi. p. 114.
(4) The School of Antioch: Chrysostom as a Teacher, and Expositor of Holy Scripture
Among general works the following may be named:—Augustin in Nösselt’s Opusc. iii. p. 321 sq., Cave Script. Eccles. Hist. Liter., Diestel Geschichte des Alten Testamentes in der Christlichen Kirche, Ernesti Narratio Critica de Interpretatione Prophetiarum Messianarum (in Opusc. Theol. 1782), Fabricius Bibliotheca Graeca, Farrar Hist. of Interpretation (Bampton Lectures 1885), Lardner Credibility of the Gospel History (Works, ed. 1834, vol. iv. p. 534 sq.), Bp Lightfoot St Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians (Patristic Commentaries on this Epistle, p. 223 ed. 3), Rosenmüller Historia Interpretationis Librorum Sacrorum iii. iv., Simon Histoire Critique des Principaux Commentateurs du N.T.
Special Works are—
1806. Nürnberg. De Chrysostomo literarum Sacrarum ac potiss. quidem V.T. interprete; G. W. MEYER.
This book is referred to by Winer Handbuch der Theol. Lit. and Reuss Gesch. der Heil. Schr. I have not been able to find a copy.
1811. Hafniae. De Schola Antiochena (a sermon at the Consecration of three Bishops); Bp F. MÜNTER.
1813. Leipzig. Ueber die Antiochenische Schule; Bp F. MÜNTER (in Staüdlin and Tzschirner Archiv).
1822. Lipsiae. De Theodoreto Epist. Paulinarum Interprete Commentatio Historico-Exegetica; J. F. C. RICHTER.
Richter (p. 7) quotes Schulze Dissertatio de vita et scriptis Theodoreti.
1834. Berolini. Theod. Ant. quae supersunt omnia; A. F. V. WEGNERN. The First volume, containing the Commentary on the Minor Prophets, alone appeared.
1836. Gottingae. Symbolae literariae ad Theodorum Antiochenum; R.E. KLENER.
1836. Halae. De Th. Mopsuesteni vita et scriptis; O. F. FRITZSCHE.
1837. Amstelodami. Specimen observationum de Th. Ant. xii. Proph. Minorum interprete; S. C. H. TOE WATER.
1847 Turici. Theod. Ep. Mops. in N.T. Commentariorum quae reperiri potuerunt; O. F. FRITZSCHE.
1864. Neostadii ad Saalam. Schola Antiochena de S. Scripturae interpretatione quodam modo sit merita; C. HORNUNG.
1866. Weissenburg. Die Bedeutung der Antiochenischen Schule auf dem exegetischen Gebiete; H. KIHN.
1866. Würzburg. Die Antiochenische Schule und ihre Bedeutung auf exegetischem Gebiete; PH. HERGENRÖTHER.
1869. Gotha. Chrysostomus in seinem Verhältniss zur Antiochenischen Schule; TH. FOERSTER.
1871. München. Der exegetische Standpunkt des Theodor von Mops, und Theodoret von Kyros in der Auslegung Mess. Weissagungen; F. A. SPECHT.
1879. Freiburg. Polychronius … Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Exegese; O. BARDENHEWER.
1880. London. Articles (The value of the Patristic Writings for the Criticism and Exegesis of the Bible) in the Expositor (vols. xi. xii.); Dr W. SANDAY.
1880. Freiburg. Theodor von Mops. und Junilius Africanus als Exegeten; H. KIHN.
1880. Cambridge. Theodori Episcopi Mops. in Epistolas B. Pauli Commentarii; Dr H. B. SWETE. [Vol. 2, 1882.]
(5) Chrysostom in relation to (a) the Liturgies, (b) the Creeds, of the Church
(a) Liturgies.
1654. Paris. Magna Bibliotheca Veterum Patrum. The Section (vol. vi. p. 491–518) De Eucharistia et Missae ritibus ex operibus D. Joannis Chrysostomi is a collection of passages illustrating Chrysostom’s doctrine and practice.
1726. London. The Antiquities of the Christian Church (Book xiii. Ch. vi. An extract of the several parts of the ancient liturgy out of the genuine writings of St. Chrysostom, following the order of his works); J. BINGHAM.
1879. Oxford. The Ancient Liturgy of Antioch etc.; C. E. HAMMOND.
(b) Creeds.
1866. Christiania. Ungedruckte … Quellen zur Geschichte des Taufsymbols und der Glaubensregel; C. P. CASPARI.
i. The Second Chapter deals with “a fragment of the Baptismal Creed of Antioch gathered from the Acts of the Ephesine Council with a fragment of the same gathered from a Homily of Chrysostom” (Hom. xl. in Ep. 1 ad Cor.).
ii. The Eighteenth Chapter gives ‘two Homilies on the Symbol ascribed to Chrysostom.’ They are in Latin and deal with the Apostles’ Creed. They are referred to by Pearson on the Creed, who notices the presence of the clause ‘He descended into Hell’ in ‘the Exposition of the Creed falsely ascribed to Chrysostom’—it occurs in the Second Homily; and that the words ‘Communionem Sanctorum’ do not occur ‘in either of the expositions under the name of St Chrysostom.’