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The Moral Concordances
Of Saint Anthony Of Padua

              279.              Against evil thoughts; or, the sins of the heart.

Josh. 5:15 1 Sam. 1:18 Prov. 6:14 26:25 Ecclus. 12:16.

              280.              Of the malice and depth of the heart.

Job 28:11 Is. 29:15 Jer. 12:2 l Dan. 2:22 S. Matt. 7:16 | 15:8.

              281.              Of simplicity and its commendation.

Gen. 20:5 l | 25:27 l Deut. 1:39 m 1 Chron. 27:17 m Job 1:1 m | 31:6 | 33:3 Prov. 2:21 10:9 | 11:3, 5, 20 | 19:1, 27 | 28:6, 18 Wis. 1:1 l 1 Macc. 2:60 S. Matt. 10:16 l Rom. 12:8 m 16:19 l 2 Cor. 1:12 | 8:2 | 11:3.

              282.              Of good thoughts and meditations.

Gen. 24:63 Job 35:5 Ps. 1:2 l | 13:2 15:2 l | 16:9 | 63:7 | 77:3, 5 | 119:16, 24, 48, 92, 97, 99 Prov. 15:28 | 21:5 | 27:11 Is. 21:7 l 43:27 Jer. 31:21 Hab. 2:1 Job 4:5 Wis. 6:16 | 8:9 | 9:15 Ecclus. 3:21 | 6:37 14:21 | 17:5 | 27:11 | 31:1 | 44:6.

              283.              Of the memory of our birth, human fragility, and death.

Gen. 3:16, 19 | 16:8 | 18:27 1 Sam. 5:4 Job 10:9 Prov. 31:30 Eccles. 2:11, 16, 23 3:19 | 6:7 | 7:2 | 11:8 | 12:1 Is. 9:14 | 11:4 l 13:20 l | 19:15 | 43:5 Lam. 1:9 Zech. 8:7 Ecclus. 7:36 | 38:22 | 40:1 | 41:1.

              284.              Of our keeping in remembrance the shortness and misery of human life; and death.

Gen. 3:16, 19 | 16:8 | 18:27 1 Sam. 5:4 Job 10:9 | 14:10 Prov. 31:30 Eccles. 2:11, 16, 23 3:19 | 6:7 | 7:2 | 11:8 | 12:1, 5 l Is. 9:14 11:4 m | 13:20 | 19:15 Jer. 2:25 l Ecclus. 7:36 38:22 | 40:1 | 41:1.

              285.              That we should remember our sins and the benefits of GOD.

Ex. 13:3, 16 Deut. 6:9, 20, 21 | 7:18 | 8:2, 11, 15 | 9:7 | 11:18 | 31:19 Ps. 51:3 Is. 43:26 Ezek. 16:61.

              286.              Of the knowledge of sin.

Jer. 15:19 | 51:6 Nah. 3:7 Eph. 5:13.

              287.              That we ought frequently to call to recollection our sins that we may the better confess them.

Gen. 1:9 | 27:9 | 38:17 Ex. 12:8, 34 Lev. 5:8 Num. 16:39 Deut. 9:7 Judg. 1:33 m | 13:9 1 Sam. 17:48, 51 Job 10:2 | 13:23 Ps. 33:7 Prov. 20:30 | 31:14 Is. 38:15, 21 | 43:3 Jer. 2:23 Lam. 3:40 Ezek. 16:61 Hos. 11:4 Amos 9:11 Judith 13:6 1 Macc. 3:12 S. Luke 13:8.

              288.              That we ought to keep in memory the examples of the Saints, to the end that we may imitate them.

Ex. 12:11 | 25:23 Lev. 1:7 Cant. 3:9 | 8:9 l Jer. 38:11 S. Matt. 11:29 S. John 13:13 1 Cor. 11:1.

              289.              That we ought to keep GOD in our memory and in our thoughts; or, against those who forget GOD.

Gen. 40:23 Deut. 4:9 | 11:18 | 31:19 32:18, 46 Josh. 1:8 Prov. 3:6 Cant. 8:6 Jer. 2:32 Wis. 6:16.

              290.              That we must purge our affections and understanding from sin, to the end that we may obtain the grace of meditation; and of that holiness, without which no man shall see GOD.

Gen. 7:2 | 15:11 Ex. 8:12, 31 | 17:13 | 19:10 Lev. 11:43 | 13:44 | 14:2, 8 | 17:15 | 21:17 Num. 19:9 | 21:9 | 28:2 Josh. 3:16 | 5:15 2 Kings 4:3 | 5:14 | Job 9:30 | 14:4 | 25:5 39:5 Ps. 51:10 | 78:56 | 119:1 Prov. 4:23 16:17 l | 22:11 | 25:4 | 27:18 f Eccles. 10:1 Cant. 3:7 | 4:7 Is. 1:16 | 6:6 | 28:9 | 40:3 49:9 | 52:2, 11 | 57:14 l | 58:6, 9 l | 62:10 Jer. 2:18 | 4:1, 3, 11, 14 | 7:11 | 17:21 Mal. 3:2 Wis. 1:5 | 8:20 Ecclus. 34:4 S. Matt. 3:12 5:8 | 8:2 | 15:8 | 21:12 S. Luke 5:2 l | 11:34 S. John 2:15 | 9:7 | 13:10 Acts 15:9 1 Cor. 5:7 Eph. 4:23 Rev. 21:18 l.

              291.              That in solitude we have leisure for the study of wisdom and for meditation.

Gen. 12:1 | 16:7 | 18:1 | 24:63 Ex. 2:15 m 3:1 | 8:27 | 16:23 | 24:2 Job 3:13 | 4:13 39:5 Ps. 46:10 f | 55:6, 7 | 102:6 Cant. 3:11 Is. 2:10 | 21:8 | 26:20 | 32:2 | 40:3 | 41:19 Jer. 15:17 | 39:5 | 48:28 m Lam. 3:26 Ezek. 3:22 Dan. 6:10 Hos. 2:14 Wis. 8:16 | 9:15 1 Macc. 2:28 S. Matt. 4:1 | 6:24 | 9:25. | 17:1 S. Mark 2:3 | 3:13, 19 l | 5:40 | 6:31 | 7:33 S. Luke 4:1, 42 | 5:16 | 6:12 | 9:18 | 19:4 2 Tim. 2:4 Heb. 13:11.

              292.              That they who set their affections on the things which can be seen, neglect those which cannot be seen, and the contrary.

Ps. 92:6 Ecclus. 27:1 l S. Luke 12:36 S. John 9:39 1 Cor. 2:14.

              293.              Of those that have too many occupations.

Nah. 3:16 Ecclus. 5:8 | 11:10 | 24:26 34:9 | 38:25 2 Tim. 2:4.

              294.              Of the continual meditation of wisdom and of the law of GOD.

Gen. 1:17 | 25:11 Ex. 2:15 | 16:16 | 25:14 Deut. 6:6 | 8:3 11:18 | 17:18 Josh. 1:8 2 Chron. 31:4 Neh. 8:2 Job 33:14 Ps. 119:2, 18, 34, 46, 73 Prov. 3:3 | 6:21 | 7:3 Cant. 5:12 Is. 21:8 Jer. 15:16 Ezek. 3:1 Ecclus. 6:37 | 11:20 | 14:20 | 32:15 f | 39:1 S. John 5:39 1 Tim. 4:13.

              295.              That we ought to take pleasure in the seeking out and the hearing wisdom.

Prov. 1:5 | 8:34 | 18:13 | 19:27 Is. 1:17 f 5:13 f | 11:9 l | 27:11 | 30:8 | 42:18 | 50:4 Jer. 6:16 Wis. 6:14 Ecclus. 3:29 | 6:36 | 8:9 18:19 f Bar. 3:14, 27 S. Matt. 12:41 S. Luke 11:32 Acts 8:30 S. James 1:19.

              296.              That wisdom is to be sought, not only by reading and meditation, but by prayer and good works.

1 Kings 3:9 Ps. 43:3 | 119:18 Wis. 8:21 Ecclus. 1:26 | 51:18 S. James 1:5.

              297.              That this grace is principally obtained by loving GOD.

Wis. 6:13 Ecclus. 1:10 | 24:19 S. John 14:21.

              298.              That the grace of obtaining wisdom is not acquired by human virtue, but is given by GOD.

Job 28:21 | 32:8 | 36:26 | 37:23 Eccles. 7:24 8:17 Wis. 9:14 Ecclus. 6:33 S. Matt. 7:11 1 Cor. 12:7.

              299.              Of the greatness of the consolation of Divine wisdom, or of Holy Scripture; and that, in troubles whether external or internal.

Gen. 22:1 | 42:7, 24 | 43:27 | 45:1 Ex. 1:12 Job. 2:3, 10 | 11:14 | 22:23 | Ps. 18:35 l | 90:15 121:7 Jer. 30:11, 17 Tob. 4:21 Ecclus. 2:1 27:5 | 1 Macc. 4:30 2 Macc. 6:13 S. John 16:20 Acts 14:24 Rom. 6:5 8:18, 35 | 14:7 15:4 1 Cor. 10:13 | 11:32 2 Cor. 4:16 | 5:1 6:4 | 8:2 | 12:9 Heb. 11:14 | 12:3, 11 13:5 l 1 S. Pet. 2:19, 21 | 4:12 | 5:10 Rev. 1:9 2:10, 17 | 3:5, 11 | 7:3, 14 | 12:7 | 21:7.

              300.              Of the benefit to be derived from the contemplation of wisdom; which sanctifies, blesses, and gives joy and strength.

Gen. 2:5 m, 10 | 26:19 Ex. 12:34 | 16:15 l 2 Kings 4:5 Job 28:17 Ps. 104:10 Prov. 4:7 9:1 | 15:30 | 24:3 | 27:11 Eccles. 7:19 | 9:18 11:7 Is. 41:18 | 58:12 Wis. 6:17 | 7:27 8:7, 16 | 9:6, 18 | 16:20 Ecclus 4:12, 18 | 6:18 15:3 | 24:7 | 40:20 51:20, 28 S. Luke 10:42 11:34 | S. John 4, 13 | 7:38 1 Cor. 2:6 Col. 1:9 Heb. 5:14.

              301.              Against the will of this world.

Job. 5:13 f Prov. 26:12 Is. 33:18 Jer. 49:7 1 Cor. 1:19 | 3:19.

              302.              That there is no wisdom where sin reigns.

Gen. 37:20 m Ex. 9:18 | 10:13 Num. 21:5 24:3 | 1 Sam. 8:1 1 Kings 11:3 Job. 20:14 Ps. 74:10, 16 | 117:1, 2 Is. 3:1 | 8:6 | 13:9 58:7 Ezek. 7:19 Joel. 1:4, 17 Hag. 1:4.

              303.              Against foolish men; or, of folly.

1 Sam. 25:25 Job. 5:2 | Ps. 92:6 Prov. 10:1 12:16 | 15:2 l | 26:4 | 29:11 Eccles. 7:7 Is. 32:4, 6 Ecclus. 22:7, 18 | 33:5 S. Matt. 5:13 | 25:3.

              304.              That the Egyptians are to be spoiled, in order that the Hebrews may be enriched.

Ex. 2:9 | 11:2 | 18:24 Deut. 20:20 2 Sam. 8:7 Zech. 6:11 1 Macc. 3:12 Acts 22:3.

              305.              Against those who give too much attention to worldly knowledge.

Gen. 24:29 | 26:18, 24 Ex. 7:12 | 34:30 Deut. 7:12 | 31:11 Judg. 12:6 1 Sam. 17:39 2 Sam. 3:27 2 Kings 1:3 | 5:12 | 22:11 2 Chron. 17:9 Neh. 13:23 Ps. 119:2 | 141:7 Prov. 18:1 | 20:17 Is. 22:10 | 29:4 | 55:2 Jer. 2:13, 18 | 8:19 m, 22 | 9:5 Ezek. 3:5 S. Matt. 12:42 S. Luke 8:43 S. John 3:31 8:47 1 Cor. 1:20 S. James 3:15 1 S. John 2:19 | 4:5.

              306.              Of counsel.

Gen. 27:8 | 28:2 Ex. 18:14 Prov. 20:18 27:9 Ecclus. 32:18, 19 1 Macc. 2:49.

              307.              Against those who despise, or, who do not seek for wholesome counsel.

1 Sam. 30:8 1 Kings 12:13 2 Chron. 25:17 Job 18:7 Prov. 1:31 | 8:12, 14 | 12:15 l, 20 l 13:10 l, 16 | 15:22 | 19:20 | 24:6 | 25:9 | 31:13 Tob. 4:19 Ecclus. 6:6 | 18:7 | 11:29 | 19:8 37:16 Macc. 2:65 | 5:66.

              308.              Against the counsels of wicked men.

Job 5:12, 13 | 12:17 | 18:7 Ps. 9:16 | 21:11 33:10 | 94:11 Is. 42:14 | 44:25 | 47:13 59:4, 5, 7 S. John 11:47 1 Cor. 1:19 | 3:19.

              309.              Against those who keep back the truth when they are called to counsel.

Gen. 37:21 1 Kings 22:8 Judith 5:5 S. Matt. 27:24 S. Luke 23:4 S. John 19:6 l Acts 5:34, 38 | 18:6 | 23:9.

              310.              That the truth is sometimes to be kept back.

Gen. 12:13 | 20:2 Prov. 20:19 | 25:2 Tob. 12:7.

              311.              Of prayer, and its efficacy.

Ex. 8:9 | 14:16 | 32:11 Num. 11:2 | 12:13 16:31 Josh. 10:13 1 Sam. 1:15, 27 7:8, 12:23 1 Kings 3:9 | 17:1, 21 | 18:38 2 Kings 4:34 | 20:10 2 Chron. 20:3 | 30:1, 20 Ezra 10:1 Ps. 4:1 | 42:2 | 54:2 | 119:145 | 141:2 | 142:2 Is. 53:12 l Dan. 2:18 | 6:10 Zech. 10:1 Tob. 3:1, 11 | 12:8 Judith 4:12 | 6:18, 21 l 9:1 | 13:7 Wis. 18:22 Eccles. 2:10 l | 18:22 35:17 | 37:15 | 51:19 Bar. 2:14 Sus. 42 2 Macc. 6:30 | 15:27 S. Matt. 5:44 | 6:5, 9 7:7 | 14:23 m | 17:20 S. Luke 6:12 | 18:1 21:36 | 22:33 | 23:34 Acts 1:14 | 7:59 9:3, 4, 40 | 10:4 Rom. 1:9 | 12:13 Col. 4:2 1 Thess. 5:17 1 Tim. 2:1 S. James 1:5 5:15, 16 l.

              312.              That we must first prepare our life, if we would have our prayers efficacious.

Ps. 145:19 Is. 38:2 | 58:9 Jon. 3:5 Ecclus. 18:23 | 35:1, 17 f | 38:10.

              313.              That the thoughts of this world ought to be banished when we pray.

Gen. 15:11 S. Matt. 6:6 | 14:23 | S. Mark 6:46 S. Luke 5:16, 18 S. John 2:15.

              314.              What we ought to pray for.

Josh. 15:19 Ruth 4:11 Prov. 30:7 | Tob. 4:19 Ecclus. 38:9 S. Matt. 6:33 | 24:20 | 26:44 S. Mark 14:39 S. Luke 6:12 | 21:36 S. John 16:33 Rom. 8:26 1 Cor. 1:2 1 Thess. 5:17 S. James 1:5.

              315.              That we must add tears to our prayers.

1 Sam. 1:10 Ps. 102:9 Is. 38:5 Tob. 3:10, 11 12:8.

              316.              Of perseverance in prayer.

2 Chron. 20:3 Judith 4:9, 13 S. Luke 6:12 l 18:1 Eph. 6:18 Col. 4:2 1 Thess. 5:17 1 Tim. 2:8 S. James 5:16 l.

              317.              That it is advantageous to pray for others.

Ex. 8:9, 29 | 10:17 | 17:11 | Ps. 106:23 S. Matt. 15:23 S. Luke 4:38 l Eph. 6:18, 19 S. James 5:14, 16, 17.

              318.              That GOD does not regard the supplications of sinners.

Judg. 2:18 l | 10:10, 13 Job 8:13 l Prov. 1:27 | 15:29 | 21:31 | 28:9 Is. 1:15 Jer. 11:11 l Ezek. 7:25 | 8:18 Hos. 5:6 Mic. 3:4 Ecclus. 34:26 S. Matt. 7:21 S. James 4:2.

              319.              That GOD answers speedily.

Gen. 27:27 2 Sam. 12:13 Ps. 10:18 | 32:5 33:17 | 34:17 Is. 65:24 Wis. 6:13 S. Luke 15:22.

              320.              That GOD gives more than we ask.

1 Kings 3:13 S. Matt. 6:33 | 9:2 S. Luke 1:63 2 Cor. 9:10.

              321.              That the knowledge of GOD is to be sought for earnestly and indefatigably.

Gen. 32:30 Ex. 33:18 Job 11:15 | 29:25 Ps. 5:3 | 16:9 | 24:6 | 25:14 | 27:5 | 31:17 32:9 | 34:5, 8 | 36:8 | 42:2 | 43:4 | 46:10 | 77:5 80:1 l, 4 | 84:2, 5 | 86:3 | 105:4 | 143:8 Is. 32:4 Jer. 51:50 l 2 Cor. 3:18 Philip 3:20 Heb. 11:27.

              322.              That we are not to be wise above that which is written; or, of the uninrestigable excellency of GOD.

Ex. 12:9, 46 l | 19:12 l Job 5:13 | 9:2 | 11:2, 7 26:14 | 36:23, 26 | 37:24 Ps. 35:10 | 64:6 77:3 Prov. 14:6 | 22:28 | 23:1 | 25:16 | 30:33 Eccles. 1:13 | 2:26 | 3:10 | 7:16 | 20:4 | 8:17 10:15 Cant. 6:5 Is. 33:18 | 38:14 | 40:28 l 43:26 | 45:14 | 47:10, 13 | 53:8 Jer. 49:7 Ezek. 7:19 Amos 1:3 Rom. 1:22 | 12:3 1 Cor. 1:19 | 2:14.

              323.              Of desires and longings.

Gen. 49:26 Job 3:24 | 31:35 | 42:2, 3 Is. 26:9 | 41:17 | 53:2 Philip 1:23.

              324.              Of the praise of GOD.

Ps. 22:25 | 34:1 | 92:1 | 95:1, &c. Is. 21:12 26:9, 19 | 38:20 | 43:21 | 48:9 Hos. 14:2 l Rev. 15:3.

              325.              Against the ingratitude of man for the benefits of GOD.

Deut. 32:15 1 Sam. 25:38 2 Chron. 24:22 Esth. 6:3 Eccles. 9:15 Jer. 5:7, 27 Hos. 2:8 7:15 | 13:6 Mic. 7:1 S. Matt. 18:32 S. Luke 17:17.

              326.              Of attention in prayer; and against those who sing undevoutly and irreverently, and who cut short the words of the LORD.

Gen. 23:1 Ps. 2:11 | 5:1 | 9:2, 11 | 33:3 35:28 | 37:31 | 45:2 | 47:7 | 71:7, 22 | 92:1 119:54 | 130:2 | 138:1 l | 147:1 Neh. 1:11 f 8:8 Is. 29:13 Jer. 48:10 f Ecclus. 39:35 S. Matt. 15:8 S. Luke 9:29 Eph. 6:18 1 S. Pet. 4:7 | 5:8.

              327.              Against profane songs.

Ex. 32:18 l Amos 5:23 | 6:5.

              328.              That on Sundays, and other festivals, we are not to indulge in idleness, but are to labour in the praise of GOD, and prayer and preaching.

Ex. 20:8 | 23:27 Is. 56:2 Jer. 17:21 Lam. 1:7 l Acts 13:27 | 20:7 1 Cor. 16:2.

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