MARTYRED at Cæsarea, in Cappadocra, was a centurion in the army, but retired to the deserts when the persecution was first raised by Dioclesian. The desire of shedding his blood for Christ made him quit his solitude, while the people of that city were assembled in the Circus* to solemnize public games in honor of Mars. His attenuated body, long beard and hair and ragged clothes, drew on him the eyes of the whole assembly; yet, with this strange garb and mien, the graceful air of majesty that appeared in his countenance commanded veneration. Being examined by the governor, an loudly confessing his faith, he was condemned to be beheaded. Having Sortified himself by the sign of the cross,1 he joyfully received the deadly blow. St. Basil, on this festival, pronounced his panegyric at Cæsarea, in which he says, several of his audience had been eye-witnesses of the martyr’s triumph. Hom. 17, t. 1.
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