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The Moral Concordances
Of Saint Anthony Of Padua

              420.              Of Antichrist

Gen. 49:17 Job 21:13 | 40:17 Ps. 9:19 80:13 Prov. 30:29 Dan. 7:6, 23 | 8:9, 23, 25 11:36 | 12:7, 11 S. Matt. 24:15 S. Mark 12:14 2 Thess. 2:3, 8 1 S. John 2:18 Rev. 10:7 11:7 | 16:13 | 17:8 | 19:19 | 20:9.

              421.              Of the great tribulation that shall be in the time of Antichrist.

Job 29:2 | 29:17 Dan. 7:7, 23, 25 | 8:10, 24 11:31, 44 | 12:10 S. Matt. 24:19 Rev. 11:2 13:7, 16.

              422.              Of the coming of Enoch and Elijah against Antichrist.

Mal 4:5 S. Matt. 17:11 Rev. 11:3.

              423.              Of the miserable death and damnation of Antichrist.

Is. 11:4 | 25:7 Dan. 7:11 | 8:25 l | 11:20 2 Thess. 2:8 | Rev. 19:20.

              424.              To Priests assembled in a synod.

Gen. 31:38 Deut. 4:9 2 Sam. 23:8 1 Kings 20:39, 40 Job 31:38 Ps. 77:20 Prov. 27:23 Jer. 3:15 | 10:21 | 17:21 Ezek. 34:2, 5, 10, 20, 23 S. John 21:17 Acts 20:28 1 S. Pet. 5:2.

              425.              To those that are to be ordained.

Lev. 21:7, 17 Num. 8:6 1 Sam. 16:13 1 Kings 1:39. Jer. 7:29 Ecclus. 11:1 1 Macc. 4:41 S. John 10:1.

              426.              To masters and scholars.

Josh. 1:8 Job. 4:3 Eccles. 1:17 Is. 8:16 21:5 Dan. 1:17 | 12:3 Ecclus. 1:26 | 6:34 S. Matt. 11:29 | 12:1 Rev. 1:3.

              427.              To poor people in hospitals.

Job 5:17 1 Sam. 22:2 Ps. 41:1 | 118:18 Is. 54:7 | 66:2 Ecclus. 18:21 | 38:9 2 Cor. 12:9, 10.

              428.              To buyers and sellers.

Prov. 20:14 Is. 7:18 Jer. 17:11 | Ezek. 27 Hos. 11:12 | 12:1, 7 Mic. 6:11 1 Macc. 3:41 Rev. 18:11.

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